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Elohi Adanvdo

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Everything posted by Elohi Adanvdo

  1. Looking at all the answers, they all seem pretty acceptable. My main concern however is the behavior- they can be curious, yes. But constantly running off is grounds for no promotion or worse: firing. If I were you, I would restrict the behavior to them sitting still when they're being taught because they're absorbing information. Being distracted while doing mundane things like fixing a bulb is fine, but be prepared to suffer the consequences of their actions during emergencies. But make sure to keep with their theme: engineering and mining (their interest in pebbles can be supplemented there). From what I know your previous characters have all done well in their capacity, so I'm willing to let you give Dionae a try. If you have any questions or the like, don't be afraid to contact me. I'm sorry I let this sit as long as it did but I've been thrown a few curveballs as of late. But as compensation, I can officially welcome you to the green gang. Application Accepted. (PS- Dionae can create other Diona.)
  2. Unfortunately, things in-game are a bit harder to align with the lore unfortunately, not to mention that an eight-hour shift is condensed into a game of three hours. In reality, it takes a bit to actually build half the things engineers do IRL kek Each Nymph is an individual, so unless yours had one Nymph in the same area for five years, enough seeds to grow a Gestalt, the probability of their interests in the same thing and keeping the same name is pretty iffy. However, we can go off of abstracts. "River bed" can refer to a flow of power, like electricity. And of course, "pebble" can refer to the Supermatter, one of many stones that can power the much bigger rocks from a larger whole. Every name makes a story. Now, education. To be an Engineering Apprentice, they would have to be going to school for that field- ICly, it's required. So if your Diona did asexually reproduce and kept to it's growing-grounds, that would be about six years to make enough for a Gestalt and then however many years you want them to be in school for electrical engineering. That is, if you don't want them to remain an Apprentice forever, giving them perhaps a year or a few months before they finish their training and simply getting a degree. Next, these two: I would appreciate if you could answer these in the paragraph format. Why do you like them? Do they have any quirks? Why did you give yourself that rating?
  3. Heya, Pwner. I'm here to review your application now, and I'm seeing a few things here. Personally, I love your characters. The one I remember the most is Evans Uriel- pretty professional, good at command, but also taking personal interest in keeping the crew happy while remaining unbiased. I don't remember any of your other characters but others have, so I'll put my stock in their feedback. However, the application itself is a bit odd. The main thing is their name and conflicting interests, as well as the personality. A Dionae is made of six Nymphs, each their own individual. I can understand one Nymph taking an interest in pebbles and being named "Pebbles", however this Gestalt is made of more than one individual with their own personalities and interests. This should be taken into account. Additionally, their interests is something that would be pursued. If they somehow all enjoyed pebbles, they would end up working as a miner to reflect their interest in rocks and the like, not an electrical engineer. I also notice that you describe your Dionae as a "he". The species does not actually have a gender as they're asexual, and they do not identify as any one gender- they simply exist. Another species may describe them as a "he", but even in populated space they would not pick up the mindset to assign themselves a sexual identity. Is it just you having a habit of identifying things with gender?
  4. Unfortunately, life hasn't been fair to many recently. You haven't responded to your applications that I had accidentally let sit for... What, weeks now? We were both dealing with some tough things off-screen, so it's all understandable. I will be denying this application for now- please note that this isn't a hard "no". You are completely free to re-apply again at a later date when you're up for it, and I encourage you to do so. Hope to hear from you again. Apllication Declined
  5. I've known the player since they've began playing here, and actually began directly interacting with them the second day they first started to play Tamir Hanar, and learn engineering. I haven't gotten to be around Nikit a lot, but I do know this cinnamon roll. My character Sid dragged them around the entire department and gave them an in-depth course on Engineering, and Tamir soaked up whatever knowledge Sid spewed like a sponge, and not once have I seen the player break from their unique character or lore. ICly and OOCly when I first heard them stutter over the radio I cringed after recent and negative interactions with another stuttering character, but after getting to know both the player and character a little better, "we" fell in love no homo bromo. As stated before by another, the player is a very agreeable person to interact with and I have yet to ICly or OOCly experience a negative interaction, and I highly doubt I ever will. I'm pretty sure that I can expect the previous no matter what as their behavior is rather consistent, and therefore reliable- but that doesn't mean that they aren't willing or capable of adapting to changes when called for, and I have seen them do so in the past. And not only do you have the willingness and aptitude to learn, to use that knowledge to the best of your abilities to further explore what you can do with it, but you're also willing to ask questions kindly without fear. Could it be that you've always been a Dionae? :thinking_face: Application Accepted.
  6. Terribly sorry for the delay, I've had a bad fever for the past couple of days and it's killed my ability to think and convey my thoughts clearly. But at long last, I am here. So, let's get to the nitty-gritty bits of your application! Both of these have excellent answers, so nothing that needs answering from me so far. Pretty good backstory so far! But this is always the part that has questions from me, so get ready. Very good first paragraph. Second paragraph is kind of odd. A Dionae's mission in life is to obtain knowledge more than give it out. I'm not saying that they wouldn't enjoy teaching others, but if they spend all of their time teaching than learning, then it kind of defeats the purpose of Dionae. However, it would make a lot more sense if you have them with an end-goal of possibly becoming an RD and extending their knowledge to other science fields like Xenobotany and Xenoarcheology which are mildly related, and they still get to teach a lot. However, I've learned that you have to sometimes be very quick when you're playing Xenobiologist. Let's say you do get your species whitelist. If you find that it is not possible to play that occupation well with their speed, what will you chose to do with them? Retcon it into the other Xeno-related fields? Pretty good with this one too! But remember: their hunger to seek knowledge should overpower their want to teach it more in some cases. If they aren't in a position to discover things, they will stagnate and want to move on because that's their core nature. I know I didn't have many others do this part much, but now I would like to. Can you elaborate to as of why you've given yourself this score? Hope to hear from you soon!
  7. Not having me on the list for having Sid report Hal for a chase and getting shot in the face 10/20 s m h
  8. Looking over the application, the character has been fixed up and although simple, has a very good presentation now. They have a history, skills, and schooling, and with such a young character, they have many years ahead of them for development. As for the creator, I've seen a lot about you. Every time I've logged in, I always see you and others greeting each other and having a little banter. It's always good too see people get along well, and I haven't seen many instances if at all of people complaining as of late. But you've disclosed your past behavior truthfully when asked and admitted to your flaws. You've also stated that you've been working hard on it, and with the encouragement from the other posters as well as my own eyes I can see that it's true. Truth be told, and I'm pretty sure you're well aware of this, but I've been guilty of poor behavior in the past as well as chronic snowflake syndrome, both of which I've worked hard on- look where it's landed me now! Still completely insane, but with power and enslavement! I've no doubt that with the progress you've made, I'm able to trust you with a Dionae whitelist and continue to watch you better yourself and help add to the community to make it a more enjoyable atmosphere. Welcome aboard, Riqpley. Remember, if you have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions, feel free to contact me. It's not like you can validhunt like you've been with a Dionae anyways. You're welcome for the speed nerf lol Application Accepted
  9. Sorry for the late reply, sorta on vacation. All righty, time to take a look through aaand... I still see that a lot of your paragraphs are still only three, even two sentences long when I suggested five to seven which is typically what a paragraph consists of. I know I'm not your English teacher and I don't wan to be a pain in the ass, but the more information that I get, the better this application will have in the way of getting accepted. I'm a glutton for details, so go ahead and splurge! Next, the background. Can I just say how adorable the nickname Chowder is for a Nymph. River-flow is good for a new Gestalt name, but when they combined with Leafs, Dionae do not combine names like that. Like I said previously, they create a new name that reflects their experiences. If one enjoyed vegetation and the other enjoyed the study of fluids, their new name could be something like "Green Water" (or even combine it together so it's just "Greenwater" to show their inexperience). This section is a bit concerning. What do you mean "consumption of leftover notes, homework, and tests"? If you mean they ate the homework and suddenly became a generous Martha Speaks style, Dionae do not operate that way whatsoever. Sudden increase in knowledge is only possible through consuming biomatter like blood, which is the most prominent and harmless way for them to do to a donor outside of a spinal tap. If you meant they consumed the knowledge written on the notes like they read it like everyone else, then that is more acceptable. Your Dionae is... overall interesting. Dionae typically pursue knowledge pertaining to their interest, like Leaf's greenery and River-flow's water. Going to Mars is understandable, but why did their interest suddenly switch to purely Mars geography and life/culture? And what were the three new nymphs like- what were their interests? Names aren't really needed, you can keep that part vague. And once more, there was an interest shift from Mars to Phoron. And again, there's a naming problem: Nymphs create a new name shortly after merging, taking a bit after to decide among themselves to identify themselves by their experiences. It's not like typical naming where they can change it on a whim to whatever their newest interest is, it is based off of their past. A new name comes with a new merge. Overall, there is suddenly a major shift in interests, and their backstory wanders about a lot. Usually if a Nymph or Gestalt has an interest in something, they study it for a very, very long time until they either feel like they've learned about as much as they could for it, or they have learned everything that is there for the topic unless the Dionae's nature is to wander. Additionally, are you able to give a timeline and include their age? Dionae need to complete their schooling like everyone else if they want a job. Sorry if this is a lot of work for you, but this application needs a bit more fixing up. I suggest you read the Archives to see other Dionae applicants that had passed and failed to see what I'm looking for more. You can also check my signature for a link to my Dionae Discord to ask other whitelistees and discuss further things with me about Dionae if you need to (I dwell more commonly on that platform), or you can PM me on the forums or ask me here in posts for a bit more help. But it's not your fault- the Wiki mostly just glosses over things to keep it short for readers who just want a quick answer instead of boring them with things they don't want to know. You've managed to follow a style with problems that that the Wiki doesn't yet address. Sounds a lot like what I did when I first started, and it caused a lot of headaches for the other loredevs when I first joined!
  10. Oh, God. I'm terribly sorry, and I know what that's like. I hope things get better for you soon. I'll take a look over this and make a reply when I can.
  11. Ah, I have noticed your collection of memes. I too, appreciate the fine art of tomfoolery. Hello, [mention]TheGuyThatIsAFK[/mention] ! First off, thank you for letting me be aware of your availability as I appreciate it. But I got to say, I'm surprised to see that I agree with Sebbe considering all the whitelists you hold as you should be familiar with proper formatting, and a disappointed to see that there wasn't a fix afterwards: As you can see, you didn't follow the formatting for the following questions. Why do you wish to play this specific race? Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human? What do you like about this character? How would you rate your role-playing ability? Please keep in mind that a full paragraph is five to seven sentences. Once you've finished completing these questions, please make a post stating that you've updated your original post for review. That aside, let's talk about your backstory. I love the reports that have been posted. It makes for a pretty good introduction I'd say, but I've a few questions for you. With the way of how the last sentence is stated, it sounds as if abnormalities were discovered. If there were can you please describe what they were, and if not, possibly reword it so readers are not mistaken? This bit's a little iffy, but not terribly important. In reality, it would take time for Dionae to amass enough food to get them to be large enough for a merge- and I should probably update the wiki to reflect it as I didn't realize that detail was going to be needed. In game, mechanics are sped up a lot because we don't have the time of day to simulate an entire eight hour shift per game, so time is warped a bit. Blame the BST. Anyways, maybe change it to a couple of hours, possibly twelve at the minimum so they can have time to digest their food and distribute it across their body and gain mass. Merging also takes a bit of time, possibly about an hour at least for a sturdy build. But, it is a minimal concern. In your third spoiler, an interview was done which was pretty cool. But again, there are some specifics that I noticed, the first being the name. Where did they get it from? Is it because they do not know their origins and were left to float in space like a message in a bottle? Next question is their view on the sacredness of life. This one may be a bit problematic, so I'd like for you to expand on this one a bit. Why do they hold this view? This has reminded me that I am forgetting something in the lore, but this species I doubt would bat an eye at killing something if it had a good reason to do so- such as self defense. The gimmick of all Dionae is to gather knowledge and protect it, and although I have to obviously expand on that detail, an example of this is in the section labeled "Intra-Specific" in the lore, under Neophyte and Sage. If they were to die, that knowledge would be lost, and on top of that, this species no matter how alien will still have self preservation unless they have a very good reason to abandon that. Think of this part more of a knowledge check to see how much you've planned with your character. How many years of education did they complete? Why did they choose surgery? What happened to the other Nymphs/Gestalts? What is their goal for the future? What is their personality like? When you complete this question, please expand on why you like your character- and please refrain from focusing on their anti-violence. Do they have any quirks? Anything you can sympathize with them on? Same with this one- I'd like for you to expand on this one a bit. Why do you feel that you're a seven? Do you have any strengths? Faults? Are you attempting to correct your shortcomings if any, and if so, how? Sorry for the bombardment, but I gotta be hard on a popular Aurora veteran like you. Hope to hear from you soon!
  12. Hello, [mention]Mineymonkey[/mention] ! Terribly sorry, I have been a little busy for a bit and accidentally missed your post. Now then, let's get to the nitty-gritty. Hopefully you didn't just post and abandon the forums and hoping to see an "application accepted!", as there are a few things I would like to talk about- such as Sebbe being right. As I can see, their advice wasn't taken. There are a few things in your application that I've noticed that seem to be a bit off, so I will go over those here. However, you are following the formatting rather well, and I can appreciate that! Your reason for wanting to play the species is an excellent cause, and I'm happy they're your first choice! But we must go over a few things first before I can give an answer, and hopefully the process will be short. As much as I love the multiple paragraphs (which actually got me a little excited), this section feels a bit plagiarized in my eyes with the middle-two paragraphs, but the beginning and end paragraphs are pretty good, so I'll leave it alone. I mean, I did get four paragraphs out of this. So, we've reached the part where it is apparent that there may be a misunderstanding between you and the lore. Call me a Grammar Nazi, but "Dionaea" refers to a group of Gestalts, not a singular Gestalt which would be simply called "Dionae". Additionally, if it found it's interest, normally the Nymph would name itself in such a fashion- humans usually override that process if the Nymph cannot find itself a name. But once a Nymph has a name, it sticks. No human can change that. Next, we get to how it was raised. Why was it fed trash and compost, essentially? Who were it's owners? Did it learn anything from them? What was the Nymph's interest- what did it want to learn about, and what was it's personality like? Dionaea was once more repeated, but that's not my main concern here. "River-Flow" is. I have a lot of Dionae coming in with nature-themed names, and it kind of makes us look like a bunch of hippie jokes. You can give them a nature-themed name, but it has to be handled a bit differently- a Gardener or Xenobotanist Dionae might be a bit more appropriate, or any other nature-focused personalities would fit. Next, the number of Nymphs in the Gestalt. Having only three would mean that you would have either an armless or legless Dionae due to the fact that each Nymph takes up a section of a Worker, the typical form reaching six Nymphs: A head, main body, and two arms and two legs. Your Dionae would not be able to do very much at all, and if they gained more Nymphs over time, their name would be continually changing which is a bit of a pain for admins to fix up for you each time as you collect Pokemon Nymphs. Next: What is the story of the other two Nymphs? Where did they come from? What have they learned and how? What was their personalities like? And here's where naming conventions get a bit mixed up now. They do not combine names in such a way- when they merge, they as a team in that instance would create a completely new, original name that would reflect on their new relationship with one another and accumulated knowledge. I apologize if that wasn't quite clear in the lore, so I'll reflect that as soon as this is posted. Also, please take another look at the Citizenship and Education sections in the Dionae lore. Your character has managed to skirt it because it is a Lab Assistant, but if your Gestalt and Nymphs are approximately two years old, they cannot leave their position until they earn their degree like everyone else. Which means, you may be an Assistant for eight years ICly and OOCly. Another thing, I'd like it if you tell me what their personality is like now that they're merged, and what their intentions are/what they want to do in the future. What drives them? I would appreciate it if this answer was in the form of a paragraph. Expand on why you like them: What are they like? Do they have any quirks? Hope to hear from you soon!
  13. If you can [mention]Sebbe[/mention] , please point out the parts that they should review and where to look.
  14. Thank you, [mention]Sebbe[/mention]. Been a bit preoccupied this week. Now then, [mention]KARPET[/mention].It is judgement day, albeit somewhat delayed. Unfortunately, this application is not what I am looking for in a whitelistee. The format was not followed, and I have attempted to give additional time to allow you to respond to my posts- but it has eventually led to a stalemate. Due to the reasons stated above, I will have to deny this application. If you wish to re-apply in the future, please wait a full month before attempting. I once more encourage you to take a look at the application archives to review old applications and compare them with yours to find what I'm looking for in an applicant. Again, you are free to contact me at any time for whatever reason regarding Dionae. Hope to see another application in the future! Application Denied.
  15. An edit was recently done to the application, and I have once more woken from my slumber to read through. This is still only one sentence when it should be five to seven to make a paragraph. Try to expand on your love for trees. Let out your inner hippie! Better, but still one under the minimum of five sentences. You have so far pointed out only two interesting aspects of Dionae, and focused on one. You should try to expand a bit more into that. Is there anything else about them that makes them different from other species? Not gonna lie. This had... gotten a bit weird. You did reach a paragraph in length, but you need two to be able to proceed as is stated by the format: "Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs". But that's not what makes it weird. I realize I have yet to expand on this in lore, but Dionae are a collection of individuals whose names reflect what they have learned in life. Each merging and separation would rename the collection as individuals or a Gestalt, meaning that One in a Galaxy of Many would not remain One in a Galaxy of Many. Admins would have to be bothered each time you board to change your name. Not to mention the fact that merging and seperating takes up a lot of energy, and is only used in emergency situations for themselves. I'll let it slide for now because it's more or less my fault, but I would change that if I were you for the future. Now, for the weird part. Why is One in a Galaxy of Many so sad? What possible reason would they have to be to be so depressive? Dionae function like animals when individuals, and more like synthetics as Gestalts. Basically, they follow nature and logic for responses; pain is a part of life, and doesn't have to be pitied so. They can know that they can help and heal the patient, fixing them right up. There's no reason to cry over spilt milk, as it were. However as previously mentioned, when merged Dionae are given an "emotional filter": with the minds of multiple individuals joined and each action thought out in a consensus, emotion is set aside in favor of logic. Whereas individual Nymphs act as animals, a Gestalt behaves similarly to synthetics and unfortunately gives them a rather eerie presentation. However, the longer a Gestalt has been merged, the more likely the individuals are able to sympathize with one another and show logical emotional responses instead of raw displays. You said in here that people would exploit their need to help people. How so? Whatever could people want to exploit them for that for? You're focusing a bit too much on what they would do in a violent situation here, with some conflicting information: "He will not harm any living being, including robots with personalities, unless he is threatened by them, verbally or physically. When he inevitably does get threatened, he will often attempt to settle things peacefully or escaping." The first says they will react to harm their offender no matter what, the second stating that they are passive. From what I have read, you can simply narrow it down to, "they dislike violence, but will defend themselves if need be and is generally apologetic after". But again, that would mean that the Dionae is acting a bit outside norms- logic says that if they threatened your life and they went out of your way to attack you, it's their fault, so there isn't really a need to apologize. It's natural. Another thing that I see is that you call them "he". Dionae are asexual, meaning they are neither male, female, nor anything in between. You should try to pry yourself away from thinking them as gendered and instead rely on gender-neutral pronouns like "they/them/it". Where else would they be found? I have let this sit for a longer time than most out of patience to allow you a chance to work on this as you have been away due to things that have happened of screen for you, but please note that the following reply that you make in response to this post will be finalized, and I will make my decision then. If you want to figure it out more over Discord and ask questions, feel free to chat with me there.
  16. I have allowed this to sit in hopes of seeing it amended, but so far this application has stagnated. I will allow one more day to pass for any more edits and corrections, but so far things aren't looking good. As a reminder, a paragraph is five to seven sentences, and the background story requires two paragraphs total. I would also like more clarification to some answers as I have posted before. Please look over previous postings as well as your application to see what needs to be done, and I encourage you once more to turn to the archives for ideas on what I am looking for. Hope to hear from you soon.
  17. Hello, Neinbox here! Grab a chair because unfortunately, I'm going to have to break this one down. But please do not become discouraged, I'd like for you to read it through and learn so you can improve- because there is a lot there can be done here, Well, here's the first thing. As I've been telling you before, a paragraph is a minimum of five to seven sentances from what I've been taught. Everything beyond this point must be a paragraph long in the least. Secondly, this application is not really giving me the "I read the lore and will now dazzle you with my superoir knowledge of tree people" feel. I'll explain that in a moment here. Can you please expand on this? What do you like about their gameplay? Their lore? What image do you think they represent? How is their lore unique from a human's? The mechanics? I'd like for you to elaborate on this. We already know that they're different, but how? This is the part where you show me you actually know about their lore. Essentially, in your own words, describe to me what you've learned. This time, it is asking you for two paragraphs about your Dionae. Your writing could also use a little touching up, but it's not too bad. Hopefully like me, RP will help! Now, this nymph will obviously have a shorter story than most, as their lives are newer. A good way to expand this section is by telling us who your Gestalt is. What is their personality like? Do they have any goals in mind to pursue? Likes? Dislikes? Go nuts! Remember, two paragraphs is a minimum. You have unlimited posting powers! How does it care for other species? What is it's reason to do so? What situations does it feel as threatening? Does it have any quirks? It would be benificial for you to advertise this application by copying it's link and posting it in-game in OOC once per round (with a small summary like "Hey guys please rate my whitelist app lol") to back your claims at being a good roleplayer. It will most definately present you in a good light! As for the notes, are you implying that the Dionae identifies as a male? And how does Nanotrasen own a sentient being with nigh-equal rights? Again, please do not be discouraged! You can update your application in repsonse to my questions by editing your original post and quoting me on others if you wish, either way is okay- although updating your original post is a must. And make sure to review the applications in the Whitelist Archives to get a better idea of what else I might be looking for in applications! Hope to see a response from you soon.
  18. Well it's mostly up to other players how they react, but any of those are possible and it would certainly be interesting to watch such dynamics play out on-station. This was meant to be rhetorical, but I'm glad you're up for the challenge! With the end of the proper time period reached and no negative feedback presented to investigate, I'll make my decision to accept this application. If there are any further quedtions, comments or concerns about your new whitelist, feel free to contact me and I'll be sure to help you out, my friend. [Application Accepted]
  19. I have thought of a question: from what SRA 6 can, what is remembered of their past in a general sense besides their pursuit? If they have a location that they spent the majority of their time at, the Dionae as a whole may remember quite a bit of the particular place and what generally happened. Did they come fresh from a Gestalt themselves and set off to grow in space for their own destination? Did they spend a longer time with the Gestalt and learn thibgs? Did they come from another planet and absorbed what knowledge they could before moving on? And if any of you are wondering why this review is so short in comparison to the rest, it is because most others have a solid background that the characters would remember, and I wanted to make sure that their players had their story straight. In this case, it is best for RP for the player to know as much as their character, and thus leave the rest to be speculated for fuller immersion. When Dionae are merged, information is scattered about in bits and pieces like a real brain, and when damaged to such an extent, quite a bit is lost and creates an amnesiac. In a way, this makes the species' mysterious nature be felt on a more personal level, and leaves them as a character that can be taken down different routes and built as they go along. This is a very interesting gimmick, and this Dionae may be seen as handicapped to others due to the fact that they are knowledge-hoarders and this one has lost quite a bit of theirs. I have not seen anyone play a "disabled" Dionae before, and I am very excited to see how this will play out with other Dionae. Will they be handled like an elderly human as a Sage? Will they be taken in once more as an neophyte to help find the missing pieces? Will they pursue the knowledge themselves? Or will a few neophytes even shun this elder?
  20. User has been banned for the following reasons: Questionable user image. Memes out of the way, I've been looking forwards to this one for a while (months). I've had a lot of experience with you in the way of gaming, RP, and general shenanigans, and outside of the occasional mispelling at 2AM, I have zero complaints in the way of what kind of a player you are. You've also proven that you were responsible and put a lot of thought into this application not just by the volume of it's content but also by sending me rough drafts. From there, we discussed general things such as number of Nymphs present in the Gestalt, and their locations in which only minor additions and changes were made to reflect our discussion. Everything else from what you already had was covered and looked good to go! However, you guessed it, I do have some questions that still remain. That's right, Garbo. Not even you are safe from the Entish Inquisition. What was the Dionae's past like (from what they can mostly recall as a general idea), and what is their personality like? Experiences sometimes make us who we are, although in this case there may be an abnormality. What is their focus/specialization/drive in life? Great minds think alike, and if the nymphs were all exposed to the same thing in the past, that can become a subject of their interest, like a Nymph being exposed to much artwork will either want to study what they convay, or to create some itself, etc. Otherwise, they can become general knowledge-seekers until they find their interest. What position are they applying for with Nanotrasen? I take it may be "assistant until (we) figure it out", true to their more or less "lost" nature? Or perhaps in reference to SRA 6's "interest in the development of neurological faculties" points to it having it going in the direction of a Psychologist?
  21. Perhaps we could make it a two stage thing where blood draining is stage one and actual feasting is stage two? Where at the end of stage one you get the full benefit of learning any language the person/squid/reptile/feline/insect (not sure about the cute little ants) and at the end of stage two you leave behind some gibs and that's it. That was also an idea as devouring would be far and few between with hunger levels.
  22. Yes, hello, it is I here to rear my ugly head. I already had ideas on Dionae eating carbons, and had in fact discussed it with both a group of Dionae players, and with other staff on this a while ago. The reason why I haven't posted a suggestion for it yet is because I'm trying to fix some old issues and smaller tweaks/additions and work my way up. This is a massive change, and people are already pretty salty about the greentide, AKA greytide nymphs, running around and doing some small-time antaggery (which this will open them up to it as well)- and I was met with opposition when I suggested this to staff... Which is completely understandable. I am somewhat uncomfortable in the fact that this was already coded, as is a bit ahead of schedule in comparison to some other things I wanted to address first to try and soothe things over to make way for it. I had ideas on how I would like devouring to go specifically for Dionae, and it would have to be discussed more in depth on if it is theoretically agreeable and possible to code or not, and how much of a headache it would be to the coders. However... Yes, this is in their lore. Devouring should be possible for Dionae. And although whatever you have planned for them may be different from what I have for them, this could make for an excellent placeholder experiment to see how it is handled ICly and OOCly at first, and can be tweaked to what I had planned later but still give players something to have in the meantime. But I would like a few things before it actually goes anywhere: - More feedback. This is the number one thing. I know that I am weary of adding this simply because of the feedback that I have been given by weary staff and community members. If this is to be added, and I'm sure we all know this, the majority has to be nodding their heads. - More information. I'd like to further discuss with you what this new code of yours is capable of, as right now there isn't much- how does it differ from the old consume mechanic? If this does go through, I would like to keep it rather vanilla using these, which I hope are agreeable: - A five-minute timer. Seems reasonable enough to do with a game stimulating eight hours of work condensed down into three. - A body left behind so players aren't removed from the round. Dionae mostly drink blood anyways because it's easier and they gain knowledge from it still, so it makes sense, right? - Make it drain blood. See above. Will create some juicy conflict with vamps, too. Time to start pointing fingers, everyone. - LITTER the body with Dionae evidence. You can't give the succ without getting a little dirty :^) This will provide the detectives the means to hunt down greentide. -Leave behind some blood/DNA from the meal. See reasons above. There is no need for it to be resticted to antag this way, as it would still leave behind a cloneable corpse. Dionae don't really get to antag much anyways as they're rather slow. So yes, I do suggest it to be allowed for live mobs too. I have faith that the ISD are capable of bringing the greentide to justice. And for some personal support, I actually have some characters that request burial by Dionae like my Skrell and Unathi characters, considering the nature of all species involved. Please take my approval as one from a player and not a loredev, as I want to see what the majority thinks first. Sorry if my reply is a little shoddy, feel free to ping me for better clarification or whatever.
  23. With the extreme flammability issue out of the way, I can definitely +1 this. Tish is a responsible player with a rather responsible character, despite how much of a massive weeb they are. The item itself is rather fun as an idea, and a great culture reference- it'll be sure to bring up some questions for conversation as well. Flame on, Tish. We all knew you were anyways.
  24. It's absolutely fine! Truth be told, I applied my first day for Tajara and I made a massive fool of myself, so for a first-day app, yours is rather agreeable in comparison lol Anyways, thank you for your understanding, and I look forwards to seeing you in due time. Until then, welcome to the Aurora, and I hope you enjoy your stay! Play nice with the new kid, everyone. Application declined.
  25. Greetings, Elohi here. Your local Dionae loredev! So... It... really feels like you didn't read the lore. Dionae are not humans in any way, shape or form. They are a bipedal amalgam made of smaller, woody caterpillar-like organisms that have joined with one another to form a whole. The name is far too short as they are a long-winded species that have names that summarize their life experiences like a long book title. They are also completely incapable of smiling. Please re-read their lore in-depth, attached for you in this link here, which also has links for you to take a look at the other species. Another thing that the others have mentioned is that your answers are too short when the forum clearly asks you to reply in a paragraph each. We like details here! What is obvious is your eagerness, and that I can definitely appreciate. However, you seemed to have jumped into deeper waters without training in the shallow end first. Your account is far too new- created today, in fact- with only one round under your belt for playtime the last I checked, and it is clear that you are new to Aurora as a server. I am unfortunately going to have to deny this application for now because of this. It may seem unfair for me to do so this soon, but it is better than leading you on for all three days. However, this does not prevent you from reapplying in the future, and I would like you to! You show good skill and form in storymaking, and that shows promise for a new player like you, and for any new player, I'm going to help you out a bit and better prepare you for that day. First up, I would like you to familiarize yourself with the waters here at Aurora. Please play for a minimum of one month on our server, and consistently if your schedule allows it before re-applying. This will allow you to learn to what Aurora is about, and to connect with the community. Reach out and RP with characters, and interact with players alike to build up a reputation for yourself, which is important for newer players that wish to apply for something- positive feedback from other players will have a better likelihood of obtaining a whitelist. When you feel it is time to apply go ahead and advertise your application by posting a link to it in the forums, Discord, or OOC in-game once per round. Until then, feel free to contact me through Forums, Discord, and in PMs on either platform for any questions, comments, or concerns- I'm always willing to help! Details are in my signature below for Discord. Do we have a deal, [mention]God Of Scrubs[/mention] ? PS- Following Doxxmedearly's advice is good as well so you can see what a proper Dionae is like in action, and what is expected of them. And don't be afraid to skim through applicants in our archives- you'll see what we're looking for in your pursuit of a whitelist!
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