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Everything posted by Kerbal22

  1. Foe Hammer was back in the fight. Her shields were down, allowing the eight quad railguns to fire. She only had those, and a few doubles still online. The Valiant was a floating wreck from the Antimatter explosion, and Foe Hammer was the last Hegemony ship still at the battle.. She was outnumbered 28:1. But she was still fighting, despite mortal wounds. Lasers, rail-guns, and missiles filled the space between the bioship fleet and Foe Hammer. "This is Captain Zephyr.I don't give a shit what you are, we need all the help we can get at the moment." A low rumble sounds over comms. "Draw some fire off of us, the armor is thick but it won't last forever." Foe Hammer was truly taking a beating, and dishing it back out. Minutes later, several Bioships broke up and exploded, but Foe Hammer's days were numbered. A bright flare from the aft of the ship signals the fusion engines, at-least one of them coming back online as Foe Hammer heads towards the gate, her guns still firing. "If you can, be ready. We're about to nuke the gate." She closes the comm-link and sighs. They had one operational torpedo tube. She had to make it count. DAMAGE REPORT MANEUVERING DRIVE ONLINE, 12 OF 24 MANEUVERING PODS ONLINE ION DRIVES ONLINE FUSION ENGINE NO.2 CRITICAL AND OFFLINE MASS CANCELING FIELD GENERATORS OFFLINE HULL DAMAGE UNKNOWN 18 OF 24 DOUBLE RAIL-GUNS OFFLINE TORPEDOES LAUNCHERS MINIMALLY OPERATIONAL: 1 OF 8 ONLINE 14 OF 18 MISSILE LAUNCHERS OFFLINE 4 OF 6 ION CANNONS OFFLINE FIGHTER LAUNCH TUBES OFFLINE SHIELD GENERATOR ONLINE, MASTER CAUTION, SECONDARY CAUTION ANTIMATTER REACTORS ONLINE. CORES 1, 4, 6 EJECTED ZERO POINT ENERGY MODULE OPERATIONAL, SECONDARY CAUTION 90 CREW UNCOUNTED SENSOR SUITE OPERATIONAL, MASTER CAUTION, SECONDARY CAUTION, DAMAGE CONTROL SUITE OPERATIONAL, BEGINNING DAMAGE CONTROL Status: 15% Combat ready. Damage status: Immediate repairs required.
  2. Kerbal22

    Milo's Rants

  3. Foe Hammer drifted listlessly in space, alarms wailing, Captain Zephyr stood back up from where she had been knocked down after the Antimatter warhead had hit. Comms were a mess, the fleet was in disarray. The gate..it was still under Hegemony control, thankfully. She glanced at the damage control board. which was broadcasting a mess of red over the screen and into the dim lights of the bridge. Emergency lighting. The AM/M reactors must have been knocked offline. She quickly walked over to the damage control board, redirecting all repair drones to the ZPM and AM reactors. The ship wasn't out of the fight yet. "Vessel Orpheus, we read. Most of our systems are critical and we're not being fired apon, earliest ETA to our ability to provide any fire support is in twenty minutes, we'll have some missile launchers and quads back, maybe a nuke ready to fire if we're lucky." She sighs quietly and cuts the comm-line, opening a ship-wide channel. "All crew, report in." She had, in total, eight tactical officers, nine engineers, and eight fighter pilots left, it seemed. And a doctor. "Engineering, get me an ETA on power and engines." "We need atleast ten minutes for each." "Redirect as much power as you can from the shield generator to railguns." "Aye aye, Captain." She slumps down into her chair. She didn't notice the pain in her left arm, when she looked over at it, it was at a odd angle. Broken. "Huh.."
  4. *nids*
  5. -1 (note that my opinion might not matter, but it's my 2cents) Susan is often..belligerent. Rude, and generally not that friendly of a person. She also seems biased to me from past experiences which she refuses to let go and has tried to twist against various others. In other words, i'd like to see her ability to deal with others improve before i can even begin to support giving her any more power than she already has. Susan has also used information from other communities (i.e baystation) and past experiences from those in order to accomplish various ways of twisting things into her light. I will not start an argument of what exactly, since this is just my two cents. She also fails to understand that people change their ways eventually, and is fairly uncivil in these matters, as demonstrated on the old forums on the character complaint against me. In short, no. I can't support this.
  6. +1 Screamed as Mac-Alpin as a Irish CE and he promptly shut up.
  7. Sol Invictus means "unconquered sun" in Latin..
  8. Foe Hammer crawled towards the Tau Eta warpgate, leaking atmosphere and fuel, the ship still damaged after Durias had been destroyed. Hegemony Central Command had gone dark. There had been no word was to what was going on aside from the plague of bioships encroaching upon Tau Eta. Foe Hammer approached the Tau Eta warpgate, in the midst of it's own struggle as the bioships attempted to capture and secure the gate, the way to the rest of the Hegemony space. "Captain, thirty cruiser-sized contacts around the gate, we're getting an FTL reading..it's the Valiant!" "What? The Valiant? Impossible.." "No, sir. It's been making double-time from Sol, it seems." Captain Zephyr watched the holoscreen impassively as the Hegemony cruiser emerged from the gate, the very same class of Foe Hammer. She sighs quietly. "Ready quads and doubles, all that are online, load radio-logical rounds. Bring our broadside to bare and open fire with everything we have." "Aye aye, captain." "Coming about." She watched the holoscreen asFoe Hammer sluggishly manuvers, and a low rumble hits the ship as fire from the Bioship horde hits Foe Hammer's armor, easily being absorbed and taken care of as the battle rages on around them, and a tremble hits Foe Hammer as all it's operational railguns go online and fire their deadly payload.. Sudden, alarms wail though the ship. "Report!" "Anti-matter warheads incoming. Anti-matter reactors 1, 4, and 6 destablising." "Eject the cores, begin evasiv-" Captain Zephyr didn't get to finish that sentence as an anti-matter warhead struck Foe Hammer, annihilating a majority of it's armor, and leaving it adrift. DAMAGE REPORT MANEUVERING DRIVE OFFLINE, 0 OF 24 MANEUVERING PODS ONLINE ION DRIVES OFFLINE FUSION ENGINE NO.1, 2 CRITICAL AND OFFLINE MASS CANCELING FIELD GENERATORS OFFLINE HULL DAMAGE UNKNOWN 24 OF 24 DOUBLE RAIL-GUNS OFFLINE TORPEDOES LAUNCHERS OFFLINE 14 OF 18 MISSILE LAUNCHERS OFFLINE 6 OF 6 ION CANNONS OFFLINE FIGHTER LAUNCH TUBES OFFLINE SHIELD GENERATOR ONLINE, MASTER CAUTION, SECONDARY CAUTION, COOLANT WARNING ANTIMATTER REACTORS OFFLINE. CORES 1, 4, 6 EJECTED ZERO POINT ENERGY MODULE OPERATIONAL, SECONDARY CAUTION 90 CREW UNCOUNTED SENSOR SUITE OPERATIONAL, MASTER CAUTION, SECONDARY CAUTION, OVERHEAT DAMAGE CONTROL SUITE OPERATIONAL, BEGINNING DAMAGE CONTROL Status: 5% Combat ready. Damage status: Immediate repairs required.
  9. Floating... So clear...floating on nothing...in the endless void... In these last few seconds..i am serene.. RECORD BEGIN Name: Artemisia Zephyr Age: 28 Date of birth: ERR Affiliation: None known. Employment status: Employed aboard the NSS Aurora. Nanotrasen standing:Opposed. Marital status Single. Mental Status Unknown, presumed stable, possible PTSD. END RECORD BEGIN VIDEO LOG "I see it over and over again. The last moments of my life as i know it. The last breath i would take. The last beat of my heart. I see the explosion of my fighter in slow-motion, as everything i had ever known was annihilated in a single moment. My life, my love, my passion." "Everything i had ever known, was gone in that one moment..and then, i was." "There was no pain, no great sorrow or regret.." "There was....nothing. A lone woman sits in a bare chair, it was once a nice office chair, but it appears the ravages of time have taken their toll on it, leaving it bare scraps of what it once was. She leans forward slightly, a leather jacket on her shoulders, black. "Death is a strange thing." "Of all the times i had died..i never really..died, per-say. I was in limbo. I never remembered the times i died, but when i died..i remembered everything from my past deaths. "It really is strange. There is no pain, nothing, just..one moment you're alive, and the next? You're atoms floating in the void. "Call me crazy, if you want." END VIDEO LOG Artemisa heard ringing in her ears. Why were her ears ringing? Why did she hurt so much? So many questions, no answers. She opens her eyes, to the harsh light of the medical station aboard Freeport Delta. Oh Deities, the light hurt, and she tightly shut her eyes. Everything hurt. Every part of her body. Why won't the ringing stop? Why..do i feel so tired? It's..so easy just to go back to sleep..But i can't. Why can't i? It's so..warm..and nice here.. I think i'l take a nap.. In reality.. Artemisia had been cloned. She was a bad grow, but they couldn't terminate her and do it again. She had a hard end. Last one in her squadron to go. She was up against a frigate in a damaged fighter. In the end, she disabled it, but at what cost? Her life had been the cost of disabling that ship. The entirety of her squadron was waiting on the news. Would she survive or not? None had a clue. And then she went into cardiac arrest. Instantly, it was like a fire had been lit in her room, alarms rang out, wailing across the vast section on the station that was the medical bay, doctors rushing to and fro, within seconds, someone had grabbed a defibrillator. A sharp whine fills the room. "Clear!" Her chest seized and her muscled tensed, forcing her torso upwards in a momentary contraction as the voltage surges through her body. "No pulse, O2 levels falling. Get adrenaline into her, now!" More beeps and and wailing alarms fill the room. "Doctor, we're losing her!""Goddamnit..raise the power on the defib, max.""What? You're insane-""Just do it already!" "Clear!" A sharp, loud whine fills the room, and Artemisa's chest bucks and jerks, then collapses back onto the hospital bed. For several tense moments...nothing. Not a peep. Suddenly.. ..beep...beep...beep...beep.. "O2 levels rising..heart rate climbing." "Damn. I never thought that would work.." "You've not been on staff as long as i have, Nurse." Voices. People. Vague images. Who are these people? What are they doing? Why did they wake me up? Just..let me sleep.. ...beep...beep.....beeeeeeep..... Several hours had passed in that instant that Artemisa was vaguely aware. "Doctor! She's flat-lining! Fast!" The Nurse rushed into her room, followed by several more doctors and other aids. "Goddammit Artemisa, don't give up on me now!" Another sharp whine, and then her chest contracts. Nothing. "No pulse, administering adrenaline!" "Clear!" beeeeeeeeep...beep..beep..beep..beep..beep..beep..beep... "O2 rising. Heartbeat stable at 92BPM. "She's a fighter." "That, i know, Nurse. Monitor her constantly, don't let her out of your sight. Why...won't..they...let..me..sleep?! Hours passed, she didn't flat-line again. A day later, she awoke. Ringing. The taste of blood on my tongue. More ringing. Noises. She gasps away, bolting upright and jerking a tube out of her arm in the process, before looking around, her eyes wide. Infront of her, the doctor that had saved her life. "Where..am i?" "Calm down, Artemisia, you're in the medical bay." She sighs, paling slightly. "How did i go this time?" "You disabled a frigate which had killed your entire squadron." "Atleast i took some bastards with me.." "You should get some sleep, Artemisia." As he says that, a sudden drowsiness comes over her, and she slips into a deep, darkness that only sleep can bring. Meanwhile, in the Command Bridge aboard Freeport Delta.. "You can't just let her go!" "I can, and i will, and i am." "She's one of our best! We need her!" "How many times has she died in that medical bay? How many times has she given her life for us all? It's time we let the poor girl go. She will be honorably discharged with all credits and pension. A week later, Artemisia was leaving Freeport Delta, destined for Tau Ceti.
  10. Several months before A-31, several high-grade bioships went rouge, and created a "colony". Later, they began attacking human colonies for genetic stock, for our genome so that they could grow and expand, Tau Eta is a fringe system, really, contact with Earth is rare. The reality is, all of the Hegemony is dealing with what's going on in Tau Eta
  11. Foe Hammer pulled into the massive asteroid that composed Durias shipyard, after walking away with it's tail between it's figurative legs, the mighty cruiser at soon at rest, and surrounded by equipment. Little did everyone in the yard know that soon, Foe Hammer would be disabled, damaged, and the asteroid yard itself annihilated. "Comms, open a channel to Durias control, alert them we're home." "Aye aye, Captain." Soon, Foe Hammer was docked inside the asteroid, and it seemed, if for a moment, all was well. Hours passed as Foe Hammer's massive anti-matter reactors cooled and shut down, leaving her running only on auxiliary power. Captain Zephyr sighs softly. The duration that she would be on Durias was her only leave, she would finally see her lover again, and oh, damn did she need it. Unfortunately. She wouldn't get that. Before anyone on Durias knew it, a antimatter warhead impacted the asteroid, cracking it in half, a great roar of alarms and the sound of the asteroid itself coming apart shook everything inside, instantly, Foe Hammer was damaged. Not disabled, but damaged. Without power or shielding, she only had minimal maneuvering power. As Hedaemony quick response ships closed in on Durias, their foe came into view. The alien race that would come to be known as the Usa-Taru Massive bio-ships now filled the space around Durias, trying to smash the yard apart and get to the valuable prize inside. Foe Hammer's armor had great chunks carved from it, but was still sealed, engines, shield emitters, FTL generators, maneuvering pods, all damaged, but the heart of the ship, the Zero Point Energy module..was still active. It could run shields and engines, nothing else. And so, Foe Hammer left Durias with one engine and quite a bit of damage, making a straight run to the Eta Tau gate at sublight. It would take hours. But her intrepid Captain was still aboard. A-31 had caused this. "This is Captain Zephyr of Foe Hammer. Durias Shipyard has been lost. We have a code Zeta situation, i repeat, we have a Code Zeta." The invasion of Tau Eta had begun, and reinforcements from Sol..were not going to be there. For a long time. DAMAGE REPORT MANEUVERING DRIVE DAMAGED, 18 OF 24 MANEUVERING PODS ONLINE ION DRIVES OFFLINE FUSION ENGINE NO.2 CRITICAL AND OFFLINE MASS CANCELING FIELD GENERATORS OFFLINE HULL DAMAGE UNKNOWN 8 OF 24 DOUBLE RAIL-GUNS OFFLINE TORPEDOES LAUNCHERS OFFLINE 6 OF 18 MISSILE LAUNCHERS OFFLINE 3 OF 6 ION CANNONS OFFLINE FIGHTER LAUNCH TUBES OFFLINE SHIELD GENERATOR ONLINE, MASTER CAUTION ANTIMATTER REACTORS SHUTDOWN, SPINNING UP ZERO POINT ENERGY MODULE OPERATIONAL 86 CREW UNCOUNTED SENSOR SUITE OPERATIONAL, MASTER CAUTION DAMAGE CONTROL SUITE OPERATIONAL, BEGINNING DAMAGE CONTROL Status: 45% Combat ready. Damage status: Immediate repairs required.
  12. Zephyr stares for a moment. She had her hands tied. It seemed like she would have to let the damn smuggler get away. "Damn you. Leave. Go. You're a damn idiot if you don't understand what the fuck you have in your hold when a fucking hegemony captain is telling you." "Beware if pirates come after you, the Navy won't help your sorry ass." She cuts the channel with a venomous glare. "Helm, set course to Durias shipyard, full speed. Comms, alert Durias we're coming in for our retrofit." Foe Hammer's fusion drives glowed and spouted bursts of fire as her fighters docked again, and soon, there's a bright flash of light as the ship accelerates to FTL, leaving the area as fast as possible.
  13. Captain Zephyr stared hard at the man on her holoscreen, anger on her features. Would she really tell him what he was carrying? The only way was to vent his hold, she could track the rad tracer on the Ripper prototype. It was in what appeared to be a cargo hold. She sighs quietly, hovering her finger over the button to systematically annihilate the smuggling ship with railgun rounds. Just a push of a button away. She glances off screen for a moment, looking at her crew. Her family. "You really don't realize what you're carrying, do you?" "What you have in your hold isn't just an Anti-matter nuke. It is a Ripper Collapsed Antimatter Warhead. And if you detonate it, you know what it will do?" "It will kill everything from here, to Sol. One hundred and eighty light-years of destruction. Billions dead. That, is why i advise you hand that nuke over to Foe Hammer. Hell, i'l even pay you for it. One billion credits." She sighs, resting her face in her hand for a moment. Tough choices. Command would give her hell for this, but she would save lives. Billions.
  14. Zephyr's eyes widened, but she them smiled. A anti-matter warhead? One of the few that had been stolen? In Sol, they were common..out here, not so much. This was not expected at all. She sighs quietly. "You understand that before you can detonate that we'll have you trapped in our FTL fields, correct? Directing the blast out, harmlessly, into space?" She smiles, letting that sink in. The planet wasn't her concern. The Antimatter nuke was. Fortunately, it wasn't exactly top priority, Foe Hammer's safety was. She was due for a refit with a militarized spinal rail-gun..meant for cracking asteroids, but it could crack small moons in half. "So, you see, if you detonate that nuke, the planet, and everyone on it will be fine. So will Foe Hammer. You, however, will not. Now, you can safe that AM nuke, and hear me out, or die for nothing. You didn't even hear the last part of my offer, did you? You would be paid." She sighs quietly, and with a flick of her wrist, all eight fighter-bombers are upon the Brahman, circling it like vultures would a dying animal.. Of course, the captain was lying. Her FTL fields couldn't enclose the Brahman at this range. Nor would Foe Hammer survive. Or anything else within a light year. That wasn't just any Peacemaker. That was a Ripper Type Collapsed Antimatter warhead. A very insult to Einstein himself.
  15. All was not well, 95,000 kilometers from the rocky, barren world known as Darun. A Anti-Smuggling operation had been searching for a prize, and oh had they found it. They were spec-ops. Top of the line. Everything they had was the best of the best, at-least, inside the Hegemony. Before the Brahman knew it had been detected, several high-grade police corvettes were powering towards the ship, paying zero attention to stealth. They're closing at 4,500m/s, and a shot flies past the Brahman and explodes not but 100 meters away, those police craft are shooting to kill. Before the police craft know it however, Foe Hammer enters orbit of Darun. Those are not police forces as it seems. They're pirates. Very, very rich pirates. They belong to the Zulu Consortium, one of the more prominent pirate gangs in the Tau Eta system. Foe Hammer's fighter-bombers deploy, going after the police corvettes and totally ignoring the Brahman "Attention Brahman, this is the Captain of Foe Hammer, Captain Zephyr. If you think your activities are unknown, think again. Now, You can either face charges, and be killed. Or, you can do a special, abeit dangerous mission for us. Don't think about running. We're bigger, meaner, and faster than you." Just as the Captain says that, there are numerous target locks onto the Brahman, but no fire.
  16. What it says on the tin.
  17. Foe Hammer's captain watched impassively as the wreck of the Andromeda floated by, still burning from the wounds she had sustained during the brief battle. Hegemony frigates were strong, but not invincible. Foe Hammer had slowed and stopped and commenced SAR operations, and attempted to salvage the wreck of the Andromeda, and suddenly the bioship lights up on their sensors. A tremor of panic grips Zephyr, a memory from the A-31 conflict flashing to her mind. So many dead because of rouge bioships... "Hail that ship." "Channel open." "This is Captain Zephyr of the Foe Hammer. You are to leave the pods alone or be destroyed. Leave, now, bioship." "Close the channel, lock quads on them. If it tries anything, fill them with radiological shells." "Aye aye, Captain." Shortly after she gave the order, Foe Hammer's eight quad railguns rotated and targeted the Acetes, but not firing.
  18. Foe Hammer hung in space for a moment as it approached the battle outside the asteroid. The fury of the battle, lasers, railguns, and missiles being exchanged, and for a moment, space itself seemed to be on fire as a Hegemony frigate went up in flames of plasma and death. "Captain, the Andromeda is down. We're picking up lifepods." The captain of Foe Hammer, Captain Rose Zephyr, nodded. "Dispatch recovery craft, provide covering fire, open a channel to the pirates." "Channel open, Sir." Captain Zephyr paused for a moment before speaking. "Attention pirates, You are to stand down and prepare to be boarded." A chorus of replies from the pirates come in, mostly telling her to put various objects into her rectum. "Close the channel, fire at will, Tactical." Space itself seemed to collapse in upon itself as a fury of projectiles reached out from Foe Hammer and smashed into the Pirate flotilla, reaving hulls and crews apart in the scant few moments, flashes from the Foe Hammer's rail-cannons, vapor trails from missiles, and massive plumes of fire from torpedoes, creating something of a laser-show as Ion lasers flickered out from the ship and disabled shielding, within minutes, the battle was over. Foe Hammer crawled away, slowly, but surely. The cruiser represented the sheer power the Hegaemony held, it was one of twelve. Just one could annihilate a small asteroid sixteen times over.
  19. AKA: The game where those FUCKING Yaks shoot down your bombers. (fucking rammers) In reality: War Thunder is a Arcade/Simulation game hailing from the same people who made Il 2 sturmovik, with planes varying from WW1 era, to WW2 era planes and into the Vietnam war.
  20. >CONNECTION ESTABLISHED: ERROR, UNKNOWN RECIPIENT PROCEED? Y/N: Y >LOGIN: Spearhead >PASSWORD: ******************** >ACCESS LEVEL: INITIATE NET ACCESS GRANTED WELCOME, USER. Operative Spearhead now accepting contracts. Safepass: The Stars are bright Safepass response(if safe): Like a shining knight. Safepass response (if unsafe) The waters are murky.
  21. Story time! The year is 2140, and everything is well in the GLORIOUS Terran Hegemony. Or so we think. In reality, the Hegemony is falling apart. Worlds rebel every day, rebellions are put down daily by the massive cruisers controlled by mind-implanted Hegemony troops, keeping them (safely) under Hegemony control. Unfortunately, the constant rebellions and the general cost of running an empire is stretching the Hegemony's resources quite thin, leaving most sectors (read: non-core sectors) lawless and without support for months at a time. Warlords and pirates reign supreme, despite the attempts to keep them from rising up, entire systems have been taken over, and while there are not shortages of them, the Hegemony likes to keep control over assets they have put billions of Terran credits into. And so, on the day the Terran Hegemony Privateer Act was announced by the Grand Senate, and shortly then passed with no votes against it, the Hegemony began to commission privateers, to act as a form of navy. Vessels of all kind, from retrofitted cargo ships, to small frigates joined the fleet, simply because it paid quite well. Unfortunately, you and your crew have gotten on the bad side of this navy in the local system (read: Tau Eta) So, you're wanted criminals, yes. But despite being wanted by the navy, there are still plenty of routes for you to take and earn a fortune from. Rarely, you'll have a chance to FTL to another system, via the system's warp gate(s). Due to the nature of Warp travel, information is destroyed while traveling through them, at-least, electromagnetic waves are distorted heavily, meaning that communications between systems are rare and expensive, due to the nature of Quantum Entanglement technology, and it requires several weeks for the messages to arrive to each system. Civilian grade FTL systems are uncommon, having a low-grade mass canceling field makes you a prized target for pirates. The ultimate goal? Survive. Live. Thrive.
  22. WORK. IN. PROGRESS The year is 2120, Humanity has reached for the stars, massive fleets now rule the trade-lanes and all is well. Or not. In reality, that's what your Earth Hegemony information tablet provides, but that's all propaganda to keep control over the masses.. Welcome, to the first fall of man. Will you survive? Will you eek out a existance on some asteriod? Or muster the bravery required to captain your own ship and make a name for yourself? Will you fight, and go out like a supernova? Or hide, and die a coward? The choice is YOUR choice, and YOUR choice alone. Welcome to Sol Invictus, folks. Where the galaxy is yours to voyage, or die in, either one. In this RP, you will Trade, Fight, die, Run, or all of the above. You will design a space-ship and each action taken shall be calcuated by myself using various methods. All terms on your ship MUST be realistic, such as movement speed in meters/second (m/s) or the energy yield of weapons in joules or megajoules, things like that. Example design: Human Battlecruiser, ESN AAC-CVN1-22 "Foe Hammer" L-H-W 120m 88m 56m Engines are specified as high impulse low-thrust Ion drives with advanced manuvering capabiltiies, relies on 24 manuvering pods located around the ship. Inter-planetary engines are CAR-V1 Fusion Engines using fusion reactors not suitable for power production. The ship is equipted with Mass-Canceling fields for FTL travel between systems, able to reach a theroretical 55x SoL rating. Ship is equipted with heavy Titanium internal armor, 5m thick around the hulling and crew sections. Armor is rated as 7m thick Titanium-Iridum Alloy, coated with energy-dissipating spray. She is armed with 24 double-rail railguns and eight quad heavy railguns armed with Radiological, Hull-Penetrating, Explosive, and normal slug rounds. She is also armed with eight guided torpedoes, current stores at 128 conventional and 38 nuclear. She has 16 rotating missile launchers that are able to move around the hull via tracks, reload time is 40 seconds per salvo on each podule. Missiles are guided and non-nuclear. She is fitted with several powerful anti-energy shield ion guns which are perfect for disabling energy weaponry aswell, but do no damage to hulling. She has a complement of eight "Tornado" fighter-bombers, each carrying nine interceptor missiles, 88mm autocannons and 2 nuclear bombs, unguided. The ship has heavy, omni-directional energy shielding with the downside that she is unable to fire with her shields up. She is powered via eight Anti-matter reactors and a single ZPM module for the shielding. She has a crew of 120 men and women, all human. Her sensor suite can target ships upto 1 million kilometers away. She has inbuilt damage control bots and machine shops, able to replace anything on the ship. All special features must be approved by me or your actions will not be counted, and you will be ejected from the RP.
  23. BYOND Key: Kerbal22 Player Byond Key: Floorface II Reason for complaint: Generally being a chucklefuck in OOC, annoying the living crap out of people on the server, and generally being an angst-y teenager that's trying to fight the power. Proof: https://www.dropbox.com/s/73i25mxk2m2cwdk/log%202014-10-19%20%2812%2003%20pm%29.htm?dl=0 , look before OOC was muted. EDIT: To be clear, i'd like for at-least a talking-to with Floorface II, and at most a warning.
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