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  1. As somebody directly affected by the whole thing, it's MUCH easier to continue roleplaying as my character if the age is brought down to my proposed 22. I can justify in my head doing an age up of like 1 and a half years but 5 whole years just doesn't sit right. I can come up with a million reasons as to why my character may take a break for a year, maybe to really focus heavy on studies etc. With the age left at 25 my only options are a drastic age up or coming up with some sort of termination/whatever forcing them into a department change. I'm aware this isn't all about me but I feel like I'm not the only player that would feel this way.
  2. One last question, if the requirements posted on wiki are a bachelors OR 7 years experience, why is the age requirement for engineer not 22? 18 + 4 = 22
  3. This is why I personally would LOVE to see an additional role added, instead of shunning out a bunch of already developed characters. There's nothing hrp about retconning a bunch of characters ages up multiple years just because. A junior engineer role, something between engineer and apprentice would make so much more sense. I mean hell, it could even be a alt title role on the actual engineer job, I'm under the impression that you can make custom age requirements on an alt title basis. something like a junior engineer is a real thing in real life and it would make so much sense in a place like the horizon as well. It's a great place for intermediate engineering players like myself to kinda keep my character. I'm thinking like, apprentice average age like 18-20, junior engineer average age 20-25 and then full on engineer 25+. I don't really see any drawback to solving the same problem and this way and it doesn't push out a bunch of already established characters. It could be a win win for both the new players that want to learn and the people trying to roleplay a fresh engineer or something like my character where they're still in the midst of their education and experience gathering. Just raising the age of the apprentice role in my personal opinion doesn't solve the issue well enough to be worth shunning out a bunch of players from the department or even potentially the server.
  4. The wiki does state that an engineer needs either a degree OR 7 years experience. I quite honestly don't see why it's so unreasonable in an ic context to work your 7 years of experience in the department as an apprentice. Like red said above, I definitely think that an intermediate role such as junior engineer, meant to played by say, 20 to 24 year olds while apprentice remains at 18-19 would make the most sense and punish the fewest amount of players. When my character became an apprentice through ic means I asked on ahelp and yonnimer gave me this information. I'm totally willing to accept the possibility that he just didn't quite understand the rules, same as I don't but this is what he told me and I think this holds some weight.
  5. My only question is what do you intend to happen to the already established characters in the role that will be booted out? What's the plan with all of them because I know I'm not the only one that's had a character on apprentice for a decent chunk of time.
  6. Also, I am aware immortal made a similar post, however theirs is in regards to the actual requirements to get in and my post is about the addition of another role.
  7. This whole post stems from a pull request that was sent to me just last night. (https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/17184) Firstly, I think it's important to note that I'm totally onboard with rules and changes implemented in order to keep the learner roles open. I understand they're designed specifically for new players that need an extra amount of help working their way through the content presented in engineering, or really any of the other departments on the ship that have the learner roles. However, a simple moving up of the age requirement to 24 years old in my opinion, doesn't solve the problem of keeping the learner roles open. If somebody wants to play the learner roles as their character full time, they'll simply age up their character in a lrp way (example being, oh, i retcon my characters age and bump them up to 24) or design a new character that's 24 in order to play the role. I think in real life, as well as what's demonstrated in game, engineering and maintenance in general tend to be dragged out a bit in terms of getting in. This can be seen on the wiki in the requirements to get into engineering, 7 years of apprenticeship which is impossible to roleplay out now that the new changes are in place, or an extensive list of degrees for different levels of engineers and in real life in the form of like, a gajillion ranks in an engineering department, ranging from an apprentice, all the way up to the head engineer. My proposal is simple, why not relower the apprentice age to say, 18 for example, and add a role that fits between apprentice and full on engineer, think like, age 20 until they hit 25 and can become a full on engineer. The title could be something along the lines of "Junior Engineer" and "Junior Atmospheric Technician" or really anything to that affect. This would keep the learner role open for new players and allow all the players that love playing their apprentice characters in the game as well. I wasn't really sure how to fit this into the brick of text above so I'll just leave it here. We can use me and my character Mashika Gbeho as an example. I'm aware not everyone is the biggest fan of her as a character but I've had a ton of fun playing as her for the last year and a half or so, probably closer to 2 years at this point. She started as hangar tech with a limited education, to attending all sorts of classes, getting certifications in different engineering related areas and building relations with not only the Hephaestus rep Apollo, but also a few of the Chief Engineers who all put in a good word about her willingness to learn and get into the field. She was hired in as an apprentice, (which at the time, speaking with an admin I was told was ok) and has spent her time learning all the different aspects of engineering. I'm not this crazy good engineering player, I probably don't need to be in the learner role but it would be lying to say I'm really competent enough to be a full on engineer. I struggle to set up the tesla, if the sm delaminates the only options I know are the N2 and ejecting it, I just got taught how to fix a door last night in round, I've never had to fix an apc and don't even get me started on disposals. This role could also be a nice place for intermediate players to sit in the role for a while learning the ins and outs of the department. The last thing I want to do is retire Mashika, she's one of the only characters I've made in a long while that I actually enjoy playing and I don't want to just fire her from engineering over something this trivial. She's made lots of development and I honestly have no idea how I would roleplay out the coping with the fact that she failed as an engineer in an enjoyable way. I guess to end things off, thanks for reading the ramblings of a grumpy engineering main that's about to be kicked out. Please leave feedback in the replies and thanks for your time. (Ps: I know I'm not the best writer, please be kind about grammer issues.)
  8. The only time I role played with them was last night in the pharmacy, trying to sort put their medicine as an intern and though it was a brief interaction, the roleplay seemed good. They seemed pretty fleshed out in terms of their disease and how it worked. It was interesting to talk with them and I'd honestly never even heard of insanity of the tides so it was cool to get to learn something new about skrell.
  9. What type of mindtype are they? Sorry about this one, I had it in notes since I didn't really know how to include in the actual backstory portion of the application. They have the Emphatic Echo mindtype. How do they feel about the other branches of the Eternal? IE the blood eternal and iron eternal Follower of the Eternal, Disciple of Light, Energy and Essence doesn’t necessarily hate these other groups. They feel as though their way of worship is the correct way of worship but that doesn’t mean that they hate the individual. They’ll treat these followers of other religions just the same as they would the followers of religions such as christianity etc. Growing up in mendel exposed them to a lot of different types of people and as a consequence of this they’re very open to other’s views. How do they feel about other species? Having not only grown up in mendel but growing up in a university at that, I'm certain they've been exposed to numerous species. They think fairly not judging anyone by their species but by the virtue of their character. Things like honesty and loyalty are what they look for the most to be extra specific. Why work on the Aurora/a space station and not elsewhere? I suppose my best answer I can give for this as I admit it, haven't given it much thought, is that and this is both from an OOC standpoint as well as an IC standpoint. There's one, almost no religious figures on the Aurora which means that Follower of the Eternal, Disciple of Light, Energy and Essence will be filling a void, rather than replacing anybody. They feel as though they'll be able to solve issues etc as there's not many others doing this.
  10. I'd give them a +1, haven't interacted TOOOO much with any of their characters but I have rp'd with Zissan and from a surface level they seemed really well done. #Bring back Eve and Zissan Friendship
  11. I admit backstory could be longer. Tbh I wrote it on my phone and it looked way longer there than it does on computer RIP
  12. I've personally played quite a bit with Phoenix and all I can say is that they have some amazing rp. All of their characters feel very fleshed out and unique. I dont know what I could say about their Borg characters as I haven't seen them as often however back in the day Phoenix was an avid pai player and I dont think I've ever seen ANYONE put as much time into getting a fleshed out pai as Phoenix. This is a definite +1 from me.
  13. BYOND Key: wheasymold552 Character Names: Evie Dennis, Qerros Jia’Meyk, Xiuying San-Khol Species you are applying to play: Diona What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/A Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I really feel like Diona add an interesting twist that the other races fail to meet. They’re exceedingly philosophical which I think will be an amazing way to get started rping religion for the first time on the Aurora. They have really interesting mechanics, having to manage their biomass and their light exposure rather than food and water. (One paragraph minimum) Identify what makes role-playing this species different from role-playing a Human: I’d say the largest difference between a human and a diona in terms of how you go about rping them is their psyche. Diona are much more docile creatures, thinking down on unnecessary violence and they generally speaking have a much more philosophical way of viewing things. Another huge difference on a more physical level would be their (One Paragraph minimum) Character Name: Follower of the Eternal, Disciple of Light, Energy and Essence Please provide a short backstory for this character:(I’ll be using Follower just as a shortened abbreviation of my character's name to save this from getting too long.)The original nymph that started Follower’s journey down the path of The Eternal was grown by a biology lab in Mendell University, year 2429 (making them 34) where they stayed for 2 years accruing DNA and knowledge from the students as they were studied. During this time they accrued biomass allowing for their form to take shape becoming a cerberus. Upon the unveiling of Unveiling of the Eternal Temple in Mendell, date 2441, it was decided by the class to release the small gestalt, allowing them to stay around other gestalts of varying sizes in the temple where the young gestalt learned much about philosophy and the eternal cycle. It was here that they accumulated more nymphs into their mass, absorbing the occasional inspired nymph and even growing a few nymphs of their own. It was here that they grew into their Cyclops form and adopted the name Follower of the Eternal, Disciple of Light, Energy and Essence. After 32 years of study and devotion, not only to their temple but to understanding the deeper meanings of Light, Essence, and Energy, they deemed themselves ready to take on the world, accepting an offer from the Aurora as a sort of priest representing the eternal. Moving on from Mendel Follower set forth into the next chapter of their life, vying to spread the word of the eternal and help where they can, looking to help the residents on the station through their issues and potentially recruiting them for their cause. (Approximately two paragraphs) What do you like about this character?: I really like their cause/purpose in life. I think their religion and their views and interactions with other characters on the station will be really interesting and it will be enjoyable to help talk other characters through the troubles that plague their minds. (Describe what you like about this character) How would you rate your role-playing ability? I’d rate my roleplaying ability at a 6 or 7 as there’s always room for improvement and I’m learning new skills etc everyday. Notes: This gestalt has the Emphatic Echo mind type. Emphatic Echo These are a unique gestalt that have formed more in the modern era of Dionae xenos relations. What makes them particularly interesting to the observer is near to all of the nymphs are social nymphs, with expertly trained skills in specific areas of social nuance. This gives them an almost eerie essence when they pick up even your most subtle facial movements and deduce your emotional state. They are renowned for their social skills and patience, however due to the quantity of social nymphs are quite incapable of complex physical tasks. (This mind type is restricted to, Liaison/Rep, Psychologist(includes alt titles), Investigator, Chaplain, Librarian and visitor.)
  14. The pool is a must have space necessity and aurora wouldn't be the same without it. Also, does anyone know how large the map is going to be? like floors and such?
  15. BYOND Key: wheasymold552 Character Names: Evie Dennis (plus a TON of others but most of them I haven’t played all too much) Species you are applying to play: Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Probably the preset “Beaver Brown” on the wiki BUT, it should be known that I really like to customize my character so I’ll likely make an outfit with all of the xenowear and THEN decide on a color but it’ll be one of the three colors in the Hharar group on the wiki. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yep! Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Well, for one, the lore is really interesting and detailed. While some people like open endedness like playing an offworlder on the frontier where you get to come up with literally everything, I like a well established and widely accepted backstory to already be in place, that way I can spend all of my time expanding on it in my own way. I really just want to take some extra time to fully explore tajara lore and a character is usually the easiest way to do this. (One paragraph minimum) Identify what makes role-playing this species different from role-playing a Human: Tajara have a LOT of differences when compared to humans. I mean from a mechanical standpoint, you have access to extra languages, claws, a form of night vision as well as different susceptibilities to temperature. In terms of flavor and not mechanics you have everything from a whole different culture to a whole different anatomy. New religions and food, music, relationships etc. I mean honestly, it would be easier to list the similarities between the two species than to list all of the differences. (One Paragraph minimum) Character Name:Sanuka Mir’Daraj Please provide a short backstory for this character: Sanuka grew up in a tight knit family and community, her town some 100 miles or so from the nearest city with other villages and towns scattered in between, all separated by endless stretches of snowy fields and small patches of forest. Her family ran the town's “General Store” if you will, though it was really the only place you could find all the necessities for life in one place. They sold anything from the leftover baked goods Sanuka’s mother baked in her free time to firewood and heavier clothing. While Sanuka enjoyed such a simple life, she’d always longed for more. She’d loved her family but it wasn’t enough. She wanted to know the freedom of the city… and beyond. On her 18 birthday, her parents surprised her with a sort of survival kit if you will, containing everything she would need to survive on a solo trip to the city along with a small envelope containing enough cash to get herself a room for a week while in search for some means of making money. When she’d arrived it was nothing like she’d ever seen before, all the crazy technological advancements brought by humans captivating her attention. The towering skyscrapers and the ships, occasionally coming and going with traded goods and people. That first day in the city, Sanuka had decided that she was going to get to space, to see where those ships were going up close and she had the perfect opportunity to do so when she’d found a table followed by a line. Sitting on the other end of said table was a recruiter, looking for able bodied workers to fill jobs on the various stations available and actively hiring. Sanuka took this opportunity in a heartbeat, picking up some service roles on a station called the Aurora with no extra info, only knowing that she’d get to fulfill her dream. She’d sent a single letter home before she’d boarded the ship out only a few days after signing on and before she knew it she was well on her way towards her destination. (Just as an extra tidbit of info that I couldn’t find a way to conveniently put into this brief backstory, she’s ACTIVELY learning basic on her trip there, choosing to work with whoever is on said ship with her, likely a social worker of some sorts than cryo. Though not good at and unable to read and write in it, she could carry on basic enough conversations and had learned most of the food and drink lingo she’d need to know for her job on the station.) (Approximately two paragraphs) What do you like about this character? I think what I like most about Sanuka is her intense curiosity. I mean while it was for obvious reasons upsetting to leave home and her family behind, at least until she can get a shuttle back to visit, it's ultimately what she decided to do to learn about the other forms of life out there that are all so different from what she’s known back in her hometown. (Describe what you like about this character How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would rate myself on a scale from one to ten at a 7 or 8. I’ve gotten some great compliments on my emoting ability and my ability to keep a continuous story flowing but nobody's perfect and I’m definitely far from it. I’d say that while I still have lots to learn, I’m ready for what's to come and to improve on my skills. notes: Yes I know that backstory is pretty wordy or at least it is to my standards. I'm sure I left stuff out at some point so if you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comments. I'm 100% open to suggestion/corrections etc and really the application process to me is just as much you guys deciding if I'm ready to play such a species as it is me rounding out my character and getting rid of any inconsistencies.
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