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Everything posted by Conspire2Ignite

  1. Conspire has just got this game. Conspire is a total noob. Conspire also sometimes has mouse problems that makes it impossible to look around or shoot. Conspire is going to stay a noob for a while if these mouse problems are not fixed.
  2. I was taken hostage by two nuke ops, Kat and Dragon, after some clever evasion culminating in a staredown at the bridge. As a Diona, I was severely injured by lasers set to kill (fired by Kat) while myself and the operative stood in the bridge. I was handcuffed, buckled to a chair, my stuff taken, the usual. Dragon shuffled off for a while and I was just left with Kat. Well, I managed to unbuckle myself. For my efforts, I was rewarded with a fire axe hit to the face without a word. Okay. Don't escape then. Noted. I was dragged to the corner. I get to my feet (Diona healing is useful, but I was still critical from the burns), take a step towards the operative (while still handcuffed and unable to do anything), and get hit several times with that damnable axe and decapitated. Kat did not speak a word to me the whole time I was their hostage. Prior to, I was told to get on the ground. When I did not, I got lasered. *shrug* Okay. By all means. Hostage resisting being a hostage. But set to kill? When I asked "So, what is your plan with that ominous-looking nuke three feet to my left?" I didn't get a response. Overall, I'm generally not dissatisfied with dying as long as I feel it contributed in some way. This... did not feel satisfying.
  3. This makes me... exceedingly happy. We need more of this. Just fun, small parodies that put smiles on faces. Rather like we did for Christmas with holiday songs.
  4. I would love to turn EmPrESS. But I'm never a nuke operative when they're around. Hmmm........ Thoughts forming in my head.......... As for me, take the Uranium from Flames Licking Wooden Tile. Right from his grubby, grubby hands. Pull it right out of his mouth. I fucking dare you.
  5. That meteors never come from above or below the station. What even IS above the station? Nothing ever comes from the ceilings. Do we HAVE ceilings?
  6. Diona have only one style, I might add. It would be amazing to have a pointy mohawk of twigs or longer vines or something to prove all Dionaea aren't identical.
  7. The thing about nuke ops is that they aren't just Joe Schmo that the Syndicate cobbled together. They're supposed to be Brothers. They are supposed to be a team working together for a cause greater than themselves. Leaving behind the dead to return to base alone, fine. There's no saving a dead man in the clutches of the enemy, not unless you're more-than-slightly suicidal. But leaving behind your still-living team is dishonorable and is likely to get you shot when you report in. You can spin whatever tale of "Oh, they diiiiied" but all it takes is a glance at the ship's cameras screen to know that your teammates are still alive and floating in space somewhere. Not to mention them cursing your name over the comms. Someone earlier in the round asked if they could be a double agent. Like the nuke ops don't have enough to deal with when the entire security force, crew, and possible ERT is against them, let's plant an opponent right on their laps, too. That being said, you don't have to like the people you're working with. If you and another agent have a little "nemesis" thing going and you two happen to be paired up to go onto the station... Well, let's just say, I would find it amusing if you two had an exchange where you cursed each other out and one shot and killed the other, then blamed it on the station's security. But not every round. Not even every other round. Because if you do something too often, it starts to annoy people. If your MO every round is to do "this" or "that," it gets upsetting. Just something to keep in mind.
  8. Silver chassis + Red Screen = But we love Centurion anyway.
  9. There would also be the prospect of some well-liked characters being shipped off to the war effort. Not to mention our alien population may get uneasy with the Sol Alliance starting to take such power. Whose to say their homeworlds aren't next? I think giving the server one big goal to work towards is a good idea. Many little goals surrounding a storyline is a great one.
  10. If it doesn't seem too tangential, can I ask why the detective was in space with the handcuffed suspect? I understand the airlocks were forced and they were both sucked out alone, but... why was the detective there? Not at the brig, preparing to question the suspect. Not with the CSI, making sure that evidence they already collected was up-to-snuff. Why was the detective in a hardsuit at the mining asteroid when there are capable security officers (perhaps moving slowly, but that happens sometimes) there to make the arrest? Was this not Sue's choice, to be there in that dangerous situation as a detective and not an officer? If the detective is given the leeway of an officer, why spawn them with a lethal weapon when they can just get equipment from the warden like everyone else? And I would raise my hand, Skull. In fact, I'd go one further and say I would change intent to hostage taking. If that doesn't stop him, then you fire, he gets a brutal infection, and he dies in space unless he turns himself in.
  11. OOC mechanics of being shot at with a revolver as I understand them are as follows. OOC mechanics for shooting are also extremely accurate. There is no "Damn, I missed" or "My hand is shaky, I couldn't hit him." It's almost a guarantee you'll hit where you shoot.
  12. Alright. The way I see it, there's three options. A) Sue was justified in lethally shooting a fleeing suspect. All security will be allowed to do this in the future. B) Sue was not justified in lethally shooting a fleeing suspect. No security will be allowed to do this in the future. C) The answer is somewhere in the murky middle. Perhaps justified in shooting but not lethally. Perhaps justified in shooting only because guilt was almost certain. Perhaps justified in shooting for x, y, or z. Some sort of circumstantial justification occurred. Whatever the answer that is decided upon, I will help to that end. But I will act on antags and security and anyone else that may pop up equally. That was my aim when I talked to Sue. If an antag shot a fleeing hostage like that, we would be expected to talk to the antag and tell them that was wrong because of roleplay reasons. So, if it is okay for security to shoot escaping suspects with lethal intent, then nuke ops can shoot escaping victims with lethal intent, no remorse or intervention for either side. I know I have a habit of seeing things in black and white. To me, what is good in one situation must then be good in all situations of similar type. This is creating one big double standard.
  13. Alright. I was going to reply last night, immediately after I saw this was up. Then I thought to myself, "Conspire, you're annoyed. Go to sleep." I ended up writing this over the course of the day. I started just shy of noon, when I was still hungry. Saved this, turned it off, and took a walk with my lunch. Then I came back and wiped everything but the bare facts and started again. It's now half-past three. I feel like I've written an essay for my English AP class. But, it was asked for and I deliver my story unapologetically. I will preface this by saying I was not watching the entire time. I'm not the omniscient Big Brother. I was actually in-game. What I knew of the situation came from those that were commenting on it and some of the mod logs I received. Every time I saw "Canon35 has logged out," I always hissed in sympathy. It was happening pretty often. I knew something was going on because MrImATool kept saying in LOOC "Hold on, he's disconnected" or "He fell SSD again, hold" or something to that effect. But I couldn't keep my eyes on every log as it happened. I'm getting better with noticing things, but it's taking time to learn if what I sift through should be placed in "IC thing" or "Accidental" or "Wait, what's that!" My understanding of the situation is as follows: Imraj Brar the Changling killed the HoP Michael Tool. I know of no other victim. I believe Brar killed the HoP with the use of a toolbox. I know the HoP was able to fire a few electrodes after a bit of fumbling. Tool said he was having some great RP, despite the fact Canon's potatonet was being extremely rough. Canon's 'net even cut out as they were fighting, but all action obviously had to come to a pause as best as was able. Anyway, the HoP ended up dead. I know the HoP's body was dumped into a disposals chute on the asteroid. Tool was even making jokes about it. I don't know how security found the body. I don't know about any evidence they have surrounding that. Apparently there was something about fingerprints? I don't know. We received an ahelp that the airlocks/firelocks at the mining outpost were acting up. I aghosted over. I had no idea what the hell they were doing and said as much to the other mods and admins, to no response. But the firelocks pulled back finally and I stopped aghosting, figuring the mechanics situation had righted itself and it was no longer a concern. Now I did not catch this as it happened, but afterwards during the investigation: Enkas handcuffed Canon while he was SSD. That was investigated by Tish at the end of the round. My understanding is, Brar was told to drop and he did. It was actually SSD. I don't know if Tool said via LOOC "He's SSD" that time or not. The end result was they had the suspect handcuffed, mission accomplished for security. Except not really. Because Brar attempted to escape somehow. I won't lie and say I know how, I'll leave that to their sides of the story. All I know is suddenly there's logs of Ana shooting Imraj repeatedly. Not once. Not twice. Not even a "Shit, I had it still on the head target, let me fix that" amount of times. Maybe six or so? However many it takes to blow someone's head off with a revolver when they have a hardsuit helmet on. You can say American law allows a police officer to fire on a suspect. I can say that British law only allows it if the suspect is an immediate threat to an officer or civilian. (My Criminal Justice teacher was pretty opinionated about his school vs cornfield argument: Is the felony suspect heading for the middle school? Fire. Heading towards miles of cornfield? Hold fire, call for backup because you have no reason to believe he is an immediate threat.) Brar was handcuffed. He was in space. Reasonably, there's no reason to assume Brar would even survive if he ran off. He has a limited supply of air. Realistically, if he jumped off the asteroid into space, it's more likely he'd be drifting until he ran out of oxygen or was pulled into the gravity of a planet or star and died. Now, we all know it's more likely he would eventually hit the station. But how would anyone there know that? We throw around the word "meta" an awful lot. A lot of things we take for granted are "meta" but we don't actually see it that way because just how stupid are we expected to pretend to be? Brar was still a handcuffed suspect with a limited supply of air in a vacuum. He was no threat to anyone in his current state. And he was killed for it. Not only killed, but as a changeling, permanently killed. This isn't the Code of Hammurabi with an eye for an eye. Though, if we're quoting real life laws, I'm rather fond of those ones. Had some good ideas, for being relatively primitive. This use of extreme force raised my eyebrows. It raised Tool's eyebrows. It raised Scope's eyebrows. Tish said Ana was within her right to shoot because the asteroid is an uncontrollable environment. I can see how that argument can be made, except for the whole "Handcuffed. In space. Limited air" thing. Meowy said "That's just Sue." It's the second one that worries me. When I was still relatively new to Aurora, I saw Ana Issek go into the Operating Room and shoot the doctors and workers inside. I was horrified. I didn't know how she knew those people were dangerous or deadly or somehow a threat. Or how she knew everyone in the room was worthy of lasers to the face. Sue, you scare the shit out of me. I kind of cower every time you speak. I avoid your character on purpose because I'm afraid of what you'll do to me. I didn't even want to be the one to raise up this issue because I thought you would claw me in the face. And that's a problem. All this talk of "open community" and "friendly to new players" and here I am, been here several months now, and I'm afraid to hold a civil conversation with another player. We talk to antags every time one of them goes over-the-top. Every. Single. Time. But it's something that goes unseen. Fades into the background. Security needs to be held to the same standard we hold our antagonists to. Just because you wear a badge does not mean you are always right. Because you have a lethal weapon does not give you the right to use it. And that goes for both sides, antag and security. Security has the added pressure of NanoTrasen's reputation. Imagine that. Front page of the Tau Ceti Daily, "Tajaran Officer Off the Rails! Shoots Handcuffed Suspect! NanoTrasen Under Pressure!" So what have I accomplished here. Reading over it, looks like a whole lot of nothing. But I guess that's because I think it was kind of silly this was brought up in the first place. Yes, I do believe we need to have clearer regulations regarding the use of force. In fact, it would be a great thing to go into "General Orders" that Skull's been whipping up. But I don't feel like I personally wronged you in some way, just as I know you aren't making this complaint about me personally. If we step back from the controversy of this entire incident, I gave you a warning for lethally shooting someone in the head and asked you to think before you shoot. Not checking where you're aiming? That's not thinking before you shoot.
  14. The thing on the left is the mining drill. New mining thing. Very useful. And uranium is radioactive. Kills the average fellow, but Diona are healed by radiation.
  15. Got more ambitious this time. But no uranium walls, here. You wouldn't believe how scary the other engineers and security got when they saw me taking down those walls.
  16. Diona hideout in the Construction Area! ... With only one Diona on staff at deadhour.
  17. Reporting Personnel: Silent Bee Crushed in Hand Cadet Rank of Reporting Personnel: Cadet Personnel Involved: Jade Rathal that Security Officer Time of Incident: All the time Location of Incident: Space Station Security Lobby Hallways Everywhere and over the headsets Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty [X]Harassment []Assault []Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident: They called us names a Tree. We are not a Tree. We are Silent Bee Crushed in Hand a cadet a Diona, not a Tree. Every time we see that officer the human Officer Rathal, they yell at us and say "Hey, Tree" or "Shut up, Tree". We tell them to stop a lot many times. They don't. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: James Crimson, IAA Additional notes: IAA also fax a report. Made another to be sure. Humans can make mistakes. Things can get lost. We want this to stop. We hate won't can't work like this.
  18. Flames Licking Wooden Tile - Has less problems with thinking, more problems with getting out their thoughts. - Doesn't speak more than 3 words at a time, in any language. - Will stop what they are doing to follow a fellow Diona and refers to the other Diona as though they were an extension of themselves (a collective "We," resulting in some confusion by third parties). Radek Sykora - Is a geneticist with focus on plant genetics over human ones. - Has an accent that gets thicker when stressed. Silent Bee Crushed in Hand - Is actually made of seven distinct voices. Yes, seven. On average, there are about four voices debating (or processing) at a time. However, the other nymphs are always listening closely, leading to them stopping coherent movement when processing (resulting in flailing). Just as an aside, the four average debaters are located in the chest, the lower abdomen, and the two arms. The two nymphs located in the thighs have more distinct speech patterns (One very proper and the other just faaabulooouss~). The last nymph is in the head and only puts in their two cents when Silent Bee is too injured to keep processing.
  19. No, it makes more sense keeping the recovery room connected with surgery. That's where the patients are brought to postop, after all. And I'm a little cautious about these airlocks allowing direct entry to any Tom, Dick, and Harry into Medbay. As much as people (including myself sometimes) hate waiting for a doctor to open up medbay, it's important. Two people could walk in while a doctor is in surgery, steal the defib, steal the chemicals out of the cryo tubes (hell, steal the O2 tanks themselves!), pump each other full of painkillers in the sleepers, and leave. It may sound far-fetched, but no one should be in the medical bay without medical personnel's supervision.
  20. Germaphobic Savior Boy. That devolved quickly. But it's such a small thing and "janitor" has a bad rap these days.
  21. Have to agree with Tish here. There are more important things to do than making a light on the forums when you can simply test it yourself. It only takes a few seconds if you have the link bookmarked. And... why would we have what amounts to a box that we throw "SERVER IS KILL" into repeatedly? Just so everyone can say "SERVER IS KILL" and... nothing gets accomplished? I don't understand the utility of that.
  22. I got bored in class.
  23. Made a 9 with Kay Lee. Have to admit, number 64 made me fall over in laughter. 64. Does your character just always happen to have on hand (or in pockets or boots) whatever tools, gadgets, or weapons are needed to get xir out of most scrapes at any given time? The Engineer Creed: Why go through the airlock when you can take out the wall?
  24. If we did anonymous voting, we'd end up with a nuke round winning with 4 people voting it and a ton of 1 and 2 votes on everything else. If anything, we'd be more pissed than if we'd just left it all alone. Our current system isn't perfect, but if we're going to prevent changing your vote in the last ten seconds, why not just end the timer ten seconds earlier? It would have the exact same effect. I know it's annoying. I flail when, with 3 seconds left, it's a tie between what I want and what I don't want and suddenly someone hops and we get what I don't want. But that's just life. It sucks. But we get over it because 2d spacemen need us. Or we need them.
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