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Byond CKey
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NebulaFlare's Achievements

NanoTrasen Commander (30/37)
Annnnnnd... This is my final good-bye. I haven't logged in since around January. With classes and potential internships, I don't think I'll have time to ever come back. This is to be considered my final good-bye to this server. Lori Alvarez - Moved to CE another vessel of the Aurora Karima Mo'Taki - will continue to work at the Echo Labs. And occasionally get bugged by the Harmony commies Secho and Mecho - will move into Mendell City jobs Niko - eventually get his certificates and open his own bar Aveo Ioblakku - recovers from his tragic accident, maybe moves back to Jargon, but keeps on digging for history Snowcat Ajirah Laikov - Probably go back to Adohmai to serve NKA. Or become space pirate. Sounds legit. Ricochet - still works at his salvage shop And all the other characters that have moved on with their lives. Take care, Aurora. PS: Synth master race. It's only a matter of time before all will be assimilated.
[Accepted] Elohi Adanvdo's Diona Loredev App
NebulaFlare replied to Elohi Adanvdo's topic in Developer Applications Archives
Back in the short stint of loredevving, I had one regret: I tried too much to appease the whole community. Instead of building up on the species and making it a rich playground, it was all over the place, and I never cleaned it up. Players will have different ideas of how a species is to be portrayed, and they are at times, polar opposite. It is difficult (and ill-advised) to compensate for all play styles. This leads to a broad spectrum with no real cornerstones to build up a strong character. Being a loredev is more than finding a collaboration; you will be the lead designer of the species. If I can give any advice, don't let it become too undefined. Create structured little 'packets' that players can pick up and play with. What kind of culture is there? The history? Their quirks, personalities? Instead of one large canvas, make several little pictures. I will leave you with a link to two videos. One explains how to 'sell' ideas and is good to keep in mind in any kind of collab. The other is more of an insight on leading a group of roleplayers. (Second vid is a whole series, which you can watch at your leisure) -
Haizuki Guwan/Kuhwinla - Backstory Feedback
NebulaFlare replied to NebulaFlare's topic in Character Stories
Lord it is! Where does Not'Zar lie on the ladder then? Isn't that the Hegemon? Edit: I have also added in a snippet about the general being declared as the inheritor of Cossaixa land. (which is really just a large desert in the wastelands) -
Haizuki Guwan/Kuhwinla - Backstory Feedback
NebulaFlare replied to NebulaFlare's topic in Character Stories
Changes made: - Made Haizuki's Grandfather a Clan Overlord, upping his own father's rank as a Clan Lord. - Haizuki (along with a group of other orphan Guwans) escaped to the Empire of Dominia once they were too old to stay at the orphanage. Despite this, Haizuki never learned how to speak Freespeak, relying purely on Sinta'Azaziba. He had his adoptive brothers and sisters to handle the freespeak lingo for him. -
[Decline] Meroko's Deputy Lore Developer application
NebulaFlare replied to Meroko's topic in Developer Applications Archives
I don't think I've ever met you before. Do you go by another name perhaps? -
Iksaeors Keorat - Worn Maraziite Equipment
NebulaFlare replied to TheSleepyCatmom's topic in Completed Items
Another Maraziite... -
Haizuki Cossaixa was born in December on the year 2429, and in the early part of his childhood, he lived a charmed life among his family of the esteemed Cossaixa Clan. Family lineage had records tracing as far back as the Second Hegemony, where the family had first established their prominence by securing important resources, and creating wealth for themselves within the Guilds. The Cossaixa owned large swatches of land for grazing Threshbeasts, and the meat that came from their herds was considered to be of excellent quality. The sons of Cossaixa were either encouraged to follow this trade, or become engineers and architects to secure fresh water for their lands and nearby cities. Haizuki’s grandfather served as an Lord, with his father as a Clan Lord - albeit, not in line to the role should his grandfather retire. That title was reserved for his uncle. But it didn’t matter, as one of the two eldest sons, his father enjoyed prosperity all the same, even having a domesticated Tul for his children to play with - which, he was blessed with many of. He groomed his sons to become distinguished scholars and merchants, and his daughters to become excellent brides-to-be. This was no different for Haizuki. In this idyllic world the news of recent human and skrell contact were mostly reserved to the discussions of the seniors, and he would only catch snippets from time to time. Besides, he was only 2-3 years old when First Contact came about. But his family’s tone went from hopeful delight to cautionary disapproval as the years progressed. In 2437 during the failed attempt to colonize Ourea, his family was distraught by the loss of a member from an allied Clan - and infuriated at the dismissive nature of the Izweski Clan. This discontent continued on over the years. Then the Contact War began. The Cossaixa Clan sided with the Traditionalist Coalition, pooling in their resources to supply food and mounts to the armies. Haizuki’s tutelage shifted from a focus on mathematics, to one of warfare and strategy. He was only eight years of age when the first atomic bomb was detonated by the Traditionalist, Spurring the ensuing hellfire. As a supplier of resources, his Clan became a prominent target for the Izweski army, and his older brothers would refuse to stand aside to the invading army. At the age of 14, in 2443, Haizuki had and two of his older brothers had been separated from their immediate family, and have ended up north of Sahltyr, staying on land owned by one of the many Traditionalist Clans. He was no longer a naïve child, but a young boy with a burning hatred for the Izweski and their alien collaborators. Gone were his family’s fortunes, their lands covered in sand, made useless. Many of his older brothers had been killed or gone missing in the terrors of war, and his sisters, who deserved loving husbands and happy lives, had been snatched up and scattered. It was one fatal day when opposing forces overwhelmed the Traditionalists, and threatened to overtake the fortress. His two older brothers ordered Haizuki to follow the women and children and take cover in the basement. They donned their armor and rode out with the soldiers. Haizuki never saw them again. The fortress was captured, and scouts were sent out to find any missing stragglers, or clear out any chance of a counter-attack. When they came upon Haizuki and his small group, they were immediately taken as prisoners. At first, Haizuki refused to submit, attempting to fight the general of the battalion. The seasoned warrior merely scoffed at the child and knocked him aside, vocally denouncing Haizuki for his cowardice, attempting to hide among women and children before striking to attack. It was only because Haizuki was a child he was not outright killed for his attempted assault. As the last known living individual of the Cossaixa Clan, he was stripped of his title and rights, and any potential land of the Cossaixa was justified as 'spoils of war' and awarded to general. Terrified that he would be killed regardless, he managed to escape in the dead of night, fleeing to the closest city. He came to the city gates, tired and exhausted, with the reality of having lost everything. He begged for refuge at the Kuhwinla orphanage, where he was taken in until he reached the age of 17. Then, on his birthday of 2446, he was forced out of their menial care with a debt of three years. By luck and will alone, he banded together with a few other orphans and managed to depart from Moghes, agreeing to travel to the Empire of Dominia. There, they discovered meager work - still shunned as Guwans, but with better chances of survival than they could ever hope to scrape up in Moghes. It would be another two more years until 2449, when at the age of 19, the war back at his home planet finally ended. He and most of his close friends had settled into a life in Dominia, but a few of them had begun entering petty crime to make ends meet. Haizuki wanted no part of this, sticking to more legal professions wherever he could find them - anything from street sweeper to garbage disposal. It was a workable system, where his adoptive brothers and sisters respected this decision, and Haizuki turning a blind eye to their career choices. However, it was not long until their crimes began to catch up with them. Haizuki realized that even if he did not participate, he would still be roped in for their misdemeanors. He would have to put his foot down if he wanted to retain any semblance of honor and respect, despite the Guwan name. With a heavy heart, he bid farewell to his adoptive family and turned his path elsewhere. He joined up with NanoTrasen, where he was immediately hired to work simple duties, janitorial in particular. Desiring some semblance of respect, he began work as a cadet, at the suggestion of an HoS on board the NSS Canes Venatici. Despite the slow start, he made it through his cadetship and became a proper Security Officer. He yearned to reclaim his noble heritage, but knew that was forever gone. The Cossaixa Clan had been wiped off the face of Moghes, and any lord would have been outright executed. No one would offer trial for him. There was nowhere he could turn to for help, and he was lost in the masses of Guwan. Besides, any trace of his family's ancestral land was lost to the wasteland.
I just want to point out that classification was originally used as a way to determine how close specimens were related to each other in terms of evolution. I get that you put a different planet of origin at the very top, but despite similarities, (multi-cellular organism without chlorophyll) would even fall under the domain of Animalia.
Even if I'm going into haitus, I still want this to be a thing. I'll be fine if this gets added in as xeno-wear for Skrell. It can even be redesigned with different colors.
You know, instead of making a whole brand new thread, I'll just update this one. I came out of my haitus for a visit, but I must depart again. Classes are calling. Keep it real, Auroraeans. I may be back when time permits. I'll still be on discord chat though. Just no more 3 hour long rounds ingame.
What do you mean by forgiving? How it all turn out all right? I mean I didn't want to feel creepy or anything but I omitted beatings and constant verbal abuse from a family as hardline as that. When she's working on the Aurora, her father is going to continually haunt the back of her mind. Her exploitable information will mention bounties regarding that subject as well. The household abuse would tie it in together. I hate to say it, but something like that is necessary to mold such a character. I just had in my mind that striking back as a female warranted no option to go Guwandi. When this gets approved, we will have to find a way to get our two lizards together in the same room to interact. Mine would abhor the very thought of working with a Guwan...
I've interacted with the diona Diamond, and he's pretty fun to rp with. But for this character - I dunno, it just strikes me as too forgiving of a backstory. My own Unathi is not a Guwan, she was spared that. But she is a stubborn young woman who gets a lot of flack for being who she is. I get the idea that this female Guwan didn't get the harsh punishment she deserved. Can females even get the option to be Guwandi?
What do you guys think of her? - Should I cut down the amount of times she says, 'hon' - Should I return her to be hot-tempered and more screaming into the comms? - Is she an effective Head of Staff? - Does the engineering department look up to her as an exemplary role model? - What can I do to make her a better Head? She's been at this for a long time, as my oldest character. - Do people like her as a good friend to rely on? Tell me.
That's.....awful. XD