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  1. Then we should start on a higher alert.
  2. If someone running up to you and shooting you is a legitimate threat during the shift, you increase the alert level. That's literally what it's for: to regulate procedure based on the current level of threat facing the station and it's crew.
  3. I don't see how this is necessary when you can use One/Two/Three... In fact, it seems more appropriate to use that instead of 1/2/3.
  4. I don't see how this is necessary when you can use One/Two/Three... In fact, it seems more appropriate to use that instead of 1/2/3.
  5. I can half support this. Not for traditional injectors, but maybe a R&D producible DNA injector gun with some deconstruction for tech. Cross compatibility seems like it would give a big, unneeded buff.
  6. I'd like to bring this up since it's somewhat relevant, but if somebody has a bomb and a detonator, with their finger over the trigger, it is basically never a good idea to shoot them, unless their demands absolutely cannot be met. In a roleplaying situation, there is more to it other than arrest bad guy and let the next shift handle the massive fucking hole in the station, especially when you know you very well could lose an arm or worse.
  7. Currently when items are melted with acid, they become a grey gooey mass, which kind of makes sense. For some reason, people are still able to see what the item was before being melted by examining it, which defeats a lot of the purpose of melting items. It should be a pretty good way to make evidence easier to dispose of for Chemist/Scientist roles but it's basically useless for that at the moment.
  8. I've never had a problem with it, other than moving the graphs around is a bit strange.
  9. I'm guessing a Dionae, I'm more concerned about the -1. Must be a cannibal who likes their Dionae smoked.
  10. I have to disagree. I have seen more heads than I care to count that do not know how to do their job and/or are horrible roleplayers without even the capacity to spell properly in IC chat, and the number of them has never decreased. If anything, it is increasing at an alarming rate.
  11. This is already done on many other servers, including I believe, the main BS12 server. It would make chemistry sooo much smoother.
  12. Dzheymz

    New Brig

    Why must the armory be directly connected to space? Like, I get what it does, but is there a reason why it must be an absolute requirement? In my first post about the armory I stated some reasons why it might be interesting to change it. Balance. The crew can't obtain weapons really from cargo because the locks on closets and crates are made of diamond-encrusted titanium alloy coated in tungsten carbide, and R&D is so terribly fucking hard to upgrade beyond 2-3, you'll get never get anything meaningful, at least, in my experience, speaking for both cargo and science. If the armory is even more secure than it is now, there's basically no hope for the crew to overthrow a shitcurity (especially worse than usual, I mean) if they wanted to, aside from maybe welder bombs. As it stands, a determined team of engineers can break in and raid the armory given a fair amount of time (or explosives), and is balanced enough.
  13. Meanwhile, on the mining station...
  14. If you are going to make a reply to my incident report, please learn how to spell my name, especially considering it is written in the incident report. It just makes you look more incompetent. If I had actually suffered 166 toxin damage, I would not be able to walk, or even be conscious. I went to storage on my own accord and went back to get dylovene once I began to feel nauseous. The only thing hampering my treatment was the vast interference by the Paramedical and Medical crew (including you), despite ignoring Security's request to stop pushing me over. If you think you can push someone walking fine attempting to return to Medical for treatment, so that you can treat them, you deserve to be punched. You are incredibly lucky I didn't have something heavier than an oxygen tank. And for the record, it is perfectly within regulations to have a gas mask and helmet. If you recall (which you probably intentionally don't, because then you wouldn't be able to complain), the CMO who even came in the lab multiple times and saw me with the gas mask, was fine with it. This was even stated to Security. Pretty sure that's it. If you have something actually true or productive to contribute, you're free to state it.
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