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Alicia Jewel

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Everything posted by Alicia Jewel

  1. I was in a round with Halstere last night where he was promoted to Interim Head of Security. He was proactive in making sure everything in the department ran smoothly and reporting any issues as necessary. I also had a lovely one-on-one RP chat that melted my character's ice-cold heart, even if just a little. I'll toss in my support.
  2. Sorry to bump this, but I wholeheartedly support Senpai Jackboot's version of this suggestion. I've already had to report too many people for being underage, and it doesn't help that there's not a clear in-game indicator of where the minimum qualifications are listed.
  3. It should also be noted that Forest is a 21-year-old Maintenance Technician with only 5 years of experience (which means she started at 16?), meaning she doesn't meet NanoTrasen's qualification standards, and is supposedly one of the top 15 Tesla scientists. I addressed this ICly as IAA Alexis Carter, but I'm not sure if any further IC action was taken by the captain of the round.
  4. Reporting Personnel: Alexis Carter Rank of Reporting Personnel: Internal Affairs Agent Game ID: bQv-ajQi (and the one before) Personnel Involved: - Calvin Cherry, Security Officer: Offender - Harley O'Ryan, Assistant: Victim - Uriel Rose, Cook: Victim - Eleanor Shen, Captain: Requested report Time of Incident: Entire shift Real time: Entire round Location of Incident: Brig; other unknown areas Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [x]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault [x]Misconduct [x]Other: Suspicious Conduct Overview of the Incident: At one point in the shift, Head of Security Sean Richter reported over the radio that Officer Calvin Cherry was on his final warning due to, from my understanding, the unnecessary use of a stun baton on an innocent crew member. Shortly after, I received a complaint form from Assistant Harley O'Ryan that stated that Cherry had told her to "go away" after she'd asked if he wanted any assistance, demanded to see her ID, and then told her to "fuck off." I reported this to the HoS and then called Cherry into my office for a staff review and to get his statement about the complaint. However, before we could begin, all of the officers were called to the brig. I assume that the officers were called due to an incident with prisoner Uriel Rose, which Captain Eleanor Shen summarized for me via PDA: "[Cherry] processed a confirmed suicidal prisoner without alerting the HoS or Warden, did not search the prisoner, and let them take cables into the permanent cell, left them in cryo restrained, the prisoner was able to hang themselves due to his incompetence." Cherry was arrested for this and set to be demoted, but he escaped after bluespace bears invaded the station, creating chaos and forcing the officers to focus on them instead of the brig. He was not found before the scheduled crew transfer. Furthermore, during the shift before this one, Cherry was aboard the station as a 17-year-old Maintenance Technician. His employment records are entirely blank, as well. I had planned to bring these issues up during my staff review of him, but I was unable to conduct said review due to the events on the station. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Reported to Eleanor Shen (Captain) and Sean Richter (Head of Security), who took as much action as possible before an emergency situation demanded their attention. Actions taken: After the incident in the brig, Cherry was arrested and set to be suspended; however, a bluespace bear incident delayed the process, and he escaped before the scheduled crew transfer. Additional notes: Given Cherry's suspicious behavior and conduct unfitting of an employee of NanoTrasen, it is my recommendation that his employment be terminated. (( I'm sorry I don't have any ckeys--I don't know how to get those without asking in OOC, which I almost always have off. ))
  5. Holy crap on a stick, I missed you.
  6. You can do that with xenoarchaeology but not mining, but I really don't like to. Mah murzhon.
  7. I'm sorry to bump this, but this is still a giant paint in the ass to deal with. I play miner and xenoarch on a semi-regular basis, and having to wait forever for airlocks to cycle takes some of the fun out of a round and wastes a bunch of time. Can this please be addressed somehow?
  8. Alicia Jewel

    The List

    I've got more characters and an update on an old one: Isabella Broomhall: Overly-polite EMT who cares more about the patients than the rules. Luta Yut: Super-serious skrell xenobiologist. Tends to be an isolationist due to her job. Robert Hoffman: A surgeon who takes his job very seriously while still managing to have good bedside manner. Doesn't like it when trained professionals screw up.
  9. BYOND key: Alicia Jewel Character names: Julia Davis, Isabella Broomhall, Patricia Stoddard, B.E.B.E., Luta Yut, Robert Hoffman How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Just over six months now. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I want to keep the staff (namely the medical staff) organized and efficient, especially in the event of an emergency. Far too often during emergencies, I see the staff either running around in a disorganized panic or sitting around with their thumbs up their bums, and I want to try to alleviate that to the best of my ability. Why did you come to Aurora?: I wanted to play on a heavy RP server, and this is the one I’ve liked the most so far. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yep, and I’ve also gotten familiar with the basics of the jobs I’ll be overlooking. Please provide well-articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is and should be about: To me, roleplaying is a cooperative effort at storytelling. Everyone makes a character to contribute to the story in one way or another whether they play as a heroic protagonist, a cunning villain, a tragic victim, a side character who assists however he/she can, etc. Roleplaying should be about telling a story and having meaningful interactions with other characters, not making your character the best of the best or playing to win. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is in-game? In-game, the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is to make sure all players have an experience that is as smooth as possible by mediating any IC or OOC disputes to the best of my ability (and calling for a mod if things get out of my control) and to help any struggling players with any problems they may have (because nothing sours your SS13 experience more than being OOCly insulted by someone who refuses to help you figure something out). It is also a Head’s responsibility to set a good example for the other players, as elaborated on below. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: As a whitelisted player, it will be my responsibility to set a good example to the other players. This includes roleplaying properly, having good OOC etiquette, following the rules to the best of my ability, and generally being mature. This will show other players that you need to have these qualities to be a whitelisted player, and it will also show that I, indeed, deserved my spot on the whitelist. I plan to provide this good example by always maintaining my high standards of my roleplay (no Rambo doctor for me), being polite and courteous to my fellow players even if I disagree with them, make sure to double-check any questionable actions I may perform to make sure I’m not breaking any rules, keeping calm and walking away from the game if I get too angry, and not acting like a self-entitled brat just because I’m a Head. Please pick one of your characters for this section and provide well-articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Robert Hoffman Character age: 42 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Robert Hoffman was born on Biesel in June 2415 to two manager-level parents. He was more or less expected to follow the family tradition of going into business and working his way up the ladder, but after an accident that required him to get reconstructive surgery, he became fascinated by the way doctors could mend broken bodies, how the body worked, and the process of surgery. He began studying these subjects intensively, eschewing almost any free time he had in favor of learning the tricks of the trade. Through this hard work, he was able to obtain a scholarship at the South Mendell University of Medicine, where he received a Doctorate of Medicine at age 26. From there, he underwent a five-year residency at South Mendell Hospital. Not long after he became full-fledged surgeon, he heard about an exodus-class research station that was going to be built in the Romanovich Cloud that would require a full medical staff due to the dangerous nature of the research being performed. Not wanting to pass up the opportunity to work with cutting-edge and experimental surgical techniques, he applied for a job the moment he could and was accepted due to his exceptional surgical skills. Being from a managerial family did have its influence on him, though, and as the years went on, he started thinking of ways to optimize the often poor organization and management of the medical bay. He went back to school part-time to gain experience in management and passed the NanoTrasen Upper-Management Aptitude Test. What do you like about this character?: His combination of good bedside manner and his no-nonsense attitude makes him a great candidate for CMO, in my opinion. He’ll treat the patients well and make sure they’re comfortable, but if someone in the medbay who’s not in training screws up, he will let them have it. (He’s more lenient with people in training, but he’ll still be firm about teaching them the proper procedures.) What do you dislike about this character?: He’s not exactly what one might call “friendly.” He’s far from mean-spirited, but he spends most of his time studying or working and is very business-minded, so he rarely has time to just “hang out” with anyone. He has certain coworkers he respects and gets along with, but there are very few people he’d call “friend,” and he’s not too eager to make friends at work. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: He has several years of experience in the medical field, is trained in management partially thanks to his family, and is firm yet fair when it comes to keeping the medbay under control. Please provide well-articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I’ve been roleplaying for at least a decade now and usually make complex characters who react realistically to situations around them. (If my character gets shot in the arm, for instance, he’s going to react to that even if the game doesn’t force him to, not continue forward like a robot… unless he is a robot, of course.) I’m also an avid writer, have done very well in college-level writing courses, and recently graduated with a creative writing degree. For those reasons, I tend to rate my roleplaying ability very highly unless I’m tired or just not in the mood to put in a lot of effort, but I usually don’t even bother roleplaying if I’m in one of those moods. Of course, I make mistakes just like everyone else—sometimes I panic and have my character react incorrectly, and sometimes my character is developed enough for me to know how to have them react. In those situations, though, I do my best to rectify the situation. Extra notes: I corrected the grammar on some of the questions because I’m a crazy copyeditor.
  10. Addendum: During the aforementioned surgery of Dr. Strogle, Dr. Sulgren amputated his right arm, presumably due to infection. However, I had treated the infection before his surgery and have no reason to believe that he should have lost that arm.
  11. Reporting Personnel: Isabella Broomhall Rank of Reporting Personnel: Emergency Medical Tech Personnel Involved: Ruby Sulgren, surgeon; Kevin Sloan, Roboticist; Owen Strogle, plasma researcher; Xavier White, security cadet; Sarah Scott, head of security; possibly others Time of Incident: Location of Incident: Medical Bay Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [x]Neglect of Duty []Harassment [x]Assault []Misconduct [x]Other: Medical malpractice Overview of the Incident: Throughout the shift, there were multiple incidents in the medical bay, most of them involving Dr. Ruby Sulgren. Roboticist Kevin Sloan was admitted into surgery for fractures in his leg. After the surgery, I witnessed Dr. Sloan being taken to the cryo tubes in critical condition; during this time, Dr. Sulgren made his wounds worse by dragging him across the floor. Dr. Sloan then told me that she had to amputate the patient's leg since it had been infected. I question Dr. Sloan's capabilities as a surgeon--she should have known how to treat an infection without resorting to amputating the leg, especially in such a traumatic manner, and she should have known that dragging a patient worsens wounds. The second incident involved Dr. Owen Strogle. Dr. Strogle had been a problem in medical bay due to repeated admissions and clear psychological issues, so Dr. Sulgren took it upon herself to gag him and operate on him without anesthetics. Security Cadet Xavier White was in the room at the time and tried to blindfold Dr. Strogle, but Dr. Sulgren said she wanted Dr. Strogle to watch. I told Cadet White to arrest Dr. Sulgren for malpractice, but he refused, saying that Dr. Strogle had given the two of them trouble throughout the entire shift. I called security; Head of Security Sarah Scott arrived on the scene. I explained what happened, and she demanded that Dr. Sulgren use anesthetic for the rest of the surgery. She proceeded to let both of them go without so much as a warning after Dr. Sulgren complied. At an unknown point in the shift, an unknown person, presumably medical personnel, disposed of a corpse in the morgue through disposals, alarming a handful of crew members. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: I attempted to report the incident involving Dr. Sulgren and Dr. Strogle to Head of Security Sarah Scott, but she let them go since Dr. Sulgren agreed to use anesthetic on the patient. Additional notes:
  12. I've been thinking about this kind of stuff for way too long. I imagine my surgeon (Robert Hoffman) and xenobiologist (Luta Yut) know each other quite well if only because Luta has to go to the medbay at least once a shift to get something fixed. Robert was rather annoyed by it at first, but he understands that injuries are pretty much part of Luta's job, and they get along quite well since they're both dedicated to their work and enjoy talking about medical and scientific breakthroughs together when they get the chance. Meanwhile, Robert and my EMT, Isabella Broomhall, have a cordial work relationship. They're both sticklers for the rules, and Isabella's good at following directions, which Robert likes to give when there's no CMO to make medical stop running around like chickens with their heads cut off. My xenoarchaeologist, Patricia Stoddard, hates all miners on sight because they have a bad habit of destroying her dig sites. She only hates my miner, Julia Davis, slightly less because she makes a point of digging around the rocks and telling Patricia where they are. Julia's happy-go-lucky attitude grates on her, though. Julia and my pAI/posibrain personality, B.E.B.E., get along swimmingly. They're both stupidly optimistic and perky and love helping out. I imagine that Julia downloads B.E.B.E. whenever she happens to get a pAI device.
  13. As it stands, the mining airlocks take forever to cycle to exterior. Is there any way we can make them faster? I don't know how atmospherics work, like, at all, but I saw another server that had a bunch of vent pumps in the airlock, and it cycled a lot faster. Would that work?
  14. From what I've seen of Crescentise, they're a great roleplayer, and this backstory is excellent--it manages to be full of hardship without being melodramatic. (Being based on a real person really helps, of course.) +1
  15. Reporting Personnel: Luta Yut Rank of Reporting Personnel: Xenobiologist Personnel Involved: Dalton, ERT Leading Trooper; Marsh, ERT Trooper; Berislav Tarik, security officer Time of Incident: 16FEB2457 at approx. 15:20 Location of Incident: Xenobiology lab Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault []Misconduct [X]Other: Wasting valuable reserach, excessive use of force Overview of the Incident: A shapeshifting creature known as "Martin Anderson" was contained in a pen in xenobiology. ERT Troopers Dalton and Marsh came into the lab to take custody of the creature, whereupon the creature attempted to shapeshift into a Skrell--possibly one in my likeness. ERT Leading Trooper Dalton then proceeded to lethally shoot the creature before I could finish observing this shapeshifting process. The creature did not attempt to attack before it was shot. They then attempted to send the creature into space, knowing it could regenerate itself and not knowing if it could survive in space or not. Later in the shift, they burned the body of the creature without allowing me to collect a blood sample from it. These actions not only cost me invaluable research data, but they also prevented the ERT and I from being able to identify any other creatures like Anderson while on the station. Security Officer Berislav Tarik was a witness to these actions. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: None were available Additional notes:
  16. Name: Julia Davis Age: 19 Hair Color: Black Hair Style: Shoulder-length Hair Alt, so basically straight shoulder-length hair with bangs Eye Color: Green Skin Tone: Caucasian with a slight tan Personality: Outgoing Charmer This oughta be fun.
  17. Reporting Personnel: Luta Yut Rank of Reporting Personnel: Xenobiologist Personnel Involved: Shisno Surp - Xenobiologist Time of Incident: Location of Incident: Xenobiology Lab Nature of Incident: [x]Workplace Hazard [x]Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [x]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault []Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident: During the shift, Dr. Surp caused me to suffer from multiple injuries due to not following directions and standard xenobiological procedure. He expanded multiple monkey cubes at once, causing an adult slime to become aggressive and attack me, and he left three baby slimes and an adult in the same pen with no regard for safety. Early in the shift, he pushed me out of the way of the operating table while I was extracting cores from slimes, which nearly caused me further injury. Furthermore, he attempted to smuggle a slime onto the shuttle despite being told multiple times that it was against protocol. Finally, he interfered with research by using a docility potion on the last blue slime in the lab, leaving it unable to reproduce. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: Rose Miller, Research Director Additional notes:
  18. Is that just a general statement, or are you basing that off of something either in the app or that I've done in-game?
  19. Alicia Jewel

    The List

    Got one more character to add to Alicia Jewel: Lucy Johnson: A xenobiologist who likes the slimes just a little too much.
  20. Ahh, the way you said it made it sound like the excavation suits were virtually useless at what they were meant to do. My mistake. My original point still stands, though: either one more suit or one less locker, please.
  21. Someone should probably fix that, then, because being vulnerable to exotic alien energies in a job where you dig up exotic alien things is... well, it's just wrong. I get that the Anomaly suit is supposed to offer more protection, but give us something, at least.
  22. Those work, but do they protect from "exotic alien energies"?
  23. I've noticed that the xenoarchaeology area has three equipment lockers but only two excavation suits. This can be fixed in one of two ways, I think: either add another excavation suit to the xenoarch room or remove one of the lockers and only allow two xenoarchs to join per round (though I'm not sure how that would work since it's just a Scientist title).
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