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Everything posted by DeezyJ

  1. -Was 100% sure it is as well Severis6 told that he could explain it, but I was misunderstood and banned before even I could tell I am not oppose, as you can see from the logs, like he or she was in a hurry to get some bonus for the amount of people banned... Can We get some explanations, at least now, on a rules language...? Can you imagine prosecutions with contents like "releasing a fuckstorm?"
  2. - I was never banned for EOR grief, who told you that? - Haven't released a gold slimes as well... All the logs are up there, you can read them i guess. We need someone to say a final word about it. My actions was a bannable offence or not and why.
  3. Well, Directly I killed no one as far as I can tell... If it spawned 6 goats and 3 chickens( it could) i could be still banned? How can i be responsible for random things in such case... Just more questions appeared... Carefully read a reason for a ban Fire and Glory, that's what confuses me... If I released plasma for example- something wittingly harmful, that would be another case, but i didn't. Read the logs and evaluate yourself how much roleplay was done perhaps...
  4. DeezyJ Total Ban Length: 4320 minutes Banning staff member's Key: serveris6 Reason of Ban: "Released a gold slime core at departures during crew transfer as a cultist.." Reason for Appeal: I want to figure out if I really don't understand some basic things. Contains of a ban: Logs, download or open with html editor or something...(cannot find a better way to share html file) How i spent the round in medbay supplementary... Why i am writing this... I believe I 'released a gold slime core at departures' not during a crew transfer but before shuttle even arrived? Is that punishable? Why am I punished for 'releasing gold slime cores at departures' Is that against the rules? I cannot see anything in the rules about slime cores... Why players who convert people to cultist forcefully are not punished or why it's even possible to convert a person to cultist if that preference is off? Still a lot of questions, if you are not busy clarify this for me please somebody, that's all i want to be honest
  5. What is it for in your picture? You know what it is?
  6. Isn't that already implemented in baystation code? This could be a most powerful weapon in all traitor items as for me.
  7. Employee Of The Month Dedicated to his work from beginning till end Duty Officer Odin Personnel
  8. I have a huge desire. That you will develop a new character from scratch, like totally new character, background, proper age, proper education, dark secrets and highlights. A bit less impulsive, less intrusive, more sexy maybe more reasonable than for example Reinchard Sijio And...Apply it for RD position. Reasonable, responsive and sensitive to other people RD- is what i haven't seen for a long time. No doubts, you have enough RP skills for that. I don't feel like a can judge anyone how good or bad he is at something, i am only human. I have my little dirty dreams. And one of them is Coolbc as a brand new RD. I bet he can.
  9. Who's gonna get it?
  10. This wonderful gentleman helped me to solve a problem related to the game i had during 3 years ! During a deadhour, when he had 6:30 on a clock. 3 years of wasted experience and countless failed attempts fixed in one moment thanks to him. I don't know his name, i don't know where he's from, but... Hell, if i am even allowed to say my opinion on this, i'd recommend to make him a moderator. At least because he is responsive and i can confirm it.
  11. Here's some default music i imagine could actually play in some workplaces or offices
  12. I was thinking about it as well recently And become paranoid about it Now i think skillset you give to your character in setup window affects the chance to succeed (higher chance to push/disarm/weaken) in melee hand to hand combat for example when conditions are equal and the only difference is skills you have set in character window And so on Doing tests, maybe will notify about results
  13. Didn't know spiders are now kinda vogue...
  14. I assume your native language is not English guilherm15 ?
  15. No, i think Bluespace Cat saw everything, or don't, maybe he was in the shower, not sure... I was not offended anyway, i am fine with dying, just gave a dude a server Guidelines link and, asked him to make it at least fun for everyone if he go on murdering someone next time and a...not sure if he understood though That's it
  16. I was thinking about it a lot as well, and i came to one very interesting question "Who will control control their atonement?" If a person made a minor infraction and is a good/willing to be good role-player- maybe What about obvious griefers/newbies and just general antags...? Idea is great and i vouch for it but There's a lot of underwater rocks
  17. If humans never came to Adohmai... Evolution could continue...
  18. I've stole a shittonn of fiber cables from your server to sell them and by booze. ______________________________________________________________________
  19. All i can really do right now is to offer my condolences about the tragedy in France. Being tracking the news since yesterday evening. My brother is in France now. I can feel their pain clearly because similar shit or even worse is going on in my country every cursed day. I've lost several of my best friends because of terrorists. I am forced to run away from it in real life and here, i am fugitive and Aurora is my little shelter, and i am thankful for that. Not sure if i actually told what i mean, it's just very difficult to express your real feelings on foreign language, hope you understand, sorry. Photo of France embassy in our Capital, people are bringing flowers since 2:00 am (local time GMT+2):
  20. Guys, guys... You should just wait a bit And then a lot of mods come out With whiskey, blackjack and boobies Personally, i am waiting And here goes the first one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn8xdI2bLck- Nude Females, Immersive Attire, Enhanced Wasteland
  21. To understand it, you must think like it Hope this will help But, seriously if their metabolism is slower- time should pass faster for them, that's what i think
  22. Antagonism in a nutshell : When initial wziard fails and admins are taking over:
  23. Damn, i had a lot of fun with that chickens, even got a medal for it
  24. Seriously? The Great leader of rebellion is going to give up just because his hard drive failed? Give us a number of your credit card or whatever, i bet people can help you out with your issue
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