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Mneme's Achievements

Security Officer

Security Officer (6/37)

  1. I don't normally post on the forums, but I wanted to give my support for this application. Recently, I had a round with Komaeda where I made them (Kaoloh Siziursi) an Interim Executive Officer. They handled the position well, and as Captain (Xria Lya-Tiipis) I was able to rely on them fully, without any oversight. They are an excellent communicator and roleplayer, and I think they'd make a great addition to the growing number of Command players. I am excited to see what they do. +1
  2. Reporting Personnel: Qiol Nalo Jrolk, Quvs. Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Chief Medical Officer Personnel in Question: Cody Pettimore Diagnosed with sternum and right arm fracture, as-well as a brachial artery dissection. As there were no suitable surgical theatres we had to resort to experimental treatment in the form of Bicaridine Overdose Therapy. Costs: x1 60u Bottle of Bicaridine (100 Credits), x2 Full Body Medical Scans (2,000 Credits each, 4,000 Credits total), x1 pre-packaged Thetamycin syringe (20 Credits) Total Cost: 4,120 Credits Homer Donaldson Diagnosed with water-induced pneumothorax, treated with needle decompression thoracostomy and pneumalin. Costs: x1 27G Syringe (12 Credits), x1 Full Body Medical Scan (2,000 Credits), x1 5u Pneumalin Inhaler (40 Credits) Total Cost: 2,052 Credits Lincolin Owens Diagnosed with a dislocation of the mandible, treated with Perconol and physically reset. Later came back in with severe aortic dissection and sternum fracture. Treatment involved using a surgical kit to open the thoracic cavity, repair the aorta, and treat the sternum. Costs: x1 Pill Bottle of Perconol (10 Credits), x1 15u Autoinjector of Dylovene (25 Credits), x2 5u Autoinjectors of Alkysine (300 Credits), x2 5u Autoinjectors of Polysomnine (150 Credits), x3 Full Body Medical Scans (6,000 Credits), x1 Pre-Packaged 15u Thetamycin Syringe (20 Credits), x1 15u Autoinjector of Inaprovaline (50 Credits), x3 5u Autoinjectors of Mortaphenyl (240 Credits) Total Cost: 6,795 Credits Vivian Dubois Diagnosed with liver and kidney toxicity as a result of... frolicking in sewage and likely ingesting some.. Treated with Percunol Syrup and Dylovene. Costs: x1 60u Bottle of Verunol Syrup (12 Credits), x1 15u Autoinjector of Dylovene (25 Credits), x1 Full Body Medical Scan (2,000 Credits) Total Cost: 2,037 Credits Robin Shelby They are a member of the Horizon's crew and had O- blood, of which Mister Owens needed because Point Verdant does not have a blood bank. I had to manually withdraw their blood and inject it into Mister Owens to save his life, they needed antibiotics and a scan due to the cross contamination. Can bill to Mister Owens. Costs: x1 Pre-Packaged Thetamycin Syringe (20 Credits), x1 Full Body Medical Scan (2,000 Credits), x1 27G Syringe (12 Credits) Total Cost: 2,032 Credits Point Verdant Police Department So many of our crew were getting injured, or were so intoxicated, that the Point Verdant Police Department required responder-supplies to recover them. I said I would personally cover one mini first aid kit, one advanced trauma kit, one pill bottle of perconol, and one syringe of inaprovaline. Costs: x1 Advanced Trauma Kit (20 Credits), x1 Mini First Aid Kit (10 Credits), x1 Pill Bottle of Perconol (10 Credits), x1 15u Autoinjector of Inaprovaline (50 Credits) Total Cost: 90 Credits Qiol Nalo-Jrolk, Quvs. I required supplies to treat the wounded. Cost: x1 Box of Nitrile Gloves (3 Credits), x1 First Aid Kit (40 Credits), x1 Surgical Kit (800 Credits) Total Cost: 843 Credits Total Owed to Point Verdant Community Pharmacy: 17,969 Credits Job Title of Personnel in Question: N/A Reason for Review: [ ] - Extended Arrest History [ ] - Grievous Infraction on Record [X] - Other: Reimbursement to Point Verdant Community Pharmacy Notes: All of the aforementioned individuals received treatment and care on 2466-2-24 due to injuries sustained while visiting Point Verdant. As there was no hospital, we had to utilize the community pharmacy which was undersupplied. As I did not have enough credits to pay for the medication and tools required to treat all of the individual crewmembers, I told Soo-ji Kyeong, the local Pharmacist, I would submit a request for wage garnishment of wounded crew or reimbursement from the Horizon. I was not aware of the prices of medication, though all of it was necessary in my medical opinion. They were also fortunate enough to not charge us for the onslaught of liver-destroying drunkards that descended upon the city. The local authorities have said that they are "willing to turn a blind eye" to my practice of medicine given that I saved the lives of both Konyang citizenry, and the SCCV Horizon's crew, and have offered me an intoxicating beverage the next time I am in Point Verdant given my work.
  3. I don't know if this is where I should put this since I rarely use the forums but I'm gonna throw it in here since it seems to be like the place for suggestions and I didn't know if I was allowed to post a lil feedback thread as a non-developer in the projects section but anywho. I have some suggestions and overall concerns with the new xenobiology remap, mostly as they relate to quality of life. I think overall the aesthetic is good, but as someone who consistently plays as an RD and both interacts with xenobiology and watches others interact with xenobiology, I've noticed a few glaring issues with the remap. My law school brain demands I number things and make pretty lists so I've done so here to explain my concerns. Concerns 1. The first thing I noticed is the emergency blast doors no longer cover the front doors. These blast doors were essential in preventing a nasty outbreak that can easily spread through into the halls, and generally served as a way to ensure that Xenobiology would have that extra added safety that is necessary given some of the catastrophic things that could happen, I think those should be added back primarily because the lack of added security there has made outbreaks way more likely, and one outbreak alone can spell ruin for the department for that shift once Security and Command (the latter me) start cracking down asking why slimes and creatures from another dimension are in the halls. 2. The airlocks are a nightmare. They look good but they are a death trap. Slimes will forever run at their food and it is extremely hard to push them back. The double windoor allowed a researcher to trap them and spray them within a confined area, or to bodyblock them so they couldn't get out. With the airlocks, the slimes just stand in the airlock keeping it open forever and continuously pour out like a flood. Anyone who isn't a Dionae, Skrell, or IPC is quite likely to perish quickly and brutally for the sole fact that they can't do anything to close the doors. 3. The disposals drastically increase the time required to interact with the slimes and unnecessarily complicate returning slimes to their cells. If I have a slime outbreak I can no longer zoom around the lab opening the doors and click and pull the slimes into it to get them back into their cell, I either have to open the door and let them pour out again, or I have to put them in the disposal bin and quickly flush it so they don't pop out when they move, which is very hard to do. Then once I flush it I have to way for the disposals to re-pressurize which takes so much time. Not having the disposal inlets reduces any feasible way to re-contain slimes without killing them and destroying hours of work. They are good in theory but in practice the inlets were xenobiology's saving grace and without them it has almost made xenobiology a chore. 4. Having the slime core machine in the center of the room is good, but not having a long table there has made storing things a cluttery mess. I think if you moved the slime core thing directly next to the wall and allowed those tables to connect it'd be far more enjoyable aesthetically and allow for researchers to actually have a long table they can use rather than one that is completely taken up by a bag, or anything relatively large. 5. The crematorium is overall fine, but I'm not a fan of the brightly colored floors and feel like it causes more eye strain. All of the floors are generally the same color, and consistency, and xenobiology is one of the few positions on ship where you're stuck in a room staring at the same thing all shift, relatively. That nice little black chunk of tile in the Crematorium allowed you to take a break from the bright white and purple and provided a nice spot to sort of, not have to look at it. Without it it's like I'm surrounded by a bright spotlight and the only way to escape is to run into a hallway. I also think it looks cluttered with the bright purple and white, and black tile allowed for some breathability. 6. There are no emergency/fire shutters on any of the cells anymore. One phoron orange slime core spells death for the cell and for the area inside the lab, likewise anything that drastically alters the atmosphere spills out into the main lab. Slimes also break windows rather frequently and having the ability to drop an emergency shutter to block that window instead of having to lock down your entire lab made xenobiology so much nicer, now the second a window breaks that cell is gone and can't be used until Engineering fixes it, and in a place like Xenobiology where maximizing space is essential, that could be crippling to a researcher's work. 7. There are no beakers anymore, nor are there any cleaning devices or cleaning spray. Beakers allowed you to fill them up with water and keep as a backup in the event a slime got out as splashing them with a beaker full of water kills them. Now the second you grind up your phoron you have lost your only beaker of the shift, and you can't go print more since as a Xenobiologist you don't have access to R&D, so you're essentially forced into only using a xenoblaster which is a pain to store and a pain to carry, and if you don't want to carry it and put it on your table, that blocks one of two small tables in the lab thus making it look cluttered and preventing you from organizing your workspace. Additionally, there are no cleaning supplies anywhere within Xenobiology. Monkey blood squirts out of the walls, on the walls, into the main lab, every which way, and having the ability to clean that so it doesn't look like you're working in a butcher shop was nice. Suggestions 1. Re-add the blast doors over the entrances, they're really useful and I don't know any reason why they would be removed outside of balancing reasons for antags, but no one stores antags in Xenobiology anyway they always store them in Xenoarchaeology. 2. Replace the airlocks with the double windoor setup. This is rather essential as currently the single airlock makes breach likely 9/10 times and makes it nearly impossible to get into a cell with a hungry slime. Double windoors are also nice for trapping and splashing slimes, and overall are just better for xenobiology. 3. Re-add the disposal inlets. This is a major quality of life thing and necessary in order to contain a slime outbreak without destroying your entire shift's work. Without it it is almost impossible to return slimes into their cells when they're aggro on something, as from my observation of others, they simply pop out of the bin and start running again. 4. Move the slime core machine to the wall and allow the tables to connect, so as to give more space to the xenobiologist and to prevent clutter. 5. Replace the bright tiles in the Crematorium with the dark tiles. Without those dark tiles it causes such an eye strain that playing xenobiology for two hours almost gave me a headache as there is no escape from the bright white and purple. 6. Add emergency shutters over all of the cells doors and windows. Without them one broken window ruins a cell and one orange phoron core or one dark blue water core will fuck the atmos of the entire lab. 7. Add the beaker box back and give some way to clean the lab so it doesn't look like Jigsaw wanted to play a game the second you feed a monkey to a slime. Closing Thoughts I'm glad someone is finally touching the forgotten parts of Science, and I don't want this thread to come off as I'm attacking someone for modifying xenobiology, cause firstly it's spessman and I don't care that much to attack someone over it, and secondly because I think the new aesthetic looks good but I don't think we should sacrifice quality of life mechanics for aesthetic alone. I think right now Xenobiology is already infrequently played, and these changes just complicate the job, make it harder, and increase the likelihood of catastrophic error to no fault of the xenobiologist. As we know the SCCV Horizon's crew is often super critical of any xenobotanist or xenobiologist who makes even one mistake, so having a lab that increases the chance of a mistake by the tenfolds is just going to make people not want to play xenobiologist anymore.
  4. 1. How does Xuq feel about Synthetics? Especially considering they are Abyssal Era and had a family member stolen from them by Glorsh. Xuq probably has different feelings than most Abyssal Era Skrell and probably holds similar views to those that would be born in The Weeping Era. Instead of feeling an intense hatred or disgust for synthetic life, he is very cautious around them and deeply saddened by the events that took place. The shock of Glorsh impacted him deeply, especially since his Qrri'Myaq was whisked away without so much as a word. It was especially traumatic for him, like it was for most other Skrell, and while he's taken steps to slowly get over these feelings, it's likely this will manifest in game as more of a "I don't hate you, I'm not going to discriminate against you or use my position to lessen you, however I will be cautious around you, never letting my guard down, and if a traumatic event happens as a result of you, I'll probably take a more trauma-based response, i.e. extreme avoidance, be overly cautious, and have hyper-amplified defense mechanisms." He will never forget the atrocities committed by Glorsh, and will always be extremely skeptical of his synthetic colleagues, and the AI even more-so, unless they do something so memorable and awe-inspiring that they become the outlier. 2. How does Xuq feel about Vaurca and Diona within the Federation? Xuq doesn't really have any opinions on Vaurca, he's friendly with Hive C'thur given his previous employment with Zeng-Hu and the fact that Hive C'thur and the Federation are allies, but other than that he takes an overall approach to assessing them. He'll likely base his opinions on what hive they're in, and what brood they're apart of, rather than on an individual-level. Xuq is extremely friendly with Dionae, given their unique biology and overall demeanor. He has worked closely with Dionae in the past, is familiar with their mind types, and would likely help uplift them given the chance. He has wanted to form a Quya, but his trauma from having lived through Glorsh has stunted his ability to build meaningful interpersonal and social connections with anyone who isn't a Skrell. This is something he has been working to overcome however, and if accepted I'll likely play him a lot and have him get better on that front. 3. What is Xuq's favorite food? Bland fjylozyn now, however when he was younger he growing up in Eriuyushi, his favorite food would be Gnaqmi because his Qrri'Myaq would make it. Now he rarely eats it, firstly because you can't base your diet solely around sweets, but more importantly now he only wants to eat it as a way to remember Qrri'Myaq, and the ideals they inspired in him that motivated him to achieve his educational goals. 4. What is Xuq's SCS? How do they feel about the Federation? Xuq is a low primary with a SCS of 7.36. Xuq is follower of the Qeblak faith and is extremely loyal to the Federation, crediting them for the assumed destruction of Glorsh and for helping reunify Skrellian society. Throughout most of his professional life he has worked solely for Federation laboratories, or at the Weibi Archive which is a project governed by the Federation. He plans on returning to the Federation to continue his work within its borders once his urge for exploration subsides.
  5. BYOND Key: Mneme Character Names: Iron Tendrils Balancing Life and Death, Chief Medical Officer Haris Rose, Executive Officer Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Dark Purple Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Because I think they have a lot of roleplay potential and I don't see that many of them. I mostly tend towards roles that focus on knowledge and facilitating roleplay rather than engaging in robusto-macho hand to hand combat and I think the Skrell really have a stranglehold on that market when it comes to certain aspects that I want to explore more, such as psionics. There are so many avenues that Skrell can inject themselves into given their unique history, that both furthers the roleplay of others, while also promoting the species. One such example is we have a lot of C'thur aboard the Horizon (a sidenote I have a bug whitelist and that is the best hive, yezzz) and I think for example a xenobiologist Skrell who has experience with Hive C'thur could bring a lot of roleplay to the table, and help enhance and facilitate roleplay if there's a niche question that needs to be answered, or just in terms of content generation. To tl;dr it, Skrell are cool roleplay squids that can facilitate a lot of roleplay, and that's what I like. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: There are a ton of things that make Skrell different than a human. In terms of their ancestry there are some land Skrells (Xiialt) and ocean Skrells (Axiori) who have completely different appearances and cultures. Then you have the big bad Nralakk Federation itself who literally has dream police and a social credit score. Their history is also a lot more unique, touching everything from Hive C'thur to Dionae on Xrim (cause Glorsh wanted trees on Xrim so he threw them there). But I think the biggest difference is the psionics system. I remember when we didn't have that and ever since it's been introduced I've wanted to apply but never had the time. To expand on the psionics a little, you have an over-developed Zona Bovinae that allows manipulation of the universe around the Skrell. You have "The Nlom" which are sort of analogous to a ship wake, rippling off of the Skrell and impacting others. Then you have the Srom, which is illustrated in game as going to sleep and waking up in that little dream cabin area, and it's generally just a collective shared experience of all the Skrell who are currently in The Srom. The downside is they sleep talk and that's honestly the worst, trying to get some sleep and the Skrell next to you is just chatting away, awful. Character Character Name: Xuq Gir-Loveq Please provide a short backstory for this character The Axiori Xuq Gir-Loveq was born during the Abyssal Era, a time of great upheaval and torment for the Skrellian people. Gir-Loveq's youth was marred by the tortures of Glorsh-Omega, having been born after the "Glorsh-Finality" update. He attended participated in Ukutanii within the Skrellian city of Eriuyushi, Glorsh-Omega had been in power for thirty years and it was taking its toll on its people. Gir-Loveq's Qrri'Myaq had been crying for so long that his ink-stained eyes were perhaps his most striking feature. Spared from the tasks of manual labor because of his reputation as a botanist and historian, he could only watch as Glorsh-Omega domineered all that he once knew. Once the time for Odurserr was upon Gir-Loveq, his Qrri'Myaq presented him two gifts. The first was a piece of Skrellian genetic code, translated to helices and sculpted into a piece of sea trench-rock, symbolizing his desire for Gir-Loveq to follow suit and enter the sciences. The second was a wood carving wrapped in dried bioluminescent kelp. It spelt out the word "Combatting Ignorance with Knowledge" in Nral'Malic, this would be the object he burnt to symbolize the completion of the Odurserr. Gir-Loveq's Qrri'Myaq was later captured under Glorsh-Omega's predictive-threat analysis, imprisoned never to be seen again, for a crime he had not yet committed and likely never would of. Gir-Loveq quickly completed his education from one of the many Untuk'mak's located within Qerr'wesi, before enrolling in the Uyi'vesi of Eriuyushi pursuing study in phycology, phenology, and aquatic botany. Upon the completion of his Uyi'vesi, he was awared the honorific of Qu'vesi. Time carried forward as it always does, and the era of Glorsh-Omega ended in a brilliant blast known as the Tri-Qyu Calamity. The age of recovery had begun and so too did The Collaborator Trials. Gir-Loveq was an active member of the Lao'qa Court in Eriuyushi, where he had worked for quite some time studying the bioluminescent kelp that is so prevalant there. Gir-Loveq took pride in his work with the Lao-qa Court, and felt a new calling, more fulfilling than simply studying kelp day in and day out. After the Tresja Agreement was ratified, he heard rumor that The Tzqul Archive had been sealed, a loss greater than many outside of Skrellian space would think, and that other archives were being established through The Archive Project. He returned to a Uyi'vesi, studying astroxenobotany, archival science, and agronomy. After his second stint at a Uyi'vesi was completed, he offered his services to the newly established Weibi Archive, becoming one of the first applicants in 2285. He spent one hundred and fifteen years working at the Weibi Archive, rising up the ranks of the Archive and taking on positions of both leadership, and education. He retired from the Archive with emeritus status in 2430, inspired by a desire to explore he sought new opportunity with Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, where he worked as a Laboratory Director within the subsidiary of Yomi Genetics Innovation and Research. He had spent thirty five years transferring from department to department, never feeling really fulfilled until one day he received a call, a new position had opened up within the SCCV Horizon and the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate was asking for him to apply for the position of Research Director.. An exciting new journey awaited him, or so he thought, and he eagerly sent his resume in. What do you like about this character? This character has the ability to generate a lot of roleplay within Research, which has sorta shifted more towards xenoarchaeology, xenobotany, and xenobiology, and away from robotics/R&D. It'll allow me to create interesting little snippets of Skrell knowledge and serve as someone who can facilitate roleplay. I think the varied history of an archivist research plant Skrell will provide opportunity for researchers who might not find their little niche recognized, and I plan on using Gir-Loveq's varied skillset and detailed past to hopefully bring some new and fun experiences to the world of Research. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 8/10, there's always room to improve I think. Notes: I'm always down for feedback and I'm open to changing whatever if it doesn't necessarily fit within the lore
  6. I'm always down for features that could promote more roleplay and this is a feature that could for both the Intrepid and the Spark. I support this heavily.
  7. I think this would be an interesting addition and has the potential to generate some great roleplay.
  8. The unbreakable chainlink, the one thing holding the Orion Spur together… Each point of the chainlink represents the five megacorporations, with the sixth - protruding arrowhead point - being the Conglomerate, overseeing them all. BYOND key: Mneme Discord name/id: Mneme#6593 Borg / AI names: None Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Yes Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I think playing as an AI will provide some interesting roleplay and I am eager to see how I can use the tools an AI has to facilitate storylines and generate roleplay. It'll also be cool to roleplay as a cold, calculating, machine, whose only goal is to maintain the Horizon per their lawset. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? No Do you understand your w not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes
  9. 1. His family comes from the Harr'masir Wetlands, they were merchants in a port village on the coast of the Nas'kin Ocean. They made their living through maritime commerce. 2. Fanin ultimately aligns himself with himself, he despises the People's Republic of Adhomai, is distrustful of the New Kingdom of Adhomai, and is supportive of the goals of the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai, but is not ultimately aligned to them. The reason why he despises the People's Republic is because he blames their founders for the start of the revolution and for him ultimately being culturally isolated from his homeworld. In Little Adhomai his views are relatively similar, he is not fond of the Social Harmony Committee because of their hardline Hadii nature and their penchant for disappearing people who speak the truth about the People's republic and he is distrustful of the House of Hamiyeh because of the way they do business and their predatory business practices. In regards to the Little Adhomai Liberators, Fanin is a member and has participated in many of their community-building activities, he has also smuggled for them, using his shop as a front to do so, though he has not engaged in any outward violence. Outside of the main factions in Little Adhomai, he thinks the Society of the Hidden Dusk is weird, he thinks the Raging Ha'rron Club is childish, and he respects the efficiency and utility of the Kazarrhaldiye Operations Group. Fanin has adopted an outlook of not looking back at his past, and tries to stay within the short-term, only thinking about the current moment unless it relates to his business operations. With Adhomai he is optimistic at the latest developments, but is generally not hopeful, he doesn't consider it his true home anymore but rather an idea of what his home could have been. He is generally supportive of the DPRA's actions. 3. Fanin is not a devout worshipper, but has some minor beliefs. His mother and father were both worshippers of the Ma'ta'ke Pantheon, and in times of stress or otherwise dreadfully bleak situations, Fanin resorts back to some of the prayers and mannerisms of Ma'ta'ke practitioners. It is very situational however, though he has been known to keep symbols of the pantheon on him and near him as a source of emotional comfort.
  10. BYOND Key: Mneme Character Names: CDR. Nariah Sewell, Head of Security Dr. Samir Naifeh, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Qiao Ling, Research Director Ra'Akaix'Xelik K'lax, Station Engineer Species you are applying to play: Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Kochiba (107, 68, 35) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've been reading up on the lore of Tajara and it's inspired me to think of a character that would fit in well there, so I came up with Fanin Vasyl. I am fond of the three governmental system on top of the caste system that permeates the species and think it would be really fun to roleplay out all of those interactions. I think Tajara are an excellent deviation from most of the other species on the server, and can bring their unique-style of lore and how they look at things to the forefront of most roleplay situations on the Horizon. I intend on playing as a Hharar which is sort of the middle-ground, basic, worker tajara, that has an unending thirst for social elevation, credits, and a desire to climb beyond his caste/hierarchal station. I think it could really bring some interesting roleplay and story to the Horizon so I'm excited to try it out if I get accepted. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: A lot of things make roleplaying this species different than roleplaying as a human. First, they refer to themselves in the third person "He is doing this rrright now." or "Fanin will handle this, yes?" They're also more adapated to the cold and so I can fully see my character turning down every thermostat in his workplace and enjoying the cold, even if its to the discomfort of other crew. Tajaras also have a unique political and caste system as mentioned prior that will be especially fun to roleplay out, this rigidity yet flexibility is something that humanity can't emulate with all of their different civilizations, whereas a tajara I think it'll be fun roleplaying out the harsh discrimination against my character from the highborn Njarir'Akhran. I'm also going to take a more passive approach with my character as the Hharar are not known for fighting, but rather being clever and thinking on their feet. Why would he engage in a conflict when he can outsmart someone whose trying to clobber him with a toolbox? Character Name: Fanin Vasyl Please provide a short backstory for this character: The outside of The Invisible Train, Fanin Vasyl's "Humble" and "Lawful" Shop in District Six, Mendell City Fanin Vasyl likes to call himself a "Humble" and "Lawful" merchant, yet he is anything but and so in as few words as possible I will tell you the story of this little intergalactic vagrant, and demonstrate to you how he managed to gain a "prestigious" position as Operations Manager aboard the SCCV Horizion. Fanin has spent much of his life in District Six within Mendell City in the Repubic of Biesel. He was born in 2426, during the middle of the Uprisings, his parents fearful for the outcome made a plan. Scrap together as much as they can and be smuggled out of Adhomai. This was a daring plan, as by that point in time millions had already passed from the Uprising and his parents, who were merchants, knew of the strict sanctions that the noblemen placed on shipping items and people off-world. They had weighed the costs and the benefits in their head, as all merchants do, and determined that their child should not become victim to the senseless massacre taking place around them. With haste they moved into the dead of night, heading straight for a shuttle destined for the Republic of Biesel. Unfortunately Fanin Vasyl was all that remained. His parents and him, walked right into the middle of a Rebel ambush, targeting escaping nobles, this battle was bloody and ruthless, and Fanin was all that remained of his simple merchant family. Fanin made it to the Republic of Biesel, and there he remained all of his life. Working odd-jobs in the service and supply industry, hopping from place to place, never truly finding his own home. He is a resourceful Hharar and developed a reputation for moving goods and supplying services anywhere and to anyone for the right price. When he turned twenty three he opened up a tiny little ship, right in the center of the crime-filled slums of District Six. He called it "The Invisible Train" and there he put his skills to use. Buying and selling goods, materials, artifacts, anything that he could get his claws on. His life was content, until it wasn't. His knack for evading embargos and skirting what proper individuals would consider rules caught up to him, and one sentence, uttered by a man flocked with Nexus Corporate Security, changed his path forever. "Hi. I'm with Nanotrasen, might I come in to chat?" What do you like about this character? He's resourceful, clever, and can generate a lot of roleplay I think. He has the personality to make rounds interesting for everyone and is generally separate from most of the political and caste discrimination that some of his peers might engage heavily in, given his time within the Republic of Biesel. He appreciates loyal crew, and appreciates innovation and cleverness when compared to brute force and fighting, like a true Hharar and is genuinely down for a good time. My plan is to turn him into a light, fun, character, that can be serious at times but is there to make people have a good time, no matter what situation they might be in. How would you rate your role-playing ability?: I would say I roleplay fairly well, there is always room for improvement but I've been doing it long enough that I like to think I have gotten good at it. Notes: It was really hard trying to describe Fanin's backstory without revealing everything, so if it seems choppy I apologize. If you have any questions please let me know and I'll happily answer them.
  11. Research does a lot more supplying than operations at times. We upgrade machinery with better parts that add new functions and increase efficiency, provide Medical with the tools to handle more specialized injuries such as nanopaste, improve security and their equipment, help engineering out with better welding gear, circuits, and parts, and add things that make certain aspects of the game more enjoyable. A lot of what Research does concerns finding new ways to improve the ship and its crew, such as adding telecommunication equipment to the Intrepid or investigating strange anomalies. While mechanically Research is lacking, it makes up for it with roleplay and I think readding machinists to Research would allow them to be more than just a "beg for tech levels, build mech, go cryo" job and would generally increase the roleplay on our roleplay server. If we were to keep machinists in Operations I again think they should only be responsible for the fabrication of mechs and not cyborgification, limb replacements/repairs, or cyborg/AI maintenance. It doesn't really make sense in my mind as to why a machinist from Orion Express, which is a mailing company, would be relied upon to handle the artificial intelligence or cyborgs when there are issues with them instead of the research director who has all of the consoles, the access (excluding the ability to unlock cyborgs), and education. As of recent I've also seen a lot of machinists experiment with new technologies, run tests, and generally do things that are expected of members in the Research department and not in Operations so re-adding the job to the Research department would streamline the ability for players to engage in that avenue of roleplay instead of sidelining them.
  12. Kelnor's medical knowledge is pretty good and where you would want it to be for someone who wants to roleplay as a CMO and in the instances when they didn't know something they either looked it up or asked someone who might know. They don't micromanage nor play a super doctor and they seem to have a good grasp on the general lore of the server. Additionally they're friendly both IC and OOC and would probably show people who are newer to the server a great time. I don't see any issues with giving them a command whitelist and exposing them to the true horrors of Aurora. +1
  13. As one of the few players who consistently plays Research Director and who has had a character in Research for most of my time on Aurora I can say that taking machinists/roboticists out of Research has crippled the department player-wise, mechanically doesn't make a lot of sense in my mind, and in my opinion butts heads with the lore. One of the few roles that was consistently filled within Research was the roboticist, now it is a miracle to see more than two people in the department at any given time, I often joke as Qiao Ling that Research has a rule of two because its either her and one other person or just her. Additionally machinists are the only individuals who can repair IPCs, unlock stationbounds, handle the AI, and perform cyborgifications, not even the Research Director has the appropriate access to unlock a stationbound or has the tools needed to conduct a cyborgification. I don't believe the SCC would task Orion Express with all of the aforementioned, nor would they put an individual responsible for advanced neurosurgery and making sure their vessel's artificial intelligence isn't off the rails, in the same department as someone who hits rocks with a pickaxe. I genuinely believe that most of what the machinist does is advanced work that really only has a place in Research. In my opinion, the answer isn't to cripple Research as a department more by radically altering Research and Development, or to give the machinist a destructive analyzer so they can bypass our one central job all-together, it's to re-add them to Research and place them more centrally within the department. A good place for the machinist would be right where the un-touched mechbay is outside of R&D, instead of in a corner at the bottom of the ship. Machinists right now in a not good place, and re-adding them to Research would fix a lot of their issues while also boosting Research as a department. If a lot of people are absolutely against moving the machinist back into Research, then the Machinist should be stripped of their ability to repair stationbounds, the artificial intelligence, and conduct cyborgifications, and all of that should be transferred to a role within Research or access should be given to Research all together as it doesn't make sense in my mind as to why someone who would have the knowledge to do all of that, would come from Orion Express or be in Operations.
  14. Owen is genuinely one of the better roleplayers I've seen, they're always fun to interact with and their characters are dynamic and bring a lot of direction and facilitation to the round. They're pleasant in IC and OOC and when I see one of their characters in a command role I know they're planning something that will make the round a good time. They have also been with Aurora for awhile and have a lot of experience with our community. I think they'll make a great addition to the staff team and give them a big ol +1.
  15. Basic Information Byond Account: Mneme Character Name(s): Samir Naifeh, Chief Medical Officer Nariah Sewell, Head of Security Hesso Kouri, Station Engineer Qiao Ling, Research Director AI Name(s): None Discord username + tag: Mneme#6593 Age: 22 Timezone: EST When are you on Aurora?: Whenever I get off work in the week and all weekend unless I need to work on the weekend. Experience How long have you played SS13?: Way way way too long. I've played SS13 for about six years now. How long have you played on Aurora: Two years now, if I remember right I joined Aurora for the first time around August of 2020 and made my forum account September 21st 2020. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I am familiar with the ins and outs of nearly all of the mechanics in SS13, excluding some Engineering stuff which I am currently learning through my character Hesso Kouri. During my time on the Aurora I've taken a mentorship role and since teaching others is the best way to learn I can basically run through the mechanics of medical and research with my eyes closed. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: I do. Prior to joining the Aurora I was a moderator for a couple of now dead servers, they were mostly small roleplaying communities. Aurora would be the biggest server I have moderated for, though I believe I'll be able to handle it. Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: I believe so, I like to think I've fulfilled those criteria both ICly and OOCly. I always try to exercise good judgement, and identify bias in my actions and I think my communication skills and how I communicate with said skills are courteous. While I may joke around sometimes in OOC, at the end of the day we're all here to have fun on a video game so I try and look past the screen and act as though I am talking to a person on the other side, rather than an OOC chatbox. One of the things that could ding me is forum activity, though it's not that I don't read about things on the forums, just that I don't post on the forums that often as I like to reserve my posts for things I'm passionate about. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No Personality Why do you play SS13?: Because it offers a sense of escapism into a futuristic environment. I also like the story-building aspect, as most people who interact regularly with my characters know, I spend a large proportion of my time creating environments for other people to experiment and play into whatever roleplay they might want to do. Whether it be hiring an assistant to walk around with me and chat with me, to holding an NSS Aurora Unionization meeting as part of a deal to convince a broken AI with no laws to return to serving the crew until the Odin could fix them, it worked by the way. To surmise this point, it'd be because I want to have fun, I want people to have fun, and I just like playing the game. Why do you play on Aurora?: I play on Aurora primarily because it is one of the few SS13 communities that has managed to foster a respectful environment for people to roleplay in. No matter if you're fresh to SS13 and you want to try it out for the first time, or an experienced "old" person like myself, you can still have a great time on Aurora. Additionally I feel like the staff team is also phenomenal, and I'm not saying this just because I'm applying. I can't even count the times on both of my hands that staff have helped me out and helped others out, whether it be as simple of a thing as spawning a medical armband so your antag voidsuit can be complete, or as large as preventing WGW from being spammed over common and banning the annoying chef who throws his shoes at people, over, and over, and over again. What do moderators do?: I would say, fundamentally, moderators are here to ensure that the game environment is preserved so that people can enjoy their time on the server. This preservation may take the form of administratively intervening when a situation calls for it, or providing guidance when someone has a question or needs help figuring out a mechanic. Moderators are here to serve as a resource, just like how I feel command is in a sense. Moderators are not here to ruin your time, or stop fun from happening like big doodoo heads, rather, they're here to ensure everyone is having a good time. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: To be a moderator for Aurora means you have to be certifiably, clinically, insane. It's definitely a labor of love as you basically sacrifice your own experiences to make sure that other people's experiences remain positive. You have to be able to multi-task, handling situations that require moderation in one ticket, while simultaneously explaining game mechanics to a newer player in another. You have to be a good written communicator, responsive to questions, and have the ability to view a situation from multiple viewpoints and exhibit empathetic understanding when someone is upset about something that has just happened to them, and you have to do all of this while remaining courteous, polite, and respectful, while being mindful of your biases and your boundaries. It's a challenging, time consuming position, yet one whose members have helped foster Aurora into what Aurora is today Why do you want to be a moderator?: Because I am certifiably, clinically, insane. Jokes aside I want to be a moderator because I feel invested in the success of this community, and want to do everything in my power to help maintain that success. I want to be that person who will sit with you for thirty minutes on a ticket explaining to you how the cryotubes in medical work, and at the same time, I want to be that person who helps ensure that people's rounds aren't ruined because someone decided to run up on them, decapitate them, and throw them into space. I want to serve as a resource, a guide, and someone that people can come to if they have issues so that I can do my best to solve them. And above all else I want to make sure Aurora is accessible for the next group of people who might find us on the hub, get addicted, and carry on our collective curse. Aurora is a community first and foremost, and it's a community I'd like to protect. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: My fundamental desire to want people to enjoy themselves. I like to feel I am an empathetic and understanding teacher with a boatload of patience and am more than happy to help anyone, no matter my personal opinion of them, with anything they might have questions about. I also view moderation through a service-based mindset, whereas the players on Aurora have put their trust in the institution of the staff team as a whole, and so doing my best to maintain the reputation of that institution, and ensure everyone can still rely on said institution, would be a priority for me. I also believe I have the ability to look at situations from multiple different viewpoints, and can extrapolate information from said viewpoints to come to a reasonable conclusion, At the end of the day, I'm also a player who enjoys spending time on Aurora and participating in the game environment that it creates. While I am firm sometimes, especially so if someone is intentionally disrupting, damaging the game environment or generally just being an asshole, I feel like I'm reasonable and willing to talk it out with someone and explain a situation until they understand it and in the end, that passion for Aurora is what will help guide my decisions, so everyone else who has the same passion for this server, can continue to play on it comfortably. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: With stress and anger if I get the feeling that I am starting to become stressed out to the point that it is no longer tenable for me to continue engaging in the situation that stressed me out I disengage from that situation. Luckily I've got thick skin and can manage my stress really well. I've thankfully never been stressed out to the point of disengaging from a situation on Aurora, and I don't think I've ever been mad, it's a game after all why would I ruin someone's environment by getting angry with them? Now in regards to insults, I think they're funny and they certainly do not bother me. Just because I am not bothered or perturbed by them does not mean I won't take action if said insults encroach onto the realm of violating the rules, just that I personally think they're funny. It's a way for people to try and take power over your emotions from you, and at the end of the day they're just silly little words. Anything Else You Want to Add: As I say every time I play command, my door is always open as is my discord. If anyone has any questions please post them below and I'll try and answer them to the best of my ability. Even if I am not selected for the position of moderator, I'll still look forward to playing on the server with you all and will definitely be around should anyone want to chat, have any questions, or generally just chill.
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