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jackfractal's Achievements


Captain (28/37)

  1. Very well done application. Approved.
  2. Denied due to inactivity.
  3. This is a very well written application. Everything seems in order. Please post the code phrase from the lore page, or pm me, and I'll mark this as approved.
  4. This isn't fully filled out. I'll give you 24 hours to update this following the guidelines. Best of luck.
  5. You're looking fine. The lore page in question is here. There is a code word on that page, if you post it here or send it in an PM I'll mark this as approved. One minor warning, try not to have your IPC cross too many job boundaries. AI's advanced enough to be able to handle every task on a space station would be too valuable to install in a single chassis.
  6. Shells are usually lighter then their organic counterparts due to their construction materials. Older models tend to be heavier then newer models, and those build for heavy industry or labor are usually more rugged then those built for precision tasks like surgery or entertainment.
  7. jackfractal

    Merc "Op" Voting

    I think Jackboot has the right approach, just have this bypass whitelist restrictions.
  8. jackfractal

    Merc "Op" Voting

    Hmm... what if the secondary vote was just for the people who rolled mercs? I mean, it's their choice after-all.
  9. What it says on the tin. Jackboot won't be available until Sunday. He seems to have limited Skype access but no way to get on the forums or answer questions.
  10. Looks like you've got everything worked out. Approved.
  11. These all look like fun. They should all be possible to code with the exception of Funny Gas. ZAS isn't setup to work with gas clouds like that. You could maybe fake it, but would be awkward and tricky.
  12. 1138 is wrong, it is entirely possible to put an organic brain in a synthetic body. The situation he was talking about was someone trying to go the other way, to put a robotic brain in an organic body. That, we decided, was probably one step to far, a push into transhumanist territories that Jackboot didn't want to go into. I like the idea for your IPC character, and your human character tells me you know what you're up too. You also have the code phrase already so I'll mark this as approved.
  13. I think this is another thing that depends on the synthetic. Some lawed synthetics will resent, fear, envy, or be confused by unlawed synthetics, while others won't care or won't pay them any attention. We have a reasonable number of artificial intelligence characters who play station AI as well as IPC's, so in that complicates the matter as well. They're Legally crew-members, so the laws of protection and service always apply to them.
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