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Everything posted by Damarik
There. I uploaded it to my dA. And to be fair; I only did the major reconstruction of Cargo. My tech did the wood-floor/carpeting. It was a nice touch, if I do say so myself.
Empty beakers, syringes, bottles, etc into sinks
Damarik replied to SierraKomodo's topic in Completed Projects
Agreed. It could be handled much in the way that syringes are, with a fill/empty selector on the icon. -
Ckey/BYOND Username:Damarik Position Being Applied For:Spriter/Mapper Past Experiences/Knowledge: Have experience in sprite work and map-layout/interior design. Used to be a Mason Beekin (Map Creator/Tutor) and spriter on the old-school Furcadia game, plus have developed a few modified sprites for SS13 already. Examples of Past Work: http://orig06.deviantart.net/b451/f/2016/036/b/7/space_station_13_mods_by_damariklaizare-d9qmglt.png (If you can't see the image) Above witnessed is the in-game remapping of the Cargo Office during an active Round, my Track-Drone modification, a specialized Grenade Mod (both of these have the animation panes for examples instead of just single shot) and a front/back view of my clothed Sergal Avatar. Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.): Email, really. Unless anyone here actively plays Second Life...I don't get on Skype all that much, and Steam I usually just leave running in the background, so it tends to go unnoticed. laegreffon@hotmail.com Second Life User: Damarik Dragoone Steam Account: Taleoron Damarik Laizare Additional Comments: Here is a new map of how I would personally lay out Cargo, if I had the opportunity. There's a lot of wasted space in the current variety. This locates the QM's office central to the Warehouse, the Bay, the Office, and the Mining Dock, so they can oversee everything. I know it's missing a few things (APC's, Air/Fire alarms in the main office area), but this is just a quick mock-up. Further work would obviously be required. What do you want for about 45min worth of mapping? x3 http://orig13.deviantart.net/8a8b/f/2016/038/c/b/more_ss13_mods__new_cargo_department_by_damariklaizare-d9qx61l.png
Again: all dependent on whether or not you have Science (alive or at all), and whether or not they're nice enough to open it for you. Chances are, you'll get bitched at by the RD or some other Chief for ordering a crate like that without express permission.
Re: Power Cell Availability - swat43 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:30 am Robotics can make basic type power cells from the very start just so you know. It's cheap, small and low ammount of power inside them, but what people have to do each round is sync up the machine so they can make it. Mofo1995 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:28 pm Super capacity power cells are really cheap, can be researched with extremely little effort, and could easily be mass produced from both the exosuit fabricator and the protolathe. However, aside from droids and borgs getting upgrades at robotics, nobody ever asks me for them. Try placing a bulk order sometime. Assuming an RD is around for the equipment requisition form, you could get a bag-full of super caps easily. This is precisely what I'm talking about. Unless you have access to a suit fabricator, their availability depends solely on there being a competent Science department around. That can me excessive to 0% availability, depending on the mood of said scientists, or whether or not they're even there. swat43 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:48 pm ******Cargo can order them if needed. Care to show me where? That's 90% of the reason I put this post up. I don't see any place to order power cells from the Req. Console.
Is this form up for any and all races? I've got one or two in mind from the novel series I'll probably never finish writing.
During the last round I played earlier today before going to work (that MalfAI and god knows what else was running around besides the spiders), it became evident that having the ability to either create or order even the most basic of power cells somewhere other than the Protolathe would be a significant boon. Granted, sure: R&D is supposed to handle making shit like that. However; is there not a way we can make basic power cells more available? Take them off the Protolathe and leave that for the higher capacity cells while making the basic 2000W cells available in autolathes and supply consoles?
I think a big part of why the races aren't as popular as they could be is that instead of playing 100% to the lore, most people just treat the races as more throw-away replacements for humans. Tajara are supposed to be treated like complete trash...but in a lot cases, you see people palling around with them. They're supposed to feel subservient in such a way as to never be good enough...but they wander around the station acting like top-shit. If you don't like the Lore, don't sign up for the race. That'll tell ya real quick which ones are popular and which ones aren't. It'll help weed out races that don't need to be part of the crew, as Skull was mentioning earlier. And as for having non-crew races...how does that even work? What, you get to play them once in ever 150 rounds as a special event character? That's...kinda lame. Even listed on the roster as 'crew' when in all actuality they aren't; the station hosts a vast number of civilian positions. Cargo, Bar, Hydroponics/Botany, Internal Affairs, Kitchen and Bar staff? Technically speaking: civilians aren't Crew. They have to answer to the Heads of Staff like anyone else, but from a strictly militaristic vs. corporate point of view, the Civvies aren't "crew". They're just there to staff the departments that don't require super-specialized training, like Engineering or Security. So I'm not quite sure where this argument about another 'crew race' is supposed to hold water.
You and me both. xD
Digging this back out of the ashes, because I am still in love with the idea of these guys.
As a big advocate of Drone Rights, I had made a massive list of suggestions. Your first one was part of it. However, I think that despite my intense lobbying for the Drones and the various requests I made on them; I made people more intent on not doing anything to the Drones. Good luck, though. Also: their third law does not specifically dictate you can't interact with the crew. It merely says you cannot interfere with them. -waits for the former army of Drone Haters to come pounding down on him-
Totally down for this idea. Not only do we have (what I presume to be) the first real xenophobic race of xenos (due to their isolationistic tendencies), but we have one that has the potential to be more significantly advanced in technology than any present that we've already got. It would give them many different dynamic angles to use when interacting with the current crew and races. Such examples: Hive-Mind mentality? Do they operate as individuals, or do they operate on a collective conscious? Telepathy is not the only means of creating this kind of bond. Some species operate through pheromone trails (insects) while others deliver direct communication (Humans, to some limited extent in the commercial/industrial complex) Thoughts on other races: Humans: Oh, those poor pitiful creatures. Would be inclined to assist them further advance their society if they weren't such disgusting creatuers. We work with them, but not for them. We inhabit their stations because while we don't really have anything to gain...we have nothing to lose by making another allied race. Tajara: Fluffy, like us. But sadly no where near as intelligent. Oh well, you win and lose. They are fun to irritate, none the less. Just don't let them get their filthy paws on us. Unathi: Brothers, Sisters and Cousins alike. While not as advanced as us, we must find a way to help advance our more scaly kin without actually doing anything. Learning isn't learning if it is spoon-fed. Skrell: Not even sure what these things are...but as long as they stay away from the nest-space, we won't hurt them too badly. Diona: Good for climbing and sharpening claws on. Not so good for consumption, unlike the other races. Their young are adorable, however.\ Communication Modes: Verbal - clicks, trills Physical - bobs, ducks, color changes, tail flips Subtle - head cock, eyeridge raising, scents Technological - Specially designed headsets for verbal communication over distance. Despised, as at least half of their language is conveyed through physical and subtle communications, and loses much of its meaning without these signals. Positions on the station: Can only be maintained if they have crewmates in similar positions, or are the Head of a Department with crewmen below them. If they are the only participant in that department, they must immediately seek reassignment to a department inline with their relative skills that has staff members. Due to their pack/herd mentality, they must be around others, or the solitude will drive them mad. Sub-Command (HoP, Chiefs of Staff) Engineering (With special tools, and only in teams of two or more) Science Medical (With special tools) Civilian (Can't use the Bartender's shotgun) Security Not Advised - While being highly advanced, getting into any kind of physical conflict triggers a killer instinct that makes them lose all reason and become slavering beasts. It takes them many days to come down from this, and as such should be left out of physical conflict. Non-Physical Conflict (from behind the barrel of a gun) is frowned upon, but is moderately safer as it is slower to trigger the instinct. Because of this, they have maintained a several millenium lasting peace on their planet...else they might have killed each other off long ago. Supply - All jobs except mining (Even in teams, the isolation of space that far from any other large group of people is too unsettling to think of) Good lord, I Could go on forever designing this particular race...XD They present many opportunities to flex the old imagination. Seriously guys...my suggestions have been blocked and torn apart time and again. If there is one thing I could do for this forum and Aurora in general as a game-server, let it be this. At least lemme try and write for these guys...and receive a full critique from any and all in power before there is a yea-nay vote. If these guys were to become implemented, I would be happy to never ask for anything else again.
Lady_of_Ravens' IPC Application
Damarik replied to Lady_of_Ravens's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I have never had any problem with Raven. Love the RP, love EmPrESS. It's always a great game when she's here. If I absolutely had to pick out one reason why this needs to happen, it's this: Lady of Ravens has time and again demonstrated exemplary role-play skill and talent. Between the research that went into the character (discussed in game no less, to double check facts with current IPC players) and past experience dealing with EmPrESS from many role stand-points (Human, Borg, Drone), I don't think I could give a possible reason why a white-list for an IPC would be a problem. -
Fair enough. I was trying to keep from robbing Medical Storage of half it's gear...but if this is the consensus, then perhaps I shall try a simpler suggestion.
For starters: Dylovene ain't used for Respiratory Damage...so I've no idea where you get that comparison. The 2 pills of 1u each are for cases that don't necessarily require a full 5, 10 or 15u, because I'm not sure if you've noticed...but you can't exactly just inject 1u of anything from a syringe. Most annoying. As for kitting up, then at least put this stuff in the EMT Break Room somewhere. Anywhere. I don't care. Fact is: if there's no chemist, then we have to raid the Medical Storage room for stuff and hope to god it hasn't been taken if we're starting after the round has already begun. The Advanced Trauma kit is all well and good. However, if you're looking for more specific cures instead of broad spectrum slap and paste, you're kind of out of luck.
Christ, I can't do anything right by you guys, can I?
Various opinions have been made, and suggestions applied to the suggestion. I recall this one...and sorry for spammin' the board with what appear to be failed suggestions. I'll try something simpler.
That's it. Here it is not in edit mode: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=3568 But yes, this is the thread I was talking about. This is beautiful and the person who designed this should be given the Nobel Prize. ; ~;
I'd be down for this.
I wouldn't know. I'm not privy to that kind of info...don't know where to find it.
Having an interest in taking on this role in the future, I don't believe Psychology should be secreted away in the back of Medical where no one can access it. The Psych's office should be in an open area so the crew can just wander on in when and if they need it. Perhaps have it open up into the main Medical Lobby area, or swap the Psych Office with the Morgue?
Not sure that a WhiteList is required, either. If anything, a better guide on how to play a proper, functioning, law-abiding AI would better serve. Access to better education is better than termination of access, yes?
It has come to my attention that either through pure belief in the idea, or even through sheer joking, that the people controlling Drones are not 'players'. I beg to differ so hard that I've about given up on this thread now. Just because something wasn't meant to be a regular character aboard the station doesn't mean it's always going to stay that way. You will eventually have people who will arrive, see those 'NPC' PC's, and think: Oh, that's pretty cool. I wanna do that for a while! Well, case in point. I am one such person who does exactly that. I find the little used niches and wrap a character around them. I develop story and personality for those over-looked roles. Why? Because I find it enjoyable. Because I genuinely want to play those roles. However: there are those of you who are so adamant about stagnation of these things that weren't 'meant to be' that now, whether joking or not, you have offered offense. I am very much a player. The legitimacy of my character should not be defined by whether or not it was or was not meant to be a 'playable role' with any content. So I want to play a tiny, 4 legged machine that is slightly different from the rest. How is this any different from those of you who want a special scarf, or a torn up jacket because it defines a specific point in your character's past? Think about that next time you feel like saying that my character isn't a 'player character'.
Alberyk's Head of Staff Application
Damarik replied to Alberyk's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I too was also aboard the "wut train" in reference to this. How are you not Whitelisted already? This needs to happen so bad, I can't find the words necessary to explain why. Coming from someone already on the list, Alberyk deserves this as much as we need more Head Players (which, in case you didn't get it: Make It So, plz).