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Basic Information Byond Account: maxspells Character Name(s): Josie Joy Quinn Everly Tesset Gainsbloom AI Name(s): No thank you Discord username + tag: maxspells Age: 32 Timezone: EST When are you on Aurora?: Usually during highpop during the week, and whenever on the weekends Experience How long have you played SS13?: Four years How long have you played on Aurora: Like a year How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Eh about average. I don't know combat that well but I learn bits here and there from the roles I frequent. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Yes LOL a lot Have you read through the criteria thread and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: Yeah Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Never been banned Personality Why do you play SS13?: I like the in depth mechanics, even with the thousands on hours I've put in this game there's still new things to learn or do. I've met some of my best friends through this game, so the community always keeps me logging in as well. Why do you play on Aurora?: The community is awesome Getting into story arcs with your characters is awesome, as opposed to the other servers I came from where there's no continuity between rounds. I really like the rules here too, so when I was looking around at HRP servers to try out, I settled on this one mostly due to the rules. I also really like the lore, and it's really fun to create and roleplay a character in this universe. It really allows you the freedom to make whoever, whether it be a serious character or a silly one. Overall, it's been a blast, and while I originally came here just to dip my toes into HRP, it was the setting and the community that kept me coming back over and over. What do moderators do?: Enforce rules and roleplay standards in and out of game. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: In addition to the above, mods here help with questions people might have about mechanics or help drive gimmicks forward during antagonist rounds. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I've been doing it a long time, figured I could throw my hat in here too. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I have good insight and experience from doing this kind of thing already. I'm good at sifting logs and I also don't care about 'winning' so I don't care about metaknowledge. I'm also really laid back and don't really get upset at the game, and the few times where I do get a bit overwhelmed I just take a step back rather than making bad calls while I'm upset. I'm not going to be the most experienced moderater here with the codebase, and I can see things run a lot different here than what I'm used to, but I'm not afraid to be assertive in asking other staff for help with things I don't know until I learn things. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Very well, I'm good at handling things under pressure and I'm used to being called slurs or insulted from my experience elsewhere. I don't really let it get to me. Anything Else You Want to Add: Hi
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accepted maxspells command app
maxspells replied to maxspells's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Can I move my trial from February 24th (Monday) through March 3rd? I am currently in the middle of a temporary arc on a temporary character that is wrapping up Sunday for a friend and would like to wrap that up first so I can focus on command fully for my trial if that's alright. -
BYOND key: maxspells Discord Username: maxspells Character names: Tesset Gainsbloom Josie Joy Quinn Everly Calden Zhao Ivy Brooks a lot of other but those are the four I focus on right now How long have you been playing on Aurora? Uhhh almost a year or something. Eight months maybe? Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Nah I'm a good egg Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame? I think command is there to provide structure for and push forward the roleplay of their given department. They have the power and the means to move things forward in ways that other characters normally can't, whether this be through restricting things or opening up possibilities through action, such as asking service to charge for their services, or putting together an away mission to a nearby point of interest. I understand that this is a whitelisted priveledge due to the trust needed to use this power responsibly, as to not restrict roleplay or pidgeonhole a department, but rather to create unique circumstances that create roleplay for others rather than for yourself. Obviously this carries into interactions with antagonists as well, as you should also wield this power responsibly to not shut down a gimmick outright, but instead slowly provide a believable antagonistic response that starts off slowly before escalating as the antagonist raises the stakes in turn. It's something I haven't had personally much experience with due to primarily avoiding antagonist gimmicks, but this is mostly due to enjoying the roleplay aspects of the server and tending to drift towards the less mechanics focused roles, such as my bartender or psychiatrist. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? I think it's to both create and maintain a believable and immersive atmosphere that fits into the lore, and also be model player for others to look out for and to to feel safe to ask questions to. Whitelists require a higher expectation of lore continuity and also the roleplay expectations are higher, so I believe being a good player and being open and helpful to lesser experienced players who might be struggling with mechanics or lore is expected as well. I have never had a ticket and already enjoy helping new faces in my departments get acclimated with the lore and the mechanics, so it's something I feel I already do well and would like to continue doing. I feel like I'm already fairly good at 'reading the room' and that I can handle a little more responsibility without worrying I'm going to restrict someone else too much or ruin anyones gimmick prematurely. And if I do, I know I would be able to learn, adapt, and make adjustments if needed. Mainly, I have a lot of fun here, and I want to help other people have fun too. Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon. Aiden Powell grew up on Europa. Not the rich lavish spaceports of Korormansk, not even the sprawling slums of the Trelenje Dockyards. Aiden was a Hydronaut. For fourteen years, Aiden ran cargo for Zeng-Hu from Korormansk to Phumanus, and everywhere in between as an independant contractor. He and his crew lived on their submarines, usually sleeping in shifts to minimalize downtime to maximize their runs each year. Credits came slowly as they normally do for most people on Europa, and hull repairs were frequent and expensive. Over the years the repairs became less frequent as he and his crew grew more experienced. They, as most Hydronauts do, chalked this up to Aiden having extraordinary good luck. Though not a celebrity by any means, the rumors and superstitions started flowing nonetheless and it wasn't long until many hydronauts knew of at least heard of him. It was understandable, his crew was pulling in record margins at the time. While not making nearly as much as Zeng scientists would on Phumanus, it was quite a lot for a Hydronaut. His vessel hardly ever got lost in an ice cavern, hardly ever broke down, and his crew worked like clockwork. He was good luck, and signing up with him was easy credits. Easy for a hydronaut, at least. It wasn't long after his name started getting around that Zeng-Hu offered him work captaining their research vessels into the nearby abyssal zones. It was good, at first. The credits came in even faster, as he no longer had to pay for repairs and supplies out of pocket. The issue this time came with the work itself, something he saw in the Abyssal zone changed him. His beloved crew of forty, some whom had sailed with him for years, started succumbing to the Deep. His crew was nearly half it's previous number within the first year, and only after two years did he finally put his foot down and quit. Zeng-Hu wouldn't let him leave that easily. Knowing the importance of keeping what he saw in the Abyssal zones locked into an NDA, Zeng-Hu made him an offer he couldn't refuse: A free ticket off Europa. A captain position was currently vacant on the SCC's flagship. At the time, this was merely a bluff, with the corporation planning on being able to adjust the deal retroactively at a later date after Aiden had came to his senses. Maybe they would move him in a lower position, perhaps the engineering sector. Despite their many attempts at trying to adjust their end of the deal, Aiden persisted. Eventually he took Command & Leadership classes, Astronavigation, Systems Management... while not scoring relatively high, he was still passible. Their hands were tied, and with the contracts signed and finalized, he boarded a shuttle to the Horizon. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Maybe XO, Corporate rep also seems fun. Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yeah I have. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking: Aiden Powell, Captain Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes I do Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums? Yeah Extra notes: hi ty
Acetrea Fun Guy App (Dionae)
maxspells replied to Acetrea's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
+1 Acetrea is awesome, one of my favorite people to roleplay with in medbay! -
maxspells changed their profile photo
Comet Blaze's Command App
maxspells replied to Comet Blaze's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Super awesome character! They helped explain things to me (a physician) when I had questions without taking over for me, and still let me do the work. Stayed in character and kept medbay organized. Continued roleplaying after critical patients were handled. Overall super fun to interact with +1 -
Character Complaint - Aleena Sovair
maxspells replied to maxspells's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
It is a big relief to hear this is all roleplay, and that there is an arc planned for all of this. I'm sorry for making that assumption, it has been very stressful to interact with a character so demanding of my character's time and attention, while worrying that it wasn't going to be changing any time soon, or moving forward in a meaningful way. Knowing that it is all just roleplay makes me significantly less uncomfortable with all of the interactions. I think Floglor said it better than I could have, Aleena is played in a very convincing manner, and with Aurora being a non-whitelisted server and the game attracting a very diverse community, it can be hard to tell whether the emotional manipulation is roleplay or not. I really agree with Floglor's take. I am fine with emotional and fatalistic neediness, but when it happens as frequently as it has been, it has been exhausting and tiring to deal with. My character has arcs and things to deal with too, and I will say that I've had to turn down seeing other patients because I was tied up in a session with Aleena on multiple occasions. With seeing little growth from Aleena from my point of view, you can see how this might have been frustrating for me. Knowing that this is all roleplay means I am a lot more comfortable putting timeframes up for followup sessions, and saying no to Aleena's attention seeking behaviors without feeling like I am going to make things worse for someone who might be struggling OOC. -
Character Complaint - Aleena Sovair
maxspells replied to maxspells's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
I don't, I'm sorry. As I said it was something I was slowly getting stressed OOC about and trying to handle IC until it got to the point where it felt like I should bring it up and be like "Hey this is happening" Would mainly be the PDA messages my character gets while interacting with others. Things like "I'll never be able to forgive you". Which was sent after I had a brief conversation with another character while Aleena was there, after my character had spent the shift speaking to Aleena and also taking her to talk to others to learn how to socialize. "I can't believe you and ____ would go out of your way to hurt me like that" Which was also the same time and situation; Aleena being upset that my character was socializing with another while I was helping Aleena socialize. I believe those PDA messages are more or less verbatum what was sent on PDA logs the following round after the one I alluded to above. I had had concerns that this might be a little OOC before this, so when I started getting these manipulative messages it was very uncomfortable for me to continue the roleplay and was why I decided to bring all this up. This is just what I heard from people involved, they made it clear to me in character and out of game that that was what happened so I think it's up to them if they want to come forward or not. It might just be an overexaggeration, I don't know. I don't know what the issue is, but it did very much come off this way and has been stressful, and I wasn't sure the right way to bring it up . For example the "I think I'm going to leave the horizon" messages really come off as you OOC saying "I'm upset in real life and I'm going to leave the game if you don't talk to me." If it is all just RP then I'd be a lot less uncomfortable knowing I can handle things a bit more sternly IC without the fear of making anyone upset, if that makes sense. -
BYOND Key: maxspells Game ID: N/A Player Byond Key/Character name: Aleena Sovair Staff involved: N/A Reason for complaint: I play a psychiatrist character and have been involved with a lot of uncomfortable RP with the person who plays Aleena going on for about two weeks. After talking to another psychiatrist player OOC, I realized this issue was going on with other psyche players as well, and wasn't just me. Aleena Sovair is often played in a very forward flirtatious way towards essentially any female character they interact with. This has gone so far as 'french kissing' another player without any lead up or consent. In addition to this, they have been using emotional manipulation tactics to force my character and others into interacting with them through methods like guilt tripping, blaming, playing the victim or threatening to 'leave the Horizon', and overall just being an exhaustive and selfish person to roleplay with. At one point I have had to have an IC conversation with them about consent and boundaries over kissing people without consent (something I am very uncomfortable doing), which were quickly disregarded as they continued to roleplay touching other players hair, looking at or touching their hands, and other uncomfortable and unwanted flirting nobody asked for. This will usually make people uncomfortable, and usually everyone just kind of pretends it didn't happen. This will usually just upset Aleena more and bring them right back into the psyche office. It is very common for them to immediately PDA my character on mine or their arrival, or approach and pull myself or other psychiatrist characters immediately into a session for an entire shift to talk about how lonely they are and how they feel unwanted and how they don't understand why people don't like them, or why their IC relationships don't work out. This on it's own would be fine if it was to push forward an IC arc or move roleplay forward, but it happens nearly every shift with little to no improvement or RP coming from it, and has been happening for at least two weeks despite I and at least two other psyches that I know of giving them advice and help on multiple occasions(such as not touching other characters, not flirting with other characters, focusing on socializing and just making regular non romantic friends etc). I can't help but feel like this is not IC and that I and other psyche players are being constantly used as an outlet for their OOC frustrations for when their uncomfortable advances are undoubtedly rebuffed, when RP scenarios with their IC 'friends' don't go the way they want, or for other OOC issues behind the scenes with the person playing the character. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? (Yes or no, then an explanation for why not, if applicable.) I did not, I am still fairly new to the server and am unsure if any rules were technically broken. I tried as best as I could to handle this IC, but hit my last straw the last two shifts and decided to leave the round and reach out to some other players involved to vent, which they told me they felt the same way and suggested I should take this to the moderation team. Approximate Date/Time: Has been ongoing for about two weeks, likely longer with other psyches before me. Most recent would be the round approximately 5pm EST on 3/30/2024