BYOND key: Damarik
Character names: Damarik Laizare, Darius Leomine, Quinton Liere, High Father Taleoron
How long have you been playing on Aurora?: A couple of months now
Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:I have what I believe to be a firm grasp on what it takes to be the captain of the station and would like to attempt the role.
Why did you come to Aurora?:I came to Aurora to escape the insanity of Basil and Sybil, seeking more active roleplay than end-of-round Robusting and Murderbones.
Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Thoroughly.
Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.
Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:Roleplay is about expressing a part of yourself that you don't normally have the opportunity to live out. It embodies becoming that character in every way, shape and form to the point where your desires and that of your characters commingle and meld to become one and the same. It is not just a game, but an intricate story told through characters that live, breathe and exist in a world separate from our own.
What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: OOC is kind of a hard thing to discuss on these terms, but if I were to try and sum it up, I believe that the non-character roles of the HOS crew is to provide knowledgeable information and a welcoming environment to both new and old players. To be able to answer questions that they might have.
What do you think the OOC responsibilities of White-listed players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:It is to provide the most welcoming atmosphere to everyone who enters into the game, and to provide and set examples for both standards of action and equality amongst the players, as well as to provide a proper figure to learn from in terms of characters who might one day also seek to hold those positions.
Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.
Character name:Maximus Altaire (a new character for the role)
Character age:65
Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):
Having grown up in a military family, Maximus is no newcomer to authority and leadership. Having been shipped off to a semi-prestigious academy at the age of eighteen, he ascended the ranks of his other squad mates to become the leader of his platoon, graduating with honors at the end of three long years of attendance. Shortly after, he enlisted in the Sol Alliance military establishment, and began to claw his way to being a commissioned officer.
Having served now for over forty years in the military, Maximus has taken his leave of retirement with a clean DD-214 and an honorable discharge. Scouting around for means of employment just to keep his skills sharp and level, he spied an opening aboard NanoTrasen and applied immediately, including his full resume and service record.
Maximus Altaire is by no means an intimidating man. With silver-gray hair, close cropped to regulation and a suit pressed so thoroughly that it might have been within an inch of the fabric's life, he puts off an air of professionalism and confidence. During his years in the military, his command was prominently marked by loyalty of those under him and decent enough praise from his upper brass to earn him something of a reputation as a 'softie'. This, however, does not hide the streak of order and discipline that one can still see lingering behind ice blue eyes set into a weathered, yet still somehow noble appearing face.
What do you like about this character?:
Altaire is the character I've always wanted to play, but never found an outlet to introduce him into. He embodies everything I'd one day hoped to be.
What do you dislike about this character?:
Maximus, unfortunately, embodies everything I never became. While familiar with the military and its ways, I was never quite able to 'hack it', and was given an early discharge. That will forever be reflected in this character.
What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: He has the experience to know what needs to be done, and the wisdom to understand that one does not push others more than he would push himself. You can't expect subordinates to do things you would refuse to's not only bad for morality: it's plain bad leadership.
Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.
How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I have considered myself something of a mid to high-rate roleplayer since my budding years in Second Life. I've played a variety of characters across many species and gender, and am able to transition between them fluidly. I prefer paragraph RP, though not every situation calls for it, and I understand the difference between setting atmosphere and just plain dragging things out with useless information.
Extra notes: As much as I would love for this character to be white-listed, I understand that with my limited time on the server, and the relative unfamiliarity of my characters, that it may not be granted. If you want any indication of how my actions in game can be received, needs look no further than the initial reaction to the Sect of Singulation's appearance in writing.
Thank you for your time, whether or not you grant this application its status as an admissible player.