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Complaints on Kyers

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BYOND Key: QueenOfYugoslavia

Staff BYOND Key: Unsure of there key

Game ID: N/A

Reason for complaint: Revoking of my IPC whitelist in a improper manner; doing so based on hearsay from a adminhelp before having logs



noodle_buster - Yesterday at 11:53 PM

hi! you're queenofyugaslovia on the server, correct?

aurora that is

sorry to say this, but we're stripping your IPC whitelist. you have shown some pretty egregious behavior which is generally unacceptable by the standards we'd prefer to be held up by our whitelisted people. if you've got any questions, don't hesitate to ask. i'm kyres - the synthetic lore deputy.

Drago - Yesterday at 11:56 PM


Whatcha mean? I dont recall having any issues

noodle_buster - Today at 12:01 AM

repetition in things like excessively human traits as well as a particularly bad incident where you apparently played a scantily clad shell whose motivations and logic was iffy to say the least. you've been cited to have broken immersion with some of the lengths you've gone in regards to it

Drago - Today at 12:02 AM

'scantily clad shell whose motivations and logic was iffy to say the least'

Is there a example of this as I dont know what you are talking about at all

I only got one IPC character rn and theres never been a issue with them

noodle_buster - Today at 12:04 AM

that sort of stuff is currently in the hands of logs and staff. all i immediately have to work with is that singular situation detailed in an adminhelp

which someone made, in direct regards to your character, E.M.M.A.

Drago - Today at 12:05 AM

Oh, now I know the issue

This was a few days ago but

I took my lab coat off and was wearing the tank-top and skirt under it as I kept overheating

and somebody got kinda prissy over it

it wasnt scantadly clad though

like not at all, the other person there can vouch to that

Like, if you wish to dewhitelist me, im not gonna argue with you but; I dont think its right to do so based on a report and hearsay and not even letting me explain my side

noodle_buster - Today at 12:11 AM

abo shall unearth the logs soon.

the specifics of it would best be discussed then

Drago - Today at 12:12 AM


This moreso came at a shock as nobody ever brought any issues up to me about rp as a ipc and had it been brought up I would of corrected it then

still there?

noodle_buster - Today at 12:41 AM


about to head off though. the logs in question will probably be retrieved tomorrow

Drago - Today at 12:44 AM

Is there anyway to appeal said decision? As I said i havent had anybody come forward with a issue with my ipc character before this. If permitted I would like another chance to fix said behavior as I do enjoy the character

noodle_buster - Today at 12:46 AM

strips aren't bans. you're free to reapply some time in 4-8 weeks.

Drago - Today at 12:47 AM


Can you tell me when the logs are given to you?

noodle_buster - Today at 12:47 AM


the intention is to share them with you after all

Drago - Today at 12:48 AM


Because I dont think I did really anything wrong. Shell ipc's melt and burn really fast if you wear any overlay on them and i did take my overlay off but it was until the robotics guy went and fixed the thermostat and the labcoat went back on, but scantaly clad is a exagerattion

noodle_buster - Today at 10:44 AM

hi! the logs were found while i was asleep, if you'd like to continue

Drago - Today at 10:46 AM


noodle_buster - Today at 10:49 AM

alright. then i'll start. let's ignore everything about the "scantily clad" part for now - because, while that's just an an addition, it pales in comparison to the egregious behavior mentioned previously

Drago - Today at 10:49 AM

I wasnt scantaly clad however but contuine




noodle_buster - Today at 10:50 AM

starting from here.

these logs are indicative of the fact that you can't personally distinguish acting robotic and nonhuman from simply acting human. a good example is replacing EMMA with "Jane Doe" and asking "Is the person speaking a Human, or a robot?"

the answer would be the ladder. very obviously at that

Drago - Today at 10:53 AM

When I had applied I asked about certain things such as picking up mannerism and speechs patterns from humans and told it was perfectly fine to do so.

noodle_buster - Today at 10:54 AM

not to such an extent as stutter and adoption of more complex emotions in an in-depth sense.

Drago - Today at 10:54 AM

Though I see the issue withen it

noodle_buster - Today at 10:55 AM




in regards to this, this is simply tasteless and makes no sense. how would a shell blush? does this imply that EMMA's synthskin parts would have an intravenous system?

what incentive would the robot have to hold hands with the individual in question?

Drago - Today at 10:59 AM

Ok so, who actualy writes IPC lore and such? As I when I applied was told things like learning certain emotions or such things as developing feelings is possible. But you are talking like its a complete no no. as for the blush, I dont mean LITERALY blush. Its ment as a term for smiling and such in a way, not actualy blushing

Drago - Today at 11:01 AM

And NOBODY has brought this up as a issue, be it when I asked or seeing it; aswell as many other shell ipc's exhibiting these characteristics to a more extreme level

noodle_buster - Today at 11:03 AM

i'm looking at your app

and i don't see cake telling you anything regarding feelings.


Drago - Today at 11:04 AM

You are taking that literaly when i say " As I when I applied was told things"

i mean I had asked these things once i had the whitelist

noodle_buster - Today at 11:05 AM

and where exactly is this?

Drago - Today at 11:08 AM

This was about a year ago.

Quite honestly my issue here is

No issues have EVER been noted besides this or came to me and saying anything

and you come out of nowhere and say "Im removing you're whitelist"

noodle_buster - Today at 11:09 AM

some issues are too egregious to simply ignore. we aren't playing around here, nor is holding whitelists akin to holding bans.

Drago - Today at 11:10 AM

Ok, so if there is a issue

Why don't you make steps to correct it or help others understand

noodle_buster - Today at 11:10 AM

singular incidents, when this bad, are grounds for whitelist removal. it's as simple as that.

when you're given the whitelist, you're expected to understand these things as part of your application and the effort you went through to get it accepted

Drago - Today at 11:17 AM

Ok but, if you are told something is ok and you go a year without any issue and get one complaint; that honestly isnt really fair to revoke a whitelist

Especialy since you revoked it before even talking to me

noodle_buster - Today at 11:20 AM

that's just how whitelists work



Additional remarks: Quite honestly, this felt moreso intimidating then anything. I haven't had really any bad experiences with staff on here before but this felt out of nowhere and quite unfair for the charges claimed; especialy since I was dewhitelisted at first with no logs or evidence besides a claim which multiple people can disprove; one being the roboticist @aimmo who was present for the issue. I have never had anybody come to me and have any issue with my roleplay as a IPC and my character is generally liked and enjoyed by others, so to be approached in this manner and treated as if I did the most worst thing possible is quite honestly wrong

I hate making complaints and dont want anybody punished but I would like the dewhitelisting revoked and just talk to Kyers about how to handle future situations like this.


I'm not the one who removed your whitelist nor am I able to. I was the guy who had to give you the news. This leads me to ask if I'm really at fault for "revoking your IPC whitelist in a improper manner" which seems to be the central point of the complaint. The decision was ultimately Cake's.


I'm not the one who removed your whitelist nor am I able to. I was the guy who had to give you the news. This leads me to ask if I'm really at fault for "revoking your IPC whitelist in a improper manner" which seems to be the central point of the complaint. The decision was ultimately Cake's.


Thank you for clarifying, I guess this is addressed at cake now


I had time to read your compaint on my break. When I get off work in a few hours, I will come back and discuss your complaint.


Thank you. Again, im not mad or anything, just moreso upset how it was handled. I would of appriciated it more for you to come to me and talk to me about it and address it so I can fix it.


I felt the immediate removal of your whitelist was necessary because I felt as if the very fundamentals of an IPC whitelist were being violated. Regardless of people's opinions of a character, it appeared to me as though this character, EMMA, was behaving inappropriately as an IPC. Sometimes, a whitelist application will not always tell someone's full intentions - not accusing you of having any ill intentions, but I bring into question your ability to roleplay an IPC. I will admit that more forward warning would have harmed nothing and perhaps benefited, but I will not back down on my decision to go with a strip. The behavior observed is just so tastelessly human.

Over the next week or two, I'd like you to get into contact with me or Kyres and discuss IPC's and the status of regaining your whitelist.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Hello. I am just letting you know that i will be taking this complaint. It looks like there is a dialogue going on. Ill pop in again if there is no conclusion between you gals by tomorrow.

Guest Marlon Phoenix


I apologize for the delayed response to this staff complaint.

I have to say that I have to side with Cake in regards to the merit of the whitelist removal. The only source of shenanigans from this situation was the fact that communication was not the best. I reviewed the testemony provided by kyres and found the evidence worthy of a whitelist removal. Shells do not have the same emotions as humans do and should not be acting as yours was.

However I am going to be having a talk with all of my species maintainers about improving our communication with players who they feel are violating whitelist standards, and we will probably hash out a more formal guideline so that hopefully in the future this sort of thing does not happen again so messily.

So in the end I do not think I am going to revert the decision by Cake to remove the whitelist, but I will be working to improve communication and get a guideline up.

You are always free to reapply for a whitelist.

Is this fair @[mention]Drakogova[/mention]

Guest Marlon Phoenix

I had at talk with QueenOfYugoslavia in PM's recently. They are accepting the terms of the complaint. I made it clear that if they do reapply they cannot start dating organics as their IPC since this was the behavior that lead to whitelist removal. They can reapply whenever they feel ready.

Complaint resolved; locking and archiving.

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