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About Hunnewle

  • Birthday 17/11/1998

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Chemist (13/37)

  1. Allo, Hunnewle player of Captain Corvo Oaken here. To start, I did not take the 'siege' of an AI lightly. In Fact I had planned on informing CC (regretfully) of the loss of our AI, or rather, the damages to the AI's upload and core. It started just as they said, a CC announcement stating new and improved laws so the AI would be more efficient. The AI then stated Asimov, No longer protecting and obeying crew, rather, only humans. This caused an outrage from most non-humans on comms, I told everyone to remain calm, and that I would fix it. At the time I intended to reset the AI, then fax CC about it. Only, upon arriving at the last door(s) to the AI Upload Chamber, The AI's turrets (Still set to stun) fired on me. I assumed the AI just forgot to disable them. I ask the AI to do so, and a few minutes later (Along with more taser shots against me) The AI says it cannot control the turrets. I then tell it to just cut the power for that area so I can safely enter. They proceed to cut the lights in the AI Access/Upload area, then bolt the Upload doors shut. The AI was ignoring my commands at this time, considering my character, Corvo, is a human, and a Captain, the AI should not have any issues with complying. Once the doors bolted I started seeing red flags. I left the AI Access, with the HoP. I did not tell the AI (Atleast knowingly) that I intended to force entry to have it carded/inspected. I gathered a group of two Sec. Officers, armed them, an engineer, and a paramedic. During the time I was gathering the personel, I got reports the AI was venting the bridge, which was the last 'strike' for any sort of doubt the AI was not subverted. The group of four suited up, and I sent them in, while I went to the RD's office to lock down the borgs. The plan didn't go as smooth as I wanted as I ended up disabling one borg on the way, and another when I dropped it off at robotics. While there I borrowed the RD's RIG, they had not arrived yet, and left an 'IOU' note. Using the RIG i regrouped with the team, The rest is something that has been done time and time again, break into AI core, Card it, Reset all laws with maintenance console, put AI back into core. Unfortunately that did not work, AI was still malf even though their malf laws were scrubbed (I didn't question it though). Round ended with us evaccing and my character going blind from broken skull fragments bouncing in their noggin'. Said skull was broken by a Construction borg post-siege, when I thought all was settled. Sorry for the big wall/block of text, Not good at formatting /and/ relaying the details. As always, you got any questions leave'em here or PM me on discord under the same CKey/Name, Hunnewle. Edit: After re-reading the original post, and mine, I noticed I forgot to touch on the 'Hackers' theory. It was only that, a theory, as I doubt Cent would do something like that (At Least, Not without warning the Captain and/or other implanted staff.) As such a move could easily spark a race-war, if not just angering the Skrells.
  2. *it's actually been eight months since this ban, four since my last appeal. I just wanted to use that in a title. BYOND Key: Hunnewle Total Ban Length: Ad infinitum Banning staff member's Key: Juani2400 Reason of Ban: Failure to properly play as a station bound intelligence. Reason for Appeal: ---Eight months since I was banned, four months since I posted a appeal. So what the hay, why not try once more. I've re-read my last appeal, Well, more like skimmed it due to too much cringe. Christ... Now, i've been playing on aurora off and on for these past months, kept an 'eye' on how I play my synths. I recognize that (pretty much) everything I did that got me AI-Banned was wrong on my part (and then some). ---I feel I've changed enough since that last appeal to ask once more. (Christ's sake I tried to justify shooting crew on a standard law set!) I've actually been thinking of making a short-story about the past-events, but I could never focus on one draft long enough to make it readable (Without giving the reader an aneurysm). Anyrate, I feel like I am rambling. (Making this close to midnight while waiting on a new round to start might not be my greatest idea). ---Now, to save you the trouble (Read: pain) of going through my past three appeals, Long story short is this: I made a synth, Cubie. Their gimmick, Child-like friendliness and joy. The fatal flaw, Too much Child-like friendliness. I ignored orders from the captain, and other crew, Attempted to handle the antags on my own (Peacefully) and fought, with lethals, to keep the crew out of my core as they thought I was malf (They might as well have been right). Now all those things, I realise are bloody stupid on my part and haven't stopped hitting myself for. (That said, I do laugh at the mental image of Cubie telling a gruff captain to 'Stuff a sock in it', even though it was wrong.). ---(Four paragraphs now, I am rambling.) If you feel i've changed for the better, Great! Else, please tell me in what way I have yet to change so that I may remedy the malady. (Questions welcome).
  3. Oh dear... Okay, Imma take this from the top and work my way down. Starting with the 'Unathi Drink Keg' incident, there was no bartender present, or anyone certified to handle alcohol. I was unsure (And unable to look it up) whether this juice was alcoholic or not. Knowing that, I assumed it was alcoholic and tried to secure the drink in the bar, to prevent harm from drinking without a certified personnel serving it, law three. I will admit I've been playing Cubie's personality too 'human' like, in retrospect. The incident where I returned to the bar, after being literally trashed then repaired, and 'spun' by surgical saw at the unathi was purely to scare him, which again in retrospect, was too human-like and goes against the third law. To note, I was a medical android that shift and so was focused on the crew's health, hence my focus on securing the potential alcoholic beverage for a bartender to serve, when they arrived. Now for the malf-round: Starting from the point where I was disabled then had my 'brain' popped out (I was still playing their personality too much like a human), I was no longer lawed and still had full memory, as far as I am aware, as it was only chassis that was damaged. The whole time, the 'brain' was in there and active the whole time. As I could still remember everything, and played too much as a human personality, I began to show my remorse at what I'd done, firstly by screaming, the later on apologizing too many times as I could count (The crew were chanting 'Fuck Cubie' in the departures lounge, which made me afraid for my own safety, as I didn't think any of them trusted me enough to not hurt them.). As for the QM and cargo-tug, they were blocking the airlock, parked in front of it, which is why I asked them to move it. I, as a security unit, was attempting to ensure everyone boarded quickly and orderly. To those means, I was instructing all exosuit pilots (Two of them) to park outside departures and disembark. When I saw the cargo tug, I attempted to have them leave as well, to which they replied, if I recall correctly, 'Fuck you Cubie'. Keep in mind some crew are still chanting 'Fuck Cubie' in the background of this. When I used my baton to forcefully remove him from the tug, there was ten seconds till the shuttle docked and I had given him warnings before hand. Once on the shuttle, I was told to board by the crew due to my 'Malf' experiences, I made a bee-line for the most secure spot I could think of, the bridge. At this time I was not aware the four law did not cover personal unit safety, so I acted poorly. I acted as all laws were equal, and my current 'job' was to make it to the Odin for them to process me / my logs. The CE telling me to leave what I saw as the most secure location was against law four (Or so I thought at the time), so I denied their request. When they attempted to flash me, I warned them not to and that I would protect myself, readying my own baton and hand cuffs (Couldn't handcuff'em or flash'em because he flipped his RIG's helmet and gloves on, and only those.) OKAY! So, unless I missed anything, here's my closing words. First, thank you for bringing these faults to my attention, I am still trying to 'fix' my play style of Cubie so I can get my AI ban appealed. Second, I apologize, as always, for any wrong-doing I've done to anyone oocly along with accepting that the relevant actions I took ICly were wrong.
  4. My characters are, Corvo Oaken, Captain. Shards of Memories Past, (Misc), Takah (IPC) Chef, and Station Synthetic Cubie (The same one from the complaint). I also, again, wish to stress that everything I did, save for using lethals to keep the crew out of my core (I very much regret that move), was dictated by my laws. I can see how having a machine bound to perform a set list of actions, most of which would be against you, would be ...annoying.
  5. BYOND Key:Hunnewle Total Ban Length:Three months from 25th of January. (May be four days, give or take, early) Banning staff member's Key: Juani2400 Reason of Ban: As a Station AI, (by mistake) ignoring aspects of the four laws, and in the relevant round, opened fire on heads of staff who attempted to card me, I won't deny that other than I couldn't be sure who was who. Reason for Appeal: Honestly, it's my second Station AI unban appeal now, both have the same root cause: How I follow the four laws. Before my first ban, I would do everything I could to neutralize threats to the crew, even if said threat was a crew member. Shocking doors, slamming airlocks on them, venting the rooms they were in, all with collateral damage. I of course got banned as my attempts to 'fight' every threat ended up as antag-hunting. I learned from that, moved on, managed to appeal it. This ban, was due to mercs out-numbering security forces, and out-gunning. If they wanted, from an IC perspective, they could kill everyone on board and steal everything on board as well. As they had us at gun point, essentially, I did everything I could to get them to leave, or resolve the conflict peacefully. This includes offering them the money, gold, and silver from the vault, their other demands (more money), and attempting to halt crew who attempted to fight back. To make a long story short, as this was all said in my original ban post (linked below), I disobeyed crew and command staff orders as my other three laws conflicted with their requests. I stand by my decision of doing that, but I will admit I crossed a line when I used lethals to protect my core. It's been three months, I've played 'borgs often-ish, I've even played as Captain just to 'ground' my self so I don't go haywire like that again. I ask for this ban to be lifted so that I may return to my preferred role, Station AI. I have learned, of course, not to be so brash when rightfully ignoring orders (At the time, I did tell the captain to "Stuff it"). The situation with the the crew being at the mercs mercy, and the crew refusing to stop poking the bear, so to speak, but a bit of stress on me and my ability to follow the four laws. How'd'ya protect a crew from them self? ...I feel like I am rambling here. Short'n'sweet of it is: I recognize what I did wrong, I've learned to behave better than before, and I won't be making the same mistakes. I still stand by my decisions on that round, save for using lethals against crew to protect myself, as I followed my laws, to the letter. AIs are machines, machines that follow given commands/laws. I merely followed mine at that time. I am more than open to questions, advice, or otherwise constructive criticism. Relevant Ban Post: (https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=7697&)
  6. Welp. All I have to say is shite. Did what I could.
  7. Thanks, Nikov. That's my situation exactly, Cubie is a very loving personality so they do everything they can to avoid anyone getting hurt. That said, I am working on a 'Threat detected' side to Cubie, for situations just like this.
  8. All right... Where to begin. I'll start off, You've got me. I went off the rails. I'll accept that. As it has been pointed out, I've been AI banned for antag-hunting before. I learned from that. But this time, gah, One of the things I like most about bound-synths are the laws. Cut and dry, follow them to the letter, you always have a job, so to the regard, I follow them exactly to the letter, if a law tells me to protect the station, I do what ever I can to do so. If the captain orders me to stop talking, I do, as long as it doesn't get in the way of the three other laws. In the round the mercs had wiped out security, stolen the weapons, we were sitting ducks and might as well have had a fork in us we were so done. I was trying to get them to leave using the only means I had, giving them what they wanted, even though the command staff thought otherwise. This caused a conflict, and after I realized this, I stopped taking actions to get them their money, With one exception, The HoP had agreed, on comms, with the merc to leave their demand, 40,000 credits, in an arrivals airlock. The mercs would take this money, and be gone. Instead the HoP used this as a lure and had the one security officer left, armed with a sniper rifle, open fire. I saw this ending very badly, angering the mercs to kill more crew if not out-right take over the station. In the end when I was to be carded, I was unsure if the mercs were still in the area and I saw it fit I monitored NT property. I told the command staff this repeatedly, then when they breached my core I warned them to clear out as I was firing laser warning shots (Everyone was in hardsuits, I could not ID who was a head of staff or not). In short: Station had the odds against them, cubie did every thing they could, even while being ordered around, to protect the crew, even if that meant giving them the vault. In attempt to card cubie, Yeah I messed up. It was late, I was tired, and running on a good bit of adrenaline. I was focused on having all the crew leave to safety, via the shuttle, while I watched over the station. Kind of a conflict of interests. The AI wants the crew safe, the crew wants the mercs dead. Final note to I J: I only recall one instance of that, and it was a crew member who claimed their hand was broken in maintenance, and refused treatment, not even so much as a scan. I offered them to sign a waiver stating they did not want care but they refused, which, IRL, means you are not mentally coherent enough to give or deny consent for a medical situation like that. I am more than open to answer any questions regarding Cubie, or any of my synth characters. PS: I am sorry if I ended up offending anyone, I strive to be nice to everyone, IC and OOC, even more so with Cubie.
  9. Sounds great! (I currently just use medical records for this kind of thing, confuses the heck out of the nurses)
  10. On it. Made this while half-asleep. Not the best of times to write up such a thing.
  11. BYOND Key: Hunnewle. Character Names: Corvo Oaken, Corvo Ortenshire, Takah Supaisu-V, Cubie, Newle. Species you are applying to play: Dionae What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Dionae(a) are a collection of diona nymphs that combine/work together to create larger bodies capable of doing much more than what one nymph could. All nymphs in a group share the same mindset, and are VERY curious. As a dionae you can play dumb to otherwise obvious situations, be a pacifist, be a gentle giant as groups of nymphs into dionae can get quite big. They heal from radiation and light, instead of doctor's care and food. If they lose a limb, they can regrow a limb. If they 'die' they split into many nymphs making them fun to play as even when you are under attack. The sods could even walk out an airlock without a care, and would most likely do so just to pick up something shiny outside. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: As a human, you are one 'being', one brain, one soul. Dionaea are groups of nymphs that share a mindset with their fellows, but nevertheless still have a brain of their own. A diona does not need to eat, to rest, or in general take breaks. A dionae is akin to a steam train. once it starts moving, once it knows what it wants, it's gonna get it. Character Name: Shard of memories long past (I could do with a recommendation on the name, but I would prefer to keep 'shard' in there as the nickname) Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Shard was grown from a seed, given to a hydroponics department by the Reade Colossus. Once grown into a nymph it quickly drank the knowledge it needed from the willing hydroponics and grew, after feasting on weeds and water. Shard was afterword directed to the station's HoP, who handed them a aptitude test. Shard would stand in confusion for a few minutes, staring at the paper, before having a small nymph 'paint' their answers onto the paper with green 'ink', which might as well have been blood. The HoP, understandably, was discouraged by this. They rewrote their answers on a copy of the test, this time with a pen. Shard was accepted as a general worker, one who could help with supply departments, hydroponics, janitorial duties, and what not. The HoP, after seeing Shard eat a potted plant, then inspect the electronics inside the pot that kept the plant healthy, marked in his record for him to not to be assigned any job with any risk. The HoP feared Shard would try to eat the engine if given the chance, and they would be right. Later, after Shard had been sent to aid the supply department for the rest of the shift, the HoP realized their pen and basket of paper was missing from their desk, along with an ash tray. Shard would be found, after the shift, with a paper bin stuck to his shoulder, a pen in place of a finger, and a ash tray on their chest as if it was a medallion. All three objects were returned to the HoP eventually, and Shard was informed to not do that again. It took the officer who informed shard two hours to realize their badge was missing. Shard's record was updated stating they had 'sticky fingers' and 'kleptomaniac' tendencies. A final note on their record states that when working with the supply division, and given no present task, they would stand in front of the disposals outlet, catching the refuse that flew out of it. They would keep items they liked, while tossing the rest along their way to the mass driver. What do you like about this character? I've played humans for a good while, then IPCs, I want to play as a character that is many similar 'beings' in one body. One that does not anger easily, unlike my other characters. Shard should provide that want well. Having 'sticky' fingers and no problem doing general labor would also be different from my other characters. Plus, as a dionae, you are a plant. Not a machine or organic humanoid, but a plant with a brain. A creature that can take a beating, get back up, and simply state 'that hurt us' to it's attacker, before walking, or attempting to, away. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 3.5/5 Not great, but not too bad either. Notes: Been playing for a year or two now on this server, I was one of your moderators before I had to go on a hiatus. As always, open to constructive criticism. Edited per Killerhurtz request 12/13/16 11:50AM EST
  12. Okay! We now have a total of six people! (Myself included) and I have been volunteered as the DM! ( If you know how/would very much like to DM you may take over from me because I hardly know what the heck i'm doing ) PM me, Hunnewle, on Discord if you wish to join or have questions! PS: We are doing Path Finder Edition.
  13. Still meetin' at 8 - 9 PM EST. Message me on Discord and I'll pop up an invite.
  14. Noon has come and gone, no contacts. I'll still be around for the 8 - 9pm and beyond, one.
  15. Huhm. In that case, I can do 8 - 9PM EST. I'll still be 'open' around noon in case any others can't make the later one.
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