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Everything posted by Frances
Except a borg is still a player - if anything, being emagged gives you more freedom to make your own calls. Unless you're specifically ordered by your master to go assassinate someone (in which case you should probably talk it over with them on LOOC or ahelp it), there's nothing that forces you to kill people mindlessly. Just a few situations: -Traitor orders you to guard an area - do your best to, announce to people you will subdue them or use lethal force if they trespass - if they do, they've been warned, and you had reasonable cause. Normal escalation of force. -Traitor orders you to guard an area - you kill people without giving them a chance to understand what's going on - you fucked up. -Traitor orders you to go kill people - they fucked up (in most cases, anyway).
Nightmare_00 is preventing me to play on Aurora
Frances replied to gentlycaress_mcdorf's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Going to lock this complaint, as our disgruntled user does not seem to be returning, and frankly, this is ridiculous. You can't complain against staff for simply enforcing the rules. Nightmare's call was on point, and he addressed you politely. If anything, this should be a commendation. -
Application accepted - while you said you have no plans of playing heads outside of future rounds, do note that you would be free to, if you felt inclined to change your mind.
Rebel1254's Head Whitelist Application
Frances replied to CrunchyIntruder's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Application accepted - we know you well and you've proven yourself to be a competent and valued roleplayer. Since nobody raised any objections yet, I'm perfectly fine with bringing this in right now. Your responses to the questions about heads are also some of the best I have seen. -
Enkas' Head of staff application.
Frances replied to enkas's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Application accepted. -
As a note, if nobody is able to provide criticism, I'll take it as an assumption that Xander has actually done a better job playing head roles recently, and that all of you have no issues with him being unbanned from captain.
Dunno how hard new gamemodes are to code and how much of a priority it is, but Scopes said it was doable. Anyway, proof of concept for now. Assassination. Super simple. Basically, a person is selected to be a VIP at the start of the round. They get a little area with costumes and a bunch of equipment, pick a name, some sort of background, and get to make a command report announcing their arrival on the station. At the same time, several people are chosen from the crew, and given the objective to assassinate the VIP. VIP creates roleplay, acts interesting, and the antags are antags. Crew wins if they secure the VIP, antags win if they kill it. Or everyone wins either way because RP is created and we're all having fun. Woo.
The holodeck can easily be expanded by moving the fore staboard solars closer to escape. The pool goes underused, but not fully unused. And people like to have beach parties, even if on the holobeach - if anything, I think people don't use the pool because it's in a traffic area (between the holodeck, dorms, and bar maint), and it would probably feel more cozy if it had its own dedicated room. There is /one/ thing which I would be absolutely for, which would be to replace the pool by something more interesting. Not necessarily a bigger holodeck, but game tables, or some sort of lounge for the dorms.
People can walk around the pool. The area is almost never crowded. We're not removing a feature from the map because people are too lazy to walk around three tiles in a secluded area.
STOP. You guys are having an argument over fluff. Which was not the point of this. We're speaking of whether nuking earth is a good design choice or not, as far as player engagement. Let's get back on topic.
Nonhuman Species Integration Program (NSIP)
Frances replied to Frances's topic in Lore Canonization Applications Archive
Whoops, I missed that compeltely. Uno momento. Annnnd done. -
What I would like to know, is what exactly this specific scenario brings that's engaging for the players. Because I fail to see it; you have some faraway colonial dispute that's as old as history, and people already fail hard enough to care about real history, so you can't expect them to care about ancient history of a fictional storyline that's not really relevant to the storyline itself anymore (other than as an exposition device). And if it does nothing good, then it should be removed. One of your tenets should be to keep things as simple and easy to understand as possible - complex parts of the lore that serve no purpose really need to be cut, because lore as it is now is a monster nobody can actually understand.
Type: Organization (Branch of a megacorp) Founding/Settlement Date: TBD Region of Space: N/A Controlled by (if not a faction): NanoTrasen Other Snapshot information: - Long Description: IC info The Nonhuman Species Integration Program is a NanoTrasen initiative first implemented in [year]. Following the outcry of certain xeno rights groups regarding the poor treatment suffered by non-humans in the galactic job market, the NSIP was put in place to serve as an opportunity for young and prospective Tajarans and Unathi to find employment among one of NanoTrasen's many corporate enterprises. The NSIP exists almost solely as a PR move - in fact, the amount of Tajarans and Unathi that actually gain employment through the program, following a paid education sponsorship and a three-month multispecies integration seminar, is vastly disproportionate to the amount of applicants, and does nothing to actively address the lack of out-of-planet employment among skilled Unathi and Tajarans workers. Of the few chosen through the program's rigorous selection process, most end up being placed in high-visibility jobs, on lauded and renowned research stations such as the NSS Exodus and NSS Aurora. OOC info Tajaran and Unathi doctors/researchers/whatever shouldn't exactly be commonplace given the bias most humans (especially NT) seem to have against the two races, but they do exist. Creating some sort of NT-mandated workplace diversity program would give a lot of these characters an "in", to explain why they would be picked over equally (or even less) competent human candidates - basically, the Aurora is the shiny research front of NanoTrasen, and they promote a bunch of aliens in there as a PR move - not because they particularly trust them. The NSIP could help all sorts of characters, from Tajaran heads to Unathi doctors and researchers. And it makes a lot more sense than "he/she was so damn good that NT had to give them a job despite how much they hate xenos".
Application approved. Unless I'm wrong, I have seen you struggle with surgery in the past - since a CMO trying to accomplish surgery themselves and failing is a bit silly, I'd recommend that you either get yourself more familiarized with surgical procedures before attempting them as CMO, or delegate them to another member of your staff.
CakeIsOssim's Chief Engineer Whitelist Application
Frances replied to CakeIsOssim's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I will also add that because your application was relatively short, and none of you really seem to know your characters well, I'd suggest you get one or two people to come and give you feedback on the application - simply so we can have a better idea of what's going on. You're free to advertise your app in OOC, and request feedback from people you have played with. -
I've taken the liberty of reviewing your player notes - and there's something that bothers me about them. Almost every single one of them is related, not to breaking server rules, but to conducting yourself in a way that is unbecoming of a NT employee, ICly. From several notes of ERP, including neglecting IC duties during situations of crisis to ERP, to generally immature behavior so extreme it warranted admin intervention (even recently, I had to PM you because one of your characters kept bringing up the topic of rape on radio for no good reason other than to stir up trouble). You also released the singularity, and logged out when we contacted you. There's actually several notes on your account recommending we jobban you at the next instance of X or Y. And since this is a pretty constant stream of notes, not just old ones, I'm not exactly willing to disregard that. I do not think any player that is this close to being jobbanned from something would have the level of maturity or responsibility needed to handle head roles. As such, I am forced to deny this application for the time being.
Denied for lack of activity from the OP, and lack of feedback. The app is good, so if you do come back, feel free to post it again - and this time, do push people to give you feedback. Super important.
Jkol591's heads of staff whitelist application
Frances replied to jkol591's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Application accepted after review. A word of advice, however: NanoTrasen (and the mods here) do not take kindly to neglect of duty from heads of staff. While we get all sorts of colorful characters in power, gross failures at accomplishing your job (such as letting an individual in need of medical aid die from neglect) will result in your character getting in trouble, and most likely demoted. So I'd advise trying to keep the cleanest track record possible, if you want to do a good job as a CMO. Have fun! -
Nightmare_00 is preventing me to play on Aurora
Frances replied to gentlycaress_mcdorf's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
See, here's the problem here. You're rules-lawyering ("it's not in the rules, etc etc.") but the moment these rules actually outline the faults in your behavior, you attempt to completely discredit them. Yes, people say inappropriate things in OOC. However, we do mute, and even ban them for it. You're not exempt from this - and having a ckey consisting of the word "rapist" is pretty much a dick move. -
Nightmare_00 is preventing me to play on Aurora
Frances replied to gentlycaress_mcdorf's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Your ckey has the word "rapist" in it. It should be pretty obvious to you how this is not a good thing. We didn't make a rule specifically about ckeys because we assume the average player should be able to understand their ckey shouldn't contain offensive material. However, if you absolutely need a rule for that, let me point you to two - the very first two rules of the server, actually: Making an offensive ckey (whether with the purpose to offend or to be trolly) falls under dickish behavior. Additionally, every time you speak in OOC, or people check the list of members connected to the server, they can see your ckey, which makes it an issue. This is why we're asking you to change it. And you are not coming back on our server until you do. -
Complaint: Vira DeSantos Nuke round
Frances replied to Vittorio Giurifiglio's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Going to consider this one resolved - the incident was added to the player's record, they were punished for it, and they ended up apologizing and modifying their behavior. -
Right, about that, there's a certain bug where I can't delete the notes I wrote myself anymore... u_u
Frances - Lore Dev Application
Frances replied to Frances's topic in Developer Applications Archives
As a member of staff, that happens fairly enough with other players who have broken the rules, and are adamant they're immune to whatever we server mods are trying to enforce on them. While I try to argue with them using logic until I can clearly see they won't have any of it, I usually hold a position of power over them (since quite simply, if you don't want to listen to the rules, you get banned). This is obviously not the case here - however, I believe the foundation of our server is built on common sense, and that common sense will always be able to triumph in the end. If I absolutely cannot get through to someone, I would try to call to the general public to see if other people can bring logic into this (and it's not about the popular opinion, it's about the opinion that's the best argued). Of course, this is a two-way street. I'm not infallible - and in an effort to save some time because of the numerous situations I often have to deal with, I can be quick on the draw. So I try to remain open to criticism, differing points of view, etc. I don't want to be one of those stubborn people, and if you can explain to me why I'm wrong in a clear and understandable way, I have no issue with stepping down. The lore team is writing lore for the community to use, not as their own personal pet project. The only ownership anyone should have is the one they inherited by doing a good job. If you're good at something, there's no reason why we should stop you from doing it. But if your sole argument for opposing a lore change is "I don't want my things to be undone" or "I spent a lot of time on this", you have no claims, because again, not your personal story. -
Archiving. If you were caught in this, send me a PM and I'll unban you.
Species apps have already been handed down to the Lore team, and Tablespoon is in charge of them. As for head apps, I'm looking for other staffmembers to cover for Lessick, who stepped down for the time being. I actually have a few members in mind, and we're going to look through the current head apps this week.