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About ReynTheLord

  • Birthday 04/09/2001

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  1. No, I'm not late.

  2. Happy Birthday, Burger! Unless I'm late. Oh shit... Am I late?

  3. Nowhere with this servers degrees of standards for play. Thats for sure. Nowhere which is Really Highrp anyways.
  4. Not sure How I could give you a guarantee, but... I'll say that i've grown as a person... Is there anything I could do to help you be more confident? Also sorry about the massive ammount of posts, I forgot that I could just edit that all in.
  5. Sadly, No, I didnt get a chance at Highrp sadly. Sorry about those previous times. Seriously though, I didnt know i did that much bullshit. Wooow. Looking back at that, That's ridiculous what i did... Sorry...
  6. Anything else you want to bring up? or discuss? Also, are you sure it was me who is having a FOURTH chance... and not someone else? Im a bit confused.
  7. Wait, wait, FOURTH chance? I dont remember that... Holy shit... I've developed a lot, And it's been nearly a year. Plus, A good few of my warnings back then were... eh... Odd to say the least. Anyways, I've given the rules another check, and Theres no way in hell I'm repeating a stunt like that
  8. Also I deleted the hitler character before I got bant
  9. If any more detail is needed, Please ask!
  10. BYOND Key: reyntime13 Total Ban Length: Permaban Banning staff member's Key: alberyk Reason of Ban: Creating a character that was pretty much a charictature of hitler, to see how long until they wer bwoinked. YOu already have a large collection of notes and warnings... This ban was applied by alberyk on 2018-05-03 Reason for Appeal: It's been almost a year, And I know better than to do something that stupid ever again. I've reread the rules, Played elsewhere, And Decided that now might be the time to try to come back. I Was an Idiot for doing what I did, and I have nobody to blame but myself for being so stupid. I fucked up. And I know better now.
  11. Bay, Tg, Para, cm, lebenstraum, I've played on a few servers. Haven't got into way too much trouble recently. And, to be honest, I'm sorry about all the trouble I've put you through. I'm in no position to say i've done nothing wrong, and I'll admit I've buggered up a lot.
  12. BYOND Key: ReynTime13 Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk Reason of Ban: "Creating a character that was pretty much a chariacture of hitler, to see how long until they got bwoinked. you also have a very long collection of notes and warnings since your last unban" Reason for Appeal: Other than not knowing about that collection of notes, and being off my adhd medicine when making the character, I can say that I deserved that ban, and I will not claim that I didn't deserve a ban, at least now. I messed up, I did something incredibly stupid, and I recognize that. Why should I be let back? I'm not actively being hostile to the community, and I've spent a few months on other servers without too many problems. I've changed somewhat, and I recognize my mistakes. If you don't unban me, it's within your full right to do so, and if you tell me to wait to ask for an unban, that's fine. I just really want to come back to this community, and play on your server. I enjoyed it here!
  13. The problem isn't just antags. As someone who plays security a lot, I see the issue as a cycle. Antag goes in deciding to roleplay and play High RP. Someone decides to disregard RP and rush the andag and robust them. Antags fear this might happen again or happen to them. Security decides not to do that. Next round, antags act either super cautiously or super aggressively out of fear of validhunters coming in and fucking up their day because "lul valids", And either delays round, causing people to want to hunt out antags out of boredom, or goes in fucking guns ablazing, causing people to want to validhunt to avoid being killed. Move onto next person who wants to RP as antag, and the cycle likely repeats. Even if there's nobody too validhunty on, an antag might gun down everyone, and someone might start being validhunty. It's a problem on both sides. Hell, a good lot of sec players have urges to validhunt, As seen as my time pretending to be a biesel government inspector. Most of them, in LOOC, At least if I remember correctly, said something along the lines of "I'ts so fucking hard to not shoot you right here, right now", along other things. Additionally, I've had an experience when, After trying to RP as vampire, and succing once and fucking up, The rest of the officers arrested me, of course. I was brought to medical eventually, for some reason, to examine my eyes and see why they were flashing. Meanwhile, the fucking psychiatrist was trying to straightjacket and muzzle me and haul me off to his office for being insane, while he clearly saw the flashy bs and saw the scans were clean. I had to flash him again and again to keep him off of me. He eventually shot me with a syringe dart and got arrested, but at that point, security decided to hand me over to medical, where I got my eyes cut out. FYI, the person I succed? not dead, perfectly fine. Assault at most. They decided, instead of blindfolding me, or just cuffing me normally, to have medical cut out my fucking eyes. Yep. They cut out my eyes. And I spent a chunk of the round near dead, eyeless, and in cuffs. At round end, I think I was still arrested, dead, or left out of stress. All "Valid'. Frustrating as hell.
  14. Alright, I have to do some stepping in for a friend here, so apologies to the staff... anyways, Garn, If you want to uphold your decision, you're the head admin, and it's in your right to do so. However, I do think this is a bit extreme. He doesn't seem to have malicious intent, heck, he's a nice guy usually. Please reconsider this. Please?
  15. Is my existence a meme
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