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Warden (11/37)

  1. I'd love to get back my old character Chive. I was away for a while because of school and life, so I haven't been playing since the switch. Thanks!
  2. Just gonna toss in my two cents to say that shouldn't having a good character arc be rewarded? The way I see this was an interesting character dealing with their racism and the loss of lives they were trusted with, and tell me if you saw a friend and coworker murdered and it was your fault would you not be enraged at the murderer? This is what Chaz did he had his character have an outburst, and this is one of the reasons I don't play as much as if this cool and interesting roleplay of a character executing a terrorist who killed hostages and was a race that is extremely oppressed and viewed as evil even if it was wrong Nt would eat this up this would be good publicity. For an example look at America and when a shooter is killed by a person who works there now they committed murder and that was wrong obviously there would have been good non-lethal ways of disabling him but the company would champion this person for stopping the bad terrorist. The rules should promote good rp not punish it leave the option of having a breakdown ic in a non-cannon round without facing ooc punishment open. Restricting character growth and development is bad for the growth of the server, and when new players who enjoy rp see threads of someone being punished, which from an onlookers perspective appears to be, for nothing it is not good for the server. Again I know the rules exist for a reason but I just don't see how every time anyone kills anyone it deserves a player complaint I mean come on what was wrong with this he rped! We are acting like no one ever freaks out or makes a bad choice in real life tons of people fuck up in real life, but we need to rp as perfect drones who never make mistakes without ooc repercussions. I just find it kinda dumb when good rp is punished, when sec officers are punished for killing an antag when they could have taken them hostage is dumb and I feel this is the same sort of thing. /rant end/
  3. Byond key:Cobracoco007 Character names:Chive, Rook, and Gary Hughy. What times are you available? In GMT: 5-9 pm on weekdays and all day on the weekends. Do you have any experience with Moderating? Or similar. Yes I was a moderator for my Wow clan. Why do you want to be a Duty Officer?I think that it is a really neat way to help the community as acting as a duty officer is an Ic way to carry out ooc complaints, and because of this I feel that this would be a great way to help give back to this great community. How well can you handle stress?I handle stress pretty well. What does it mean to be a Duty Officer?Being a duty officer is a way of helping the community in a healthy way as well as being a rp device for characters intentionally played assholey in order to provide conflict for the crew. It is also a way of dealing with ic problems that can upset players when it is not something breaking server rules but is breaking Nanotrasen rules. How active on the forums and server are you?I am on the server at least once a week and I visit the forums everyday. Anything else to add?I really would enjoy this opportunity to help give back to the community thanks for reading and feedback is appreciated.
  4. After the Arizona saga you have calmed down a ton and I really as odd as it is to day believe that you could do this really well.
  5. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account:Cobracoco007 Character Name(s):Chive, Rook, Chicago AI Name(s):Excelsior Preferred means of contact: Skype, Teamspeak, and Steam. Age:15 Timezone:EST When are you on Aurora?:Around 5:00pm ExperienceNo,but I used to be the moderator for my world of Warcraft clan so I have experience with moderating. How long have you played SS13?:I have been playing since July of this year. How long have you played on Aurora:Since July of this year. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?:I know most everything except for electrical engineering and robotics. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?:No. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?:No. Personality Why do you play SS13?:I love the mechanics as they allow for some of the best role playing I have ever experienced. Why do you play on Aurora?:Aurora is the only server on Space Station 13 that I feel allows for the best role play possible due to the admins and moderators making sure everyone else can enjoy themselves. What do moderators do?:Moderators are tasked with making sure that the players on a server follow the rules, and moderators are also tasked with ensuring that playing on the server is enjoyable What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?:Being a moderator on Aurora means that you are responsible for the rule keeping of server so that others can have fun role play with out having to deal with greifers or assholes. Why do you want to be a moderator?:I owe the moderators and admins of Aurora and the players a lot they have helped me become a better roleplayer and writer so being a mod would be my way of giving back to the community so that I can make sure others can have the same enjoyment that I have had. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?:I am very good at remaining calm and not taking insults to heart I also remain cool headed in the face of stress. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?:Very well. Anything Else You Want to Add: I am extremely good at handling stress as I deal with a lot of stress daily so I have become kind of deaf to stress, anger, and insults.
  6. All right might as well day this quick and be out furry you have defiantly stripped and napped at least once. I was the bartending tajaran one round and you did exactly this stripped and rolled around on the bar napping. I didn't say anything I just ignored it icly because I was a low class tajaran who knew it was not her place to criticize. I have gotten to the point of being fed up with Safi and I fear changing my ic actions to reflect this, because I do not wish to anger you and get a report filed against me. I have kept my tongue as I wish to one day be a moderator and stirring up shit is not my thing, but I am done with holding my tongue it is just a bit rediculous that I fear to rp how I wish to with Safi because I fear accusations of meta grudging. That is all I have to say I mean no offense I just want to rp with spess men in a realistic way.
  7. BYOND Key:Cobracoco007 Character Names:Chive ,Rook ,Chicago ,Excelsior ,and Gary Hughy. Species you are applying to play:Dionaea What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race:Dionea are just the most interesting organic race, and I really want to play an interesting organic character. Since dionea are one of the least played races, I think that it would be helpful to bring a stronger representation of the race to aurora. This coupled with how I relate to the curious and knowledge lusting personality found in Dionea makes me just wish for the ability to play as one and show the player base what a good and well played Dionea looks like,because there is such a small amount of Dionea not that the current ones are bad. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:Humans I do have fun playing as they are easy to relate too and help to make a nice subtly racist character and to role play as a avid scientist they are just not as motivated to learn as the Dionea are. Being able to role play some one who is always interested in everything and learning as much as possible about said things with out being snowflakey is very hard to do as a human, and Ipcs know almost everything about their field of choice and do not care for any other branches of work, but Dionea are always looking for knowledge everywhere and I can envy that about them and their sheer dedication. Character Name:He Who Walks With The Spirits Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphsAs a nymph He Who Walks With The Spirits spent his time growing in a Taoist temple observing the religious practices of the Taoist monks in the Sol system. This allowed He Who Walks With The Spirits to grow to think that everything will be better if everyone did what nature intended acting without will or Wu wei. He spent many of his early decades meditating with the monks searching for inner peace. After over 50 years of meditation ,secluded from civilization alone in the sun on a planet with several stars providing constant daylight, He Who Walks With The Spirits had a spiritual revelation he dreamed that the one way that all races could live in harmony was through ensuring that one of the universe's largest companies, Nanotrasen, was guided to do no harm. He Who Walks With The Spirits knew this was a lofty goal and it may take him hundreds of years to complete he wished to learn as much as he could about Nanotrasen in order to guide them to peace. With this he began his studies of human, skrell, unathi, and tajaran culture preparing to become a Taoist Chaplin aboard one of Nanotrasen's vessels he spent a year doing this learning everything he could about the various stations held by Nanotrasen he finally decided on the station he like the most Aurora. He saw that this was a progressive station willing to hire anyone as long as they were sane and qualified, and knowing this he set out for an interview to join Nanotrasen's forces to finally try to succeed in his goal to being peace to all races. After He Who Walks With The Spirits was interviewed and accepted for the N.S.S Aurora's Chaplin position He was sent on a shuttle to begin his work guiding the crew to peace and eventually everyone. What do you like about this character?He Who Walks With The Spirits is very caring seeking peace above all else yet he still lacks the emotions needed to be loving which results in him not wanting the races to love each other but to merely be at peace. How would you rate your role-playing ability?6/10 Still working on not acting as a nice person always and I am trying to get better at this with my other characters. Notes:
  8. Just saying that I was the first cmo and fuck this round I did not see the strait jacket stuff as I tend to bail on Rev if it looks like I am somehow gonna get in trouble and my god this round screamed trouble.
  9. Please for the love of god no when I play cmo I already have to deal with a shit ton of idiotic doctors who don't know surgery and a shit ton of broken limbs it is insane the amount of surgeries I have to do in a round please either slow death or speed up surgery as it would leave doctors with more rp time.
  10. I see this nerd all over the station with pleb troll characters why he gai like dis it make me grp no heed plz ban for gankins mah hrp
  11. I think i need to be added.
  12. They didn't make me I just saw that it fit with what command wanted and I thought it would help the revolution but then people seemed oocly upset icly and that made me feel bad so I back pedaled and screwed up a fuck ton but I think I saved it in the end next time I would just not make us have one order to start but instead escalate it have them give us innocents that they suspect that we have to jail and maybe kill with little evidence all in all I don't think anything worthy of punishment happend.
  13. They didn't make me I just saw that it fit with what command wanted and I thought it would help the revolution but then people seemed oocly upset icly and that made me feel bad so I back pedaled and screwed up a fuck ton but I think I saved it in the end next time I would just not make us have one order to start but instead escalate it have them give us innocents that they suspect that we have to jail and maybe kill with little evidence all in all I don't think anything worthy of punishment happend.
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