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White Void

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Everything posted by White Void

  1. Reporting Personnel: Dan-Bi Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Investigator Game ID: ctR-da1X Personnel Involved: Nar'ol'Thek Iska, Head of Security: Witness Osisra Devorask, Executive Officer: Witness Hashin Al-Kandari, Consular Officer: Witness Mikka Shuu'hiir, Engineer: Offender Secondary Witnesses: N/A Time of Incident: Roughly around 21:00 - 21:30 Real Time: Around 19:00 (BRT timezone) Location of Incident: Dinning area/Kitchen Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [x ] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: Early on the shift, the Head of Security informed us (security team) that we would be receiving a visit from the Kosmostrelki who would perform a parade across the ship, later on at the final destination of the parade, that being the dinning area they would take a moment to dine, at the time we had only a single chef Ska'zaszhk Guwan, this resulted in help being acquired to prepare the dishes, i'm not sure either Ms, Shuu'hiir volunteered to help on the kitchen or was chosen to however she purposefully charred the food to be served to the Kosmostrelki and in general intentionally went out of her way to prepare poor quality dishes. I took her aside and questioned her about it, which she confirmed she had done so on purpose stating that it was a once in a time opportunity to do something like this. This improper conduct was clearly motivated by her affiliation with the NKA (New Kingdom of Adhomai). Submitted Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/mL4qNYc Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [ ] - Yes [X] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Yes to Nar'ol'Thek Iska, Head of security Actions taken: The Head of Security alongside the Executive Officer requested that i filled this IR on behalf of the Consular Additional Notes:N/A
  2. Reporting Personnel: Dan-Bi Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Investigator Personnel in Question: Payton Rustock Job Title of Personnel in Question: Scientist Reason for Review: [X ] - Extended Arrest History [ ] - Grievous Infraction on Record [X ] - Other: Heavy Drug Abuse on shift Notes: Mr. Rustock has been a constant source of problems for the security department. His extensive history of charges acquired and the diversity of such in such a short amount of time are proof of that. Besides these problems Mr. Rustock suffers from a severe problem regarding drug abuse while on shift, often requiring medical aid to save his life, in general whenever Mr. Rustock is on shift, Some kind of problem is bound to happen. A review of his behavior is seriously needed.
  3. Been siting on this one for months, the only moment a IPC will get to know what fear actually is
  4. I fear that the Konyang arc might end and we leave the system and we barely got to enjoy the planet due to the problems mentioned. Something to take the crew back and forth would be appreciated, i know the automated ferry PR was shot down but there has to be something agreeable to make up for it.
  5. I agree, although if making infected IPCs player controlled is out of the question, it would be best to at least reduce their movement speed so you can outrun them since rn they are faster than even non infected IPC characters
  6. Average bar experience
  7. As others have said it, he is a amazing roleplayer with great writing skills, i'm sure he will make a excellent tajara player +1
  8. Agreed, let the poor monkey rest (Plus i would like to see the service sector getting a unique pet instead of the by now generic monkey) +1
  9. Simply for the sake of being another person on the list, i agree with others, i didn't like the new menu at all, it actually makes it worse to find stuff
  10. LordPwaner is both a great roleplayer with my favorite characters being Marcus Zhao and how much he has developed over the months and Zane Miller (rip) but also a great person to interact ooc with. Besides that i really liked the background story and actually made me interested to learn what the Queendom is, i'm sure they will make as excellent unathi player and i'm interested in seeing this character in game +1
  11. We got to be quick then Naera Brainloaf, they love the yogurt like texture. Mokii being a avid meat lover really likes V’krexi Wraps, making sure to always get it from trusted restaurants I actually mentioned that on the app but looking back now i should have made a deeper mention since it can be easily missed but Mokii was always a Weishii folower due to the more liberal views in regards to freedom of choice it provides, but that adherence increased more during the years they spent trying to increase the social score. Being born in the federation has made them develop the typical fear/anti synthetic mindset most have in the federation, but the years spent in Biesel along with their Qu'Poxii and needed interactions with synthetics such as IPCs made them start to loosen up towards IPCs and questioning if they are as bad as others make them seem like, although they still very much are worried about stationbounds and bound AIs that run in skrellian code A mix a pity towards them for being affected so harshly by the social credit system just for being a different species born that way but also appreciation for the great good they doing to the federation both in manual labor and scientifics advancements, this holds true especially for C'thur Vaurcas, and since we mentioned Vaurca, Mokii has no concerns towards Viax Vaurca, they see them as too underdeveloped mind wise to be any problems besides the organic nature. Mokii afterall dislike towards the federation comes from the social credit system mostly, they still like their home world although they might never be able to return there if the plan goes trough Hmmm, their name is Kouee Maqii and no they are from District 7 so you can imagine they are influencing and still are influencing Mokii quite a lot. Mokii is a coditional pacifist, will try to avoid it as possible but should it come to it, they would be willing to fight, and in the TCFL case, they are crossing fingers they will just get to do Paramedic work in a station or patrol ship somewhere civilized, but should it come to it, Mokii has been preparing themselves to do it, is a needed evil compared to spending eternity under the watch of the Federation. Note: now that i think about it if i do get the WL i might make Maqii a ship character in a different department to reflect the contrast betwen the two
  12. The saddest kidnaping attempt know to man
  13. BYOND Key: leitequalhado Character Names: Jill N1luz, Kada (there are others i use when bored but these twos are my mains) Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Dark purple Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Been planing to make this WL for a long while, besides IPCs the other races i find most interesting are Skrell and Vaurca, finally with the rework of psionics on the Horizon i decided to stop being lazy and write one, Vaurca next (will also take 1 irl year) Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Skrell are a unique species among organics, besides the obvious cultural diferences and physical ones such as not being able to fully display emotions to non skrell, and the way the Federation acts as a whole i would say what sets them apart is the psionics, being the only species in the spur capable of using the Zona Bovinae to it's full extent, then we have the Srom, and how they can use this power to even help pilot submarines or ships, it's simply very very interesting. And they focus on long term goals, afterall they are capable of being extremely old and wise Please provide a short backstory for this character (Approximately two paragraphs): Mokii Aluqi being a Xiiori a skrell born in the federation herited two genetic problems, the first one being Xibus which was corrected by their Qrri'Myaq at a young age, but then the second problem appeared, Mokii was a listener, when it became clear to others their score was lowered, eventually at the Reefgarden that problem started to become more and more apparent, Mokii having differing ideas about minor topics learned trough school and chatting with others, that increased the suspicion their collegues had of them, along with the slightly lower social credit score compared to others, their psionic stunt only furthered the problem eventually spending less and less time sleeping per day being classified as a under sleeper by the federation and having the score be lowered once again, decades go by and Mokii starts to develop contempt towards the federation for this social score system and how it affects those simply for being born in a way, but seeing this stress developing inside Mokii their Qraa'Myaq had a chat with them, explaining how the system is there for the good of everyone and how the problems they have can be solved if they put in more effort in bettering themselves, and so Mokii does, starting to take medicine to help sleep more, being eventually removed from the under sleeper category and having the social credit be raised, trying to display more pro federation view points and accept what other says, even acquiring two degrees and becoming a Qro'vesi, developing more into a Weishiin practitioner time later they would sit at 5.48 social credit. Things took a turn when Mokii decided to enroll in the work initiative with the Ziip’Ta Medicinal Enterprise being sent to work abroad on Biesel, there they met a Xiialt Skrell their now Qu'Poxii a fellow Listener, Biesel born they for years developed this relationship, but that came with the price of Mokii realizing how they never had to be shunned for being born that way, how they didn't have to change themselves to fit into a credit system and have to accept opinions different from their own for their own good, this awakened those emotions, now with these emotions reawakened and the help of their Qu'Poxii Mokii is waiting for their contract with Ziip’Ta Medicinal to end so they may be directly hired by Zeng-Hu and eventually enlist in the Legion for the citizenship, where they will be protected from being deported back to the federation simply for being who they are. What do you like about this character? (Describe what you like about this character): Had a idea of a Federation Skrell that didn't fully agree with the Federation for a long while ever since talking with Brotendo over discord, this is the outcome from that idea, a Skrell that while doesn't hate the federation itself, despises the opressive system they enpose in others could make for a interesting RP while they display a full loyal atitude outwardly while working until the day they finish service in the legion and are finally free to actually say and do what they want without fear of repercursion How would you rate your role-playing ability?: People seem to enjoy both my main characters a lot, those being Jill and Kada, so i would say i'm a good roleplayer, not the best, but a good one Notes:
  14. I really like Rebbeca and her alone would be a +1, but besides that i liked the backstory, it's simple but not everything needs to be a drama, and considering the fact that Hazel would be around 2 years old fits the reason why she is so work focused. Though i feel like it would be interesting to see how Hazel feels after the "betrayal" of doing so good in the job even becoming a manager but afterwards being just replaced by the newer fancy model. So +1
  15. In short i believe it would be good that IPCs had a way to know when they are too hurt, while organics can simply start bleeding and the pain damage fun, IPCs have no way to know if they are too damaged besides the faint red outline in the screen which is easily ignored or looking at the doll which as a long time IPC main i know it's not worth anything since if it looks very dark you might think it's very damaged but if you do a diagnostics it says "light damage". I propose either adding a sound alarm similar to what cyborgs have when they take critical damage so the player knows it's time to dip, or a huge CRITICAL DAMAGE DETECTED in the chat with the text in golden colour as to be differentiated from the probably spamming red damage or hit messages. Or even better, both It would be good both for the sake of convinience but also for the sake of respecting the self preservation directive, since most cases i've seen be it from both sec and antag IPCs being nuked was due to not realizing just how damaged they were in the heat of battle and retreating
  16. Finally got around to play a full round with Broadsword and and although it was a extended and low pop round, i liked the RP that they brought, were comunicative willing to help both me that was the RD and others, and overall a good company to RP with. Although i still remain to see how thing go during a average/high pop round. But hey i did pretty much 80% of my trial during low pop, so +1
  17. Although i haven't interacted as much as i would like with Noble's characters, the interactions i had and what i see showed me they are a good roleplayer and behave well, i especially like Eliza (probably because shes the one i interacted with the most) and would like see them get the trial and see how it goes +1
  18. I personally have worked in many advanced circuits in the past, but took a long break due to being frustated that everytime i was getting close to finally perfecting it, the round ends and i need to manually endure the torture of setting them up from the ground up again and again and again. Being able to copy and paste the circuits would allow for greater and more impressive ones. In bay for example that has that feature i've seen a RD that often makes a server like circuit and placed it on the bridge, it was kinda like a talking magic 8-ball it could send messages, it could do a lot of things even comunicate with away ships that had a coresponding radio circuit, but that wound't be possible if they had to manually do it from the scratch every time, that was a circuit that took a long while to be perfected
  19. This will be my last post on the thread, and yeah, not sure what was going on with me at the time, maybe i was having a bad moment or something, i had just taken my medicine so not sure if it's involved but for the end of the doubt i will just not play around that timezone to avoid something like this happening again for safety sake. And me seeing a complaint pop up involving the situation made me feel guilty, so i wanted to apologize for everything, and at least say that isn't normal behavior for me Honestly not sure either, since i used the powder on everything (without gloves i might add so mine would show up as well to not get confused) even on the open windoor but it didn't yield anything, i got fibers from the turret console and said windoor but the microscope didn't react to it, no message at ally
  20. We assumed the vault had been stolen just now due that a cardox grenade just showed up on the kitchen and things started to appear elsewhere, there was a investigation on the vault later on, but no fingerprints showed up on it only fibers that for some reason the microscope wouldn't accept, as i said, the problem of the situation was that i missed vital info, and that i should not have armed anyone, i also implanted the two few seconds before jump solely for rp reasons of they sticking around on the ship etc until investigations are done and the round had pretty much ended, i 100% didn't intend this whole matter to happen. You can ask other antag players what their experience with Kada being a active HoS was, i negotiate whenever possible, leave them with the uplink despite them having left it open, allow two technos to use the chapel for their magic studies etc. I knew the pen the unathi gave me wasn't the actual teleport pen as well. That round i was very distracted irl which caused a lot of things to go poorly on my end Once again i'm sorry how things turned out, it sure wasn't my intention at all.
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