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About Myphicbowser
- Birthday 31/07/2000
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What the title says, it was discussed in the OOC round before it got pretty heated with accusations of shoving personal moral beliefs on others and was shut down, but it did get out of hand and I'll admit the way I was being treated made me get a little heated as well, I'd like to open this with an apology to @not-a-gonk. But thats why I'm bringing it here, so people can discuss and we can have a polite conversation on if people think it should be in the lobby. To start us off, I think the art is VERY good, it shows the tone of Adhomai and its also just really cool? Like god damn, thats some nice stuff. But I don't think it has a place as Lobby Art, the conversation comes up in OOC somewhat frequently, enough for people to be tired of the discussion which is why I'm coming to the forums to discuss it. I generally think that its jarring for new people, which is understandable, and I've heard people complain about it several times, which since no important thread has been made went absolutely nowhere. So I'm hoping this can be discussed, and shown why its either beneficial or negative for the server.
Reporting Personnel: Yutiex Toa-Kuri Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Bridgecrew Game ID: cyk-awmj Personnel Involved Yutiex Toa-Kuri, Bridgecrew - Victim Kalle Heikkinen, Shaft Miner - Offender June Dyer, Paramedic - Witness Alex Johnson, Shaft Miner - Witness Secondary Witnesses: Clark Coldsmith, Investigator - Investigated the Situation and believed charges could be pressed Hazel 09.09, Bartender - Heard the Slander, doesn't understand Freespeak Azarii Marrkarr, Bridgecrew - Heard the Slander, doesn't understand Freespeak Time of Incident: 03:00~ Real Time: 12PM~ EST 2/23/25 Location of Incident: Bar, Horizon Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [X] - Misconduct [X] - Other: Speciesism Overview of the Incident: I entered the bar to show off an object I purchased from a Trader, during this time I heard Mister Heikkinen stating "That thing is disgusting" in reference to myself, and he called me 'Yellow Thing' and reiterated that I looked disgusting. He only speak in Freespeak during his slander, Alex Johnson was speaking to him as well, but saying nothing disparaging about myself, and June Dyer spoke up asking about what he was talking about. Submitted Evidence: Sadly, they left for the Residential Deck before the Commander could speak with them, and the Detective told me that he had nothing he could show me. Would you like to be personally interviewed? [X] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why? Yes, Kasa Bulat-Strelitz, Head of Security, AND Captain Rosenwyn Edevane Actions taken: The Commander stated she would speak with them once they departed the ship of our Visitor, and then neglected to do so, and around an hour after this the accused left for the residential deck. I am unsure why nothing else was done. Additional Notes: (If none, leave blank)
The chance of ever running into multiple traitors has to to be one of the rarest events on Aurora, just ever. And so many high pop rounds with enough Raiders, Mercs, even cultists rarely, is ruined when we roll Traitor and have one guy that is the only Antag. Alternatively, have two versions of Traitor, one for High Pop one for Low Pop, where Low Pop needs only one traitor, high pop needs three or more, make it a Team Antag in name only, so we can also see how many Traitors are readied up.
Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): Medium Species: Vaurca, Skrell, Unathi Short Description: New augments for the Vaurca How will this be reflected on-station?: I believe that it would create more people using custom augments in a more organized fashion, since the majority of these items Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: Yes it does, it also adds a reasonable need for a special Vaurca Augments page, allowing us to detail all their augments in greater detail which I think is an important idea Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? Yes I do Long Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/100YUD_p5SqFaWlGkIQA62TDuVDsd5Bx2RI0qTEg7Or4/edit?usp=sharing
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Reporting Personnel: Ta’Akaix’Loxs’tor’nok C’thur Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Consular Officer Game ID: cx5-aIX2 Personnel Involved: Ta’Akaix’Loxs’tor’nok C’thur, Consular Officer - Victim Za'Akaix'Pleig C'thur, Off-Duty - Offender Secondary Witnesses: N/A Time of Incident: 06:24 Real Time: 1:33 AM EST 2/8/25 Location of Incident: Consular’s Office (B) Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [X] - Assault [ ] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: I, Ta’Akaix’Loxs’tor’nok, called the off duty crewmember Za'Akaix'Pleig C'thur to my office to discuss why they did not return to the C’thur Hive after communication was opened back up to Vytel’s colonists. The discussion got heated, and before I could end it amicably there were some words that were harsh on both ends, but it ended with the warrior lunging at me, and attempting to hold me still for reasons unknown. I was able to defend myself by simply tossing them away from me, and calling Security, at which point the Warrior turned itself in but ultimately entered cryogenic storage before they were charged and before the investigation ended fully. Submitted Evidence: Fax from the Commander Ra'Akaix'Piq C'thur's fax (Penned by them, signed by me) Federation Response to my Fax Notes from officer Mira Tilton, of which I deny The First, Second, and Third point. As an addendum, I have no idea what "Went for it" means Transcript Part 1, interrupted by Radiation Transcript Part 2 Transcript Part 3 Would you like to be personally interviewed? [X] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why? Yes, Head of Security Kasa Bulat-Strelitz Actions taken: The incident was reported to the Head of Security, and I was then questioned by their investigator, Clark Coldsmith Additional Notes: I only hope that this situation can further display that Klat'xatl are unfit for duty on the Horizon.
[Accepted] [Vaurca] Cupa wants to do the bug shaker
Myphicbowser replied to Cupa's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
During my time witnessing Cupax RP and play they've played a few different Phalanx members. They understand the Vaurca alien mindset, and have an appreciation of the lore that I think is important for a Vaurca player to have. I really appreciate RPing with them as my Ta, and I take the time to see how they react as a member of the Phalanx, and I think it works out great. I think they'd be an excellent Bug, and we can fully trust them with *chitter and maybe even *clack -
The Situation As it stands, a lot of people don't like that Machinist is an operations Job, I am one of them, but moving Machinist wholesale back into Science seems like the wrong choice, since as it stands I agree that Exosuits are more heavy duty, more industrial, grittier than your standard science department probably should be. And I think that thats why we're stuck on this topic, we're looking at Machinist as a single job. It was Robotocist once, and now its Machinist, and we let that confuse us into think that its one single job that should say one single job My Solution We split the job into two distinct jobs, Machinist and Synthetic Technician (Maybe a snappier name), Machinist would remain the exosuit professional, the one expected to understand, build, upgrade, and maintain the Horizon's exosuits. This in itself is a pretty full job to, and moves it FIRMLY into operations, I believe that also Cyborgs would fall under this, heavy industrial units with several internal parts that are more industrial in nature (Such as Cable Synthesizer and all the tools they carry around) The Synthetic Technician however is a research position deals in IPCs and all things cybernetic. You want an augment repaired? You visit the Synthetic Technician. You want an Augment installed? You visit the Synthetic Technician. They would act as a specialized cybernetic surgeon, IPC 'Medical Doctor', and fill the niche of Research based Robotics. This would better represent the research departments of other companies familiar with IPCs, while also allowing for more character concepts that are based AROUND synthetics. I think that the Machinist as it stands is trying to be too many things. This would of course require some mapping, I'd think that it makes sense to move the Machinist into Operations with its own mechanical bay, and a new lab in Science for the more delicate Synthetic parts that can be produced. I think that while this may seem small, the impact on the server would be a huge positive. I believe that this may be the best solution, it was discussed on the discord some days ago and I wish I could recall exactly who was involved but I'm stupid, I also hope that there isn't another active post on this topic, as I did look a year back in the posts to try and find another one but I may have missed it Thank you all for reading.
vaurca sweep, soul addition to smell your cringe girlrot
Myphicbowser replied to Lmwevil's topic in Suggestions & Ideas
A scent system would be incredible for service bugs, and in general it would be a wonderful little RP addition -
Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): Medium Species: Vaurca Short Description: A new bioform that assists in salvage operations and military operations How will this be reflected on-station?: A potential Vaurca themed ghost role Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: Yes, it represents the Cephalons in an official capacity on server, as well as showing the Varuca's unique relationship with technology and voidcrafts Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team?: Yes I do! Change my idea, make it better Long Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nm1k5c-0x4_5pZ9Ln13s4T7cut8vQUJAVxqePgQ2aT4/edit?tab=t.0 Thats right, a google doc, I refuse to format on the Forums ❤️
Only suggestion I have is a new classification of connected, Slaved You mentioned a Connected Ta and unconnected Soldiers, and that got me thinking, what if there were Slaved Units, you know? Say the Ta is connected, as we see in our current Tas we have stronger cybernetics available for priority units, so while that Ta is connected she is Lii'dra for all intents and purposes, but her Ka are too far to connect So as you said with a "Hotspot", they connect to the Ta, becoming connected but now with a huge weakness If the Ta dies, they become disconnected again, like those aliens from Ender's Game or Independence Day, they are Lii'dra only in that they are slaved to the Ta who is Lii'dra Its a more temporary state, and only used for Active missions far away I think Tyranids have something like this to, but I can't recall exactly
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I actually added the idea of Voting No because a lot of people have this idea that the innate randomness is good, and I wanted to appease tehm I personally disagree that Randomness is good at all, consistency is how you tell stories, Antags are our rogue factor A lot of your points are good, and I appreciate you adding your own method for making the voting system Overall, your points are valid, I just would prefer a hard player controlled way to decide whats coming up, but I also DO like the idea of making it so voted on vessels can't be voted on again, that way it ensures variety without randomness
So I have a suggestion, to give people with Whitelists a little more time to organize and prepare something. After the shift end vote is called and passes, I suggest that another vote option be made available, only DURING shift change, that brief ten minute period. This vote could be called twice, taking up both Ghost Role slots (I assume there is only two possible) if used correctly. The idea would be that they can call the vote, and a list of all possible Ghost Roles is in that vote, allowing a group of players to select a Ghost Role that will be initialized at the start of the next round with the rest of the map, so that way we can have consistently populated ghost roles, or at the very least see some of the more rare ones filled due to the lack of whitelists keeping them empty. I also suggest, of course, in these votes a "No" option, so that way if no one WANTS the ghost role to be selected for whatever reason, they can simply outvote it. No idea why they WOULD do that, but they could, which would lock one of the Ghost roles into the "Random" that I assume it already has and is. Meaning if the same thing happens to the second vote if its called, it to can be locked into random.
Myphicbowser's Unathi Deputy Application
Myphicbowser replied to Myphicbowser's topic in Developer Applications Archives
That's the beauty of Aurora lore really, it's very easy and fun to work with. A lot of the lore is very open ended and the unexpanded bits along with the very expanded bits are fun to discuss and work with, given the current condition of Unathi Lore it could kinda go anywhere, and I'd love to work on anyone's interpretation on it. And I think I could work with people who have differing ideas, you can't set expectations for a project/expansion at the start, and you have to be malleable to make it come out well. My leaving the CCIA was a gradual just me playing less, and due to CCIA being more of a reactive force then a proactive one there was little I could do besides IRs or respond to faxes in round, but with Unathi lore this would be less of an issue. I try to always be around in some capacity and I always have time to write and such. To that end, if I felt like I was slacking in commitment I'd just gather all my Google word docs from the folder I'd probably have and hand it over and start talking to relevant heads of staff to explain the situation. My leave from CCIA wasn't sudden, I was pointed at for being a low to none activity member for a period of time and I took that as an honest take and retired, since Lancer was wanting to clear out numbers I believed. I've looked back on it and thought of many changes and some other vague ideas of entirely different topics, but at the end of the day I still believe if the Grim Compact could be fixed, a mini-arc like this would be a very good start, something to declare in no uncertain terms the legality of Piracy and the SCCs opinion of the Compact.