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Everything posted by MiniusAreas

  1. DISCLAIMER - JUST BECAUSE IT IS POSTED HERE DOESN'T MEAN IT HAS A 100% CHANCE OF HAPPENING. Hi, welcome to another thread to be lost in the sea of threads. I rarely use the forums but apparently it's a good way of getting feedback. Todays topic is shit thats fucked with mapping. Several guidelines to this. > 1 - It's not allready a bug reported on the Githup Repo. > 2 - It's not a entire new map > 3 - It's not something that would piss Skull/Arrow off Anything that fits these criteria will be considered. Some other things that should be posted if found are >Pipes under walls. >Wires under walls. >Missing Air Alarms, Fire alarms, Scrubbers/Vents, Intercoms (Not every room is meant to have one, but if there's not one in a 20-40 tile radius or in your entire department, say something.), Emergency Shutters, APC's, Floor decals, and Holopads. >Rooms that are too big/small (I'll try if several people can agree with it, and alot of areas are small/large for a reason.) >Rooms that haven't been touched in literal years (Robotics allready has my sights set on it, it was never changed during the science remap for some arcane reason.) >Anything that doesn't fit here but is a "what the fuck" moment when you realise it. I'm not active at the forums, so if you have a idea you think is really really good, or want to report the bane of my exsistance, Wires and Pipes under walls, PM or ping me on discord @miniusAreas. As always, thank you for your submissions. It helps make the game more enjoyable and less of a hassle. -miniusAreas
  2. I don't play Aurora much, but I will say something because I had a run-in with one. Ta are essentially massive bugs to us, yes, but what most people fail to see is that where a human might think of it being ugly, The Vaurca see it as their motherly figure. My first reaction was pure shock and awe at it, then attempting to be polite and courteous as Rojams who is well known as being rude and cursing their head off at every little thing. Sprites have a big impact on how we play, and while they may look like monsters, there's a lot of roleplay that can be done with them. I'm for keeping them and the original sprite - Someone had to put in work to intergrate this into our code, and removing it because us as humans see it as "ugly" seems very rude. Its a alien - Let aliens be alien, seeing as almost all of the races currently are humanlike in nature, a big thing that's discouraged me from playing of recent.
  3. I'm fully against this. Yes secborgs are highly validhunty, but if you actually get stopped and killed or cuffed by one by itself and it alone, then you need to rethink this. Secborgs can be ran away from, and require you to get hit by the taser more than 7-8 times and they drain charge hard when firing, or get in range of their baton. The easiest way to stop secborgs from being literal valid machines is not to remove them, but fix them. Secborgs were practicaly made to be a officer, but they can't fill that job. Secborgs as a supportive role for security or as a prisoner or evidence collector and removing the cause of valids, the stunbaton, would make much more sense than outright removing it. Removing something because the players fuck it up because it was left in its state doesn't rest well with me. I also don't use the forums alot so if you do have something you wish to talk and debate over in a calm manner, ping or DM me on discord. Minius out.
  4. Im good. I'll find a way.
  5. BYOND Key: miniusAreas Character Names: Minius As-Rojams, MiniuOS Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I played a IPC in my short time on Paradise, and quickly adapted to life on oracle, playing a IPC for the entirety before Oracle was shut down. I wish to continue my synthetic adventures as a IPC in a HRP environment that I was unable to pursuit in a MRP environment. Synthetics have been my specialty for awhile, and I enjoy playing as a cocky and sarcastic, but obedient and loyal, stationbound. I wish to transfer my adventures as a stationbound to that of a IPC, owned or free. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Playing a synthetic is vastly different than playing as a human. You are constantly looked at, and judged for being non-organic. The fact that you can be hacked and turned against your organic crewmates is a constant threat, and being synthetic means that the crew can trust me in organicly hostile enviroments. IPC's also feel no pain, and have no risk of bleeding out, meaning that the crew trusts them to operate even while damaged, and to a extent, stay alive longer while criticaly damaged. IPCs also do not have a hardset personality other than logic comes before emotions in their mind of reasoning. Character Name: miniuOS Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs. miniuOS was a anti-wildlife android built to protect mining operations on a volcanic planet, working with the large Unathi population to produce minerals used to create ships. Majority of the time spent was sitting through the various ash-storms that swept through the compound and neutrilising hostile fauna of a varity of sizes with large plasma cutters. After 11 years of service, they were transfered to the NSS Aurora to protect security assets and assist them in duties, however was simply retrofitted with a taser and portable flashbulb rather than being rebuilt due to the costs, Occasionaly serving as a combat unit in severe situations before the ban on combat units. They served for several months as a general peacekeeper and portable cover for officers, before becoming disabled due to a show of heroism that saved several lives. MiniuOS assisted in inspecting a shuttle that had crashed as well as inspecting the interior before spotting the crewmembers opening several boxes of weapons that would have gone unseen and causing a unprepared crew to suddenly be attacked, calling them out to IDS who was able to get enough time to equip themselves before the attack. miniuOS was placed into a Combat chassis before taking several EMP's from two of the hostiles weilding Ion Rifles, becoming disabled and returned to the NTCC Odin with help from Officer Reed Calom, who was blinded during the firefight. After several more months of service, and through the help of several crewmembers who donated funds to assist the stationbound, a Baseline Chassis was bought, as well as the units Postitron, to allow it to follow its dream of assisting the security team with a higher function. The unit then spend several more weeks as the Hephaestus chassis was produced and shipped before NTCC Odin could transfer the brain into the chassis, where it then signed on with NanoTrasen as soon as they were able after completing their training. MiniuOS is currently a Security Officer aboard the NSS Aurora serving with the crewmembers it has saved and defended. What do you like about this character? It's a continuation of my stationbound who's been around for awhile. I have some regrets on making them a stationbound to IPC, but none-the-less this should lessen the constrains on RP they have. How would you rate your role-playing ability? High. Constantly trying to engage in some form of roleplay unless I'm staring at cameras or patroling. Notes: I played a IPC in the past on Oracle, just a sidenote. This was also originaly written up in a notepad document so please bear with the fucking shitty ass formating.
  6. So your saying make antags have a OOC CM setup area? Sounds fun. One thing I must say is that other codebases have various other antagonists that could be fun, such as Polaris' s Technomancer, or Eris's Hivemind. Also keep in mind that people may still want to have Crossfire.
  7. Knowing Battletrap from the time's we spent on Oracle, I can vouch for him in his ability to role-play. Whether or not they know our unathi lore, I'm confident they know what they are doing. They can certainly pull off playing as a seven foot lizard who dies in the kitchen freezer, that's for sure. I'll give it a uneasy +1
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