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[Accepted]Kermit's Dionae Application

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BYOND Key: Sadkermit

Character Names:


Ciara Chipperfield (Psychiatrist) - The first character I played, some may remember her.

Roy (Medical Stationbound) - Another scarcely played character I learnt medical with that some may remember.

Alexander Nietzsche (Surgeon -> Medical Doctor -> Retired) - phased out for Peterson.

Faith Windsor (Biochemist) - Most will recognise this character above all the others.

Vincent Lemmons (Quartermaster -> Head of Personnel) - Scarcely played.

Hugh Oswald (Chief Medical Officer) - Scarcely played.

Robert de Winter (Captain)

Clarice Peterson (Emergency Physician) - Had a brief stint with her to muck about with brainmed, I plan on phasing her out for a dionae emergency physician once I'm acquainted with dionae roleplay/mechanics with the character I'm applying with.

Jack Welbourn (Engineering Apprentice) - My failed attempt at branching out of Medical, at least the chairRP is good.

Species you are applying to play: Dionae

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: A light, oak floorboard colour.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Numerous times.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

The idea of playing a dionae has intrigued me for a fair while, almost since I started playing here, though I’ve never made the effort of applying for this alien whitelist until now (actually now, not in September when I wrote this). The lore behind the dionaea is really interesting and I feel like I can incorporate a lot of it into any characters I make with this whitelist, and with how small of a presence dionaea have in the medical bay where I mainly play, it would always be great to introduce one or two.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

The main feature of dionaea setting them apart from other species in roleplay, is that they’re an amalgamation of several conscious organisms and must argue amongst themselves to come to a conclusion before acting out something - this contributing to their obvious slow nature. When roleplaying a human, you can go more off your own impulses and what you think there and then (unless you're playing a wildly different character from yourself); when roleplaying a dionae however, you’ve got to slow down and consider what each individual nymph at that point may be thinking, all depending on individual personalities you may have given each nymph - this could lead to interesting conflicts of interests which further develop your gestalts’ character.

Another interesting feature of dionaea that makes them different to roleplay compared to the average human is that dionaea are incredibly inquisitive and knowledgeable. Knowledge is all that dionaea value, and this allows the creation of some interesting character concepts. A dionae has a huge capacity for knowledge, more than any human, and some may wish to completely fill this capacity up to the brim with own experiences and sometimes even those of other, occasionally safekeeping the memories of other organisms who have passed so their memories live on with the gestalt. This curiosity would play a large part in any gestalts I create down the line.


Character Name: Perusals Into the Reservoir of Souls, the Stream Connecting Source to Reservoir, and the Vessel. - a long-ish name, justified by the backstory, I hope.


The core nymph of Reservoir of Souls was grown in the dodgy greenhouse of a psychiatric hospital facility on Biesel by an inpatient who couldn't quite get the thermostat working properly, thus it’s more light colouration that would be expected from dionaea who were grown in more arid regions. Reservoir of Souls became their therapy nymph, similar to a therapy dog, such that it would snuggle up with them and accompany them to counselling sessions to comfort them. During this time, Reservoir of Souls would skitter about doing the normal nymph things; pinching some blood from each of the staff around the facility and also some inpatients, as well as collecting other kinds of biological matter like loose hair caught on furniture in the therapy room. By doing this, Reservoir of Souls would gradually learn about the basics of therapy (from consuming biological mass of psychiatrists/psychotherapists), but also of the struggle of those with mental illnesses (from consuming biological mass of inpatients, learning about their condition and how such people want to be treated et cetera.) It would spend the duration of the inpatient's stay observing it's treatment, then getting left behind after the inpatient was discharged from the facility, left behind as the patient realised how valuable the nymph was to other inpatients who also were comforted by Reservoir of Souls. As Reservoir of Soul’s core nymph got older, it would form a gestalt having fused with newer nymphs of it's own seeding. Reservoir of Souls, now a gestalt, would be keen to help out the troubled folk around Biesel, to understand how and why people reach such stages of life and how people could be fixed, per se, so their life becomes worth-while to live, and would have some of the knowledge to do that from the snippets of information it gained from site staff. It would demonstrate this, and after appealing to some of the psychiatrists on-site, they would refer Reservoir of Souls to the company's higher-ups who works out a grant that would allow Reservoir of Souls to be trained as a psychotherapist.

It would work this position for several decades, seeing hundreds of patients with varying conditions, before seeking the training to become a clinical psychologist where it could not only do clinical work, but actually research and see the science behind people's minds and how mental illnesses were causes and treated, their effects on life and such. At first, it would treat patients very systematically and analytically - despite being old in the eyes of a human, it may not have developed a massive range of emotions - though eventually it would have a more emotional, holistic outlook on psychotherapy. Several decades more, having established itself as a knowledgeable psychologist in the private field with it's own office where it sees troubled people, it would begin to develop it's own theory. It would theorise and work with other great minds, eventually developing it's own theory that it further researched in a lab setting, then incorporated into it's clinical practise, possibly publishing a book too. It would be at this point it took the name 'Perusals Into the Reservoir of Souls, the Stream Connecting Source to Reservoir, and the Vessel', old and knowledgeable in it's field with decades of experience and then even more experience from the biological matter it consumed from inpatients and psychiatric staff during it's nymph days. A familiar conglomerate would become aware of Reservoir of Souls, offering various incentives (credits, a better accommodation given it spent all of it's credits on developing it's theory and publishing the book, and maybe some coupons for the blood market) to have Reservoir of Souls employed aboard the Aurora where it would do both clinical work (helping crew) and scientific work (doing the occasional psychology lab experiment).

What do you like about this character?

The two things I like the most about Reservoir of Souls though would be: one) it’s theory, which, keeping it minimal, combines several fields of science that are studied aboard the Aurora including xenobiology, bluespace science, and the standard biological psychology, and would be a blast to try and apply to patients who do choose to see Reservoir of Souls - I would hope it be interesting for any players who do turn up to Reservoir of Soul’s counselling sessions as it would be quite different from the standard sessions done by most psych’s; and two) just the backstory in general which was fun to write and will be even more fun to explore as I play and develop the character, expanding on certain niches of Reservoir of Soul’s character as it is asked question or encounters things that could relate to it’s development pre-employment aboard the Aurora.


How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I’d rate my roleplaying ability at anywhere between 7 and 8 - it depends on the character I'm playing. Since June, I’ve gathered some feedback as to how well I can roleplay and I’ve stepped back to see how well I’m doing myself, I believe I’ve improved marginally, and plan to continue doing so. My roleplay quality shifts a lot depending on who I play, which is something I hope to fix, becoming more consistent with my roleplay despite which character I've joined the round as.


Oh, yeah. Happy New Year.


1) 04/01/20 - Grammar. Changes highlighted in green.

Edited by SadKermit

Hi there. You came to me for several answers regarding Dionae and for that I feel that I should comment here. Being familiar with several of Kermit's characters I absolutely trust in their experience at RP. They could do wonders with the little mannerisms that Dionae tend to display. The backstory for this particular Dionae also catches my attention and is very well done, showing me that they fully understand they character they wish to play. The name is long but this happens with experienced Dionae, there are precedents for shortening the name to fit on an ID anyway. In my opinion, they show an understanding of Dionae lore/abilities. All in all I think you'd be a great whitelist holder for the race in general.



While not as proficient in Diona lore, I do feel like just this application has already given me an incredible and deeper understanding to how they function and work. I can also positively attest to Sadkermit's ability to roleplay and their excellent characters, as they all feel distinct with clear effort, care and thought put into each of them, with a superb grasp on lore and improving at an amazing rate that inspires me to do better as well.

I fully believe Reservoir of Souls will enrich anyone's experiences as they interact with the crew on the Aurora. Good luck!



Solid player whose RP is always top notch.


Been interacting a lot with Windsor, Jack Welbourne and the like. Their RP was immersive and had great depth where the opportunity was presented.



Especially pain-RP ing a crying boy.


Kermit likes making up his stories pretty credible and of course, he seems to know lore.


I trust he'll make an amazing Dionae since he is careful about each one of his characters.


See: Faith Windsor



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