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Everything posted by Conspire2Ignite
So I may have done something I promised myself I wouldn't do. Wow, what a great way to start out this post. But yes, here's the next group. The Day Started Out... And then... it got... Next up, some people hate their jobs! A Peaceful, Relatively Dramaless Break Pet Adoptions Days of Our Aurora WOO! POOL PARTAY! There you have it. I take no responsibility for anything. I sit back and I watch. I have noticed things seem to happen more when I'm not hovering over that family. So I'm trying to jump around quick fast and hurriedly while still snapping what pictures I can. Worried about the direction your character is going? It's a dark path for us all. I suggest appealing to Void with sacrifices of puppies. May the odds be ever in your favor.
Going along with this, please give cyborgs the ability to unbuckle themselves. Being trapped in the bowels of maintenance while there's a drunk guy staring you down and everyone else is awful /busy/ isn't fun.
Well, it started with griefing in, I believe, the kitchen. Then a virus infecting, at ZipZero's count, 15 people in medbay. Then it escalated. And then we went down and Covert's newscaster thing was a no-go.
Kay Lee was poured over various drawings on a wobbly wooden desk. The drawings were crude and covered in scribbled Mandarin characters. Most featured a large egg shape with various circles attached, some labeled "Cannon?" and others labeled "Engine?" The small wastebasket was filled with crumpled sheets. "Faster than light...," Kay mutters in Mandarin. "There isn't. Not possible without... stasis. But movement. So no." Kay had heard the news earlier while on-station. But now, at home, was the only time to dig deep into how it could be possible. An engine with a fusion drive but no faster-than-light travel. The ship must have come from uninhabited space, else it would have been spotted before entering the Tau Ceti system, right? Perhaps there's a way to jump large sections of space instead of moving straight through it? A system like that would require a cooldown. And depending on the intensity, it could also rip space. Kay wasn't as concerned with the beings aboard. It was how they got here that was important. Kay takes a moment to stretch, looking around the small studio apartment. To think, a ship unseen before is floating through space, right now. What Kay wouldn't give for the chance to tear it apart and put it together again. Enough dreaming. Figure it out. Kay returns to the drawings, the words echoing in the walls.
First and foremost! Our three new ladies! I tried mah best with Ana Issek. Kitties are hard. But the hardest part was picking a hairstyle because I know none of the ones I have are what Issek needs. Plzdontkillme. (She has a tail... Yay?) Also, Nia's facial scars were fun. Now to get started on the story. Also, you apparently can't spoiler inside of a spoiler. This saddens me. Hold on tight ladies and gents, because MUCH INFO, SUCH SPOILERS. ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE. We start out the day with Jamison and Miracle. The Adams Family Vittorio and His Evil Lair of DOOM Roy and His Amazing Conquests (Oh, yeah, there's Conservan, too) Robinson and Synder Everyone Else Crowning Moment of the Day AKA How I Laughed My Ass Off AKA If You Read Nothing Else on this Post, Read This And there you have it. If you read the whole thing, good on ya. If you skipped some bits... You might have missed a damn good laugh
I spent today moving everyone to a new town. Yay! Unfortunately this means the relationships that had begun to bloom are lost. Aw. But this at least puts everyone so far on even footing. That means all these girls get a crack at Roy, too! Mods are something special, you know that? Not moderators, no no no. Well. I guess them, too. But I mean modifications. To the game. I can make anything happen with the wave of my hand. Top of the business ladder? No problem. Vittorio's every doctor's boss (until they climb up there and DRAG him from his throne)? You got it. Spawning a Simbot? Easy as pie. Now... making a Tajaran? Challenge accepted. We currently have 21 characters in the world. Eight men, twelve women, and a Simbot. In other news, Lirivien's new house is something special! Precious and semi-precious stones, just lying around her backyard. Of course, she didn't profit from this. It was all donated to science! But I suspect she may need a RIPLEY...
I.. I... Huh? Okay...
I'm baaaack! This time with a nice new group! I didn't mean for Stamos and Kifer to... with the whole getup and... IT JUST HAPPENED. And now I'm just going to roll with it. They're roommates. Woo. Conservan has also been moved in with Roy. Daniela and Eira also live together over in the "Medbay" part of town. I don't know why. These things just HAPPEN. And then of course there's this. Which almost made me fall out of my chair. In other news, the world I chose for this has a small problem. Well, a bigger than small problem. It's missing a bridge. Yeah. The world is set up where all the public stuff is on one side of the river and all the residential stuff is on the other side of the river. And it's missing the bridge between the two. So. I have to figure something out about this. I might be able to find a solution, I'm not sure. All else fails, everyone's going to be packed up and hauled off elsewhere.
Conspire2Ignite Kay Lee - That Engineer. You know, the one with the ellipses and a love of chocolate and a questionable gender. Scarlet Kent - That Psychologist. You know, the one that asks the weird questions and hates her job and has a twin. RONI - That Robot. You know, the one that is seen and heard and forgotten.
Let me know what I can do to fix it. I don't have many hairstyles because CC is a bitch, but I might be able to find something else. Um... no? I just kind of picked what shoes went with her outfit. Hers isn't the same scrubs-and-labcoat as the other two girls. I can change it if you'd like. Onto other news. I just moved everyone into houses. Shit has already started to happen like holy fuck. So what about everyone else, hm? Is Vittorio just biding his time until he finally steals candy from an unfortunate child? Will Hunter denounce Leo as a person because he associates with someone as unpopular as Eira? Will we ever see any Balds? Stay tuned for more developments!
~Social Screeching~ (IC Shoutbox/Twitter)
Conspire2Ignite replied to a topic in NanoTrasen Public Network
~@KayKay~ Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! I didn't have to com in to work to daaaay! Happy birthday to me! I staid home and ate a hole chocolate cake all by myself. Best. Birthday. Ever! Kay Lee -
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm proud to present Aurora. Or at least the beginning of it! I've got the first eight given to me all finished! Take a look see! So time for Funnies! When I started making Roy, the randomized setup was a Bald. I laughed. You should laugh now, too. When I was making Delta Vee, I noticed the only pair of scrubs were in pink. I almost left it. But the man's been through enough. When I was getting ready to take the lovely group photo, I realized I only had poses for females. I hurried to find more, but the selection for males is slim. So. Hunter and Leo are both doing Charlie's Angels poses. I am terrible at female faces. It's not pretty. They're not pretty. But I think if we keep the camera far enough away no one will notice. On the agenda for tomorrow: Move these first eight into houses and start on the new batch! Of course, tomorrow's the day I volunteer at a church to giftwrap presents for the underprivileged. So I may or may not get around to it.
So I had a brainwave. Let's make a Sims 3 family about our Aurora characters! And then I shared this brainwave. And now I'm attempting to see if I can populate an entire WORLD of them. You people. I won't be controlling much. I'll have the free will on high, bouncing from family to family with story progression on and taking pictures. And of course, posting them here. Wanna see your character in the world? I need a few things. Name! Very simple. Looks and outstanding features! Maybe a general sentence or two about body and face. Let me know if there is some sort of tattoo or hooked nose or something. Job! Want 'em to have a job? Let me know which one! If not, they'll be unemployed and a drain on their family! Sure! Traits! Not as simple. I don't have all the expansion packs, see. The ones I have are as follows. You can pick UP TO five. You don't have to have five, but you can have no more than that. ALSO! Is there anyone you want to live with? Or just live alone? That's fine if you want to live alone, I have plenty of empty houses to fill! So there you have it. Now I'm off to test if my computer can handle the intensive Sims 3 anymore. It used to, but I haven't tried in a while. Fingers crossed!
What can YOU make the Construction Area?
Conspire2Ignite replied to Conspire2Ignite's topic in General
I would just like point out how there is alcohol in both of your pictures. -
Let's see... Kitties: I like Houssam. On the surface, a rather upstanding member of society. Underneath, he's now a mafia man. A real two-facer, that one and somehow you know you have to be on his good side. I haven't had any interaction with Buthaynah, so I can't say. Samantha: I wasn't around when Sam first started, but even in the time I have been with Aurora I've seen changes. I like how she sticks to her guns and keeps to her principals, regardless of what others say. Life can't always be about taking the easy road. Sometimes you have to work to better yourself. Even in the future. I hope. Turtleman: I am going to smack him upside the head. No, I am going to make a violent character and THEN smack him upside the head so I won't be angry at myself for not keeping it IC. Best stick to Diona, because this station needs more plants. Eddie: I recall Eddie, I think. Once or twice. Gosh, I wish I could remember. I feel bad. So bad. Maybe get him out there more? Out in the world? Hanging out in medbay for a short rest or getting a drink at the bar. We might cross paths. And for myself... Kay Lee. You may discuss what you like.
What can YOU make the Construction Area?
Conspire2Ignite replied to Conspire2Ignite's topic in General
That is a kitchen knife and a foam dart crossbow. ... We were reenacting Romeo and Juliet. Like the bored little engineers we were. -
There are times when Engineers don't have anything to do. What do engineers do when there isn't anything to do? Replace chairs They mess with the Construction Area! This'll be a place to post pics of whatever you make out of the Construction Area during a round. Can't wait to see what you guys make! Check this one out!
~Social Screeching~ (IC Shoutbox/Twitter)
Conspire2Ignite replied to a topic in NanoTrasen Public Network
~@KayKay~ Chaplin push me and kicked me too day. He got clawed by Tajahrens. My heroes! Kay Lee -
Conspire2Ignite's Dionaea Application
Conspire2Ignite replied to Conspire2Ignite's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I added another paragraph. I decided to take it very slow on how long it took to achieve the degrees and residencies. Seemed like having a Diona take an equal amount of time as a human was a little off. Let me know if there is anything else I can fix. -
~Social Screeching~ (IC Shoutbox/Twitter)
Conspire2Ignite replied to a topic in NanoTrasen Public Network
~@KayKay~ The vice that talks to us broke today. Meteors and radiation and eon storms and a lot more happened all at once. It was scurry. p.s. I found the spellcheck! Kay Lee -
Wer6's skrell application
Conspire2Ignite replied to Wer6's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Wer takes any and every opportunity to roleplay, even in antag roles. I shake with anticipation to see how Wer will pull off an alien race. A great addition to the growing squishy army! +1 -
~Social Screeching~ (IC Shoutbox/Twitter)
Conspire2Ignite replied to a topic in NanoTrasen Public Network
~@KayKay~ Not at work. Called in sick. Im dieing. Kay Lee -
Kiwidaninjas Skrell app
Conspire2Ignite replied to Kiwidaninja's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
[Repeats generally what was said above] It's different. I bet you twenty credits you can pull it off without hassle. A rich-boy Skrell in Lesbay would certainly be an interesting dynamic. +1 -
We had a project in class to create a brochure/pamphlet on an area of our choosing. Our restriction was that it must encompass 4 areas of whatever topic we chose. Other students chose sports or a career field or something completely dull. I turned to Aurora (like a nerd) and made this in 45 minutes. Sorry for the blurriness. Couldn't find a way to fix it and have it all still fit. For those unfamiliar with the reading of flat brochures... Read page 1: Far right, far left. Read page 2: Far left, middle, far right Read page 1: Center