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Everything posted by pickled_tomato

  1. Hi. Please be friends with my dionaea when you get accepted. You will get accepted. This is amazing. I fracking love how you did your backstory. On another note, I've interacted quite a lot with Crow on Isabella, and Crow never fails to make me laugh, cry, feel angry. I just find myself sympathizing with her in her struggles to understand human nature and such. There's been great moments and she's never once done anything that I didn't thoroughly enjoy. Big +1 from me. Good luck.
  2. Alright, I'll give some thoughts. I'm in those screenshots posted, I'm the Diona. I was legitimately frustrated at the way those two girls treated generally everyone in the game during that round. Not only have they proven to me that they're metagaming up the wazoo, but they're absolutely disgusting about it. (I've got some things I'm going to add in here after this round is over.) I know the admins have logs of it, fine. I guess tone isn't a punishable offense. But Jesus Christ. Calling the AI for help enough to warrant the AI saying something like: "I'm cutting you off, please stop. I'm actually trying to help people who need help."? No. That's not okay. Here's my main thought though instead of just rambling. Does he deserve punishment? Sure. Yes, he does. He gassed them and that's against the rules. Does he deserve a five day ban? No. I don't think so. He gassed them with, as he said, something that isn't harmful to them. I think context is an important thing to consider here, so I'll give some. First off, the girls were acting like somebody was holding their beloved family dog of eight years hostage and was threatening to burn him alive with big-bad-painful-acid-juice. In reality.. ALL Palos did was weld the Xenobiology doors shut. That's it. You know what the girls could have done instead of going up to Palos and I and demanding he unweld the doors, threatening us with deleting the entirety of the R&D data, wiping Palos' GPS, and taking all of the bluespace crystals? They could have, both of them by the way since I 100% believe they were Skyping or something throughout this, "say";Hey can I get an engineer or someone to unweld the Xenobiology door? Palos is being a big guy about it and we just want to work on our job that we've already failed horribly at.". Could have been a good choice, but it wasn't a good choice at all. Yes, I'm upset. Both sides were in the wrong, and Palos broke a server rule. That's about it. You can't threaten to set your whole department back because of a welded door. Edit: As I said I would I'm going to add something a few staff members even witnessed. I know Taintedglory saw it, as he was actively advocating for their ban. Last night, at around 2AM in my time, the two girls who are in question were playing cult. This was the round after Palos was banned, actually. It was painfully obvious they were using some kind of voice communication, unless, y'know, telepathy or something. They were entirely silent for the first 20 or 30 minutes of the game and were displaying coordination in their Xenobiology and cultist affairs regardless of their silence. I guess it's just something to add. Context is always fun.
  3. Oh man, I like interacting with your characters quite a lot when I get the chance. You're a blast to play with and I think Nina's an incredibly unique (at least untouched) premise for a character in SS13. I hope you get whitelisted as I'm curious what you'll do with an IPC. Wonderful things I'd imagine. Definite +1. Good luck.
  4. I guess I'll do Isabella Silva. I'm going to mark all of this as Undertale spoilers, since that's what it all is.
  5. Sounds good, I'm looking forward to your judgement. As a side note, thank you for your kind words guys. I was honestly expecting to get rejected within the first five minutes when I pressed submit. It's a big boost for me to see all of this. Really. Big Edit: This being said, I'm still very open to criticism. I'll take it to heart and improve through it. Don't want to be too confident.
  6. I've seen Nanako around quite a lot in all of her different iterations and I've even spent entire rounds with her on occasion. Those rounds have been some of the most memorable rounds I've played. Nanako's very good at being a leader in my opinion and I'd love to see her as a CMO. +1
  7. I took some time to illustrate 100% accurately what will happen right before the dionaea intelligence singularity. I'm quite proud of it. Minus the already dying out dat boi meme, this picture would actually loosely represent the planet unless I'm mistaken.
  8. Oh, thank you guys! I'd imagine I'm missing a lot of specifics of dionaea but I definitely did look at the wiki quite a bit while making this. Some of the things there are funny to think about, honestly. Just imagine.. you're flying through space and you see one of these. You hear millions of friendly, airy "Hello!"s greeting you as you get closer. What would you even do? I feel like it'd be one of the strongest things in the galaxy. It's honestly amazing, and slightly impossible. Just ignore it being almost impossible and we're good to go. ~ Wiki Mandatory edit: Thinking about it though, the planet would just be one entity I believe. I might be wrong but I think it'd just be one entity consisting of millions of.. woooh.. it all gets pretty complicated. Just pretend I said "One massive, booming, friendly, and airy "Hello!". Also what the heck is an "Intelligence singularity"?
  9. Man, you really showed us how far two paragraphs can go, eh? I got carried away. I couldn't find a way to format entirely right on the forums. Sorry about that.
  10. BYOND Key: Pikl Character Names: Isabella Silva, Claire Glimmer Species you are applying to play: Dionaea Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. I will continue to read the page and consult it if I'm unsure about anything. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've been fascinated by the few (very few) dionaea I've seen on Aurora and I would love to actively play and develop one as a crew member. They can be argued as one of the most unique species of aliens that can be seen aboard the station. They're extremely interesting to me for a large number of reasons. They're naturally very curious, intelligent, quick thinkers, too, but at the same time very slow physically and are unable to articulate very much at all. They're neigh invulnerable, but, again, extremely slow, which is an interesting dynamic in situations of conflict. The way dionaea interact with their surroundings is something I believe I will naturally do well with. I say this because I'm naturally a very passive player regardless of what kind of character I'm trying to be, which I believe will actually do me well if I'm playing on a dionaea crew member. To elaborate on being a "passive" player, I'm very hesitant to act towards things in a decisive manner, even towards somebody who's very clearly doing something that's against NanoTransen Law. I actually rather enjoy chatting with a criminal and hearing what they have to say, and seeing what kind of reaction they give when they're shown something that's not violence. (I'm sure it's a pleasant change from being smacked with batons whenever they're trying to do or say anything.) Also, this type of behavior ties into dionaea curiosity, which is a rather constant part of their species. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Dionaea might be as far from humans as you can get in a species. From a role-play exclusive perspective, dionaea are not technically one single organism, but around three to six nymphs all joined together to create a "Worker", as the wiki calls them. I'd imagine a worker to be in-between a nymph and a colossus in terms of learning potential, being lower than a Nymph but higher than a Colossus. I'd expect the same to be true about their overall intelligence but reversed, so, more mental capacity and/or intelligence and a Nymph, but not as much as a Colossus. This seems to be a constant formula depending on how many Nymphs have actually been linked together, potentially becoming something inconceivably intelligent. For the diona form that is played on the station however, a worker would be the diona that's actually working a shift. A dionaea worker being compared to a human in terms of mental capacity will probably vary from person to person but I imagine that in general a diona is more intelligent than the average human, and thus can be argued to having to know their job well, or maybe even learning your job very fast. A dionaea would in general speak and react slower than a human normally would and can be argued to, in general, just have a slower overall pace of doing anything. This doesn't mean slower than humans mentally, but they are slower at conveying what they're thinking and they are slower at their actions in general. I've always imagined dionaea to talk in the same manner as the ents from Lord of the Rings. Character Name: Once Upon a Midnight Dreary Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Once Upon a Midnight Dreary is the fused form of five diona nymphs, all of whom can trace their origins back to the vast network of back-alleyways of the sprawling megacity known as Beijing. How they got there, they're not sure. The five nymphs eventually found each-other, one after the other, and begun fusing little by little, until they became an entirely new form that was very similar in nature to many of the dominant species of the planet. The nymphs, having all merged together, had begun wandering around the alleyways of Beijing, getting into all sorts of mischief whilst taking note to quite a considerable amount of knowledge regarding what humans are like. The nymphs had also learned how to speak quite a few languages through absorbing things that contained human DNA, an example being how they learned the entirety of Mandarin rather rapidly through a single human hair they found. In notable instance, somebody had tried to rob them. The collection of nymphs simply watched curiously as the man shouted at them and demanded their money. The nymphs were then shanked a total of seven times, and to the man's surprise, they didn't react in the slightest aside from a small, curiosity filled tilt of their "head". The man stood for a minute dumbfounded until the nymphs finally reacted with one wheezy sounding word, "Why?". The man started frantically screaming, tripping over himself a couple of times while trying to get away from the overtly abnormal "tree monster" that was still staring directly at him with no readable emotion. With all of the man's screaming, people started to take notice in what was going on. They assumed the odd, plant-like creature had done something harmful to the man who was screaming like an enraged baboon. It didn't take long until the Beijing law-enforcement officers had arrived. The collection of nymphs, who had been quietly, and for the most part motionlessly observing all of the chaos that surrounded them, that was aimed at them, were then taken to the nearest law-enforcement station, where they sat in a cell for a little over a day. It wasn't until the day after the nymphs had been jailed that a scientist, by the name of Dr. Fars had come to interact with them. The law-enforcement officers were aware of what the nymphs were and had called Dr. Fars to come in, as he was part of a team that was working to get more data on dionaea. Dr. Fars asked the group of nymphs if they wanted to come to his lab, for reasons he could't specify and the nymphs rather gladly agreed to it. The nymphs eventually found a new home in his lab and were even exposed to a few other dionaea, who they were very excited to interact with. The nymphs found out rather quickly that the other dionaea had one whole name to represent themselves, along with all of their fused nymphs. The nymphs questioned Dr. Fars about it and to their surprise Dr. Fars told them that many dionaea were named after a small segment of poetry. The nymphs actually liked this quite a lot and eventually found that they very much liked reading poetry in general. They read countless pages worth of poetry trying to find a suitable name, all the while the science lab had been performing tests on the nymphs in which they received a ridiculously large sum of money for the results of. The scientists were shamelessly using the nymphs for profit and the nymphs were aware of this. Aware being a key word though, as they were too engrossed by their poetry to mind all that much. Eventually, a month or so later the nymphs decided on a name. They didn't base it on whether or not people would like it, just the fact that they enjoyed Edgar Allan Poe's work more-so than any other author they read. Their new name was Once Upon a Midnight Dreary, after the very first few words of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven". Once Upon a Midnight Dreary, almost a month later, had exhausted all of the lab's poetry. With nothing left that they wanted to do, Once Upon a Midnight Dreary made action to leave, asking. The lab naturally said no and made a poor excuse as to why not and the nymphs saw through it. Dr. Fars made a compromise with Once Upon a Midnight Dreary, and simply bought more poetry. Once Upon a Midnight Dreary was content and these tests would go on for another month. During this last month, Once Upon a Midnight Dreary was paying close attention to a lot of the procedures that the scientists were doing. The nymphs found their curiosity shifting from poetry to what the scientists were actually doing, and to science as a whole. Shortly after their new-found interest, they had begun learning how to work the computers in the lab and within a couple of days had achieved a well understanding of them. The nymphs saw a listing titled, "Lab Assistant wanted aboard Plasma Research Facility NSS Aurora" and the nymphs applied to the position in a very eloquent fax that NanoTransen was impressed by. In the fax, the nymphs described their situation in full and NanoTransen reluctantly decided to pay the research lab, take the nymphs under their name of Once Upon a Midnight Dreary, and give them a position. Let's hope Once Upon a Midnight Dreary doesn't decide they want to leave. What do you like about this character? I like that they wander around, curious about everything they could find. They're adorable to me, honestly. It's fun imagining the nymphs all merged together exploring the gang riddled alleyways of a huge futuristic city in such an innocent and careless way. They just went with the flow and went with what they wanted to do. I like their intelligence and ability to learn things combined with their gentle nature, they're two really fun things to put together. They're such a unique race of creatures and if they're roleplayed right they're extremely interesting. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Overall, I'd say my role-playing ability is a solid 4/10. 5 being the average of most players that regularly play on Aurora. I'd like to say that I believe I am a little bit better than average at conveying what my character is doing and saying through dialogue and structuring my character's dialogue to do so. In contrast to being decent at dialogue, I'm poor at conveying actions through /me in specific, but I am actively working on learning how to apply /me's towards my character's actions to make them more believable. Notes: I know I won't be able to play a dionaea perfectly as soon as I start my first shift as one, but I'm very eager to learn how to, and enchant players as much as what I've seen of dionaea enchanted me. I would really like to hear tips from people who know what they're doing with the mythological-like creatures that are the dionaea. As another note: I'm sure I butchered a few terms here and there and I'd love to correct them to be.. well.. correct. As a final note: I'd be very happy to improve upon this application through acting on suggestions and feedback. I understand that nothing is perfect and I'd imagine there's glaring flaws that I've made throughout the whole thing, I'm not ashamed to admit this, nor should anybody making an application.
  11. Thank you for the reply, LordRaven001. That clears up a lot of my thoughts. Pardon me putting my nose where it doesn't belong. I was making flawed and extremely uninformed observations. It's good to know they're viewed as unban requests as well. As with the ahelps, I can easily imagine what kinds of messages you guys got. It all makes more sense in my head now. It's very easy to get in a certain mindset and ignore aspects you don't agree with when it comes to bans and moderation in general. This applies to both sides, as with any conflict. It's also possible to put your best possible face on for an appeal like this, but ultimately it's up to you guys and you all know that. Most of my posts have just been restating the obvious anyways. Pardon me.
  12. I'd also like to say a few things that are on my mind about this whole thing. If this is against the board rules then please remove it. 1. This sort of post would be better received as an unban request. As of right now it's doing more harm than good making a direct complaint towards AimlessAnalyst. 2. This was an IC mistake. We all understand this. There's a lot of little things littered throughout this whole incident that are interesting. Barnes was permabanned for stabbing himself with a pen and he gave a reasonable (at least to me) explanation on why he did so. He was also banned on a basis of things that happened in the past that I really don't know anything about. To me, I'm not sure that being banned indefinitely is fair but it's ultimately up to the staff and I respect that. I'll just say that I believe Barnes seems like the kind of player who will actually take steps to improve the quality of his gameplay and avoid further violations of the rules and it would be a shame for him to be completely severed from the community without one more chance. 3. There are also good arguments in favor of his ban. I won't ignore this. The logs are right there, along with pretty much everything that Jennalele stated. 4. No, I don't know Barnes outside of what I've seen right here. I'm simply stating what I believe and what I see.
  13. I'm afraid you're mixing up his character with someone else. I was for the most part doing the warden's job that round (as a security officer). Different character, not his. Edit: Side note: That round seemed to be very complaint heavy looking back at it.
  14. Play whatever you want to play as long as it's within the rules. People will find things to whine about regardless of how vanilla anything is. If your character you decided to make has become a target of criticism so what? As long as the criticism doesn't affect how much fun you're having it's a pretty done deal. If the criticism gets to you and it's an overused meme then I suppose action would have to be taken. Really, that's the hard part.
  15. Rest in pepperoni, character.
  16. This goes in line with the whole force feeding medicine thing. The game makes it seem a lot more violent than how it plays out in people's heads before they do it. Every time I've seen somebody do it there's always "immersion breaking" OOC about it. It should really go in line with what the player imagines it to be rather than how the game portrays it. Decent RP can lead to it being avoided though, like handing the pills to the player for them to take. I agree with Nanako and I actually thought a bit about this after I used exclamation points a bit, it just seemed off. "Name yells, "Oh my.. that's quite a burn!" just doesn't sound right. All caps is a bit excessive and really wouldn't add to "immersion", but manually having to make your character yell through /me or something seems a lot better than the game doing it for you when you didn't intend it in the first place. That's just my two cents on it though. It just seems awkward.
  17. Oh, I'd also add.. Sarcastic Generally tries to pick the safe option and is hesitant to do anything unfamiliar Is a very closed book but will put on an act of a sort Edit: Doesn't take many things seriously as long as nothing goes too bad and/or too far from how she imagined it to be I hope this all sounds okay.
  18. Well, uh. I'd apply these. Awkward Pacifist (95%) Stuttering Quiet In general I'd say that along with these four she's out to prove herself, since she's so new to everything. I guess that's generic, but, for a first character (first one I'm taking seriously) that's a good safe start.
  19. So, hi. Welcome to my thread. I have a character named Claire Glimmer, maybe you've seen her around. She's generally seen around the med-bay trying to figure out how to not look completely incompetent. I'm relatively new to how to do all of this and how to represent a character in general and I would like opinions on what I can do better. Be as harsh as you'd like as long as it's actual feedback. If you see Claire around and have something you'd like to say I'd love to hear it. Thank you all. Uh, also this is my first forum post so, uh, be gentle please. I've been having fun so far and I'd like to help you all have fun too.
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