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About Hatley

  • Birthday 30/07/1996

Personal Information

  • Interests
    I like dogs, synthesizers, and the colour orange.
  • Occupation
  • Location
    Hampshire, England

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Hatley's Achievements


Botanist (5/37)

  1. I meant biologically 21 due to technology like long term cryostasis. Like, chronologically 31 or so, but frequent use of Cryo meaning their actual body is closer to 29? Something like that?
  2. What I like to do is allude to antag rounds in daft ways Like, after this one cult round where Dave Duran got killed by Alex Toner, got cloned, and lusted for revenge, he said to Alex; "I had the weirdest dream last night. Dreamt you'd murdered me, and I came back from the dead to get vengeance"
  3. Right. I can accept that I did go over the line. I apologise, and promise it will not happen again.
  4. BYOND Key: GrumpoMarx Total Ban Length: 7200 Minutes/120 Hours Banning staff member's Key: Skull132 Reason of Ban: Reason for Appeal: This is an abrupt 5-day-ban that came right out of nowhere for a specific line of dialogue. For context, I, Dave Duran, was in the Brig on the Odin, buckled to a bed. The Chaplain, Jim Goode, was standing on the bed. I was requesting for security to get him off "before he gets his dick out". It was a stupid bit of dialogue, from a comedy-based character that often says stupid shit. I have only had one prior warning for rule breaking on this server, and that was when I accidentally committed suicide with a welding fuel tank. If nothing else, I should have had a more concise explanation as to WHY that specific line got me banned, and 5 days for my second infraction seems a tad extreme.
  5. Marc Price is a fucking king when he's a Villain, like in that Nations round, or the Rev one.
  6. BYOND Key:GrumpoMarx Character name:Dave Duran Item name:Gold Zippo Lighter Why is your character carrying said item to work? A birthday gift from his wife, Sarah, this golden lighter is one of Dave's most cherished possessions. He'd never leave home without it. To him, it is a symbol of what is most important in life; family. Item function(s):Functions as a regular Zippo lighter. Item description:A golden Zippo lighter. An inscription on it reads "To Dave, mind how you go. Love Sarah." Item appearance: Additional comments: Did the spriting myself. Watcha think? In terms of storytelling, I was thinking that this item would make Dave Duran's cowardice a bit more sympathetic.
  7. I think his quiet nature is great. A real straight man. A proper bastion of sanity.
  8. Bartender and Cook are good jobs for some basic RP. Somebody comes up to you for a drink or some grub? Talk to 'em, get to know 'em. Once you've made yourself familiar with a fair amount of people, odds of something interesting happening go up.
  9. 3-D Glasses please
  10. I reckon it could work if it was something like a 20% chance, a success rate that'd make it something of a last ditch effort. Perhaps with a lowered chance for each consecutive toss, so you can't just hurl a dozen batons at somebody.
  11. Hell, mix this with the History Buff thing I suggested and you'd be golden. You'd only need miniscule changes to the character in-game, if any.
  12. Dave Duran: Dave Duran when there's any danger on the ship:
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