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Everything posted by Kerbal22

  1. Doesn't really work like that, Join the server and then we'll get that taken care of. OKAY, INFORMATION TIME. Sign up and apply for a account here http://tectumclementia.proboards.com/ Post a character application. Now as for factions, there is my faction, Red Wolf Mercenaries. (very long history with the server.) Technologically advanced and currently making a return to the sector, RWM has become somewhat involved with the other factions like the Syndicate States. Nope. Nevermind. Load of duce-canoes, they are. Why don't we start our own server?
  2. Oi, oi you twats. Stop trying to pick a server without my expert advice. I have been around the Star-made community a while. Currently i suggest Tectum Clementia. It's decent and is heavy RP, i know from experience.
  3. I wasn't present during any of this, but this seems like a classic case of friends before work. Must i remind people that this is a PROFESSIONAL, SECRET RESEARCH STATION. You are here to WORK. Not fuck around with your friends and abuse your position. Bellard might be an ass, yeah. Expect that in a working world. On a space station. You should not take petty arguments to such an extreme that you end up attacking someone, or outright committing a crime simply to get revenge on them. I mean, if someone pulled this shit IRL, they'd get jail time and lose their job. Why in the fuck is it acceptable in a video game?
  4. Alexis curls up in a corner, rocking back and forth with fear in her eyes. "W-Where the fuck am i? W-Who are you people?" she asks, her voice deathly quiet. There are large gouts of her "flesh" carved away by the light, though, they appear to be slowly regenerating.
  5. Alexis's vision blurs as more horrible pain overwhelms her, causing her to stumble, but recover as they finally reach a building, and she hurriedly crashes inside, the soothing darkness healing her tortured body.
  6. Alexis can barely keep up as she's dragged along by Gideon, already she can feel her strength sapping, having to use all of it to keep herself from withering under the assault of photons from the star the planet orbited.
  7. Alexis gulps, her eyes widening in fear once again as she's forced to chose between death or pain. Looks like it's the pain-train for her as she reaches out and grabs Gideon's hand, her "skin" instantly starting to let off steam and overwhelming agony hits her, causing her to stumble against Gideon.
  8. Alexis did not dare leave the shade of the tree, it was painful. Very painful. "Are you..insane?! It'll kill me! Bright light, that is!" she exclaims, waving her hands around like a angry Italian to prove her point. In truth, Alexis was scared absolutely shitless, from suddenly being in direct sunlight to hearing that thing roar.
  9. Alexis had found shelter under a tree, a rather small one at that, and she looked about wildly. "Where in seven hells am i?!" she exclaims, looking around, barely any details actually visible aside from a pair of amber eyes.
  10. Name: Alexis Corvus Age: 1,000 Race: Trans-material positronic entity (Shadow, is effectively a 3-d shadow. Appears black in light, extremely photosensitive, although Alexis has tamed her photo-phobia over the years.) Fears: Bright lights Likes: Dark caves, buxom women. Dislikes: Light. Short Backstory: Alexis was watching a pair of buxom women coo over a drunken patron, attempting to steal what little money he had, and gave a silent chuckle. The Shadow was impersonating the shape of a mug against the wall, having entered the house of ill repute earlier that day for a little of her chose entertainment. Alexis's early life was...odd, to say the least. Born in the center of a star that had just collapsed, she floated in space until happening upon a planet the inhabitants called "Earth". She soon learned of not who she was, but rather, what she was. She was a literal shadow, and one of her first memories, happening upon visible light and feeling the horrible burning of it contacting her, she had grown somewhat immune to it over the years due to constant exposure, and rarely took her actual form of a buxom female, usually shifting around as the shadow of various objects. She suddenly found herself in the middle of..somewhere. And in bright sun-light. This caused her to let out a screech of pain, scrambling for any darkness there is.
  11. ~@WhiteRose~Shit. I just found out that accidentally screwed a guy that did a live autopsy. Goddammit.
  12. www.star-made.org -From the website StarMade is a voxel-based 3D sandbox space shooter. Play in your own universe or on a multiplayer server to create, discover, destroy, customize, and design your own worlds. Since i'm at classes right now, i'l post some pictures of my builds when i get home.
  13. Kerbal22

    The List

    HERE'S KEEERBAAAAAAAAL Rarely played: June Rose - Somewhat dim Engineer with a affection for anything with the same hair color or female. Misha Rei - Albino medical character i rarely play. Victoria Lucian - Blue-haired Engineer with social issues. Miranda White - Random medical doctor. Evelyn Keppel - Random Engineer. Moderately played: Odyssey Holiday - Literally "Doc Holiday". Usually dis-regards the no-smoking signs all over medical. Partner of Vladimir (insert russian last name here) Nysa-Novias Cygnus - Crazy irish engineer chick, recovering drug addict, partner of Oliver Stefan. June Nykon - Veteran Engineer with a penchant for yelling, usually organizes repair teams and is stone-cold in terms of partners. Most played: Asus Rose - White dyed hair security officer who is stoically depressed about being stuck in security. Katyusha Sigrun - 45 year old Mechatronic Engineer who fought in two wars and then retired peacefully to pursue her love of mechs. Has a severe genetic defect which causes her eyes to have formed improperly, requiring her to use a pair of goggles to see.
  14. It's already a part of my character, yo.
  15. Because i wanted a planet of my own invention and don't want to change a major part of one of my characters?
  16. Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System): Planet Founding/Settlement Date (if applicable): 2386 Region of Space: Rim Controlled by (if not a faction): Independent Other Snapshot information: Griffon VI is a small, mars-like world located on the Rim of Human space, featuring a mostly breathable atmosphere with a few noxious components, and a active magnetic field. Long Description: Griffon VI is a small, Mars-like world located on the Rim of known space, featuring extreme temperatures, ranging from 90C to -10C, a mostly breathable atmosphere with a few noxious components, and a somewhat active magnetic field which allows for some life of simple cyanobacteria and protozoa. Colonized by a ship full of intrepid people looking to make a fortune out in the void, Griffon VI has a single city and several outposts, plus various mining outfits. The capital city is called Fortune, and the outposts are nameless. Griffon IV is otherwise unremarkable aside from the vast wealth of He3 and various Engineering corporations located on in the capital city, and a small majority of all He3 that is used in the planet's local area around the Rim is mined there, and since the planet is also rich in Deuterium, it is a ripe candidate for testing and construction of fusion reactor assemblies, since the fuel is cheap and plentiful. Several heavy engineering companies laid their claim here, Olympus Heavy Engineering, Halcyon Reactor Construction, and Bullock Assembly Conglomerate.
  17. Foe Hammer continued to make way to Sol, having given Red Winter orders to patrol and maintain the sanciltiy of the Tau Eta system, the destroyer would not be back for a long time, perhaps..never. There was no telling for now, as the news from Sol was mixed at best..
  19. I fucking love Factorio. <3 Roboports. SO FUCKING USEFUL!
  20. Captain Zephyr flicked a button to open the hangar bay. "We have a non-hostile bio-ship leaving the hangar, they assisted at the warpgate. I repeat, they are friendlies." She says over comms, soon having a package of one billion credits waiting for the captain of the Red Winter to accept and transfer, and soon after Acetes leaves the hangar bay, the bright flash of FTL fills the area for a moment, before only the blue-shifted ghost image of Foe Hammer left behind
  21. Captain Zephyr sat poised in thought, things had calmed down, and she had changed into proper clothing in the meantime that things had occurred with a slight tickle at the back of her head alerted here that there was a contact about to come out of FTL, very near Foe Hammer, still being on edge, she did the logical thing. All guns that could be brought to bear were, and the ship's shields were brought up, along with the ship being brought to red alert. Klaxons wailed throughout the ship as all of the surviving personnel rushed to battle-stations, as the Red Winter exited FTL, suddenly being confronted with one angry Resolute-Class Battle-cruiser. "Get me a scan on the make of that ship, i want to know every detail." "Aye aye." Moments later, the comms officer spoke again. "It is a Andromeda Corporation Erandius Light Cruiser, it appears heavily modified. No sign of bioship materials on it." "Hail them." "Channel open." "Attention Red Winter, this is Captain Zephyr of Foe Hammer, you caught us at a bad time, but you couldn't have come at a better time. " "By the Hegaemony Privateer Act, i am legally able to pay you one billion Hegaemony credits in order to guard Tau Eta and act as a interim naval unit." "If you accept, we'll be leaving for Sol in two hours. If you do not, you'll be targeted until you leave the Perimeter zone." She waves a hand off screen, cutting the channel off.
  22. FSC Red Shirt
  23. I am jealous. I'm sitting here with a off-brand ACER monitor from 2011, a off-brand Chinese mechanical keyboard (it's actually very good quality.).. And a Logitech G600 mouse. Onto my rig. x1 AMD A10-5800K Trinity 32nm 16GB of DDR3 RAM running at 665Mhz (need to figure out why the frequency is so low.) A ASRock FM2A88X Using a Raedon R7 200 Series while i await a DVI-to-VGA adapter.. 128GB ADATA SSD 1TB Western Digital Caviar Blue 7200RPM HDD And Windows 7 Ultimate.
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