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Everything posted by RisingValiant
This actually was the cause of one of those informal warnings I mentioned, I think in that aspect I've currently improved significantly. And if you're talking about the incident I think you are, I was a lot less experienced at that time, and I took it as a lesson on what to avoid, I don't think anything even close to that has happened since, and I believe I've learned a lot since then.
At this point I'm trying to figure out if there's something about my tone or the way I'm speaking that's causing this, because I really try to have Glory treat their coworkers with respect, and try to be reassuring, especially to new players. The agressiveness is something I've been toning down recently, though that specific moment was meant to be a character choice, Glory being influenced by their upbringing. I know Glory is quick to anger, that's intentional, and core to the character. I also know I've taken it too far in the past, which is something I'm trying to stop from happening again. But it's really surprising to hear multiple accounts of me belittling other members of medical, it's something I actively make a point not to do unless the conduct is egregious, and I genuinely am struggling to figure out where that criticism is coming from. As for your other points, I can see where you're coming from in a lot of places, I think at times my desire to participate in the round clashes with what's best in terms of the direction of the round. I would be going into a command role thinking about these things, so my personal belief is that they would happen less because it would be more important for those behaviours to be prevented, and as such, more present in my mind. But all you have to go on for that is my word. And I can understand if that isn't enough. Thank you for your feedback.
I have mixed feelings about this. I feel like some of this is fair, and some of this feels like it comes completely out of left field. Glory's agressiveness has been taken too far in the past, I am seriously trying to work on that. On the other hand I'm not at all sure what you're talking about when you say I've made clearly OOCly charged comments, or been rude to newcomers. The only things I can think of that might be what you're talking about were moments of high stress, where everything is falling apart. And even then, I don't think I've gone beyond telling someone they should know how to apply bruise packs and and bandages, basic medical care, the kind of thing most people aboard the horizon should know. And I'd love to know what you mean by belittling people, because I have absolutely no idea where you got that from. As for running the FR's calls for them, I've definitely done it before, and I'm making a concerted effort to fix that. As for all of my Dionae feeling the same. I'll give you that Brave and Glory are quite similar, it's something I've been trying to fix, but aside from that, this feels to me like you just haven't interacted much with some of my more different characters, because this is something I've been specifically focusing on. And when it comes to your criticisms about out of character in character, I honestly don't know how I gave you this impression. Regardless, it's something I'll keep in mind moving forward. Ultimately, some of these points feel reasonable, but some of these feel.... I'll go with out of left field. To the point that I don't understand what you could even be talking about. The criticisms about my ooc behaviour especially feel uncalled for. Generally a lot of this feels like it isn't based on my recent play. All the same, thank you for caring enough to provide feedback, if I get a trial, I'll do my best to prove your concerns wrong.
[Accepted]SunoPerson Dionae Application
RisingValiant replied to Suno's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I'm down, character idea seems interesting, and they seem like they at least have the fundamentals. +1 -
Grom's command application
RisingValiant replied to Gromnax's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
My main question is why Ebere wants to be a CMO. That aside, you're competent enough that you have my vote when it comes to a trial at least. +1 -
That's completely fair, I don't think this is going to happen without growing pains, one point I would make is that I'm applying specifically for CMO, so I think it's a little bit less of a concern than it would be if I were say, playing HoS. I do see where you're coming from though, and I've added your point to a list I keep about where I can do better, hopefully I can make it to a point where you can support my application, thank you for the feedback.
BYOND key: RisingValiant Discord Username: MartianPotato #8163 Character names: Raha Coris Annette Mellia Glory Of The Unchained Seeing The Light To Brave The Darkness Flowing Rivers Of Light And Power Echoes Of The Past Ringing Through The Silence Bottomless Waves Giving Way To An Endless Choir How long have you been playing on Aurora?: A few months now Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Nothing formal, several informal ones, largely due to the fact that this is my first HRP server, there were some growing pains. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: A head of staff controls the flow of a round, they serve as a designated 'person who knows what their doing and what to do' and they can define the direction a round will go, to a greater or lesser degree depending on their role. A HoS or a Captain could make the choice between going lethal, or negotiating, and those will have large ramifications on the rest of the round. They also serve to facilitate roleplay by regulating the culture of their department, and ideally, elevating everyone's experience. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: As a Head of Staff you have a great deal of power, especially when it comes to antagonists, you need to be aware of the fact that just like everyone else, they're trying to roleplay, and that you shouldn't simply shut down their gimmick immediately. Your primary responsibility as a Head of Staff is to try to make sure everyone has fun and has a good round. You're also supposed to have a good deal of experience, and be able to answer any questions about the gameplay of your department that might pop up, especially with newer players. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? The SCCV Horizon was recently launched by the SCC, it's mission is to scour the spur for new sources of phoron, amidst the current shortage. In addition, the many worlds of the spur continue to spin. More recently, The Solarian Alliance has been working, and succeeding, in reclaiming Mars from revolutionaries, and EE's acquisition of Phoenixport was ruled unlawful, the majority of the corporate assets there have been re-auctioned, though einstien has secured a foothold on Biesel. Amongst all this chaos, is Surgeon Glory Of The Unchained Seeing The Light. A decorated veteran of thje TCFL, and an extremely experienced surgeon, Glory was hired on by Nanotrasen a few years before the launch of the Horizon, when their Clinic in District Eleven was acquired by Nanotrasen. Given their extensive experience with EVA and the medical problems that can happen in a vaccuum, Glory was given the offer to come aboard the Horizon. Now, some time after the launch of the Horizon. Glory feels like there is more they can do, and grows increasingly dissatisfied with the restrictions placed upon them, given their qualifications, finally, a particularly difficult shift breaks Glory's hesitance, and they put in an application for a promotion. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? CMO first, eventually I might go for something else, but I'll ask first before that happens Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? I have, and I believe I'm familiar with what will be expected of me as CMO Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Glory Of The Unchained Seeing The Light - CMO, Indeed I actually created Glory with the possibility of becoming a CMO in mind. but, obviously, I don't have the WL yet. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Of course Have you linked your byond account to the forums? Yes I have
Nol wants to rule medbay (Command App)
RisingValiant replied to Nol4's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
They really serve to elevate the medbay RP, fun to be around and good at their job -
My position is that security patches and armbands exist, security badges exist, and your ID displays 'security' on it. If i can figure out you're an officer with a simple examine action, I think you should be within regulations. editing to add: Also, I think trying to make officers identifiable without an examine is a pipe dream anyways unless we entirely remove customization from their loadout in a lot of areas. Security webbing drastically changes the appearance of your uniform, security jackets do too, and are within regulations, you're allowed to just wear your plate carrier, entirely obscuring your uniform. Another point, why do we even have badges if we don't use them as a source of easy identification? Is that not the literal entire purpose of a police badge in real life?
I think there's a very simple solution to this, attachable security patches and badges exist, make it mandatory to wear either a uniform, or one of those, within reason, of course
Nol wants to rule medbay (Command App)
RisingValiant replied to Nol4's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Singlehandedly carried medical when I got split. Nol has my vote. +1 -
So, I've decided if no one is gonna fix chem, fuck it, I will. Problem is I've got no fucking idea how. Help. I need ideas from chem mains present and former. What do you want to see added to your job? So far I personally think chem needs risk added, you should have to heat chems, blow yourself up, gas yourself with cyanide, cause phoron fires. Thoughts? Also I'm new to coding so don't expect results soon, but god damn it it'll happen.
I desperately want an alternative nanotrasen labcoat with the colors swapped, and new scrubs options. I like that surgeons have an actual uniform now but NT is really neglected as for cosmetics, even a simple pallette swap would help a lot.
Reporting Personnel: To Brave The Darkness Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Warden Game ID: chZ-aFHV Personnel Involved: :To Brave The Darkness - Warden - Victim, Jozef Marcinowski - Captain - Offender, Za'Akaix'Dez Zo'ra - Security Officer - Witness, Hossl Suarza - Security Cadet - Witness, Lesar Issk - Security Officer - Witness Secondary Witnesses: Time of Incident: Real Time: 12:00MST Location of Incident: Service hallway Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [x] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [x] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ Overview of the Incident: Jozef Marcinowski showed clear disregard for the lives and safety of the crew, and security officers, following an incident where slimes were released into the hallway. He requested a slime displaying possible sentience be captured, when that proved impossible the slime was terminated, and the captain proceeded to lambast the officers involved,when told that the slime was terminated as it was hostile, and posed a threat to the officers, cadets, and crew, Marcinowski responded with: "So?". He then proceeded to call us, and all dionae, /pests/ and claimed all we do is murder. We then informed the Captain we would be filing an incident report against them, they proceeded to verbally abuse us until we reached the brig, at which point we told the Captain to 'shut the fuck up'. The Captain then had us suspended for slandering a head of staff, which, we would like to note: is the improper punishment for that crime, indicating a lack of knowledge of corporate regulations, which is inexcusable for a captain. They also emptied our personal funds, an overreach so stunning we struggle to believe it happened. All in all we believe this indicates that Marcinowski at very least requires serious disciplinary measures taken by the SCCIAB. Submitted Evidence: (Place any in round evidence that you gathered. Forms written in round, recorder logs and photographs can all be considered evidence. Signatures, dates and stamps all account to the authenticity of the form, and it's good to have them whenever possible. Clear screenshots of the whole piece of evidence are required. Evidence that has been produced or affected by antagonist activity should never be submitted. Forging or falsifying evidence is forbidden both ICly and OOCly, and may incur administrative action.) Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [x] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: No, Jozef Marcinowski was the only head of staff aboard and the captain, who has no superior aboard. Actions taken: Our attempts to resolve this are described in the overview, they were unsuccessful.
Reporting Personnel: To Brave The Darkness Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Warden Game ID: chW-amrI Personnel Involved: Michael Grayson, Investigator: Victim, Zofia Valentova, Investigator: Victim, Soluar Razi, Head Of Security: Offender, To Brave The Darkness, Warden: Witness, Secondary Witnesses: Time of Incident: 23:50 Real Time: 1900MST 05/14/2022 Location of Incident: Brig Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [x] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: The Head of Security, Commander Soluar Razi, was disrespectful and demeaning to investigators on duty in breach of expected professional conduct, making pointed comments that implied their abilities were lacking because the investigators did not wish to go on an expedition to a derilect, as it was outside of their field of expertise. Submitted Evidence: Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [x] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Akham Al-Nasrallah, Captain Actions taken: I confronted the Commander immediately after their actions as stated in the form. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get all the information and everything collected until just before the crew transfer, so there wasn't much Akham could do.
The problem with the reliance on chems is that chems are the only effective means of treating low oxygen quickly and are also the only real way to make someone who's going to die soon die less soon. Dexalin plus is the most important chem that a chemist makes, because oxygen deprivation is generally the thing that kills the brain. Everything else is manageable but there is no quick and portable means of treating oxygen loss other than chemicals, what this ends up meaning is if someone is dying cause of a ruptured lung, there isn't a way to make that happen slower that isn't dexalin plus and inaprovaline administered through injection, or pneumalin. which means a lot of people die on the way to medical.
That sounds fine to me
I also feel like merging the role makes phys really super-doctory. There are already some rounds where I do literally nothing as a surgeon, rounds where there are injuries, it's just 90% of my job can be done more easily with chems. Brain damage? alky, punctured lung? pneumalin. I think part of the problem is how chemistry is basically just making the one fix to any problem and then you're done. I think it's just way way too simple right now to be engaging long-term. And what happens if someone comes to the GTR and the phys is busy making chems? either way something's getting neglected.
I'm very much in favor of offering a boost to the pharmacist role like Ramke described, where they're permitted to go into the GTR and help treat people. On the other hand Hunt I think the list you suggested is absolutely absurd, at the current moment that's beyond what a CMO can produce and it's far and beyond what I think is even remotely reasonable.
My worry with peridaxon, and indeed anything requiring phoron, is it's an extremely hard to make chemical, requiring several compound medicines in order to create. The issue with this is that- logically - if someone can make peridaxon, they should be capable of making pretty much anything. Saline plus is an absolute cakewalk compared to peridaxon, pneumalin is too. And a physician can already treat the lungs and the heart through surgery, them having to use dylovene for the liver and kidneys is a fair trade-off in my mind. And peridaxon won't save a necrotic liver anymore than dylovene would.
I'm in complete agreement with that list you made, hell I'd even remove Peridaxon from the list. It gives a reason for physicians and pharmacists to be compelling, where physicians right now are often completely superfluous and pharmacists are so restricted as to be next to necessary. I generally play a surgeon but it's absolutely hellish not having basic meds, the amount of time someone just dies because we have no way to properly treat them is frustrating. Too much of med hinges on this one role. I'm honestly in favor of pretty much removing anything from that list that deals with phoron at all, and adding dexalin bottles to the nanomeds. It makes sense that a pharmacist would have specialized training or certifications for handling phoron so as to not blow everything up. And anything requiring complex meds to create being a general no-go. If I were to suggest a list, it would look like this: Bicaridine Kelotane Inaprovaline Dylovene Tricordrazine Coagzolug With this change I'd also add dexalin bottles to the nanomeds. I'm in favor of general physicians being the only ones allowed to make these besides pharmacists and the CMO, under penalty of suspension or demotion if done without permission. With non-pharmacy CMOs maybe having access to that original list you suggested. In general I think medical needs to get expanded in what it can do. In general I want something to do in my downtime that isn't staring at sensors, I want first responders to have non-chemical stablization options, as a surgeon I want more than just being a physician with surgery permission, and physician is largely superfluous in many situations. Pharmacists need something that isn't just being a glorified vending machine as well, and I think chemistry in general should be more complex, it should reflect the RP restrictions and regulations mechanically. As a pharmacist I have never once used the chemical heater, the analyze function of the chemistry machine feels quite pointless, the mass spectrometer does a better job than the machine with the analyze function, the reagent scanner is almost never used and the chemistry codex suffers from a lack of useful information about the actual medicines. I feel like it should at least show overdose thresholds and symptoms, plus side effects. Why am I pulling up the wiki guide and not the in universe codex supposedly designed for this purpose? Why is this supposedly dangerous job lacking any actual mechanical danger as long as you don't spill phoron and aren't making pryotechnics? Chemistry is consistently described to be dangerous and pharmacists are restricted to the moon and back because of specific education and training they recieve in their degree, which they recieve because it is a high skill role, allegedly. Yet in game it is quite possible the single least dangerous medical profession, and cooking is more mechanically complex. Chemistry is, in my opinion, nearly impossible to screw up, and I believe that's a problem, I can't burn myself with acids or gas myself with a toxic mixture unless I'm actively trying to do so. The chemistry gameplay loop is just making the same chemicals every shift, in the same amounts, at the same times, the same way. And there isn't any care needed to do it either. If I'm mixing a chemical that bubbles I should need a mask and safety glasses so I don't gas myself with toxic fumes, or get acidic fluid in my eyes. If I'm handling phoron, or mixing with it, there should be some actual risk there given how otherwise dangerous phoron is, vials are completely pointless in pretty much any circumstance, and the only catalyst I can even think of is phoron. Why? It's this point of dissonance between the roleplay and lore portion, and the actual mechanical portion. Cooking shouldn't be easier to screw up than chemistry, and it is, and bartending shouldn't have more risk in it's gameplay than chemistry, which it absolutely does given the number of different ways you can poison someone, accidentally giving an unathi alcohol, for example. And a lot of this doesn't even make much sense in universe. If this medicine is part phoron, why is there not any cardox or anti-toxin involved to neutralize the toxic properties inherent to Phoron, or if not that, why do the side effects not reflect the prescence of Phoron? Basically I think the majority of the medical issues have relatively simple solutions, but chemistry is, in my opinion, in great need of an expansion to make the role more engaging and less one-note.
RisingValiant Command WL Application
RisingValiant posted a topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
BYOND key: RisingValiant Discord Username: MartianPotato#8163 Character names: Anette Mellia Raha Coris Aria Torna Glory Of The Unchained Seeing The Light Flowing Rivers Of Light And Power To Brave The Darkness Tapping The Soul Of The Deep How long have you been playing on Aurora?: About a month now I think. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? No formal administrative actions. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: The heads are there to direct and teach, they serve as both the one driving the department, and the one keeping them updated, if the bridge knows a miner is injured, it's the CMO's job to make sure first responders are on standby, if command sees someone boarding, the HoS is the one that directs officers to the hangar, at least in theory. As a head, half your job is communicating with your department and the rest of command, so that people know what the hell is going on. Your other responsibility as a head is to serve as an expert who has time to teach, you're expected to have a basic understanding of everything in your department, and to be able to walk a new player through it when required. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: As a head of staff you have a lot of power and access, you're trusted to use that power responsibly, which means you don't metagrudge or discriminate, but also that you are expected to know your role, and stay within it. as a head of staff you shouldn't be trying to micromanage what other players do, or do their jobs just because you have access. In theory a head of staff shouldn't be stepping in unless the situation calls for it. I try my best to avoid stepping on any toes when it comes to my jobs and roles, generally, I step in when there's no one better specialized around to do it, say, if the physician is busy treating a patient and someone comes in bleeding, as soon as that physician is free to handle the patient, I ask if they want to handle the rest. As for not discriminating or metagrudging, that's expected of pretty much everyone, so nothing special there, just a whole lot more power to abuse. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? The Phoron shortage promted the SCC to launch the SCCV Horizon, a state-of-the-art prospecting vessel, to search for new sources of Phoron in the Spur, and to research it's anomalous properties. Glory Of The Unchained Seeing The Light. a veteran doctor with decades of experience, is hired on by NanoTrasen as a surgical specialist for this vessel, but soon finds themself feeling like there is more they can do to help, especially given their many years of experience. As such, they apply for a transfer of employment to the SCC and a promotion to Chief Medical Officer. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? CMO Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes, I intend to strive to avoid being a 'superdoctor' Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Glory Of The Unchained Seeing The Light Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Absolutely. Have you linked your byond account to the forums? I have. -
that's fine, I can change it to NT without much issue. I've reread your comment and realized I missed the part where you wanted me to add what I'd change, Rather than working for PMCG, Glory would probably have worked in a hospital in district 11 for a period of time, leading up into them being hired by Nanotrasen, they'd also be less used to violence and less willing to harm. Beyond that, not much would change.
Hi there! I'll answer your questions first: Glory would have seen various Dionae and Diona, but probably wouldn't have known many of them for long. the slavers got lucky in acquiring Glory when they were extremely young, and they held them captive for years, but one thing the Dionae Glory met would have taught Glory was to resist the captivity, that this was not how life was supposed to be lived, and that there was more to life than servitude. Glory sees how IPCs and Synths are treated as largely second class citizens or, at worst property, and hates it. It reminds her of how they were treated in captivity. Glory does still feel some fear whenever they encounter a human, but they've learned to deal with it over the years. It's just that the trauma of their imprisonment was so deep that some of the scars remain to this day. Intellectually Glory knows that humans, like everyone else, aren't all the same, and tries to take things on a case by case basis. I'm planning on Glory being a Surgeon/Physician, and maybe, if I ever decide to apply for the Command whitelist further down the line, a CMO, with some auxiliary skills due to their long life, and the skills they acquired through absorbing blood. For example, Glory devoted a good amount of time during their education to learning at least the basics of every medical field they could, and during the time they were running their clinic, and their time in the Eagle Corps, they would have learned Shh'ush to at least a rank of Shee'cha or Shee'che, their name is part of a promise they made when they were freed. They would never again be chained. If things had gone differently they probably would have been a security officer, but as things stand they lack any sort of training with ranged weaponry. This was a way more positive response than I had expected! I totally understand that you have concerns over how new I am. Thank you for giving me a chance.