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Everything posted by EmilyTheAwesome

  1. Joyce Emii knows Sign Language. Her middle name is Delilah. She has a child. She had four siblings, one of whom is passed. Each Emii based off of the emotions from Inside Out. She learned some very basics on robotics from her brother Scarr, just to know how to repair prosthetics if need be. She is Narcoleptic.
  2. Reporting Personnel: Joyce Emii Rank of Reporting Personnel: Surgeon Personnel Involved: Murry DeFontaine (offender) Eric Derringer, Captain. Jack Sayek, Head of Security. Time of Incident: (If unable to provide, leave blank) Location of Incident: Range from Morgue to scene of undisclosed accident. Nature of Incident: [x]Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault [x]Misconduct []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: Upon a quite hectic shift, Safiya Isra had suffered a fatal accident which resulted in decapitation. Murry DeFontaine, acting Detective, was assigned to investigate. I discovered that he was instead dragging the body around who knows where for over twenty minutes before he finally arrived at the Morgue, where he attempted to initiate an autopsy before we had a chance to clone said patient, Safiya. When told to stop, as well as to cease smoking in the morgue, he neglected to do so multiple times even after the Captain had told him to cease as well. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: Due to hectic shift I was unable to at the time. Additional notes: (If there are none simply leave it blank)
  3. I'm gonna go ahead and put in my two cents. I've not played with this fella too much, but from the bit I have he's pretty good at his job. To give a full rating on his RPing ability, I would have to ghost or RP with him a bit more. But I have a fairly positive attitude on him. On the flip side I know that Hunter has a lot of room for improvement. Mostly in the Lore department and the writing. My personal suggestion is to go on for about two more weeks and try again, should this get rejected.
  4. What? She has a disease so she works harder and harder? And, ontop of this, wouldn't this be a liability in the real-world for any job? Like, you have a disease that causes bone spurs and dissatisfaction and discomfort. It apparently even hindered usage of your limbs. With a backstory like this, I'm confused and unsure that I can support this. A lot of the story seems fragmented and just forced in there. I'm personally going to give this a negative from me because it's just confusing to even attempt to grasp. You go from a caretaker role in the house to wanting to become a Medical Doctor? A nurse is one thing and understandable, moving from a caretaker role to a nurse. You're helping people at home, so you do it for a living! Great. Except, you somewhere decided to become a Doctor. I understand not everyone knows the process on actually being a Doctor, but it's just simply googling really. I see no internship history/background in the backstory at all, nor do I even see any talks of attending any undergrad program. Just "she did well at school, graduated Valedictorian, got PhD." The thing that really stands out is "She got a MD specialization for surgery." A medical doctor specialization in surgery? Why not just say 'She attended Medical School and worked towards becoming a surgeon' or something like that. I mean, you're telling us your character's history, what kind of person your character is, in just two paragraphs, but all I saw was the literal lyrics to an Eminem song. Part of the issue is grammatical errors, being tired while writing. The "makes her work harder" is not as her working harder, but making it harder to work. Hell, if you really feel like I need to I can write it out again to elaborate a bit better. The main point of this is just to highlight certain things. The decision to become a Doctor was in fact spurred from helping out her family in thus ways. I don't quite think it necessary to give the detailed process of becoming a doctor. And as for the MD surgery specializing, I felt it sounded a bit... y'know. Fancier. Fluff. Meanwhile, back to the first point, the disorder didn't quite hinder her actual work. Think of it as the bones getting slowly and slowly more aerated. Holes, making the bones a bit more fragile over time to be easier to break. The discomfort and pains were counteracted by medications. Starters, it's not an ass move to give a negative, as I see perfectly valid points as to why you did (Though I'm not fond of the sarcastic way you quoted me.) Yes, this IS my first server, so I get the hesitation on some people's parts. During my time, I haven't always PLAYED during it. I have done quite a fair amount of ghosting, and a decent amount of reading up on the Wiki. While I haven't gotten a chance to actually DO everything myself, I have some fairly basic knowledge of most things. (By Fairly I mean I can do very basic things. Except Science. Haven't messed with that stuff.) I am aware of the Role I would be taking, but I'm not perfect at wording myself sometimes. Despite that I do find myself being fairly Diplomatic, decent at actually talking people out of certain situations and such, thus I do think I would be able to give decent capability to handle a station if I were the only command staff on. Sure it might be a bit hard to contribute 24/7 to every bit of enjoyment, but I'm confident that I can better myself in this regard, given the chance, be it with or without Antags. (I don't see the point of bringing up the sexuality of a character, though, with that Lesbian CMO comment.) As for the last bit. In that specific kind of situation my primary goal would be finding out if they are legitimate, contacting Central (I'm not sure how that process works as I've not asked about that before) as I would not have received word beforehand of an upcoming inspection. Idealy in that situation I wouldn't be the only Command on, but can't always have idea. During attempting to find out if they are legitimate, I would have to discover if they had any sort of official inspection stuff(worded a bit better of course.) Failing in that I would at least attempt to keep them in the less than dangerous locations, delaying. Allowing them to inspect, say, Medical, Cargo, the places they would be least able to do damage, saving the more dangerous locations last while awaiting ANY sort of verification. Not sure what else you would want for me here, open to ideas there.
  5. I actually do redact my previous statement about how this should be, infact, handled ICly. This behavior actually is quite unbecoming of a whitelisted player. Sure you can try to justify it with character backstory, but in the end that's you as the player are making an excuse to get away with this level of racism that you so strongly feel about OOCly, ICly, and should in fact be taken action to in the OOC regards. This is an issue that has gone past IC, as it does affect the actual enjoyment of the game for certain parties involved, and should be handled thusly.
  6. In reference to what I said in my post, I had done so in game strictly. Haven't posted anything on the forums about it as of this time.
  7. I would like to state a fallacy in this argument. A few points to make on this. If it was a once in a while thing, sure it could be handled IC. But has it? Does it get handled enough to make that character change? I have not seen this. And the fact that, to bring this reference, this argument has been done in the other way around when it comes to Safiya. Things that happened ICly and got player complained about were pretty well cheered on in that regard. Yet the moment it's about another Tajaran or anyone else in General, it's a bad idea. This falls beyond the issue of IC issues, due to the constant talk about the "catbeasts" you seem to contribute. And the fact that, despite being told against it, Lyar keeps on with this talk without punishment. Lyar has been told /once/ by a HoS, which injunctions filed by Command staff aren't held round after round, unless a DO is involved. We have a way of handling IC issues like this, something lots of Tajara players can't seem to understand. So many Lyar says what he says. Maybe he's had to arrest enough Tajara for clawing the face up of somebody when they're called catbeast or called names. Maybe he sees lots of members of his species as over-aggressive mongrels who don't seem to understand they're away from almost certain death on a war-torn hell-hole of a planet. Maybe he sees that so many of his 'proud species' doesn't have thick enough skin to take a few remarks like that, or even understand a way to handle it through a proper chain of command. So far, only once has he been told to stop, and it was a human that reported him. Other Tajara just return the name calling or tell him to shave his fur. I don't really know any of the punishment or warnings said against him IC wise, to be fair. And yes, this can still be solved ICly. It was my understanding that it was a constantly warned about thing from higher ups, which is why I was quick to jump on that part. Gonna wait for Demon to post again before I say more on the subject. But this is, in light of Meow's defense here, an issue that I would suggest be moved over to the Incident Reports. --Redacted, see below--
  8. I would like to state a fallacy in this argument. A few points to make on this. If it was a once in a while thing, sure it could be handled IC. But has it? Does it get handled enough to make that character change? I have not seen this. And the fact that, to bring this reference, this argument has been done in the other way around when it comes to Safiya. Things that happened ICly and got player complained about were pretty well cheered on in that regard. Yet the moment it's about another Tajaran or anyone else in General, it's a bad idea. This falls beyond the issue of IC issues, due to the constant talk about the "catbeasts" you seem to contribute. And the fact that, despite being told against it, Lyar keeps on with this talk without punishment.
  9. During most of the rounds I am active, and so is Meowness, this kind of talk is quite commonplace. It is true that Lyar has been demoted once or twice for it, but not nearly enough to actually matter it seems. (I did lodge in IC complaint on it just this shift, but can't go on about that since it's ongoing.) Yes, it is true that there is currently tensions between the Tajarans and Humans, and yes it is true we can expect racism against Tajarans. But this IS a professional work environment. If someone were to do anything equivalent to this irl, they would get fired in a heartbeat, regardless of if it is someone making fun of their own race. This kind of behavior shouldn't be tolerated in the slightest. As has been said on the subject many times, IC racism can be fun if done right. This is NOT done right, and in fact detracts from the general fun of the game constantly.
  10. Trolling or not, this is not the kind of behavior one would want associated with an entire server. Lately when I think of Aurora, I think of how much hate the Tajarans are getting OOC wise, even if it is just "trolling." Trolling as a whole is not something that should be passed off as "Oh they are just trolling, ignore it." That just encourages trolling to continue MORE, because they know they can get away with it. It's one thing if it's just a once in a while "fuck catbeasts" thing but this entire argument went on for over half an hour of constantly stating that All the Tajarans are slaves and should be forced only into the smallest of positions. The core of the complaint here comes from all the shitting on Tajarans, both as a race and the actual players themselves. I have observed it over my time on the Aurora, but it came to a head for me tonight thanks to this all happening. On top of that, SVA, you aren't trying to defend yourself in any manor. Just posting things about "topkek" here, in server saying things like "Triggered? lololol" which does go to credit that you ARE trolling. And I reitterate that trolling is not something that should be Tolerated.
  11. And Trolling is something that is perfectly acceptable and should go without any sort of action against it, right?
  12. BYOND Key: Emily The Awsome Player Byond Key: Spacevoidagent Staff involved: Only ahelped, responded by Bakagaijin who suggested making a complaint to bring this to light. Reason for complaint: Spacevoidagent had instigated an argument in OOC about the state of Tajarans, though I am unsure what brought it up. During the course he did make civil remarks about his side of the argument, but more often than not he made very rude remarks, even going as far as to use a site to make This message(Epilepsy/Flashing lights warning on that link) During the course of the 'discussion.' He had shown a level of OOC racism that is very off putting to myself and Tajaran players in general. Even to the point where, a brief moment of crossbreeding had come up (which was deemed impossible) about a half human/tajaran hybrid, he had stated "My character would kill all human catbeast hybrids." This kind of behavior I find rather repulsive. I was made aware, as well, that this is not the first instance as of which he has done this. I cannot really cite anything there, however, as I have not witnessed any of it myself. Approximate Date/Time: 10/13/2015 at around 4:30 PM-5 PM Central US time.
  13. I third the whole "Unaware you weren't whitelisted" thing. I haven't had too much personal interaction with any of Alberyk's characters, but I have ghosted plenty of them. And I must say, he makes some VERy interesting roleplay scenarios, and I love it. Even if it's just to watch I fully support the whitelisting, even if I've never seen/met this specific character.
  14. As much as I OOC wise don't like Skrell, which I can't explain that to even myself, I support Vicky's application. As many times as I've roleplayed with her, I never get left in the dark. Never gets dull around her either. She's always finding ways to make things interesting, and who knows, maybe she can get me to like Skrell!
  15. BYOND key: Emily the Awsome Character names: Joyce Emii, Teah Emii, Daisey Emii, Scarr Emii How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Couple Months, not sure of exact. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I wish to be on whitelist so I can further my Roleplaying ability, as well as help other players whom are new and confused. Why did you come to Aurora?: It was my first SS13 server I joined actually. Was told about the game, and told this is a good server. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Diligently. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplaying is, by definition, assuming the role of another. Be it used in one regard or another, you assume a life of someone else. Fall into place with that character, do what they would do in a situation not what you would do. It's about enjoying a life that you do not or cannot lead, developing friendships with people whom you would never know. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: The OOC purpose of a Head is to further the Roleplay of others, make sure they aren't just cut off from the rest of the game for no good reason. (I.E. A HoS letting the bald assistant out after an hour sentence for punching someone once. Or CMO cloning someone who's been waiting for over an hour) The Heads are held to a higher standard than the common player, looked up to by others. They should be a good example of how to Roleplay, providing various interesting situations. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: The Whitelisted players overall are, as stated, held to a higher standard than non-whitelisted. They should exemplify what is expected of the role they are whitelisted for. Their responsibilities are, in general, to keep the Roleplay flowing. I would strive to uphold said responsibilities by constantly learning and adapting, making sure that people under me are all knowledgeable in their role, and generally Keeping people in as long as I can, if they are allowed to do so. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Joyce Emii Character age: 36 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Joyce was born to a rather large family, forcing her to adopt a shining personality in order to try and stand apart from her brothers and sisters. Her love was not always medicine, but as she grew and her brother Angeur became more and more unruly, she took a caretaker role in the family that eventually led to her medical education and career. She soared through her college years at either the top of her class or very close to it. She eventually graduated with a PhD in psychology as well as an MD with a specialization in surgery. She began her work with NanoTransen as a nursing intern working her way up to positions that she was qualified for until she turned 30 and tragedy struck. Joyce developed a degenerative bone disease that began to make her work harder and harder until she eventually lost all limbs at the age of 35. Joyce spent the next month of her life in a cryo state until biomechanical engineers were able to design the prosthetics that could withstand the attack of her degenerative disease. Finally out of the tube, Joyce was able to resume her work helping the people of her station. Even while sorting through family and health issues, it is highly unlikely to ever see Joyce without a smile on her face. What do you like about this character?: I enjoy playing as her usually Bubbly personality, because that's generally what kind of person I am. I play her so well because I Play what I know. IRL I am a Nurse, IG I am a Surgeon. Same general fields, fun to actually play. What do you dislike about this character?: Sometimes I have to keep her Bubbly personality, even when I myself am not feeling up to it. Hard to do, and when Joyce has a down mood, I tend to follow. On top of that she is a hopeless Romantic. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: Joyce would make a good CMO due to the fact that her philosophy is "Friend until proven otherwise." making her care for everyone equally, even if they just met. She has the Medical experience from schooling, and more from hands on. She can be stern when needed (even going as far as to help put an end to addictions) and can usually keep a level head in most situations. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I would rate myself 7.5/10 to 8/10. I have been Roleplaying for many years, but I still learn new ways every day, always improving, always room to. Extra notes:
  16. Evidence was present in the round prior to the APCs. Instances include the AI shocking someone for smoking in medbay, calling them a disturbance or the like. Constantly buzzing out ERRRRRR, constant errors. Ion law, and a few other odd things. And that was just from what I saw in Medical. The acting captain spoke with the CMO and the CE in Medbay, though I couldn't hear most of it. It was off comms where the decisions were reached I believe.
  17. I really think that Victoria would be a wonderful CMO. More than qualified in all fields, and great at the Roleplay aspect as well. It's hard to really describe all the positives and the negatives. Can't think of a list of either, but I fully support her to become CMO.
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