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Arvak Morekborn

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Arvak Morekborn's Achievements

Cargo Technician

Cargo Technician (4/37)

  1. I actually think that sounds like a fantastic idea, it encourages people not actually sample EVERYTHING the chef sets out, and encourages the chef to have diversity in their cooking. The only thing I'm not too sure about is the bonuses, since I think you actually do get bonuses for sating yourself already. I don't want to push for anything being added that's overly complicated, I just want a slight tweak to the system, and what you listed sounds perfect; the changes that already will stem from that however are more than enough. The whole bonuses thing seems a bit too much for me at the moment.
  2. As someone who works in the kitchen regularly, I can vouch for the kitchen being overly stocked almost always, especially when i'm working as hard as possible. I think that speeding up the hunger-rate-thingy would totally make the kitchen AND botany a lot more relevant to the crew as a whole. It doesn't even need to be a like, hyper-speed increase. Just one that makes it so you have to visit the kitchen counter more often.
  3. I've RPed extensively with Birb, and can easily say they are worthy of this whitelist. They have played almost every situation I have seen them in excellently, and have both my praises and support
  4. Having only been here for a few days, Crazytoast has already impressed me with their role-playing ability. I feel genuine reactions and behaviours put into the interactions I've had with their character, and every moment of interaction with them thus far has been a pleasure. I would 100% support this whitelist, especially after seeing the general dedication Crazytoast has to role play, along with their ability to make it a pleasant experience.
  5. BYOND Key: Arvak Morekborn Character Names: Whispering Willow, Anna Alvasdottir, Willard VarArtre, HUGINN-001 What color do you plan on making your alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt) : Beige/ Light brown Species you are applying to play: Unathi Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I have. Why do you wish to play this specific race?: After shadowing some Unathi for more experience on the race, be it in either RP or whilst observing, I've gotten a stronger feel for the Unathi race as a whole. Their warrior-culture is still extremely attractive to me as it is fairly compatible with the culture of my ancestry along with the staunch tradition that unathi carry within themselves. The personalities that arise from the aforementioned social structures are incredibly fascinating and appealing to me, and I would be happy to personally develop one. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Along with the various racial traits that will change my normal behavior, the social behaviours of the Unathi that I have observed are certainly vastly unique from that of Humans and other races. Name: Vengar Ra'iaxka Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs: Born into a minor clan on Moghes, Vengar was one of the three children born to his parents, and was the only male. Trained in the ways of combat and honour by his father, Vengar spent the majority of his early life in the clan's holdings. On his 21st year of life, he made the decision to leave his home. His fierce thirst to carve a path in his life beyond the cramped walls of his clan's home led him to go on a pilgrimage across Moghes. With leave from his father, Vengar set off in no particular direction in search of anything that could fulfill him. Along the line of his travels, Vengar met with a caravan en route to Skalamar. He took the opportunity, and joined with them. After many days of hard travel, and fending off the wilderness, they arrived at their destination. Vengar wandered the city, searching much like he had when he had been outside of it, and eventually came upon an NT hiring troupe. He signed on, and was shipped from Moghes in the following week. He seeks to further his saga through service to Nanotransen, and hopes to claim glory for himself in it's service. What do you like about this character?: Being able to build on a saga for Vengar as something to have pride in is something that will be fun for me. I love recounting stories, and Vengar could potentially become some sort of loremaster for his own exploits when he grows old on the station. Seeing as he is still fairly young, Vengar could also take the initial path of one of my other characters, and seek tutelage under an elder that he could look up to. The wide availability of initial character development upon the station is appealing along with many of the other things that always come with making a new character. I'm extremely excited to get started with solidifying Vengar's personality, and seeing how it turns out due to the influences on him within the station throughout his service there. How would you rate your role-playing ability?: I'd say i'm a fairly good roleplayer, but I certainly have some kinks that could do with working out. If time is a testament to my skill, i've been roleplaying on various games/forums for over 4 years now, and i'm a huge fan of roleplaying in almost every aspect and form, and have been playing exclusively on Aurora for just a bit over a year now.
  6. As who's usually in the kitchen in-game, I would love to have access to K'ois.
  7. Oh well yeah, of course, i'm just piecing together what components I have to make some semblance of a character. The whole honourable combat thing is definitely gonna be a major component.
  8. I'm just really digging the melee focus Unathi can support. Humans can't really do that sort of thing. I figured that the whole "Honour in melee" thing wasn't a thing that was universally supported by them, but it connects to my mentality in regards to combat quite well (If that's what you're referring to hen you say it's not universally followed). I'm still stewing on the whole spirituality thing, he's certainly going to be Ta'akh, i'm just still not solid on how he's going to act spiritually. There's still a lot of tentative things that need to be fleshed out, but I have some of the stronger base components for Vengar than I do for most of my other characters. I feel like what you said is true (for now), I don't have a strong understanding of Unathi beyond their stereotype, but I was the same with Dionaea before. I don't like to judge my own work, but I feel like my grasp on Dionaea is pretty stong now, and i'm fairly confident the same pattern will occur when I get my feet wet in terms of being an Unathi. Maybe it's a bit over-optimistic, but I've always been better with things while doing them, instead of viewing them from a sideline.
  9. If you're referencing that ninja round, I had no clue what I was doing X,D And I planned to make him more like a knight than anything.
  10. I've met Gizro a number of times, really like the character. I think he'd do well here. +1
  11. BYOND Key: Arvak Morekborn Character Names: Karl Magnusson, Hugrekki Undisson, Whispering Willow, Eidlan Kundi-Drak, Anna Alvasdottir What color do you plan on making your alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt) : Beige/ Light brown Species you are applying to play: Unathi Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I have. Why do you wish to play this specific race?: The honour-bound nature of Unathi is certainly an attractive aspect to me, considering I absolutely love playing with an honour code, and I -ADORE- melee combat. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Other than the obvious mechanical differences, the idea of having a combat style revolving around melee will certainly serve to change my approach to certain situations. Another thing is the social comportment of Unathi; the whole honour system is probably going to wind up making my interactions far more unique than they would be as a human. Name: Vengar Ra'iaxka Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs: Born into a minor clan on Moghes, Vengar was one of the three children born to his parents, and was the only male. Trained in the ways of combat and honour by his father, Vengar spent the majority of his early life in the clan's holdings. On his 21st year of life, he made the decision to leave his home. His fierce thirst to carve a path in his life beyond the cramped walls of his clan's home led him to go on a pilgrimage across Moghes. With leave from his father, Vengar set off in no particular direction in search of anything that could fulfill him. Along the line of his travels, Vengar met with a caravan en route to Skalamar. He took the opportunity, and joined with them. After many days of hard travel, and fending off the wilderness, they arrived at their destination. Vengar wandered the city, searching much like he had when he had been outside of it, and eventually came upon an NT hiring troupe. He signed on, and was shipped from Moghes in the following week. He seeks to further his saga through service to Nanotransen, and hopes to claim glory for himself in it's service. What do you like about this character?: I can't get over the melee combat possibilities, it's getting me so excited! Vengar himself is going to be an incredibly entertaining character to flesh out, and I will most definitely enjoy interacting with other Unathi whilst playing him. How would you rate your role-playing ability?: I'd say i'm a fairly good roleplayer, but I certainly have some kinks that could do with working out. If time is a testament to my skill, i've been roleplaying on various games/forums for about 4 years now, and i'm a huge fan of roleplaying in almost every aspect and form, but I am still fairly new to SS13. (I've only been playing for a few months)
  12. I like the idea. It'd give it a more official feel.
  13. I've played with both WHITEMANE, and Arthur Whitemane. Both of the characters were a pleasure to RP with, and i'm more than willing to support this application
  14. Is that alright, that I did that? Or was that a bad idea?
  15. I've played with Kara for quite a bit, and I enjoyed all interactions with her thoroughly. +1
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