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  1. Wish you all the best Skull
  2. Played a couple of rounds with Kayeda. Good engagement with command. +1 form Bernhoff
  3. Couldn't finish my year fully because stuff happening. I can't really write good summaries like Bokaza, but i can give a short one of what I did: - Skull and Viking died due to werezebra, they are put to eternal rest in the burial chambers. - Said werezebra was beaten to death and exhibitioned at the entrance - No one turned, but I set up a basic Hospital near the tavern. - Started building an archery tower by the entrance, didn't finish it. - Built an archery range near entrance, where the militia training is. - Started farming plump helmets, 300+ drinks in stock for around 50 dwarves. - Traded ores and produced some steel and iron. - A mayor was elected, he has a nice little place for himself next to Bokaza's office. Here is the save: http://www84.zippyshare.com/v/OFPSJT2c/file.html Edit: Make sure to use 'convert savegames' in LNP launcher as i was using the default LNP tileset.
  4. I /might/ be interested. Why not stick with the LazyNewb pack? I always used those. Edit: That's still 0.43 :/
  5. I would totally dig an Aurora server. Edit: I might be able to set up an aurora server by the end of the week.
  6. BYOND Key: VikingPingvin Character Names: Aaron Bernhoff, Ruby Kellog, Gregor Nonton Species you are applying to play: Snek What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Black with orange dots Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I am a natural born snek. I grew up in the snek slums. Snek's name: Saaron Snekhoff Snek's role: Head of Snekonnel What does your snek man do: Hisses at paperwork
  7. As another HoP main. I always turn it on when i am the only command/no HoS no Cap situations. And i do think it helps both command and security. While i agree that HoPCurity is NOT okay, but if no HoS or cap is present, somebody needs to give a broader view on the situation to security. I vote on keeping it.
  8. Hi! Some of you might be aware that me and some friends are currently making a game in our free time, and as hobby so there is absolutely NO guarantee that anything will be delivered, but if anything good comes out of it, i am planning to make it free, maybe community-developed in the future. So basically the skeleton mechanics which will be implemented as soon as possible: - simplified DCS/Rogue System like spaceship controls: You need a startup procedure, can alter component settings that will affect ship behavior. - Some kind of atmospheric simulation that will not kill performance. Calculated contents of air that will affect human body for instance. And atmospheric flight will not be possible for every ship. - Pre-generated or seed based procedural star system, haven't decided on this yet. - Orbital mechanics mixed with Warp-travel, meaning you need a minimal knoweledge of how orbits work, you can't just warp from a high orbit planet to a small planet without modifying your orbit beforeand or in the jump computer. Do you think it would be possible to build a RolePlaying enviroment with these mechanics, like SS13 does? This is a really brief description of what i have in mind and want to achieve. This is all in design phase, that's why i am asking for additional input if you are interested. Also, you may call this a Star Citizen clone or whatever i honestly don't care. I don't plan on ripping off anything from whatever. Any input is welcome. EDIT1 : So i have to expand a bit more. On the worldbuilding aspect, idea is you have different type of buildings, prefabs which you can place on planets wherever you like. These would be bigger player hubs, mining areas etc. Planet mining facilities would send AI haulers to bring the ores into the player controlled hubs, this is a nice way to have factions which compete over each other. These transports would be attackable as well as every facility excluding the player hubs. Think of EVE, where only big corporations can manage huge fleets and buildings. Making building expensive is a nice way to limit overusign them. Also more facilities your faction owns, the harder to defend each. I don't think planets need to be really detailed. Far from the survival type of games that try to mimic realistic planets. Remember, most of space rocks are mostly...rocks, with no life. But with many raw resources to mine and conquer, so i don't want to really overexeggerate planet generation, just terrain, textures, resource areas and the like. I think most fun mechanics would take place in space, in your ships and in space stations. Space stations would be the main player hubs, where the atmosphere would be like SS13, when no one is flying their ships. Space elevator, yes i had that already in mind. Some ships would have atmos flight capability, but i don't plan on making larger ships able to land on plnets (with high gravity) because that's stupid in my opinion, without wasting alot of fuel, but we will see. I think there would be plenty of room for lore and RP. For example i love how EVE and Elite handles their story progression. Also, since we are not planning on monetization in any way, and we are on budget, plan is to have multiple servers with their own systems playerbase factions ( that is the dream), where you connect to each server ingame via a stargate thingy. And while you travel, the connection sockets are established, loadings are done, and when finished you pop out of the gate.
  9. I'm late to the party
  10. Slightly relevant, if anyone is interested. https://123d.circuits.io/
  11. A robber fell from the tenth floor right below my window( I live on the first). It was exactly like in the movies. And the police only covered half of the body with a black trashcan plastic bag, and left the body for the rest of the night and the next morning lying there, freezing in the snow. Joke aside, that must have been terrible.
  12. Soooo, space sim inbound. What is Infinity? "Infinity: Battlescape is a multiplayer space sim spanning a single true to scale star system filled with dozens of planets and moons. Hundreds of players spanning up to 3 powerful corporations of the Starfold Confederacy will fight to win control of the system. The primary goal will be to capture or destroy your enemies infrastructure through a combination of the orbital bombardment capabilities of capital ships and small spacecraft including bombers, interceptors, and corvettes." A match begins with each team being allocated some combination of space stations, planetary bases, factories, and AI controlled defense turrets. Each player will start with a moderate amount of credits with which they can upgrade or customize their ship and equipment, or acquire new ships. Every couple of minutes a factory spawns a cargo ship which will transfer raw materials to the nearest space station or planetary base for processing into credits. These credits are split evenly among the members of the team however if the cargo ship is destroyed its owners lose the credits. Players are able to donate credits to other members of their team so that they can pool resources. A long stream showcasing the prototype. Their Kickstarter page: Indiegogo, for further funding/purchasing: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/infinity-battlescape#/
  13. I honestly doubt anyone will translate that ~130 in their own free time. I am also sure that there will be a proper official-ish english version. Until then, i will hop back onto my GAU-8 with wings.
  14. I have found a gold plort somewhere. I shot it inside the pink slimes...it disappeared without making gold-pink largos...500 credit down the sink *sad*
  15. Yes. I still play it quite regularly. I will invest in Squad for sure too! I am usually on the HOG server, there is actually communication and teamwork quite often.
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