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Everything posted by LynxSolstice
[Accepted] Unban request - Lynxsolstice
LynxSolstice replied to LynxSolstice's topic in Unban Requests Archive
I just tripped on an escooter in my living room, tearing the cuff of my only pair of jeans, to illustrate how cosmically terrible my day is going -
BYOND Key: LynxSolstice Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: CampinKiller, Roostercat Reason of Ban: Reason for Appeal: I do not feel as if my mistake today should have ended in a permanent ban. I'm sorry that I was taking jabs at how Suethecake plays their character as a homophobe ICly and will get people's characters removed by the tajara lore team if they step out of line, ICly. I've had a terrible fucking day today and I let that frustration show in my comment/comments on discord. I really don't want to get into my personal details regarding it, but if it's needed for this appeal I will. The ban was quite sudden, especially as a permaban, with no escalation outside of the previous antagonist ban for OOC toxicity, back in January, and if unable to acquire an appeal for this, I will open a complaint to hopefully get it reduced, although I am not confident either will be accepted. I just don't want today of all days to be the day that me and this server go separate ways, because I have a lot of people I really enjoy having friendships with, and I don't want to have to throw those away for a stupid comment along the lines of "Take a look at Sue, their character gets people blackbagged for holding hands in public." I understand that should this appeal be accepted, I will have to ensure I do not associate with aurora if I have a terrible day like today again, and will take a step back for the day until I can be more thoughtful with my conduct, rather than abrasive and harsh.
Staff Complaint - A_Big_bear
LynxSolstice replied to LynxSolstice's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
I fucked up by disregarding fear RP but I'm trying to fix the powergaming issues which stemmed from treating extended rounds, and secret rounds differently, I've only recently started treating both as just extended, because things like the ammo economy (in reference to the warning about the autolathe) are important for round balance, I'm really trying to move on from being a mechanics over-focuser who just does anything to try and pre-prepare mechanically, because it's just shitter behavior -
Staff Complaint - A_Big_bear
LynxSolstice replied to LynxSolstice's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
But I never attempted to body block the lasers, it was a statement made up entirely to try and scramble to say anything about why ICly I tried to fuck with the welderbomb that wasn't just "I just did it out of an impulse in the moment, I don't know why I did it" -
BYOND Key: LynxSolstice Staff BYOND Key: A_Big_Bear Game ID: Unsure Reason for complaint: I disagree with my most recent ban including powergaming as a reason for the ban, while the lack of FearRP and arguably the Validhunting can and probably should be upheld as correct, I feel that my OOC conduct did not constitute powergaming. So what had happened is that there was a hostage situation, I responded to as a security officer, and there was a weldertank bomb. I made a few IC comments with bravado (the reason for the "Not afraid of explosions" bravado comment was that my character was injured in an artillery strike before, in his lore) at the time, regarding disinterest in the threat of the bomb, (which is where the valid lack of FearRP comes in I think) and then I turned to leave, before turning back and making a quick, impulsive decision to drag the tank (this is arguably the validhunting part), I managed to ctrl+click the tank before it exploded, and made no attempt to stand inbetween the tank and the shooter to "block the lasers" as I stated ICly later as my reason I tried doing anything with the bomb. However I failed to explain to Bear that despite my IC explanation regarding laser penetration and how I was "trying to get in front of the bomb before the hostage taker could shoot the tank" my actual OOC and IC action were not to step in front of the bomb and powergame that the lasers wouldn't penetrate, it was merely an IC explanation so I didn't just say "Uhh, I don't know why I did that" because I was super impulsive and ran to drag the tank away. I'm sorry that I attempted to drag away the bomb and didn't respect what it meant, RP wise, but that's an issue with lack of FearRP. I didn't take advantage of the mechanics of the game at any point, I merely made a mistake in trying to drag away the tank and my IC comments were taken as OOC fact. Evidence/logs/etc: Attached in order are: My original attempt at explaining to Bear after the fact in DMs about the situation, where I was told they do not discuss tickets out of game as a rule of thumb, an image that shows my postion at the time of the explosion (Above the bomb because I was attempting to drag it away, the antag was in the bottom right, so I was not in position, nor trying to be in position to 'Block the lasers', and a video of the entire situation from start to finish, where you can see me make the bravado comments, and then the attempt to drag the welderbomb away. Additional remarks: I'm just hoping I can get the powergaming part of the ticket/ban lifted from my record because it really was not intended, nor was, powergaming. It was merely me being an idiot and trying to drag the welder tank away in a stressful situation that I fucked up. I'm really trying to show that I'm attempting my hardest to improve my over-focus on mechanics and I'm just sad that this situation was misread due to my stupid hasty IC comments about bullets and lasers and shit tajara.mp4
rejected Firstacts Command Application
LynxSolstice replied to firstact's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
An anecdote about Firstact is this: They helped me way back when I first hopped on Aurora, I had just gotten onto a TCFL ship and I was completely lost. I happened to go up to them and LOOC at them, now, most people probably would have avoided what looked like a bumbling tider, but Firstact pointed me to specific bits of info on the wiki for starting out, and when I was curious about Tajara, explained a little of it to me. If not for them, I probably wouldn't have stuck around. So thanks First for making my new player experience a little better +1 -
BYOND Key: LynxSolstice Total Ban Length: Until Appealed Banning staff member's Key: Owen and NobleRow Reason of Ban: The comments made on the Discord, similar to your prior instances in LOOC which you’ve been spoken to about, are not at all acceptable to see in our players. As a result, Noble and I have decided to place a permanent antagonist ban. You may appeal this decision when you feel you are ready. Reason for Appeal: I've made an effort to improve my OOC conduct over the last like, 4 months? I went and did some other things for a bit and only recently got back from a 3 month break, a month ago, but I've been making an effort to not uh, salt or generally be toxic over the discord and looc/ooc. I've gotten a little exasperated at points, or been a little over the top for emphasis but it's not the same as, say, the above mentioned comments, nothing to that level of salt/toxicity. Also I've talked with a few people about antag conduct, because I wasn't really sure how to shift away from treating it so "gamified" as the original ban message said on the player complaint. I've thought a bit on it, focusing too much on mechanics over aesthetics/story was where I was falling short previously. I've made an effort towards fixing that mindset by coming to that realization. Even if you have to gimp yourself, it's important for both sides (crew and antag) to give eachother chances and to not go maximum full strength all the time, and it's an antag's duty to play realistically to what their character would reasonably do. Rather than playing for the mechanics of it, without much thought to how your character would do things. I've probably rambled enough about this stuff, and I'm going to try and explain the finer points if I'm asked about them! I hope my attempt to improve my conduct is taken into account, as well as the past month I've been spending on Aurora.
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I'll take the feedback shown here and make sure to reflect on my salting/venting frustrations in the out of character chats and maincord, and other such things.
The core issue is that violent gimmicks are much more visible than peaceful gimmicks. I had done a very officially official TCAF peace-merc gimmick which was not well received because we essentially made a merc round an extended round, so it seems like some people hate the peaceful antags and some hate the violent antags. There's no pleasing everyone, just playing within the rules of the server, which as I've stated previously, we were doing, even if we may have fucked up our fisanduh gimmick slightly, and been unable to kidnap the primaries. As for the Unathi, their reasoning was that they were a Si'akh from the newest unathi arc, and that the Dominians were oppressing them or something. They paraded a corpse around on deck 3 before and after I had gotten into a gun battle with security forces. Speaking on gimmicks further, I've personally turned off revolutionaries, because coming up with and sustaining a gimmick for revolutionaries is fundamentally difficult, if people wanted to be antags, they would have their prefs on. Hence I stopped attempting to interact with the gamemode, outside of being a bystander during it.
I'm of the impression that the Fisanduhian state is supported by the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai, as such I was a DPRA tajara, for the purposes of the gimmick. If the gimmick calls for it, I would play a different species (human) as I have done previously (Such as with the recent, timetravelling CIA gimmick). The real reason I attempt to do gimmicks that allow me to be a Tajara during them is because I'm a furry and I really like the space cats, it's not a mechanical advantage shtick, it's simply a preference for the cats. Had I wanted to powergame the tajara species I was playing, I would have gone for the M'sai, as they're the fastest or Zhan because they're fast but have a lower brute mod than the M'sai, but I didn't. This point seems to assume that if you aren't a human, you're powergaming. Speaking on the primaries on board the vessel, I was told to "go retrieve [the unathi merc] from the medbay, and grab the Volvolaad if you can." There was still an active security officer up in the medbay as I entered (Boris Novinky I believe?) and demanded my mercenary teammate back, so I was unable, at the time, to attempt taking the Primary CMO hostage, as my main goal at that point, was retrieving the other merc, as ordered. The fact of the matter was, Security attempted to fight me at multiple points, almost succeeding in killing me in three fights, but I managed to get away and heal, and left them with high attrition injuries that would keep them out of the fight for a longer period of time. I was not playing to win, I was playing to delay the Security team from fighting our team off and interrupting the gimmick. I've been told off before for doing gimmicks or using items that are too high-pop for the security compliment, but the merc gimmick round was a 33 ready- highpop round, as as such I'm of the opinion that the fisanduh nukies gimmick was perfectly fine, escalation wise, we just had a few issues implementing it, like the fact that I was constantly having to fight Sec, and that our embedded shell didn't take advantage of the chaos to kidnap any of the primaries stealthily. I wasn't exactly able to parapen someone and drag them off while juggling a retrieval mission and the constant gun battles I found myself in, including a very late-round ranger team that showed up and nearly killed us before I drove them back with the help of a teammate.
For point one, I was under the impression that leg armor was less than that of the chest or head, and my intention was to disable, not kill. Aiming and shooting for weakpoints is not powergaming, it's using strategy when in a combat situation. During the merc round I had fought rangers and fully armored Sec officers. Many times outmatched. I was simply outplaying them by aiming for the weakpoints to allow the gimmick to continue, as had I not done so, we would have been arrested or killed within the hour and the gimmick would have been finished. Regarding point two, I had broken into the vault in an attempt to drive an investigative story, however I was too sloppy with it and was not aware the bolts panel sends a message over command when it is toggled, and thus I was captured shortly there-after. I attempted to dispose of evidence and did not resist as much as I could when confronted in the Operations Lobby by Sec. I attempted to escape once, out the interrogator's office, and was successful. I then willingly returned to Sec custody on the grounds that my character's TCFL jacket would be returned. The jacket was never returned and I used my uplink to emag my cell door and I attempted to escape. After this point I believe talks were put into place to maroon me. Marooning is essentially a death sentence with enough removal to not count under Biesel law as an execution, as such, I did everything in my power to resist my marooning, which included attacking Sec, as I attempted to get away from my death sentence. When I was finally marooned, the exoplanet's atmosphere was so hot that I immediately began to suffer burns inside my soft suit due to the heat "Cooking [me] alive!", I then escaped back onto the intrepid, where I ran off, attempted to explain how the planet had been burning me alive, and I was set on fire via a science prototype laser, leading to my death. Regarding the third section, and regarding random gun boxes, I admit, I like to gamble a little, hoping I'd get an interesting or rare weapon, I had previously gotten a musket before which I thought was really cool, so I've been trying to get one again. Regarding my previous bans they were not for "raiding the vault", they were regarding escalation issues, which I have made large strides in resolving. Part of my reasoning for shooting for the legs as well, when it came to that merc round was to disable, not kill, the security officers on duty, I may have disabled a few people that round but as far as I know, none of them were taken out of the round, as was my intention. Everyone I de-limbed survived the encounter. As for the forth section, regarding the comment made on discord, that's been taken out of context. The reason I had so many magazines of ammo was because the Dominian gear crate that was purchased, had 7.62 magazines instead of the proper 30 round 5.56 magazines for the included guns, so I took the spare mags with the intention of splitting them between myself and whoever else used the second assault rifle. The other members of my team had the Dominian assault rifles, and refused the 7.62 assault rifle, so I took the extra mag from it for my own stockpile and throughout the course of the 2 hour round, used all of the ammunition I had. It would have been no different to getting an LMG and just using that, yet the LMG is easily attainable for antags should they wish. Why would I be penalized for taking extra, unused supplies and then using them? Our gimmick was intended to be a progressively more and more violent one, escalating as needed, as such, it made sense to me, to take the extra ammunition. I understand people are angry over the fact that limbs were aimed at but I explained my reasoning to Melaria, that I was aiming for the legs since the armor was weaker, I asked if I should instead aim for the chest or head and was given a "As you were" response. The fact that I was doing well, and using strategy in combat was not intended to powergame, it was meant to, as I said previously, non-lethally take the Sec officers out of the fight for a prolonged period so the gimmick could continue. The gimmick survived long enough to escalate past the crew armory, and a distress beacon, to a nuclear device activation. I've learned from my previous mistakes regarding escalation (edit: I was previously antag banned over firing on a downed security officer who was being treated, I was also banned over doing a merc gimmick where we cracked the vault silently and attempted to leave, as such I'm under the impression that merc gimmicks have to drive conflict or be overtly visible to the crew.) I've been told it's bad manners in the Aurora community to aim anywhere other than the chest, after the fact, but my intentions in the moment was not to round-end the security officers. It was to resolve a lethally escalated fight, non-lethally, which the leg shots, although flawed in their 'lower armor' theory, achieved. Edit: Speaking on my previous habit of cracking open the vault for the extra TC, I haven't been doing that since I stopped playing my shaft miner as much. My new character (a former TCAF bridge crewman), is a lot better of a template for interesting gimmicks and ideas, and as such, I generally avoid the vault as I don't have much of a reason to be in Ops.
Kira's 104th Pride Flag (No, not that kind.)
LynxSolstice replied to dessysalta's topic in Denied Apps
+1 I'd rather see more custom flags than the same old Sol standard all the time -
Antag Ban Appeal (LynxSolstice) [Accepted]
LynxSolstice replied to LynxSolstice's topic in Unban Requests Archive
I was told to ping roostercat for the appeal by Sadkermit, so I guess I'll do that here @Roostercat -
BYOND Key: LynxSolstice Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: RoosterCat Reason of Ban: As a team of mercenaries, we cracked the vault, Payday 2 style, and attempted to exfil with the loot, this resulted in my bwoinking for not driving enough crew interaction, I'm not sure when the ban was placed. Reason for Appeal: I just recently rolled auto-traitor while antag banned and figured it was a sign I should appeal. I'd like to have this ban lifted because I feel confident enough that I'll be able to fulfill the crew interaction requirement for antagging (driving forwards a story. For example, by performing an elaborate breaking and entering of the bridge for their fox, and leaving enough evidence for the investigations crew to properly investigate the crime, driving forwards a mystery for the security department to solve, and involving the bridge crew.), as well as not completing a job and immediately leaving, which is what caused the issue of the heist we did, because we cracked the vault and attempted to leave, rather than hold our position, which would have driven more interaction. I'm not sure how I'd show that I've been able to think more on, and improve these shortcomings I had previously, but that's why I'm submitting an appeal I suppose.
If you add tiles to the Tajaran Smuggler ship, the tiles turn into purple/black checkered tiles. Also the lights on the ship facing north are all broken.
Layering of the air alarms is off, and the merc spawn room doesn't have source installed. (it has pink and black textures for the tiles)
Staff Complaint for Roostercat12, Actions Taken.
LynxSolstice replied to LynxSolstice's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
I still feel the permanent removal of my ability to even consider improving from this incident was entirely too heavy handed and restrictive, especially considering the fact that such an example wasn't specified anywhere, and that it was never brought up until the gimmick had finished. -
Staff Complaint for Roostercat12, Actions Taken.
LynxSolstice replied to LynxSolstice's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
We weren't the first ones to shoot. As for the rule "quite literally" meaning breaking in using stealth is against the rules, then why is it not mentioned within the clarifications or the mercenary guide on the wiki? It just states "This means: no unmotivated/not roleplayed out mass murders, etcetera. See the rules below for further clarification." The clarifications below are as follows: "Only resort to killing if it makes sense or drives a story. Randomly killing someone because you’re a traitor will get you removed right quick. This also means that murder for the sake of murder is punishable. However, in certain situations, murder can serve as a tool, if none other applicable. If you’re uncertain, ask for guidance via adminhelps. No ganking. While antags will sometimes kill, it is expected for you to provide interesting roleplay to your targets first, if your goal is assassination. This does not mean that you need to monologue your opponent before killing them: roleplay leading up to a murder can take place over the course of the entire round, for example, leaving the murder scene itself to be “wordless”. Collateral damage is acceptable within reason, but this means you must use common sense, and avoid creating scenarios with a lot of potential for collateral (setting bombs in high-traffic areas, etc.) SSD/AFK characters are OFF-LIMITS. Do not kill, maim, or steal from a character who is SSD. If a character goes SSD mid-roleplay, give them some time to rejoin before continuing, if applicable. If they do not come back, use judgement as to whether it is reasonable (and fair) to continue roleplay without them or not. It is acceptable to rob from SSDs if something on their person provides an item that is immediately vital to your character (helps keep the character alive). As necessary, you can ask for guidance via adminhelp. The station’s primary power source and atmospherics systems are generally off-limits in terms of catastrophic sabotage, due to the impact they can have on the round. If you think you have a really good reason to mess with either, adminhelp first to get clearance. Recalling a CT shuttle is not allowed as antag unless you get permission from staff first." No where does it clearly explain the issue of stealth gimmicks, I'm just assumed to know that cracking the vault with my fellow mercenaries in a stealth-y way, and fortifying Ops is against the rules, and since I was unaware, I was punished with a permanent antagonist ban, with a minimal chance for appeal, if at all. -
Staff Complaint for Roostercat12, Actions Taken.
LynxSolstice replied to LynxSolstice's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
We were standing around, talking to security through the doors while the drill was going. There were interactions there. We didn't stay to hold the area because it would have just been a shootout, admittedly we probably should have but the team was restless and we headed back up using the lift. I just don't see the need to hand out a heavy punishment (Permanent unless appealed) due to my inability to know the cultural rule of Merc teams needing to be loud. I disagree that the sentence should be permanent when the previous warning/notes/ban were for lack of proper escalation against the security team and bystanders. I personally feel that I was handed out the harsh punishment because I'm not exactly known for the best antag gimmicks. If something is against the rules, it should be listed somewhere, instead I'm told after the fact that it's "seen in bad taste to do your gimmicks stealthily as off-ship boarders" by a regular member of the server. -
Staff Complaint for Roostercat12, Actions Taken.
LynxSolstice replied to LynxSolstice's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
The clarifications below do not state that mercenaries cannot break into the vault using stealth. The only point I could have interacted with security is when we were on deck 3, where we were instantly shot at. -
Staff Complaint for Roostercat12, Actions Taken.
LynxSolstice replied to LynxSolstice's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
For an unwritten rule that I had no reasonable expectation of knowing beforehand.