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[Completed] Karima's Data Drive Pendant

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BYOND Key: NebulaFlare

Character name: Karima Mo'Taki

Item name: Data Drive Pendant

Why is your character carrying said item to work? Karima attends University to complete her Masters degree in Synthetic coding, as well as take other classes in non-organic research. This data drive was a gift from her family, where her siblings chipped in and bought it for her before she moved away. The drive holds files of everything important to Karima: family photos, emergency contact info, and medical records of her kin. It also has a heavily encrypted backup of Athena's basic code, and encrypted files of Karima's research project. She brings those encrypted files with her to and from class, so she can work on them during her free time.



Item function(s): It can be attached to a jumpsuit, much like an armband. It serves no purpose but for arpee.

Item description: A small necklace, the pendant flips open to reveal a data drive. ((Or flashdrive))

Item appearance: A small pendant (attached file)



Additional comments:


XD Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into!?

I'm seriously going to request this pendant is voice/iris/DNA-locked, if it comes to that. Hehe.

All the files are written in Siik'Maas....you're gonna need to hire another Tajara hacker to unlock em. D: Just kidnap Karima and the pendant, dammit. XD

We can steal Karima's voice/eyes/DNA no problem.






Meh, it's probably safer with her on a well-guarded research station, then kept back in her home.


+1, I have never had anything but good experiences RPing with your characters, ((Apart from that one time Rose accidently drilled though the floor outside cargo while Dilgan was trying to teach you to mech. That was funny.))


Don't want to be a party pooper, but, can't this be done in your flavor text/pose? I mean, people can roleplay it being such a minor item. Unless you plan for it to have some function with PDAs and such.


Mmm....I would wanna roleplay this as something she works on during her free time - upload stuff on her PDA and tweak with the code. But I really don't want to give the coders too much to code in, so it'd just be something accomplished with emotes.

I had in mind something like an E-book, or a second PDA. But I also wanted something visible, so players can go, "Oh, what's that?" She already has a PDA, so getting a second one seems a little redundant if she can just plug in the pendant.

This pendant is very precious to her. If she were to lose it, she'd go through great means to get it back. That's the opportunity I wanted it to have it opened to, and it would be MUCH easier to lose an e-book than a pendant she wears constantly.

Mmm....I would wanna roleplay this as something she works on during her free time - upload stuff on her PDA and tweak with the code. But I really don't want to give the coders too much to code in, so it'd just be something accomplished with emotes.

I had in mind something like an E-book, or a second PDA. But I also wanted something visible, so players can go, "Oh, what's that?" She already has a PDA, so getting a second one seems a little redundant if she can just plug in the pendant.

This pendant is very precious to her. If she were to lose it, she'd go through great means to get it back. That's the opportunity I wanted it to have it opened to, and it would be MUCH easier to lose an e-book than a pendant she wears constantly.


I see something Sylvia might try and snag. A disk storing data, owned by the Mo'Taki she's trying to learn so much about? :o


Woopsy daisy! You already have a sprite >.<. Then it's completely fine. Go ahead, it's all up to tish, and then the coders on what the thing can do.

I'm confused on what exactly you want this item to do mechanically...?


Similar to an armband and security badge. It can be attached to a jumpsuit, and be removed. The item will appear whether the suit is rolled up or down.


Alright. I'm willing to accept this application. It'll be placed in the archives with the tag [Processing]. Once it says [Complete], then it means that the spawn code and what have you has been completed and will be available to you.

Locking and archiving.

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