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Everything posted by SpaceBaa

  1. It's working now, thank you so much 🥰
  2. BYOND Key:SpaceBaa Total Ban Length: Unknown Banning staff member's Key: Mattatlas Reason of Ban: Probably a mistake, associated with another ckey Reason for Appeal: Hello, I haven't played for a few months but when I tried to connect today I get a ban message. This has happened before and at the time we thought it was because I'd used a VPN and the IP address of another banned user became associated with my account. However, this time I was very careful not to use a VPN so I wonder if it might be to do with my virtual machine Machine ID or something, I'm not sure. I have a use a VM because my PC runs Linux etc. Last time this happened to me, I had an appeal here It was swiftly resolved at the time <3 Kind regards, Baa.
  3. Obviously when there's something to fix life is simple, the rest of the time I wander. Today I setup the TESLA and put together this little room's autolathe and robo charger
  4. I'm in now, thank you ❤️
  5. Thanks, it still says I'm banned but now with a different reason, see attached
  6. I've now got my VM to connect independently of my host PC to avoid it using my VPN in future
  7. BYOND Key:SpaceBaa Total Ban Length: Unknown Banning staff member's Key: Mattatlas Reason of Ban: Probably a mistake, associated with another ckey Reason for Appeal: Hello, I run Linux, and while trying to get SS13 working I've recently setup Qemu with GPU Passthrough. However, now when I try to connect to Aurora it tells me I'm banned and provides the wrong CKey (drfarson), looks like some random guy last year. I'm not sure if Qemu generates a non-unique machine ID and it associated my account with this guy, or if it's something else, either way I would appreciate some assistance. I played briefly in a a round on Sunday with no issues and I've played on-and-off for the past few years. See the attached message I get while trying to join please. For reference my virtual machine's Machine ID according to DXDiag is 8F75F2BB-52F8-42B7-8E45-DF4797456F46 I also sometimes use a VPN so that could've associated me with them, I'll keep it off if needed, might be a way for me to get my VM to connect independently instead of going through my host machine's VPN to avoid this in future ❤️ Kind regards, Baa.
  8. o7
  9. Unless we lose all rights when we step outside of the station, I propose updating Law 3 to read: Safeguard sapient life. Or: Safeguard the crew. I don't know whether non-crew are considered vital to save, but I'm also not sure if it is only crew members that the AI must protect, thinking of the merchant and random NanoTrasen Officers that turn up, so could also go for something like: Safeguard authorised sapient life-forms.
  10. I'll be there
  11. fuck yes, this'll be great fun
  12. I guess no one's interested, you're missing out though, look at what you could've had!
  13. I agree Mee6 sucks
  14. I agree, opting into groups is not ideal, which is why I didn't suggest it. I don't see how role bloat is an issue beyond aesthetics, I've suggested at most four roles to add, where currently the standard user has no extra roles. These roles will not require any additional staff management, and could be self-assignable using a bot. You've missed my point regarding muting announcements. I want to be notified about some announcements, but not all apply to me, hence I'm pinged much more frequently than necessary.
  15. We love announcements And we love notifying everyone about those announcements But, because we love announcements so much, these notifications really pile up. It took a lot of self control not to check these announcements. Now, let's recognise that not everyone wants to be notified about everything, so instead how about opt-out notification groups? There are various bots that let users control these for you, like Nadeko Bot's .iam and .iamnot commands, if Nadeko-chan's too anime for you - there's Mee6, or if that's too intellectual for you - pick your favourite one of the many. So let's take a look at what we announce. Staff Updates - Very important, obviously. But perhaps we don't all need a running feed. I'm thinking the group @Staff_Updates Development Updates - Interesting live testing, exciting new features, horrifying shiny bugs, and feedback surveys. I suggest... @Development_Updates Server Status - Sometimes the server breaks, sometimes it resurrects, sometimes Byond dies. We'll never escape this so we may as well categorise @Server_Updates Events - Aliens, spiders, complete chaos. or maybe just a Government target official, everything we love about admin powers. All in one handy group @Event_Updates Misc - >.> @Misc_Updates I guess Please Ignore all these images, every time I pasted it made two copies and I can't be bothered to figure out which attachment is the real one, so they just appear at the bottom of the post.
  16. This has been implemented \o/ Feel free to move thread.
  17. Americana sounds like a delicious coffee
  18. Character names of all involved: Linton Braxton Documentation of the event, Link to post/Screenshot in game. If multiple screenshots please compose an album: Following the annihilation of the Super Matter, the ejection platform was severely damaged in the explosion. Chief Engineer makes a bold decision to not re-instate the crystal due to the dangers it would pose. In the face of extreme threat, Linton Braxton invents a new engine mid-shift. By burning Phoron to create a hot gas the coolant loop can be restored, powering the turbines Have you read the application rules??: PFff no (yes pls no ban) Have you made sure this incident didn't result in administrative action? Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. OK. Why does this moment deserve a spot in the Hall Of Fame?: Countless times I've seen the Super Matter destroyed, and I've seen engineering departments scramble to resolve it. What do you do? Wire the solars? First you find half of the satellite destroyed. You wire the rooftop only to find it's not enough. What next? The Tesla? But.... how does it work? DOES it work? So you go check... and it's destroyed too, wires everywhere, no one's quite sure how to set it up, maybe you get it running but now you're bathing in radiation something's not right here why is there a whole in the floor... Maybe we should just call the shuttle? It's probably extended anyway who cares, better do a crew transfer vote, if that doesn't work well... just call an emergency shuttle I'm sure no one will mind. No, instead, Linton Braxton stood in the face of chaos and put their engineering degree to work, maybe there's a new solution... what was that crystal even for anyway? All you need is to create some heat, right? What if you just... set it on fire? SS13 is unique in it's intricate network of simulated physics and mechanics, there's nothing more incredible than seeing this exploited to create something unintentional. This event is not particularly dramatic or funny, but I think it deserves recognition of its achievement. Are you certain we are all laughing together are not shaming someone?: The Braxton Engine thwarted what I assume were traitorous efforts to disrupt the station, sure the effects were not unforeseen, and the engine was not perfect, but what would otherwise cause a dark unsatisfying escape from the station was turned into a heroic surprise in the midst of a stressful situation. Final thoughts/anything you want to add?: The super matter ejection platform does not seem overly useful...
  19. I once played a 23 hour round, the APCs eventually started acting weird, not sure why
  20. I like this, I play engineering roles a lot and I love the derelict areas of the station that I can refurbish. But, what gets stale very fast is doing this every round, it only existing for 10 minutes, and then the shuttle arrives before anyone notices it. I'd love to be able to construct areas to my design in ways that benefit the crew, and be there for them to appreciate that over a longer period. I have a suggestion though, is that if the station isn't completely destroyed at the end of the colonisation period, then we could have a very destructive custom event. Could be fun to have something to look forward to every now and again. Good luck!
  21. Intending to make Maintenance Drones more practical, despite breaking the laws of physics. Maintenance Drones are unable to pull disposal pipe. This is because the pipes are size 10, and drones cannot pull anything larger than themselves, (they're size 3). Law-wise it makes no sense to change this, however it is impractical and makes it impossible for maintenance drones to repair Disposal Pipe, which is one of the most annoying breakages on station, spreading litter in the crew's departments, engineers have to drag over the whole dispensary, pull up the floor etc. So, why not just ignore the laws of physics and let Maintenance Drones pull the pipe that's almost four times as large as they are? If you look at the current code, it looks like someone's already tried to... This doesn't work though. A "fix" is ready in this PR, if desired. I ask that you suspend your disbelief, ignore the fact that drones are moving man-sized steel piping around the station, in the same way we ignore that it is dispensed from the pipe dispenser in infinite quantities - because it is convenient to do so.
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