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Everything posted by Conspire2Ignite

  1. Have to say, that backstory brought a tear to my eye. Poor thing. I'm all for more trees aboard the station! But err... You rather left "What do you like about this character" blank. Just... pointing that out. But I like it!
  2. BYOND Key: Conspire2Ignite Character Names: Kay Lee, Scarlet Kent How long have you been playing on Aurora: I’d like to say a month and a half. Species you are applying to play: Dionaea Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. I’ve posted questions I have on the Lore Questions section of the forum. Would "no" even be an acceptable answer? Please provide well-articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I’m looking for more challenge and at the same time, more flexibility. I had been thinking of creating a whitelist application for a while now, but it was only after I played a nymph (on a whim, mind you) and read the lore that I thought, “this is what I’ve been looking for.” Dionaea are truly unlike any other alien species in that their goal is to change. Other species get rather set-in-their-ways during adulthood, but for Dionaea, the experience of life itself is to diversify and learn anew. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The resilience against damages is easily weighed by the need for a light source. No going into maintenance tunnels without a few dozen flashlights, a bit of panicking during random power outages, and generally being upset when the janitor won’t replace the light bulbs. There is also the matter of that unending curiosity coupled with being slow on the uptake. Questions will be posed, but there won’t ever really be a “Eureka” moment, just a slow adaptation to the new knowledge. Why does this species in particular hold your interest? I think that something that is challenging is fun. Losing is !FUN! I’m getting the challenge by playing the alien race. I like the Dionaea the most out of the alien races for their ability to also challenge other players. It is easy to have a character be racist and call an Unathi a lizard, but what does one say to a tree that inquires as to why the Unathi are supposedly so terrible? It takes a bit more thought and depth to make your character believable and I hope others will take on the challenge as I do. Character Name: Sightless Eyes Staring into the Eternal Void Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Once upon a time, there was a Diona nymph with great plans. It wanted to travel so far into that Eternal Void of space, it would never have time for anything other than understanding. It brought this strong desire to know the unknown into the gestalt. Once upon a time, a Diona nymph had its joy stripped away. It was young and still collecting when the Botanist died of medical complications. All the Diona can remember are those Sightless Eyes. Still young, it brought this memory of death into the gestalt. Once upon a time, there was a Diona nymph of high character. It learned only what other beings could and could not do. It vowed to learn more, to help them in any way it could. It brought this caring attitude into the gestalt. Once upon a time, there was a Diona nymph with normal plans. Grow. Learn things. Join others. Nothing special. This oldest Diona would bring together many others into the gestalt. Once upon a time, there was Sightless Eyes Staring into the Eternal Void. It was the beginning of life anew. Still small, still unlearned, still unsatisfied in purpose. Goal? To prevent the death of others. How? Kill it with kindness. Medicine probably helps. So Sightless Eyes Staring into the Eternal Void decided upon schooling. It was how other beings got their knowledge, how they learned things. The Diona spent the next twenty-five years working and learning medicine at various universities. After all, what was there to learn from staying in one place and learning just one way of doing things? After those twenty-five years were over and Sightless Eyes Staring into the Eternal Void had an M.D., they decided to travel. After two separate planet-side residencies for another eight years, it was time for a change. Sightless Eyes Staring into the Eternal Void applied with NanoTrasen and was hired aboard the NSS Aurora. What do you like about this character? Sightless Eyes Staring into the Eternal Void has grown throughout this whitelisting process and I love it when that happens. I no longer make the decisions with this character; the character has entirely taken over its own development. I admit I don’t even know how this will go ICly because whatever I had in mind may very well be thrown out the window the second Void starts to speak. (Void? Where did that come from?) This may be a big no-no for some people, but improvising is half of the roleplay fun! The other half being, of course, vigorous planning and lore-checking. And paperwork. Houssam amounts of paperwork. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I’ve had the pleasure of playing with and learning from some masterful roleplayers through the years. I feel like I could do better, but I’m still fairly consistent in whatever role manifests itself. 8/10 Notes: The name took me a while. Honorable mentions: Wet Footsteps of Blood on Softly Trod Carpet Broken Light in the Heart of Darkness And my person favorite… Screeching Nymph in a Microwave
  3. I take it since the character is going to be grey, it is a Zhan-Khazan. Since they're the workhorse, I can see him being a cargo worker or something similar. I'm hesitant about this Tajaran understanding Sol. If we go off the premise that this character was, in fact, used illegally for physical experimentation then it's unlikely any human would take the time or effort to teach him much of anything beyond what they needed to. I also see it as more likely the "researchers" got busted and destroyed any evidence it could. But then, of course, we wouldn't have this Tajaran before us. Sorry about how harsh I must sound and I'm not really more helpful with suggestions. I just think each character should belong to the person, not what I tell you that you should put. You know?
  4. I have found a theme for both Delta Vee and Kay Lee. Behold... DUUUUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADAAAAYYYYY!
  5. I take it you aren't going into Engineering due to the risks of death. What will this character be doing, then, since he was actually trained for little else?
  6. I've been reading the Aurora lore on Dionaea a lot recently in preparation for my whitelist app and there are some questions that I have. Perhaps the person in charge of Dionaea lore can answer? 1. How does Dionaea age work? They go seed to nymph and nymph to adult. How long does it take for a nymph to become an "adult"? Technically, it can be done in one in-game shift. However, in lore I assume it would take more time than just that. So how long from seed to adult, basically. 2. Dionaea, unlike any other species, start learning minutes after they're "born." They collect bits of understanding from the blood they use in order to become an adult. So, if we follow that line of logic, a Diona that is 10 years old knows a lot more than a Human 10 year old does, simply because the Diona has been learning things longer. So what is the age comparison between Dionaea and other species? Would a 30 year old Diona (one that has been learning extensively for all 30 years) be comparable to a 45 year old Human? Or what? 3. Are Dionaea adults made of many nymphs? Do many nymphs merge together into one adult that uses the pronoun "we?" Or are they, as a species, just a collection of cells (even the nymphs)? Thanks ahead of time. These were just some things I was curious about since I'm struggling with a backstory for my app.
  7. As someone with a pretty severe cat allergy, DEFINITELY support the idea. Good thinking, Baka!
  8. Need more cards? I'll help. The Diona Nymph just asked what a _____ was. _____ is responsible for the lag! Space worms. What's next?! Oh, God, the Bald just _____ . Newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from _____!"
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