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  1. I sadly haven't had much chance to intrect with Poppers other characters but Barrossssssss is just a joy to RP with, I love a normal attitude character that doesn't shot down wacky characters but rather compliments them. Easy +1 for me He also makes high quality memes, imagine Popper bug memes...
  2. If goolies characters had one billion fans I'm one of them, if goolies characters had ten fans I'm one of those ten, if goolies characters had one fan that's me, if goolies characters had no fans I'm dead. In a more searious tone, I truly love goolies characters, he always make a kinda dead round to a round full of life with his shenanigans. He's also a really good RP in my opinion, so easy +1.
  3. BYOND Ckey: MrLenny Discord username: mrlenny_ Character names: Keeh Rasi, Ashi Firetalon, Simo Helminen, Aezh Guwan Species you are applying to play: Vaurca ------------------------------ General Whitelist Requirements What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: RGB 98, 115, 8 Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this species?: I find that Vaurca are the most alien of the aliens except maybe Diona. They have their hivenet, VR and the whole being in a hive that’s very different from the other aliens. I’ve also seen a lot of Vaurca characters that are a joy to RP with. So I want to throw my hat into the ring and try it out. What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: RPing as a Vaurca is a very loaded question because like I said they are in my opinion the most alien of the aliens, depending on what hive or even caste you made your Varuca it’s vastly different how you RP them. But a few main points are that you’re eusocial. You care about the bigger group be it your brood, hive or even new co-workers on a certain SCC ship. Another huge point is you’re made for a specific purpose, everything from digging out tunnels in your hive or just being a warrior that defends the brood etc etc. They don’t really see any other need beyond doing their job, be it a 9 to 5 cashier job because it helps the hive, they can have hobbies and small personal goals if they are unbound. But they are mostly made for a purpose. But playing an unbound makes it so you have a personality, depending on how old your Vaurca is they might not have a clue how the world works outside of VR and hives, Queens try to teach the basics of alien social interactions in VR but for a unbound it’s best to have experience. ------------------------------ Character Application Character Name: Ra’Akaix’Blob K’lax Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. Blob is a one year old Bulwark from the Vedhra hive, coming from a small hive-cell that was made for logistics in the coming war with the Lii’dra. Blob was chosen to go and work in the wider galaxy so the first months they spent in VR training on how to handle things like hauling crates and paperwork and the basics of how to interact with the rest of the aliens in the galaxy. When they got out of VR they were sent to haul things like K’laxan tech or Unathite artifacts around the hive on Tret for a few more months before their Ta said she found a job for them on the SCCV Horizon as a Hepth hanger tech. Due to Blobs basic training on the other aliens they have a high interest in the other species around the spur, especially Unathi. Also spending a few months in their hive has exposed them to the Preimminence faith becoming a believer in it, seeing as this God or Goddess that everyone has a piece in very comforting. If everyone has a piece to do then we can beat the Lii’dra easily is their belief. They are augmented like most of the Vedhra brood. How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character. Due to being so young they haven’t had much interaction with Bieslite democracy or Solarians rebuilding but the two main ones that have affected Blob is Hepth seizing the Hegemony economy and the War in Heaven. Blob sees Hepth seizing Hegemony economy as them helping out and making more people fit into their piece of destiny of sorts, they highly like Titanius Aeson due to his charisma and protecting and helping Unathi. Blob is a little confused with the War in Heaven seeing other broods of their hive is odd to them when we all should prepare for the coming war with the Lii’dra, they don’t really understand why the two Queens are fighting but Vedhra hasn’t done much and Blob is sure all the Queens know what they are doing. How does your character view the megacorporation they work for? Blob really likes Hepth at least the little they know about Hepth, Blob sees them as giving people a purpose fitting into where they are needed in the grand scheme of everything. They really like Titanius Aeson when he got stabbed Blob was a little worried but knew he would pull through. Notes: Sorry for any weird grammer I'm not the best at it lol
  4. Of course! Moga Rozalt is the fifth son of a minor lord near To’ha’dat a few kilometers away from the city, always being interested in the engineering field he finished school with a doctorate in engineering at the age of 25. Mogas father seeing an opertunity to strengthen Rozalt influence he suggested his son would go off and work for Hephaestus as their influence grew on Moghes. Moga has worked for ten years at Hephaestus due to his noble standing he quickly rose as a Chief Engineer mainly working on Moghes but has worked on some mining outposts at the Korgak Mining Outpost. In 2465 when Hephaestus got the monopoly over the Hegemony, Moga got offered a position within the SCC where he would work as a CE on board the SSCV Horizon. He quickly accepted the deal and took a few classes on Human, Skrell and the rest of the aliens' culture. And now he is ready to work on the SSCV Horizon.
  5. BYOND key: Mr Lenny Discord Username: mrlenny_ Character names: Rasmus Lindgren Fuma Ilica (gone) Kusuer Bloodclaw Keeh Rasi Uzo Kuhaik How long have you been playing on Aurora? I played a bit before 2021, but 2021 is the year I really got into aurora. So 2 years or so. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I haven’t been warned, just lightly warned? Like when I was playing a golem and I didn’t follow an order, that sort of stuff: I believe I’ve also been asked why I headgibbed someone but I explained myself and all was fine. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame? In my honest opinion Head of Staffs should drive the RP forward be it antag gimmicks or some crazy engineer wanting to test a new SM setup, instead of shutting the antag gimmick down you should follow along with it. Oh the CoC rangers are here, let's give them some time to relax etc etc, non antag related things would be the paperwork side. Oh you want to try a new engine? Just sign here that all damages will put you in debt or something. Of course you can’t be too lenient, you have to set your foot down sometimes, like of course SRF you can chill here on the Horizon wouldn’t be the best thing to do as command. Also probably the most important part of playing command is the leading role, not running and killing the antags yourself or getting all the bounties, you should tell your minions to do that, and that kinda reinforces my first opinion it creates RP for other people. And lastly the learning part, Heads of Staffs can’t do everything in a department but they can in LOOC or in OOC help the new guy with the learning or better yet if it’s something you or some other player knows tell them IC for more RP. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? They should know the department they’re playing in, maybe not inside and out, every nook and cranny but at least the basics. I have no idea how to play medical as an exemple so I would play an intern first learn the basics and then maybe hop on CMO when I feel like I know the basics. Players RP should be pretty good like not making characters that doesn’t have any flaws and is good at everything be it hacking doors or saving someone from injecting phoron, depth is also good but honestly sometimes you just want to play a stupid Guwan that sells cigarettes and scams people and leave it at that. Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon. It depends highly on the character but let’s take my engineer Rasmus Lindgren, he was pretty anti Trinarist from the start but after the arc where hepth and Exclusionists bombed one and other, he started being more anti hepth. While not not hostile to hepth he more had a dislike for the company and not the workers. And started softing up to humans that follow the religion. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? I want to try and give Consular a shot but it will most likely be playing CE, HoS and OM mostly. Maybe XO or Captain if I get a good character idea some day Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? The ones I want to play yeah. And of course if for some ungodly reason I want to try and play RD I’ll read the wiki page Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking: Moga Rozalt (CE) Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yup Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums? Yes Extra notes: I’ll be gone for the new year so just in case my trail starts then.
  6. Lore Impact: Small Species: Unathi Short Description: A few bands from Moghes from the various factions that lives there including some new characters How will this be reflected on-station?: Gives more small talk to Unathi and life if you ask me, I don't hear many unathi (including myself) talk about music/bands they are a fan of. I feel this is pretty good source for more small talk. Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: Other then the Zaniziite games I personaly feel Unathi don't have much mainstream entertainment/music even when Unathi society is very oral. Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? Yes. Long Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QLXS-WxxNF0VOSLwp2I-cPs4uk82K3sc0nX3iXRF9kk/edit#heading=h.cvhmg6nm4wmg
  7. I like the lore, it's always good imo to give more personality to the CEOs and honestly I don't see any problems, also found it kinda funny that TIMEs magazine is still active +1 for me
  8. Really good characters and RPer easy +1 from me.
  9. An exampel would be if traitor on ship decided to surrender she would accept it unlike my other sec officer (Fuma) would probably beat them up or kill them because he doesn't care about honour while T'izch does, like the second code says a warrior should show mercy. An other exemple would be being very blunt about stuff not lying, if a human smells you say they smell, if an engineer is doing bad at their job you say it. They were a vassal of a traditionalist lord(around the plains and mountains where Mudki is now) normal rural farmer peasants but due the Exchange that brought a lot of radiation to the crops and most of the men going of to war the leader of the now small clan Krazh Dzichs decided to go east and ask the Queendom for help, thanks to the influence of his wife and a Th'akh shaman. Most of the clan decided to go but of course there are a few stubborn elders. Her father was Zhizk Dzichs, Mother is Iszch Dzichs they were married to the Dzichs clan by another vassal of the same lord they had but it was wiped out in the exchange. She has one living sister and one dead sister. The former is called Y'zhti and the other is called R'is. Due to one of her sisters dying and her being the first one to hatch she is very attached to Y'zhti who is a guard in the clan. Like I said, the leader of Dzichs is Krazh and his wife Sik'ch. She respects them like any loyal warrior should. Her father was a builder but due to their not being a lot of men he was forced to adapt into a warrior in the later years and died in the caravan attack. She respects her father a lot for trying to protect her and her sister when they were attacked but has a small bit of anger that he still failed. Her mother was a farmer that tended the crops before the exchange and still do but with difficulty, she also has a bit of healer knowledge. T'izch loves her mother and is very grateful for letting her train as a warrior. If I read it right the Queendom gender roles were reversed after the contact war ended so that's why both her parents stuck to their professions. There is also the old shaman that helped Krazh to go east. Due to the shamans in Yu'kai saving her life she gained a lot more respect for shamans and healers so she befriend Kriz Dzichs the old shaman of the clan. 1. She is a follower of Th'akh like I've said she has a lot of respect to the shamans for saving her life when her right arm was cut off. Due to following the teachings of Th'akh she didn't get a robotic limb because that would damage her soul and even if the DPF teaches her to be respectful of the Aut'akh she still feels weird and a bit angry when they are around and may voice it. But because her now diona right arm is sentient she doesn't think it damages the soul it melds with her soul so her material form can become a bit more whole. 2. I would imagine sword fighting and fishing would be a few of her hobbies, I also like the idea of her now with a new right arm that she tries to learn an instrument to practice control with Rizhgter Armzh. 3. She believes the contact war was a needless war that the fighting between the Hegemony and Coalition could have been stopped if they simply come to terms with each other. She dislikes the Hegemony due to her seeing them as Fat-tails that don't know how it is surviving in the wasteland and not letting people choose what they want to be. She had a bit of respect for the Coalition due to them fighting for their beliefs but it was shared after she learnt they dropped the first nukes. Other then that she has respect for the Sinta of the Oasis because of the symbiosis they have with the dionae. She doesn't really care about the Reclaimers and only sees them as using the nobles of the Hegemony which she is fine with. She hates the Gawgaryn and sees them as only raiders that should be beaten back. When it comes to faith she doesn't care about Sk'akh followers or Si'akh followers but has a dislike towards Aut'akh because she sees it as them damaging their souls with robotic limbs and augments. 4. She loves but knows little of Diona due to her meeting Rizhgter Armzh in the wastes, she is wary of humans and skrell due to their involvement in the contact war but because of her work in the DPF she has warmed up to them a little bit. IPCs are only tools to her and she doesn't believe they are really alive and anyone saying they are just delusional. She finds Vaucra to be weird, mostly seeing them in the wasteland scurrying around but tolerating them because they are useful where others might fail. When it comes to the corporations she doesn't really have an opinion and mostly sees them as diffrent guilds. Man coming up with new names is hard lol.
  10. BYOND Key: mrlenny Character Names: Fuma Ilica, Rasmus Lindgren, Mia Stellaori. Species you are applying to play: Unathi. What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Dark brown/sandy brown RBG 92, 66, 32 or RBG 158, 116, 60. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I usually play humans but I’ve always liked Unathi, I played on bay for around two years and managed to get a Unathi WL there, so I want to test something new and because I have already played Unathi(although the lore is very different) I thought Unathi would be a good first races to branch out a bit. When it comes to the lore I love the medieval vibe I get from Unathi, the clan system, religion and of course the whole warrior honor code most Unathi go by. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Unathi are very honest and traditional(in most cases, there are the Aut’akh but it’s still founded in something traditional i.e. the Th’akh faith). Most Unathi follow two different codes depending on if you are a warrior or healer (male or female) it can also depend on where you were born like the Queendom Queendom of Szek’Hakh where the roles are switched around. Unathi are very community driven due to their clan system and religion, but due to their clan system they can be a bit insular and wary of strangers and aliens. When it comes to social behavior and mannerisms, they like to stare at things that interest them or danger instead of looking away like a human might do. Pointing is a big insult in Unathi culture, a good human relation to this is to point your middle finger. They also have various sounds they can make like chuffing to mark annoyance or when something funny happens, barks to ‘’laugh’’ and to rattle their throat to show that they are mad. When it comes to language they have two different languages Sinta’Unathi and Sinta’Azaziba. Sinta’Unathi is most commonly found where the Hegemony can be found and Sinta’Azaziba is found in the now wastelands where people try to keep it alive. Sinta’Unathi is the most common due to the Hegemony influence. Unathi also have various metaphors and sayings like hatchling for child, tailwag as an insult, fat tail to insult nobles etc etc. Human and Unathi biology is different, Unathi on average stands taller than humans with males being a few centimeters taller than females, they are also cold blooded so their movement is more slow and purposeful but can emit a lot of energy and movement under a short time. Their diet consists of a lot of meat because they are carnivorous. They can still eat a few plants but get no nutrition from it, it’s mostly used for flavoring or presentation to a dish. Character Name: T'izch Dzichs (I might change it, I like to hit random names in the character creator hope that is fine,) Please provide a short backstory for this character: A year after the nuclear exchange T’izch Dzichs was born with two of her siblings, the Dizchs clan was struggling to keep itself alive with the radiation killing their crops and animals and the men dying of war they turned to the Queendom of Szek’Hakh for help, the queen granted them a small piece of land near one of Yu’kai lakes so they can fish and farm of what little non radioactive land they have. Slowly but surely the clan climbed back to being stable. T’izch childhood was mostly spent fishing or playing with the other hatchlings around the clan, she was a bit of a hot tempered hatchling always getting into fights and coming home with wounds that her mother took care off. When she was seven years old she followed along with a caravan to Yu’kai but the caravan was attacked by desperate raiders, in the attack that followed she lost her sister, father and her right arm. The caravan barely managed to defend off the attack and slowly made the final stretch of its journey to Yu’kai, where she was taken to a Th’akh temple for healing. After this she gained a deeper respect for the shamans for saving her life. Now losing half her family and her right arm she made her way back to the Dizchs clan where her mother, fearing that this would happen again decided to let her and her last sister train to become warriors. It was a struggle at first due to her losing her arm but slowly but surely she managed to improve and get better. At nine years old the contact war ended with the capture of the Coalition capital city with the Hegemony barely scraping a victory. T’izch was just happy the war was ending, her whole life had been a struggle for survival in the war she was born into. At sixteen years of age she was considered an adult trained as a warrior, she took the job of being a caravan guard feeling that it is her fate to protect people from attacks so no one else had to lose most of their family like she had. When she was seventeen she decided with a heavy heart to wander the territory of the Queendom in search of better caravan work so she could send the money she made back to her clan that had fallen on harder times. She wandered and took any caravan protection job she took for two years getting wounded here and there due to new Gawgaryn raiders, but nonetheless she managed to survive. When she was twenty she joined a caravan that was heading for the Spirits of the Oasis where she saw dionea for the first time amazed that a living being could live in radiation and seeing some of the residents having dionae arms and legs she decided to try and seek one out to gain her use of her ‘’right arm’’ back. It took her two years to finally find a willing diona nymph wandering the wastelands to meld with her, she named them Rizhgter Armzh. Now twenty two and with a new companion that works as her right arm she got back to her clan to show them the good news. She spent one year with her clan before leaving once again to support them. She found a wandering DFP recruiter in the wasteland and being a woman she has had trouble finding caravan protection job so she believed that perhaps leaving Moghes will bring her better prosperity and to her clan and perhaps even the Queendom, she spent two more years training and working for the DFP and now at twenty five years has been sent to the SCCV Horizon near Adhomai working as a security officer for the PMCG/DFP. What do you like about this character? I like her because they are still a bit traditional but due to being in the Queendom has found a new role in being a warrior, she has struggled most of her life so that has made her hardened into a strong person that doesn’t take shit. Plus I have no idea why but I like diona arms for some reason. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would say my RP is good but as always it can improve. This is like my second time writing a full backstory. I like to improv a lot on my backstories and just make small notes on my characters personalities and backstories. Notes: Ask any question you want and sorry for any bad grammar my english is eeh sometimes lol.
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