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Everything posted by Spider

  1. Didn't know Seon was a sore loser She's a bit creepy too, things like "You have strong arms, I admire that."
  2. be able to sprinkle holy water onto items to bless them like a gun, or bullets, so you shoot holy bullets rip vamp
  3. Not everyone can draw, sorry. Besides, it's a representation, you can tell more from a character from their flavor text, it's just that Timothy Olyphant was who I pictured when I made mine
  4. So, not sure if this has been done before, but post a picture of your character! It can be a drawing, realistic interpretation, w/e. My only char... Jesse Armstrong top cop mass murder
  5. BYOND Key: Spider4062 Total Ban Length: Permanent antag ban Banning staff member's Key: Garnascus Reason of Ban: Reason given: luring someone from the shuttle, stunning them and then planting C4 on them. Date applied: 27NOV2015. Reason for Appeal: Well, I took my time after being antag banned. I re read the rules and I eventually realized what I did was pretty dickish, blowing someone up after the shuttle was called. I did take the experience to improve my RP and all, I play the character Jesse Armstrong, which you may know, even though i'm on vacation i'm still trying to get on the server. I enjoy playing as an antag, it's a new experience that doesn't pressure you with objectives and lets you make the game fun for everyone. I did what I did because I was made a mid-round antag, and panicked to try something, I had read the rule as not initiating in combat on the shuttle, but missed the part on the hallway near it and such. I enjoy this server a lot, it's a pity not being able to play as an antagonist, as I quite enjoy it.
  6. He frowns, leaning back slightly in his chair, folding his arms as he'd turn his gaze away from the monitor. "Uh, no, not exactly... Well I don't, at least. That's the thing with security, or any other job, not all officers will be competent with their duties, some may even spurt up running jokes and long cons." He turns back to the monitor, smiling. "But don't worry, medical and 'medical stuff' is noticed by us."
  7. He grins, stretching his arms as he peers closer at the monitor. "Well... It's thrilling, that's a first. Working as a security officer is as good as working with law enforcement to say, as just as rewarding, mind the pay... But honestly, it can get really tough at times, sometimes people don't listen to you, or the whole station goes out in flames, metaphorically that is. Though you get to meet a lot of great people, and care for the station." "Let's not forget about the gear though. There's quite an arsenal, lethal or non-lethal. Patrolling officers on a code green are given a taser and a baton, and on blue are sometimes issued a carbine, and at red; well, armed to the teeth. There are restrictions on when to use weapons, such as you wouldn't taze a complying citizen, you'd 'politely' escort them to the brig. Same goes for a person who may be armed, it's better off trying to subdue him rather than flash." "Hope that answers your question, thanks." He clasps his hands together, lightly smirking as he falls back into his chair.
  8. JesseMasterflexArmstrong has signed in. The webcam flashes to life, displaying a figure on the screens of anyone watching The figure arches himself forward in his chair, lightly coughing into his fist before adjusting the webcam, grinning as he'd comfortably lean back into his chair. "So, i've never done this thing before..." He chews on his tongue, pondering for a moment on what to say. "My name is Jesse Armstrong, I work aboard a station called the NSS Aurora... Uh, some of you may know me as 'Officer Armstrong'. I work the role of security. He smirks, leaning in closer to the monitor as he shuffles himself forward in his chair. "When i'm not shooting or cuffing people, I do enjoy long walks on the beach and little fluffy kittens. But, yeah, before I say anything else, I guess i'm supposed to take questions so... If anyone's watching, ask away." He reaches out to a small cup, sipping it as he shuffles back into his chair, eagerly glaring at the monitor before him.
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