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Everything posted by halorocks22
i have some bad news
bend over
dank leadership positions
flag: http://imgur.com/BIFDUf3
taking applications
Lo! In the year of our Lord 1642, in the name of King John, Grace of God, Defender of the Faith and Queen [reserved for future's gf name], The Blessed One, we company of brave quality-posters hereby claim this bountiful land of 'off-topic' for the nation of Halo. We, upon petition of the King, have come to this land under order to spread the Islamic Faith, tame and civilize the savages of this frontier and to explore and secure the lost treasures buried deep within the continent. In contemplation and serious consideration whereof, we have sought fit to fulfill our Kingly Duty and to secondly follow God's Will. We shall convert the godless heathens of this land to the Islamic Faith and teach them our superior ways. The lost treasures of tendies and mountain dew, mentioned in the Analects of the Gentleman Robot, will be found by our company and brought back to the nation of Halo for its economy. And for the better plantation, ruling and governing of the new colony, we will ordaine, constitute, assign and appoint our leaders through the guidance of our lords. These leaders shall have full power and authority to give and take GBP at their discretion. All natives of this wild land are now hereby considered subjects of the nation of Halo and will therefore be accountable to its laws and ordinances. May God provide his providence over this new colony and the nation of Halo. In Witness, The Eighth Day of November, In the Sixty-Ninth Reign of the Kingdom, A Humble Subject of the nation of Halo
any1 want to come to bangladesh n watch it w/ me???
this is hot af cant wait 4 this shit 2 come out
halorocks22 replied to TechnoKat's topic in Off Topic Discussion
gas the kikes -
u nigrs r shit i got gn2 after my first 10 matches n then after 20 hours i got mge banned permanently for haxing n griffing tho LoL
u suck LoL
Hello friends! Recently, I've taken an interest in Chinese cartoons or "animay" as people call it. I enjoy it quite a bit, I really love Chinese culture and think that Chinese culture is vastly superior to Western culture. "Animayay" provides me with the gateway to access the beautiful culture of the Chinese. I know that a lot of other people on Aurora like "animay" too (VoltageHero, for example) and I am inviting everyone to participate in this thread and talk about Chinese cartoons. We could even start a "club" of sorts, haha! I've heard that the term "weeaboo" is used to refer to people like us, and although I think it's a little strange, I like it. It's a fun little nickname that we can use for our new "club". I'm a weeaboo, you're a weeaboo, Voltige is the biggest weeaboo, etc, etc,. What's your favorite "animay" show? If you've seen my "GF WANTED" post, you know that currently I like Boku no Pico. Can you guys suggest me some new Chinese cartoons to watch? What "animay" show to avoid? Cheers and God Bless!
Dearest Bakagaijin, I would like to inform you that this post is indeed not a supposed "shitpost". It is a serious proposition, and as a result, it warrants serious inquiry. I take mild offense at the fact that you suggested that I am a "shitposter" or that this is a "shitpost". Yours truly, halorocks22
Hello, ladies. As you all may or may not know, I'm halorocks22, handsome gentleman and prodigious forum poster extraordinaire. Due to the recent tragic disappearance of my waifu, you lucky damsels have a chance to engage in a relationship with me. Yes, that's right. You're not dreaming. Pinch yourself just to make sure. Now go on, read on. First off, here's a little information about me for the uninitiated: I'm 650 pounds of pure, sexy muscle. How did I get this buff? I've been eating Kentucky Fried Chicken everyday for the last 15 years for protein and I've been working out for a long time by walking up and down the staircase of my residence once a week. I have white hair - not from age, mind you, but from dyeing my hair so that I can look just like my role model Inuyasha. I'm only 36 years old, haha. I'm currently unemployed (I believe that working is something that should be avoided as it is something that only serves to support the corrupt elitist society in which we live in) and reside in my roommate's (EDIT: My roommate is my mother. She made me put it in here, just ignore.) basement. My favorite meal is chicken tendies and mountain dew and my hobbies include practicing with my superior hand-forged Japanese katana, watching anime (Boku no Pico to be specific), and going to Comic-Con conventions. I am a confirmed atheist (with some Muslim beliefs) and although some people believe me to be unintelligent due to my D-grades in high school (I didn't try in school, of course), I have an IQ of 221, greater than that of Einstein. I'm also a proud feminist, and believe that gender roles should be reversed in society. As a direct result of that, I will be expecting whoever manages to hook up with me to pay for bills, take care of me, etc,. Are you salivating yet? I bet you are. My mommy tells me that I'm the goodest boy in the whole wide world. If you're interested in me, which of course you are, here are my expectations for a partner: Tall, strong and beautiful (former supermodel experience is suggested). Of Aryan descent (preferably Nordic master race) with blue hair and blonde eyes. Educated and intelligent, with at least a Ph.D in Japanese Studies (or Japonology) and 130 IQ. No children, must be a virgin. Wealthy, with at least $5,000,000 in the bank and $20,000,000 in assets, and powerful (at least two relatives in positions of power). Kind and accepting, with a good aptitude for cooking my favorite meal. Willing to stay at my side 24/7 365. Ability to talk in Japanese with a kawaii voice. Good personality. So, how do you get your hands on me, you wonder? If you happen to meet my expectations, go ahead and post below! I'll carefully review your case and decide whether or not you're worthy of becoming my next waifu. Act fast, ladies. This is a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Women want me and men want to be me. I'm limited edition.
THANKS man just tryign 2 get in the underground RAP scene u no wat im saying????? lol take care fam and make sure to download my new mix tape
HELLO i am lookign 2 see if any1 is interested in le erp As usual, you must be at least 25 years old in age, 7 years a citizen of the United States of America, currently reside in the state you are representing and have at least 7 years of residency in aforementioned state. i like vore n furry but im matuer 4 my age N open to new ideas LoL!!!!! post below to show interest and send forum pm for an interview
that's pretty sick, actually. What genre of music is this? I don't think it's synthwave. Darude - Sandstorm
https://psychology-tools.com/autism-spectrum-quotient/ a funny site for those who get ganked. FUCK U TECHNOCAT IM ACTUALLY ARTISTIC IRL AND AM VERY HIGHLY OFFENDED BY UR INSENSITIVE POST
Hey there Wilson! So I heard you like stories and stuff. What kind of stories do you like? Unfortunately, ERP technically isn't allowed but if you're feeling adventrous and want to explore the more intimate side of storytelling.. shoot me a PM. A fair warning to you, I really like fur.
sending response hello fuck off whatever sending SSM protocol message
I think that most of us can agree that something went wrong regarding Cassy_jenelle's ban. I personally see a simple resolution to this issue: Even though Cassy_jenelle decided not to come back to the server, she should be unbanned anyways. There is overwhelming evidence that her ban wasn"t really justified and unbanning her would leave the door open for her if she ever decides to return. Furthermore, I believe that the staff should admit that they dropped the ball on this one and make a genuine effort to not repeat their mistake(s). These actions would really do a lot in my opinion. At least, I think that it would do more good than the alternative... sweeping all of this under the rug in the hopes that people will forget about this incident. They won't.