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Everything posted by Lexiconics

  1. As the player of Kadiev Ram'za, I am obligated by marital bond to give this a +1. I am also obligated to give due credit to Codename Bear's high-quality and engaging roleplay, his willingness to engage with other characters and their stories, and his consideration of other players' enjoyment of the game. For these reasons, I think CB is worth considering for a command whitelist, and I'll also be glad to see another Ops Manager player. Lord knows Ops needs some love and support, especially after the opening of THE PIT.
  2. I play Seth Miller. I like what I've seen of Kurtis, Bunky has generally done well during their trial period and I think they're suitable for a command whitelist. I can't say I've ever seen Kurtis do anything in overtly poor form for an HoS, and Bunky seems to put an appropriate amount of effort into playing him. +1 from me.
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