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  1. Late to the show, but let's be realistic, the greasers are the only main antagonists you need.
  2. Why not. Rudolph Hardin, the cargo man.
  3. Perhaps that is more acceptable? The Souri-5 bit just rolls off the tongue.
  4. Rudolph Hardin - I'd put some Elvis song for Johnny Frank, but that'd just be a given.
  5. While a planet based off of Missouri sounds awesome, with Space Tom Sawyer hanging about the plasma rivers of questionable content, this isn't that. The reasoning for the name is mentioned in Snapshot, if more a poke at the Sci-fiery that SS13 so perfectly propagates.
  6. The concept of this venture capitalist's nightmare simply felt at home with the nibbling grips of deep space, apologies if that appears to be grasping straws. A fair given, it's up to y'all in regards to actual acceptance.
  7. Type Planet Founding/Settlement Date: Planetary records are lacking, Region of Space: Frontier. Controlled by : A loose chain of city-states with sparce links of diplomacy. Other Snapshot information: -Composed of several city-states stemming from prison and mining installations. - Cities known to practice a loose form of representative democracy, though the actual degree of choice regarding leaders is minimal due to deeply stemmed corruption. - State militias maintained from local conscription during conflict, no professional army. -Climate is consistently hot and humid year round, but otherwise habitable. -Naming of planet was due to the misunderstanding that a historical name followed by a number sounded particularly official. Long Description: Once a penal colony made to facilitate a cheap mining operation amongst the farrest, untapped planets, the quantity of minerals present within the various mining operations upon the planet sparked a brief gold rush, attracting rough riding, leather necked settlers to seek their fortune upon the frontier. Centers of population sprung up around the largest mining areas, settlements made of grit, boot shine, and home stilled whiskey. The planet quickly proved to be a false beacon, the small sections of valuable resources depleting in a wink. This left several thousand prisoners with their contracts not worth the expense of living costs and maintenance of prisons. Being the pragmatic businessmen these company fellows were, they pulled relevant administrators from the planet in a night's shuttling, and abandoned the planet. With no company's padding to provide the former workers with transportation off planet, the greatly understaffed prison guards found themselves unable to maintain administration of the criminal population effectively, and the criminal justice system that had so aptly sparked the planet’s economic boom swiftly dissolved into daycares with the gate left open. The meanest of the mean laid down the foundations for the corrupt, numerous parties that govern the city-states of Missouri-5, places of vice, vile tendencies, and above all, survivability. Autocracies, republics, kingdoms, and even theocracies popped up upon the scattered mining installations, sparce pickings of folk trying to thrive in a dead man’s world for each dime and wink.
  8. Valk's got the chops of roleplay down, no doubt. Damned fine man of cargo, and a worthy head. +1
  9. A miner's best friend, first and foremost, is their loyal, thick chested, swashbuckling Ripley. He's there for you in the blackness of space, offering a fine pleather seat in which to maneuver the power of the gods themselves within the masterless strength of your drill, as the sweat on your brow from decades of hacking hard rock with your back cracking one measly space dollar at a time is finally going cold. Slaving to the science department's fine for a silk back diamond pusher, but a gumbo swilling, lung black old crust of a miner gets those excess loads not only to pad the good quartermaster that is their actual boss, but as a straight middle finger to the asteroid for thinking it's punk ass rock can stop metal and muscle from reaving it's innards for all the loot NT could desire.
  10. Got my +1, man plays an excellent IAA. Quality RP will emanate from him like a burst spigot.
  11. In this vast universe of space fish and plant people, apotheosis of an individual that greatly influenced a genre of music as prevalent as rock, while reasonably out there, certainly doesn't come to mind as particularly unlikely. The greaser presence, beyond the prospect that young people find the oddest things from both past and present to be the definition of "cool", states it as a base given that such a thing is not in the realm of impossible. That, and leather jackets are kinda a universal concept of cool, regardless of time and place. On the contrary, the presence upon Aurora is due to the reasonable quality of RP here. The things going on in such servers would be difficult to call "RP" in any definition. Now that's just witch burning, there's little and less the greasers have done to, in your words, "shit" on the lore present, noting the vastness of the galaxy, and such suggestions are as unnecessary as they are amusing. No defense on the Warhammer shenanigans, I wasn't present for it. If you're arguing that the content of our RP is irrational, that's fair, as folks have the right to their opinions in that regard. However, arguing that anything we've presented in regards to greasers has been "bad" RP is fairly insulting to our capacity as roleplayers, as I recall not a moment when the actions presented by us did not fit within the bounds of their relative characters. Not every son can be a city boy, nor every daughter a scientist.
  12. Or irritation. Empathy is a relatively useful skill to have on this front: if you overstep certain lines then the "amusing results" will be seen as nothing more than just childish acts that people have to tend to as a matter of course, and not as the spark of comedy that, I'm sure, you seek to provide. So, please do keep others in mind while conducting your business. As a given, wouldn't be much point in the act if there weren't others to receive it.
  13. That's a good reasoning as any, I suspect such a thing could provide amusing results and RP.
  14. Acceptable, though the frequency of the greaser presence is vastly overestimated. In total, we've done four, maybe five rounds of it over a five week period. Usually roll as Rudolph or CL3AN.
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