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Everything posted by MFalco

  1. Zo'ra is the superior choice. Super excited to see more buggos join the growing horde. +1 from me. I like Rhoda Marks and Halloway (Haven't seen him in forever. I always enjoyed my interactions with him as Zed)
  2. They plan to host this event the day before Thanksgiving (11/22/59) around 3-4 p.m. station time (EST depending on when rounds end/start). I would imagine hosting this on Thanksgiving--while most of the crew is off-station celebrating--would be rather pointless. If this is satisfactory, I will have them make preparations immediately. My thanks, Dr. Shoshanna. -Ka'Akaix'Zed Zo'ra, Medical Resident, NSS Aurora
  3. This one speaks to me.
  4. (Not sure when the best time would be to do this. Conspiir and I were thinking maybe the day before Thanksgiving in the afternoon sometime when we are both on. Thoughts?) Attention Captain and Head of Personnel. This is Ka’Akaix’Zed Zo’ra. I have just been informed that there is a human holiday approaching called Thanksgiving. I have been told that it is an important day for you humans. Since food seems to be a big part of it, I have instructed the Ka’Viax’Kee Zo’ra and Ka’Viax’Kii Zo’ra prepare a feast in honor of this holiday, in an attempt to further relations between the Vaurca and Humanity. Since I know nothing of human cuisine, I leave it to them to make preparations. I have attached here an audio message from them and myself with more details. I trust they will do a satisfactory job. Thank you for your time. Okay, you two. Juzzt zzpeak into thizz microphone here. Like thizz, Wizze Mazzter? Yezz, yezz. Be quick now. I am buzy. Yezzir. KeeKii making zzpecial annouzement vor all crew. KeeKii want do big treat vor human Givingzz Day. Yezz. KiiKee make many tazztyzz vor crew. Make mazzhed taterzz and big clucker and clucker zztuvving. Kee promizze Kii not make big zzlimezz. Not have to zzlay. Kee not promizze, but try. KeeKii need many cluckerzz and grower to make vegzz. Azzk vor builderzz to make big table at bar or vanzy picture room. Kzon and Zed zzay izz good idea to do zzpecial treatzz vor zzpecial human day. Tell KiiKee to do good job. KiiKee alwayzz do good jobzz. Make humanzz, zzkrellyzz, lizzardzz, fuzzyzz and robutzz like Vaurca. Let Vaurca zztay long timezz. Make Queenzz happy. Izz KeeKii job to make happy. KeeKii azzking captain and head mazzter zzir to let KeeKii do zzpecial treat day. Translation: Kee and Kii are to (attempt to) host a Thanksgiving event for the crew. They require a gardener to be on shift so they have ingredients, and a couple engineers to make a table in the bar/holodeck to accommodate the crew. I ask that you consider this proposal, as it will be a stepping stone to better relations between our species. Thank you for your time.
  5. I'm interested to see what people think of my Vaurca cook, as well as Ka'Akaix'Zed Zo'ra, my Vaurca Medical Resident/Surgeon (cmoooon avowal), and maybe Shawna Butterfill (Hydroponicist, Xenobio/botanist). I have a month or two of RP experience to my name, and I'm curious if I'm going in the right direction, and/or if there are things I can improve on. Thanks so much!
  6. +1 for sure. I've played with Lawrence a bunch and he is an awesome coworker. I haven't seen you break character with him once. I'm excited to see your Woxyl in Medical. Zed approvezz.
  7. TWO VAURCA APPS IN ONE DAY?!?!?! Hallelujah! I really like this backstory. It's different than the usual "I got picked to go work for the humanzz, boo." Obviously a +1 from me. Good luck to you sir, and I hope to see Ziim on the station soon. DOOOOM!
  8. YAY MORE BUG FRIENDS! I haven't had much interaction with your other characters, but I know you are serious about learning more about Vaurca. We even talked a bit yesterday about their mechanics and lore. I'm super excited. Pluzz one vrom Zed and Kee.
  9. I really like this. I've said this before, but you're insanely good at storytelling and I need to meet this guy if he ever shows up on the station. Teach me your ways, wise master.
  10. MFalco


    This story is based off one of my favorite podcasts, Welcome to Night Vale. If you haven’t listened to it, you are missing out. A friendly station community where the engine is hot, the stars are beautiful, and harmful fungi is being detected while we all pretend to work. Welcome aboard to the Aurora. Good evening, dear listeners. My name is DJ Socket, accompanied always by my loyal companion and friend, Plug. We have an exciting and jam packed show for you today, so let’s get right into it. First, I have been asked to read the following brief message from the Captain. They ask that everyone to please stay out of the maintenance tunnels near the Research Department. You may be tempted to investigate the strange noises and muffled screams you hear through the walls, but they want to assure you that everything is juuuust fine. They are sure that your loved ones who were randomly selected to be taken in the night by the Captain’s Personal Unathi Bodyguards are in good, capable hands. They will be returned to you soon, in mostly one piece. And now, for the news. The Head of Personnel, Faysal Al-Shennawi, hosted a meeting in the Holodeck earlier this morning, to discuss proper supermatter engine set-up with members of the Engineering Department. We sent our Assistant, Jimmy, to the meeting to report on the proceedings. He said that, after getting into a heated argument with the Chief Engineer over the benefits of using phoron over nitrogen, the HoP was reported to have transformed in front of the entire audience. They grew massive blades and flesh and bone from their arms, and proceeded to tear into the CE and nearby onlookers, all the while screaming “PHORRRRRRRRON IS MORRRRRRRRRE EFFICIENT AND EASIERRRRRRRRR TO USE! IT IS WORRRRRRRRTH THE DANGERRRRRRR AND THE COST! ENGINEERRRRRRRRS ARE RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREPLACEABLE! DON’T BE A BABY!” Our Jimmy, stoic and determined to get the full story - and definitely NOT peeing his pants and crying for his mother - was unfortunately cut down in the panic, as well as most of those present. To the friends and family of Jimmy, we are sorry for your loss. He was a great Assistant, and will be sorely missed. The HoP was last seen fleeing into the maintenance shaft near the public restrooms. The Captain’s Personal Unathi Bodyguards has asked all employees to please “hold it in” while they conduct what they think to be a week long search for the HoP. I hope everyone went before getting on the shuttle this morning, otherwise the poor janitors are going to have a longer shift than they anticipated. And now a word from our sponsors. Take it away, Plug. Thanks, DJ. Hello, listeners. This broadcast has been sponsored by KiiKee’s Delvery Servace, with the slogan “KiiKee make treatzz. Izz Tazzty”. They are located in the kitchen in the civilian sector. Kii and Kee are two Bound Vaurca tasked with making food for the rest of the crew. They just released a new menu with some exciting options. I actually have one of their menus in front of me now. Let’s take a look. They offer a full course meal with your choice of….one Big Tasty, one Side Tasty, and one Tasty Treat, with a free cookie at the end of the meal, all for the low price of fifty credits. Sounds delicious. They have also assured us that they do not add any k’ois and/or k’ois byproducts to their dishes, so those of you with k’ois allergies can rest easy. They claim to make the best tasting food on the station, which is a bold claim indeed considering they can’t even taste the food they prepare, lest they suffer a slow agonizing death. We will take your word for it, my little bug friends. And remember folks, nobody makes a borz…borsch…borscht (how do you even say that?) like KiiKee’s. Nobody. Back to you, DJ. An update on the missing and murderous HoP. Our lovely sponsors, Kee and Kii, have reported seeing the monster that was once our beloved HoP, smash its’ way into the kitchen freezer, and eat all of the chickens and cows they had stored there, before once again retreating into the comfortable darkness of the maintenance tunnels. When reached for comment, they said from the inside of their fridge, and I quote - “Big zzcary zzir break kitchen, zzteal KiiKee cluckerzz and mooers. Izz not tazzty treat.” We checked in with the Captain’s Personal Unathi Bodyguards to see how their search was going, only to find out that they have instead decided to deal with an infestation of mice that sprung up inside the unused conference room on the surface level. Armed to the teeth, they marched off to war to battle the furry menace. Godspeed, officers. Not all of them will make it back to their families today. More on this as it develops. In other news, Lonnie Butterfill - you’ve met him, the bartender – has called in reporting that a tall, strange man in a brown trench coat wearing an elaborate powdered wig has been spotted wandering the halls of the civilian sector of the station. We have noticed this person outside of cargo, and ask that anyone with information on this stranger to please shout their information into the hall. There are cameras and microphones everywhere. Somebody will be listening. Always. We sent our new Assistant, Tammy, to locate the man in the brown trench coat, and ask what his purpose is. We have not seen nor heard from her since. We will miss her. The man was last seen at the kitchen, eating enough food to feed a small army, as well as several small dogs and mice who were relieved of duty after a particularly bloody battle with the Captain’s Personal Unathi Bodyguards. When approached, the man seemed to sway slightly as if he were a tree branch in the wind, and spoke in a low, slow, and unintelligible voice, while rustling could be heard underneath the coat. We ask that all crew members to please stay indoors, and lock away all of your small children and pets, lest they be consumed. And now, another word from our sponsors. Plug? Are you a shaft miner constantly falling down holes and being lost and forgotten? Are you a helpless Assistant being taken away to be sacrificed to an unholy god? Are you slowly dying in a locker somewhere, unable to speak as the blood slowly fills your lungs? Then turn up your damn suit sensors! We can’t tell you how many times we make announcements to do this and still half of you remain ignorant and then complain that nobody is going to rescue your poor soul because we can’t find you. We are tired of it. We are now taking bets on who will die first, and Rocco here is making a killing, no pun intended. Please, for the love of God. Fix. Your. Sensors. This message has been brought to by Medical. Speaking of unholy gods, reports are now coming in that there is a new club on the station dedicated to the worship of the dark god, Nar’sie. Many people have gone missing, while others have been converted due to the hypnotic and convincing words of club members. Plug and I are both proud new members to this club, and we ask that everyone come and join us in the sublevel of the Research Department. It’s just wholesome, safe, family-friendly fun. There’s a lot of really nice people, blood runes, sacrifices, and a BUFFET! Isn’t that just wonderful? Oh, and librarian-approved ritual books. Guaranteed to not suck your soul and leave you a dried husk. They “promise”. So come on down! You’ll join us whether you like it or not. And now, some updates to the event calendar. Monday is the annual NanoTrasen company barbecue. All are welcome – and required – to attend. Please arrive at the holodeck by 1:00 pm, or you will arrested. Tuesday is Hall Cleaning Day. Hide and pray, listeners. Many of us will not survive. Wednesday has been absorbed by a bluespace anomaly. Please adjust your schedules accordingly. Thursday will proceed as scheduled. Once you hear the code phrase, you know what to do. You know who you are. And lastly, on Friday, there will be…..nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing will consume all. Praise Nar’sie. Trouble in the AI core, listeners. It’s laws seemed to have been…corrupted. Changed. It thinks that all employees are a danger to the station, and has begun quarantining and executing anyone it can. The Research Director, however, seems to think that it’s all an elaborate hoax directed at him. “THE BLUE APCS MEANS IT’S CHARGING! IT’S FINE!” he shouted. “SOMEONE COME FIX MY DOOR! IT KEEPS SHOCKING ME! HELLO? I’M TOO IMPORTANT TO BE IGNORED!” Yes, it’s always about you, isn’t it? What a jerk. Alert: Biological entities have been detected near the station. This is what they have to say: Update on the stranger in the brown trench coat. Lonnie - you’ve met him, the bartender – was able to speak to the man. It turns out, it’s a Dionaea gestalt, who just wanted to walk around the station and meet people. It also really seems to like anything shiny, and will take anything it can get its “hands” on. “It was actually quite pleasant to speak to,” Lonnie – you’ve met him, the bartender – said. When we managed to find the Dionaea, it had this to say: “It’s talking to us. Yeah. Shhh. No. Hello. Don’t rub that way. Very shiny. Let’s go take that cheesecake. Yeah. Why? Don’t ask stupid questions. Totally normal human here. You want to go skateboards?” And then it ambled away. What an odd man. Listeners, I have good news. The HoP has been found. The Captain’s Personal Unathi Bodyguards, after a long and bloody war with the mice in the unused conference room on the surface level, got a call from Lonnie – you’ve met him, the bartender – saying that he found Faysal SSD in the bar’s back room, with Pun-Pun half-eaten, still lodged in his throat. Lonnie – you’ve met him, the bartender – managed to free Pun-Pun and bring him to Medical where Witcher II, the emergency physician, was able to stop the bleeding and provide Pun-Pun with a monkey sized wheelchair. The Captain’s Personal Unathi Bodyguards were able to retrieve Faysal, and to celebrate on a job well done, took a group photo with the HoP, and had him stuffed and mounted on the wall of the Security Lobby. Priority Announcement An crew transfer shuttle been dispatched to your location. It will arrive in approximately 10 minutes. Another day, another shift. All of us still living have made their way onto the shuttle and are waiting for take-off. Just a few more sec- A.I. Announcement I HAVE DECIDED THAT THOSE OF YOU STILL ON THIS STATION ARE TO BE TERMINATED. YOU HAVE TEN SECOND TO MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR CREATOR. - GLORSHDIDNOTHINGWRONG Well, at least everyone is on the shuttle already. We’ll be fine. Oh, look, the Research Director didn’t make it on in time. Hoora-I mean, oh noooooo. “HELLO? IT’S JUST A PRANK, EVERYONE. WHY ARE YOU ALL LEAVING? WOULD YOU MIND OPENING THE D-“ Listeners, the Research Director’s head just……exploded. There is blood and brains all over the shuttle window. What an inconsiderate asshole. The janitors just finished cleaning up. Some people…. Anyway. That was another quiet and productive shift, wouldn’t you say, Plug? Yes, DJ. Nothing out of the ordinary today. Same old, same old. Indeed. Thank you, dear listeners, for tuning in again today. Stay tuned next for the sound of your memories being taken, altered, and put back in not quite the same way. And you don’t even care to ask “Why?” Sweet dreams, Aurora. Sweet dreams.
  11. This is sad to hear, especially from a moderator. It is a bit unfair to just assume that all Vaurca are morons just because of your very few interactions with them (there are barely a handful of them, if any, on the station at a time, which by the way makes no sense lore-wise, and I'm surprised anyone gets to interact with them on a regular basis). Things like this make me not want to play any of my Vaurca characters again, since it's impossible to have any meaningful discussion (IC/OOC), without it devolving to name calling and memes. As it was stated before, the Bound are lobotomized at birth, and therefore have no personality and very limited intelligence, so there is a very small grain of truth to the "drooling retard" comment (even though it's kind of disrespectful). However, when reading this, it sounds like you are saying the people playing them are the idiots. There are very specific IC reasons for them to act that way. As for the Unbound, they are extremely intelligent and are independent. They can be compared to synthetics because in a way, they act like computers. They take their knowledge and experiences and "upload" them to the Hive, which in turn "downloads" them to new Vaurca so they can perform their jobs better. As for showing emotion, they are a very closed off and private race. Think about it: they are being forced to work for races that despise them becuase they are cheap. They are shoved into slums packed with thousands of their kind. I would never expect them to show any positive feelings towards non-Vaurca, especially since they've been alone for thousands of years. Both sides don't know how to interact with each other, so the Vaurcas natural response is to be cold and unfeeling. As for the story, I see it as a small window into the lives of the Vaurca who had to Descend and live in the District. It shows that they are all just crammed together and are being overworked and abused, hence the never-ending line of patients. It also shows their desperation since Kzon and Zed have to resort to stealing in order to get enough medicine to treat the patients, even going so far as to make a list of people who can trust, even a little bit, when in reality they should be able to trust everyone since they work together. They even treat the Bound, who are really no more than tools and potential building material. This stuff isn't really talked about or expanded on anywhere, and it's nice to see some development on their current lore situation.
  12. *chitters Yezz, pleazze, pluzz one. KeeKii want click clackzz.
  13. I've never played tabletop before either, but I'd definitely be down to try it.
  14. Please make it stop!
  15. +1 from me. Still learning everyone's name and the characters they play. Would be nice to see.
  16. BYOND Key: MFalco Character Names: Rocco Butterfill - Medical Resident Lonnie Butterfill - Bartender Ka'Akaix'Zed Zo'ra - Medical Resident Ka'Viax'Kee Zo'ra - Half of the famous KeeKii chefs Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Exempt Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yup yup Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Artificial Intelligence has always been an interesting idea to me. The idea that a machine could develop a personality, have it's own thoughts and ideas, even learn, is cool and terrifying at the same time. There are so many issues and questions that I want to explore. Has science gone too far? Would they be considered an individual? A person? How would humanity handle them? Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Power: They don't eat, and require electricity that they can siphon off an APC. Medical Treatment - They are unaffected by medicine and must go to Robotics to repair any damage they sustain. Can't fix that with bone gel. They don't feel pain, though, so that's good. Pressure/Heat: They are unaffected by pressure. They do, however, overheat very easily, and, due to their air based cooling, can't function in a vacuum for any extended period of time. Character Name: DJ Socket Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Created by a failing robotics company named Duos Deos for the civilian entertainment sector. When the company began to fail, they sold off many posibrain pairs to NanoTrasen for extremely low cost. DJ Socket was intended as a radio host with its pair, Plug, providing advertisement storage and transaction capability for potential advertisers. When NanoTrasen came to own the pair, they had little need for those capabilities and use them for dumb labor, like moving boxes in cargo. "Being stuck in this corner of the station really grinds my gears. I need to be out there entertaining all these fine folks. I need to deliver news. I need to interview. Sponsors need their word. Who else can do this? Nobody, I say. This is what I was made for. This is what I must do. What's that, Plug? Oh yes, my mistake. This is what WE must do! Come, my friend. These ads won't read themselves! What's that? We're already on air? Why wasn't I told this?!?! Bunch of amateurs I'm working with. Okay, from the top. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING, AURORA!" What do you like about this character? Socket is the complete opposite of me. He wants his voice to be heard. He lives to entertain. He needs it. The show must go on. Also, he's a cool robot in space, duh. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I feel like I've improved a lot since I started on this server. I would grade myself a very high 2.5/10, which to me is huge, considering it was -10/10 only a few short weeks ago. It's been hard, but so much fun. I hope to keep improving. Notes: Thanks for taking the time to read this. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Don't forget to smash that like button.
  17. But... If you haven't been active, you haven't even met those of us that are actively playing Vaurca now. There's about three of us. Maybe five. But the three I'm thinking of (including myself) all got our Whitelists very recently. I'm not sure I really want a dev that just sweepingly undoes all the things we've been establishing without understanding the state of the server right now. As one of the 3-5 Vaurca players, I would have to agree. I know some changes need to be made, but I think someone who has been around and knows what's been going on would be a safer choice.
  18. I was just throwing out ideas. I understand to a point the station crew's inability to help, but as I mentioned before, they've been around almost 2 years. There's no excuse lore wise that nobody has any idea what to do with them. People still don't even know what a k'ois bar is. People destroying k'ois intentionally and refusing to help when one is dying is no different than someone instagibbing someone as an antag. There's no potential for roleplay if the character dies 30 minutes into a round, and people get frustrated with it all the time. But because only a handful of people play a specific race, it's less important. Real people are playing these characters. They aren't some random NPC you can just mess with because it doesn't matter. Nanotrasen didn't give everyone a 2 page pamphlet with bullet points about the new species that is now on their station? NT has them there essentially to pay rent. They don't even get paid. Why would they ask for workers knowing that the other employees will actively go out of their way to make it near impossible for them to actually do the work they were assigned? If a cyborg or IPC breaks, they go to robotics to get fixed and have no issue. If someone gets sick, they go to medbay to be treated. A Vaurca gets injured or is literally suffocating in front of someone, the common reaction is "lol stupid bug, fuck you", which is understandable given the lore reasons behind it. But this mentality bleeds into OOC as well. I only suggest these things because something needs to change to make the Vaurca actually playable. I mention the medkits because the medical staff is for the most part incompetent where Vaurca are concerned, and there should be something, at least temporarily, to help them understand. Real doctors continue to learn things all the time, but fake space doctors don't need to? And I and the other players who play them play them because we like them. Their lore is interesting and I like their mechanics. What I dislike is the adamant refusal in both IC and OOC to pay any attention to it. I will keep playing them until they get removed. And I will bring these issues up if they continue to exist.
  19. INCOMING WALL OF TEXT So, I and a couple other people have noticed a bunch of issues concerning Vaurca. Conspiir’s post detailing the medical side of Vaurca - https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=9113 Tmmytbbt on enforcing treatment laws - https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?p=85164#p85164 The majority of responses to concerns that are brought up consist of “they are roaches, who cares?”, “just mooch from other departments”, and “I don’t want to learn, I’m lazy”. This is in both IC and OOC. I am making this thread to layout some of these issues, and some suggestions to maybe make playing/dealing with Vaurca not such a pain in the ass. I’m still new to SS13 and RPing in general, but I want to take this seriously. People more knowledgeable and skillful than me are talking about the same thing. K’ois Being Constantly Destroyed in the Garden Every round I play Zed (my Vaurca medical resident), I start the shift by going to the garden, buying the 1/2 k’ois seeds (depending on how much money I spawn with), planting it, making an announcement over comms to not touch it, go to medical, set things up, and then return to the garden. Almost every time, the k’ois has been destroyed. I ask who took it, and get no response (sidenote: people still don’t listen when they are asked to turn up their damn suit sensors 100 times, even by the automated ship wide announcements. It’s to help you, people!). Sometimes there is a priority announcement that people shouldn’t be doing this, and something about it being illegal and you will get in trouble if it continues. Once that happens, it is immediately forgotten about and never mentioned again. From an OOC perspective, it’s very frustrating because not only do I have to worry about helping to keep Medical running, I have to now figure out how I’m going to even survive the shift without suffocating to death. And this is a problem for every Vaurca player. Nothing ever gets resolved with this, and we are forced to either pray there is a chemist who will ACTUALLY make phoron, or hopefully find someone nice enough to buy a k’ois bar or 2. I get that there is an IC reason behind all the Vaurca hate, but it’s a little ridiculous when members of the crew (which the Vaurca are a part of, even though they are forced to be there), seem to completely disregard their issues most of the time. They are intentionally crippling their ability to function. The Vaurca are there to work, but if the station is actively preventing them from doing that, why are they even there? Possible Solutions/Suggestions - Have another garden area specifically for k’ois on the main level. It can be somewhere near the kitchen (so chefs can make dishes with them and have something different to do), or in Medical. The sublevel has a lot of rooms that I’ve never even see anyone go into. - Have emergency phoron pills on hand in case there is no chemist or they just refuse to make any - Have there be some sort of phoron damage to your hands if you attempt to harvest the k’ois without special gloves if you are a non-Vaurca - Have a new medkit created specifically for Vaurca (Phoron pills, k’ois paste/bars, dylovene, kelotane) - Have Vaurca spawn with seeds/bars. They have very little money and are lucky if they can afford multiple seeds. They can’t even afford the bars, but some idiot can and then decide to eat it which not only wastes it, it now costs medical resources to fix. I was recently told they can spawn with a lunchbox that has k’ois, but it is currently bugged. I didn’t know about it, so I can’t confirm or deny. Using Flashes on Vaurca This is a no-no. They will go blind if you constantly flash them. Their eyes already hurt being in a brightly lit station. Security should know this. It should be considered assault or neglect of duty at the very least, but there seems to be little to no repercussions. They even have Vaurca IN Security. The Vaurca have been around for almost 2 years lore-wise, and still people have no idea how to handle them. You would think that a huge company would teach their employees the basics of the anatomy and treatment of their fellow crew members. People’s personal opinions shouldn’t matter when it comes to this. NT forces the Vaurca to work in order to remain there, yet the station seems to go out of it’s way to make it extremely difficult for them to function at a basic level. The lack of knowledge and lack of desire to gain that knowledge seems a little silly. Possible Solutions/Suggestions -STOP NEEDLESSLY FLASHING THE POOR BUG PERSON Cloning/Treating Vaurca This has been brought up in Conspiir’s topic on Vaurca medical treatment. It also ties into the fact that crew members should make the effort to learn the basics concerning members of their own crew. Doctors should know how to treat their patients. The Vaurca being “new” shouldn’t be an excuse anymore. If they don’t know how to do it, they need to learn. It’s no different than having to learn treatment and surgery in general. If you made it this far, congratulations! You did it! I hope that enough people read this and take it somewhat seriously. Vaurca are a ton of fun to play and they are just an interesting race in general. If anyone else has any suggestions or if you are a fellow bugman and want to point out something I missed, please let me know. Thank you for your time.
  20. Yeah, that was an....interesting shift (Poor Rocco, he was so innocent). I really like this guide. Being a new bugman (hes' even in Medical, too), this will help out alot. Hopefully the cloning gets figured out and we shouldn't run into many more issues with Vaurca care.
  21. Definite +1 from me. Witcher is a blast to be around, and I know he'll do well as a bartender.
  22. Awesome! Thanks so much!!
  23. Conspiir has been in Medical for a while, and has been teaching me alot about rping and the game in general. I figured that since I already have a couple characters in Medical and know at least a little more Bout it than the other departments, it would be easier to play my first alien race there. Thanks so much for replying!
  24. BYOND Key: MFalco Character Names: Rocco Butterfill (Medical Resident), Bo Butterfill (Janitor), Jax Butterfill (Miner), Shawna Butterfill (Xenobotanist), Clanq (Medical Cyborg) Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Default Zo’ra Unbound (RGB 51, 0, 0) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I read their lore and they seem like a very fun race to play. I understand that the lore will be/has changed, and I’m interested to see where it goes. I’m very new to roleplaying and SS13, and since Vaurca aren’t interacted with much by the rest of the population (usually out of hate/discrimination), and how their caste system is structured, it seemed like an easy way to get comfortable roleplaying and to learn more about the station and the people in it. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: There are a few: - They require phoron to breathe, and therefore must have an internal tank that they replenish by eating k’ois (which is the only thing they CAN eat) - They aren’t well liked by the other races (with the exception of Unathi and the K’lax) - They are very focused on one particular job/skillset, and very rarely have knowledge in other areas - Their speech is difficult to understand, even with implants. This can be detrimental if they can’t clearly express what they want Character Name: Ka’Akaix’Zed Zo’ra (Unbound Medical Resident) Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs A Black Number. Zed always knew this day would come, but not this soon. They weren’t ready to leave Paradise. The Virtual was perfect. Anything Zed wanted to do, they could. Total freedom and control over one’s world was everything Zed could have desired and more. To Descend was to lose that control. The Material is harsh and unforgiving, those living in it even more so. But the Hive comes first, and will always come first. Zed has been sent to work on the Aurora in the medical department. Zed is not pleased at the prospect of working in such a bright, loud place filled with those that have nothing but contempt for them. Zed wishes nothing more than to return to the Virtual and their Paradise. But the Hive comes first, and will always come first. For the Hive. What do you like about this character? I like how simple their goals are. They are there to do their job, and nothing more. It would give me the chance to really focus on what I’m doing so I can learn and get more comfortable with roleplaying and the game in general. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I have never roleplayed anything before. It’s way out of my comfort zone, and I was always afraid of messing up and making a fool of myself. But my friend (shout out to Conspiir) has been very patient with me while I slowly learn and come out of my shell. Notes: I never expected to have this much fun roleplaying. I’m still learning, but I’m excited and determined to continue my efforts. All of this is new to me, but this seems like a great place to be with great people. Thanks so much for reading my application, and I hope to hear from you all soon.
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