Spider Posted August 15, 2018 Posted August 15, 2018 BYOND Key: Spider4062 Staff BYOND Key: ReadThisNamePlz Game ID: bVR-cpOg (Autotraitor) Reason for complaint: Unfair warning issued Evidence/logs/etc: I'm not sure what logs I can provide, I just feel that a warning was issued to me that I was powergaming and it was done unfairly. The only way I can see to explain this is to give all the details leading up to what I was warned for to give an idea of my thought process to show that I had no intention of powergaming nor was I doing it. During this round I had joined late and was informed of 3 hostile elements in the station, all who are armed and have harmed the crew. I gear up, and go to check on the officers that had been admitted into medical. The warden told me that he had his energy pistol stolen, and that the attacker was armed with ballistics and now an energy weapon. He also informed me that he had his ID stolen as well, meaning no one can open the armory for me, especially since a stationbound robot was also rogue. At the time I was unaware of any other active security officers, just the two who were in medical, Lloyd (one of the officers) told me that I should go to engineering because there is an armed person there, I do so and find the detective SSD who I later strip of belongings, leave them in the brig lobby, and cryo them. I had only non-lethal weaponry equipped and was about to respond to a situation on my own without lethal weaponry, I was okay with doing it at first because there was no way for me to get any lethal weaponry and I had the idea that I could just retreat instead of actively fighting someone, but now I was put in a situation where I could've used the detectives revolver. Since the detective was now cryo'd, a new one would come along later so i'd be able to return it, but until then I felt it unwise to leave a lethal weapon in the brig especially when one of our own is a rogue element, plus it would've been beneficial to me. I told Lloyd I was taking it, and she was okay with it. I kept my .45 rubber in my holster where it was easily accessible, and the .38 in my backpack, but I later moved the .38 into the holster because it wouldn't fit in my belt and took up backpack space, so it was not .45 belt and .38 holster. The idea was that I would've much rather be able to just press 'h' and quickly reach for the .45 rather than a lethal weapon. Now after this, every situation I had responded to I responded to with non-lethal weaponry in hand, because I would much rather have to resort to using that instead of the lethal one. Long story short, I was then put in a situation where I was met with an assailant who brandished a lethal weapon and threatened to kill an officer, I felt it was best at this time to use the .38, as what may have come next would put the peoples lives at danger, something a .45 rubber wouldn't be able to stop. Even with my .38 in hand I didn't want to resort to shooting, I attempted to talk to the person who was armed, attempted to defuse the situation so that it wasn't necessary, which was when I was bwoinked and told to not powergame. We argued back-and-forth but he was adamant on warning me on this and putting a permanent warning for me: After cryoing the detective, you took their .38 because you lacked any other lethals. This is a "just in case" response, although indirect. This is incredibly powergamey to me, you have several other ways on the station to achieve lethal ammunition for your .45. Taking gear from people that you cryo is not okay, it screws over the person that joins into the round afterwards in that slot. Don't do this again, it will result in a job ban. He used the 'just in-case' argument on me, which I honestly felt wasn't fair because this was more or less the only way I could've had some assurance that I would be able to get out of a potentially lethal situation. I mean, why carry a taser around when playing sec? Just in-case the person is too far to use a baton. Why carry pepper spray? Just in-case someone is wearing sunglasses for a flash. Why carry around a gas-mask? Just in-case you're forced to use a teargas grenade. Why carry around a lethal weapon? Just in-case you're being fired at with lethal rounds and need to retaliate. Also there were no other ways for me to get a lethal weapon, the captain had opened the armory and there was nothing, there was no research who can make me a gun, and he finally insisted that I could've used the autolathe or ordered something from cargo which would involve illegally modifying the autolathe and spending points that I cannot afford (security paycheck). That was my only option, I couldn't have taken it to his office, and it would've been dangerous to leave it alone. Finally, I had every intention to return the weapon to the next detective that would come. I understand that I should've ahelped, as per the rules advise, which I do admit is my mistake and may be the reason why there wasn't an understanding between the two of us. Now I want to quote the rules on its definition of powergaming: Powergaming - Also know as 'playing to win'. If you're trying to complete your objectives, kill the antagonists, or 'win', at all costs and ignore RP, you may be better off somewhere else (1). This includes having your character unafraid of death or pain, resistant to any torture, ready to battle alone against a crowd of opponents, or, being unarmed, senselessly attacking a gun wielder or hostage taker (2). This also includes loading up your character with items 'just in case', for example wearing internals 'just in case' there's a hull breach or plasma leak (3). Or wearing a spacesuit indoors for no reason. Further, this includes using knowledge that your character would not possess: such as knowledge of changelings, the cult, syndicate, et cetera, and acting on it. (1) Picking up the .38 didn't mean I was going to ignore RP. As I said before I would've much rather RP'd than go into a gunfight, which is why I tried to defuse the situation and talk with the antagonist who probably would have wanted to express their motive and further add to the RP of their character, which I am totally for. (2) If anything me taking it seems like a far more realistic decision to make rather than trying to defend myself and other from an attacker who has lethal weaponry. (3) I had knowledge of a situation and wasn't taking the lethal weapon in anticipation that the antagonist also had one, I took it because I know for a sure fact that they have one and that they have hurt/killed people. I feel like this version of a 'just in-case' is more understandable than say me taking the detectives revolver just because I want a lethal weapon, I felt that this was situational and the situation I was in allowed for me to arm myself with such. I know this looks bad, me having just come out of a jobban and being hit with this warning. I have expressed before that I have been trying to reform my playstyle and being warned about something that I have tried so hard to avoid seems unfair because I strongly believe what I was doing wasn't powergaming. I feel that maybe if ReadThisNamePlz had further understood my thought process then this warning would not have been applied in the first place, but I am to blame for that because I did not voice that process ICly or OOCly to anyone. Additional remarks: I wish I could've made this 'report' somewhere else, I don't like wording it as a complaint because I feel its a bit harsh of a word and don't think the moderator at the time really did anything wrong, its more of just not being able to see my side of things and take a little longer to understand my point of view on the whole situation. I understand I should've ahelped first but I would've appreciated being able to find a compromise in chat rather than have to make a forum post about it.
HouseOfSynth Posted August 15, 2018 Posted August 15, 2018 Hi there! Myself and Tailson will be handling this complaint. We will be making a response soon.
ReadThisNamePlz Posted August 15, 2018 Posted August 15, 2018 Hi, I am the moderator who handed out the complaint. Now, in the ticket, it looked like you were just giving me excuse after excuse, but, after reading it here and looking back at the rounds circumstances, I'm willing to have the warning dropped. I mainly warned you for messing with the SSD detective and taking their items without the ahelp, but if it was essential for your characters progression in the round, it is okay. Simply a misunderstanding between us two. I'm also not a guy. ^-^
Spider Posted August 15, 2018 Author Posted August 15, 2018 Hi, I am the moderator who handed out the complaint. Now, in the ticket, it looked like you were just giving me excuse after excuse, but, after reading it here and looking back at the rounds circumstances, I'm willing to have the warning dropped. I mainly warned you for messing with the SSD detective and taking their items without the ahelp, but if it was essential for your characters progression in the round, it is okay. Simply a misunderstanding between us two. I'm also not a guy. ^-^ Ah okay, thank you
ReadThisNamePlz Posted August 15, 2018 Posted August 15, 2018 [mention]HouseOfSynth[/mention] Good to go.
HouseOfSynth Posted August 15, 2018 Posted August 15, 2018 Seeing that the issue has been resolved between you two I will be locking and archiving this complaint.
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