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[ACCEPTED] Riqpley_Dagasd's Diona app

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BYOND Key:Riqpley_Dagasd

Character Names:Kiluho Irusole, Ka’Akaix’Vakk Zo’ra, Za’Akaix’Ku Zora, Koor Ezzioh, Giil’klun Nriuul, Qriil-Kual Nriuul, Myriad, Karime Ikram, Za’Akaix’Kyur Zo’ra

Species you are applying to play:Diona

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

Firstly I wanted to apply for Diona because it was the only alien whitelist left to have them all, but after reading it, I actually got really interested on the Diona lore, and how flexible it is. I also want to play as a Dionae to try and improve myself as a player, as I want to play less violent characters, to see if it kills this validhunty behavior that I have. The possibilities of how a Dionae is formed are so many, and so different from eachother that I really feel that I will make several different characters, and this makes me very excited.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Besides mechanical traits, Dionaea have this whole “Unity” approach, the fact that they have so new, and different from anything else around makes them very different from other races. I also difference them a lot from humans, or any other species at all, because they don’t have a homeplanet, or anything like that, but instead they are sometimes found on the most unexpected, inhabitable places, or they can simply be one more from millions around Jargon, and other planets.

Character Name:Forgotten In The Depths

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs


The documents below were translated from Nral’Malic to Tau Ceti Basic. Words or phrases in brackets [] are an approximate translation to their original meaning.

-ENTRY #485, 25/06/2443, 08:37 AM GST-

“This is Captain Nuquaal Tuen’kig, onboard JFRD Oolaqul, Flotilla [Quebec]-39, on system Xaqixal, intercepting an anomalous object, estimated to be around [1500 meters] long. Closing in on object now.


-ENTRY #485, 25/06/2443 08:45 AM GST-

“This is Captain Nuquaal Tuen’kig, onboard JFRD Oolagul, Flotilla [Quebec]-39. We have closed in, and determined the object to be a hollow asteroid, with it’s insides unknown. We will send a probe to analyze the interior of this object, and determine wether it is safe or not to move it.”


-ENTRY #486, 25/06/2443 08:48 AM GST-

“This is Captain Nuquaal Tuen’kig, onboard JFRD Oolagul, Flotilla [Quebec]-39. The probe had shown that inside the asteroid are several, around 15 to 20 Diona pods in a stasis, awaiting for the perfect conditions. Their age is unknown. We will move the object to a research facility on [Jargon IV].”



Kiloi-Qose Research Facility, Jargon IV:

The documents below were translated from Nral’Malic to Tau Ceti Basic. Words or phrases in brackets [] are an approximate translation to their original meaning.

“Log #11284, Doctor Guqal’sel Jaqiunl, now moving to analyze Diona pods retrieved from a drifting asteroid on system Xaqixal. No difference from most pods so far, beginning pod activation procedure.”

“Log #11285, Doctor Guqal’sel Jaqiunl, date is 25/06/2453, time 03:46 [PM], GST, the diona replicant pods have hatched, the Diona nymphs are currently being given fungi, and blood, specifically coming from [skrellian] scientists, and Medical Doctors. Awaiting on results.”

“Log #11286, Doctor Guqal’sel Jaqiunl, [ten minutes] after being given blood, the nymphs are capable of understanding Nral’Malic, and spelling few words. Biomass still being given, and no abnormalities were seen, or recorded since it’s arrival.”

“Log #11287, Doctor Guqal’sel Jaqiunl,[roughly 12 hours] after the pods hatching, the Diona Nymphs are almost mature, and able to grow into Gestalt Workers. No abnormalities seen so far.”

“Log #11288, Doctor Guqal’sel Jaqiunl,approximately 26 hours after the pods hatching, most of the nymphs have grown into 3 Workers, and do not seem to have any outstanding issues. We will be now running tests to determine their intelligence, and learning potentials.”


INTERVIEW NUMBER-1593, “Forgotten In The Depths”:


The documents below had no modifications, and were spoken in Tau Ceti Basic.

“Beginning interview.”

“What is your name?”

“We are… Forgotten… In the… Depths…”

“Why have you chosen such?”

“We… Do not… Know… What… Occurred… Before… We hatched… We were… Found… Floating… Aimlessly… On… The… Depths… Of… Space… Hence why… We have… Chosen… It…”

“I will be asking you a few questions, is that okay?”


“Question number one. Would you harm anyone? If so, in what kind of occasion?”

“We would… Only harm… Someone… If they harm… Us… In the… First place…”

“Very well. Question number two. Would you steal something from someone, in any case?”

“We… Would never… Do such… Thing… We believe… That all… Have to earn… Their… Own… Things… And not… Steal from… Others…”

“Good, good. Third question. In any case, does not matter if it is self defence, Would you kill someone?”

“No… Life… Is a… Gift… You shall… Never… Take away… Something… So… Meaningful… From… Someone… Although… If… Someone… Attempts.. To… Take our… Life away… We would… Defend… Ourselves… In any… Way possible…”

“Right, the first part of the interview is over, now we will begin a written test.”



Strong knowledge on medical fields, including traumatology, dermatology, and neurology. Subject given citizenship, all nymphs chipped, and given housing.


After gaining citizenship on Jargon IV, Forgotten In The Depths had finished their 8 years in a medicine college, in 2452. Then, they started looking for a job. They have been employed as a general surgeon on a local hospital in one of the major cities of Jargon IV, although they still had an objective: be able to work with other species. Forgotten In The Depths are a Dionae that always like to interact with other species. Every time they can get a chance, they will attempt to start a conversation, or ask something to improve their knowledge. They past most of their time reading history, and reference books, when not working, or watching non-Dionaea, so they tried to be employed on a job offered by NanoTrasen, and got transferred to a station called NSS Aurora.

What do you like about this character?

Something that I like a lot about Forgotten, is that they are completely pacifists, and would never, never harm anyone unless they had no other option to do so. Something else that I like about them is that they have gotten so interested in learning more about humans, and others, that they wanted to leave Jargon, just to be able to aquire more knowledge related to other species, to, again, be able to witness other species in action. Something that I also plan on having them as part of their personality, is that they will always try their best on anything, no matter what.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I’d rate on a scale from 1 to 10, 1000 7, because I still have a validhunty behavior on my view, and I am still trying to kill it. Though I think I am making progress, when playing other roles than Security, like engineering, or medical areas. I also think I need to improve on my snowflake levels, wich I think they’re still high.


Edited by Guest

Something I did not think I needed to tell you but it seems you have overlooked it, remember the paragraph thing it includes all questions under unless specifically stated otherwise.


[mention]Elohi Adanvdo[/mention] , My next weeks will be kinda busy, and I won't be able to advertise it in game, So i'll just mention you here and hope you see it. I'll be active here, though.


Ah, I have noticed your collection of memes. I too, appreciate the fine art of tomfoolery.

Hello, [mention]TheGuyThatIsAFK[/mention] ! First off, thank you for letting me be aware of your availability as I appreciate it. But I got to say, I'm surprised to see that I agree with Sebbe considering all the whitelists you hold as you should be familiar with proper formatting, and a disappointed to see that there wasn't a fix afterwards:

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question
As you can see, you didn't follow the formatting for the following questions.

  • Why do you wish to play this specific race?
  • Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human?
  • What do you like about this character?
  • How would you rate your role-playing ability?


Please keep in mind that a full paragraph is five to seven sentences. Once you've finished completing these questions, please make a post stating that you've updated your original post for review. That aside, let's talk about your backstory. I love the reports that have been posted. It makes for a pretty good introduction I'd say, but I've a few questions for you.


“Log #11286, Doctor Guqal’sel Jaqiunl, [ten minutes] after being given blood, the nymphs are capable of understanding Nral’Malic, and spelling few words. Biomass still being given, and no abnormalities until now.”

With the way of how the last sentence is stated, it sounds as if abnormalities were discovered. If there were can you please describe what they were, and if not, possibly reword it so readers are not mistaken?


“Log #11287, Doctor Guqal’sel Jaqiunl,[roughly 45 minutes] after the pods hatching, the Diona Nymphs are almost mature, and able to grow into Gestalt Workers. No abnormalities seen so far.”

This bit's a little iffy, but not terribly important. In reality, it would take time for Dionae to amass enough food to get them to be large enough for a merge- and I should probably update the wiki to reflect it as I didn't realize that detail was going to be needed. In game, mechanics are sped up a lot because we don't have the time of day to simulate an entire eight hour shift per game, so time is warped a bit. Blame the BST. Anyways, maybe change it to a couple of hours, possibly twelve at the minimum so they can have time to digest their food and distribute it across their body and gain mass. Merging also takes a bit of time, possibly about an hour at least for a sturdy build. But, it is a minimal concern.

In your third spoiler, an interview was done which was pretty cool. But again, there are some specifics that I noticed, the first being the name. Where did they get it from? Is it because they do not know their origins and were left to float in space like a message in a bottle? Next question is their view on the sacredness of life. This one may be a bit problematic, so I'd like for you to expand on this one a bit. Why do they hold this view? This has reminded me that I am forgetting something in the lore, but this species I doubt would bat an eye at killing something if it had a good reason to do so- such as self defense. The gimmick of all Dionae is to gather knowledge and protect it, and although I have to obviously expand on that detail, an example of this is in the section labeled "Intra-Specific" in the lore, under Neophyte and Sage. If they were to die, that knowledge would be lost, and on top of that, this species no matter how alien will still have self preservation unless they have a very good reason to abandon that.


After gaining citizenship on Jargon IV, Forgotten In The Depths had finished education, and achieved a degree in medicine, and decided to be a surgeon. When they were finished, they started looking for a job. Though, when looking for such, they discovered about space stations, and got really interested onto them. They decided to look for a human station on Tau Ceti space, where they could properly communicate, and perhaps even witness other species. Then, they have applied to work to NanoTrasen, and managed to get the occupation of a surgeon, onboard a research facility named NSS Aurora.

Think of this part more of a knowledge check to see how much you've planned with your character. How many years of education did they complete? Why did they choose surgery? What happened to the other Nymphs/Gestalts? What is their goal for the future? What is their personality like?


Something that I like a lot about Forgotten, is that they are completely pacifists, and would never, never harm anyone unless they had no other option to do so.

When you complete this question, please expand on why you like your character- and please refrain from focusing on their anti-violence. Do they have any quirks? Anything you can sympathize with them on?


How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I’d rate on a scale from 1 to 10, 1000 7.

Same with this one- I'd like for you to expand on this one a bit. Why do you feel that you're a seven? Do you have any strengths? Faults? Are you attempting to correct your shortcomings if any, and if so, how?

Sorry for the bombardment, but I gotta be hard on a popular Aurora veteran like you. Hope to hear from you soon!


Hewwo, [mention]Elohi Adanvdo[/mention].

Ah, I have noticed your collection of memes. I too, appreciate the fine art of tomfoolery.


Hello, @TheGuyThatIsAFK ! First off, thank you for letting me be aware of your availability as I appreciate it. But I got to say, I'm surprised to see that I agree with Sebbe considering all the whitelists you hold as you should be familiar with proper formatting, and a disappointed to see that there wasn't a fix afterwards:
Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question
As you can see, you didn't follow the formatting for the following questions.

  • Why do you wish to play this specific race?
  • Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human?
  • What do you like about this character?
  • How would you rate your role-playing ability?

Yeah, sorry, I'll improve it now.


I love the reports that have been posted. It makes for a pretty good introduction I'd say



but I've a few questions for you.

Shoot 'em.


“Log #11286, Doctor Guqal’sel Jaqiunl, [ten minutes] after being given blood, the nymphs are capable of understanding Nral’Malic, and spelling few words. Biomass still being given, and no abnormalities until now.”

With the way of how the last sentence is stated, it sounds as if abnormalities were discovered. If there were can you please describe what they were, and if not, possibly reword it so readers are not mistaken?

Yeah, I'll fix that, thanks for pointing it out.


“Log #11287, Doctor Guqal’sel Jaqiunl,[roughly 45 minutes] after the pods hatching, the Diona Nymphs are almost mature, and able to grow into Gestalt Workers. No abnormalities seen so far.”

This bit's a little iffy, but not terribly important. In reality, it would take time for Dionae to amass enough food to get them to be large enough for a merge- and I should probably update the wiki to reflect it as I didn't realize that detail was going to be needed. In game, mechanics are sped up a lot because we don't have the time of day to simulate an entire eight hour shift per game, so time is warped a bit. Blame the BST. Anyways, maybe change it to a couple of hours, possibly twelve at the minimum so they can have time to digest their food and distribute it across their body and gain mass. Merging also takes a bit of time, possibly about an hour at least for a sturdy build. But, it is a minimal concern.

I understand. I did take the references from the IC mechanics, so I hope you pardon me for that.


In your third spoiler, an interview was done which was pretty cool. But again, there are some specifics that I noticed, the first being the name. Where did they get it from? Is it because they do not know their origins and were left to float in space like a message in a bottle? Next question is their view on the sacredness of life. This one may be a bit problematic, so I'd like for you to expand on this one a bit. Why do they hold this view? This has reminded me that I am forgetting something in the lore, but this species I doubt would bat an eye at killing something if it had a good reason to do so- such as self defense. The gimmick of all Dionae is to gather knowledge and protect it, and although I have to obviously expand on that detail, an example of this is in the section labeled "Intra-Specific" in the lore, under Neophyte and Sage. If they were to die, that knowledge would be lost, and on top of that, this species no matter how alien will still have self preservation unless they have a very good reason to abandon that.

Alright, I'll fix that.


After gaining citizenship on Jargon IV, Forgotten In The Depths had finished education, and achieved a degree in medicine, and decided to be a surgeon. When they were finished, they started looking for a job. Though, when looking for such, they discovered about space stations, and got really interested onto them. They decided to look for a human station on Tau Ceti space, where they could properly communicate, and perhaps even witness other species. Then, they have applied to work to NanoTrasen, and managed to get the occupation of a surgeon, onboard a research facility named NSS Aurora.

Think of this part more of a knowledge check to see how much you've planned with your character. How many years of education did they complete? Why did they choose surgery? What happened to the other Nymphs/Gestalts? What is their goal for the future? What is their personality like?

I'll answer all of those questions onto the updated version of my app.


Something that I like a lot about Forgotten, is that they are completely pacifists, and would never, never harm anyone unless they had no other option to do so.

When you complete this question, please expand on why you like your character- and please refrain from focusing on their anti-violence. Do they have any quirks? Anything you can sympathize with them on?


I'll add that, too.


How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I’d rate on a scale from 1 to 10, 1000 7.

Same with this one- I'd like for you to expand on this one a bit. Why do you feel that you're a seven? Do you have any strengths? Faults? Are you attempting to correct your shortcomings if any, and if so, how?

Alright, I answered that, and I hope you like my answers.


Sorry for the bombardment

It's fine, I actually thank you for pointing out my errors, and all.

a popular Aurora veteran like you.

Aw don't make me blush.

Guest Complete Garbage


I like riq and think that they're a very capable player.

I fully support this app even though you stole all my fuckin ideas smh.

All in all 4 outta 5 good dude.


I remember Riqpley being a terrible, shitty validhunter with absolutely no grasp of roleplay who spent most of his days playing a M'sai to speed his ass as close to the target to shotgun their head off.

So I'm glad that Riqpley turned around 100% and became a quality player who doesn't make me do a 360 and moonwalk away when he joins.

The story itself is fine, nothing special but hey we can't all be the next Atlas Shrugged.

I support this.


I remember Riqpley being a terrible, shitty validhunter with absolutely no grasp of roleplay who spent most of his days playing a M'sai to speed his ass as close to the target to shotgun their head off.

So I'm glad that Riqpley turned around 100% and became a quality player who doesn't make me do a 360 and moonwalk away when he joins.

The story itself is fine, nothing special but hey we can't all be the next Atlas Shrugged.


Thanks for the feedback, and I'm really trying to improve on all of this validhunting, and stuff, it's good to see that I'm making progress. When I first read this post, I thought: "Who knew, from a snowflake, validhunty shitsec, to an almost pacifist Dionae."

But again, thank you for the reply.



You used to be a validhunter, someone who barely RP'd and was literally out for valids. But you've changed-- shit, you're one of the FEW people I know that changed this much. You have fairly good characters now.

While my knowledge on dionaea is literally small brained I can definitely say you're a good player now. +1



You used to be a validhunter, someone who barely RP'd and was literally out for valids. But you've changed-- shit, you're one of the FEW people I know that changed this much. You have fairly good characters now.

While my knowledge on dionaea is literally small brained I can definitely say you're a good player now. +1


Thanks, I really appreciate it. I'm trying my best.


Looking over the application, the character has been fixed up and although simple, has a very good presentation now. They have a history, skills, and schooling, and with such a young character, they have many years ahead of them for development.

As for the creator, I've seen a lot about you. Every time I've logged in, I always see you and others greeting each other and having a little banter. It's always good too see people get along well, and I haven't seen many instances if at all of people complaining as of late. But you've disclosed your past behavior truthfully when asked and admitted to your flaws. You've also stated that you've been working hard on it, and with the encouragement from the other posters as well as my own eyes I can see that it's true. Truth be told, and I'm pretty sure you're well aware of this, but I've been guilty of poor behavior in the past as well as chronic snowflake syndrome, both of which I've worked hard on- look where it's landed me now! Still completely insane, but with power and enslavement!

I've no doubt that with the progress you've made, I'm able to trust you with a Dionae whitelist and continue to watch you better yourself and help add to the community to make it a more enjoyable atmosphere. Welcome aboard, Riqpley. Remember, if you have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions, feel free to contact me.

It's not like you can validhunt like you've been with a Dionae anyways. You're welcome for the speed nerf lol


Application Accepted

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