Why must the armory be directly connected to space?
Like, I get what it does, but is there a reason why it must be an absolute requirement? In my first post about the armory I stated some reasons why it might be interesting to change it.
Balance. The crew can't obtain weapons really from cargo because the locks on closets and crates are made of diamond-encrusted titanium alloy coated in tungsten carbide, and R&D is so terribly fucking hard to upgrade beyond 2-3, you'll get never get anything meaningful, at least, in my experience, speaking for both cargo and science. If the armory is even more secure than it is now, there's basically no hope for the crew to overthrow a shitcurity (especially worse than usual, I mean) if they wanted to, aside from maybe welder bombs.
As it stands, a determined team of engineers can break in and raid the armory given a fair amount of time (or explosives), and is balanced enough.