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BYOND Key: Xevanthraxis

Character Names: Ponoh'Vulun Kaaxi, Soolux Vushon, Ka'Akaix'Nuurg Zo'ra, Botch, Uorithsk Kuza

Species you are applying to play: Tajara, M’Sai

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: White

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race: 

The main part would be the general extensive military history of the Tajaran race. Whilst I don’t usually have a large interest in actual history, I like the odd sci-fi twist to things within said history. War of the Worlds being one of them.

With the Tajaran being within an era similar to the world wars of Earth, when first contact was made, it added to the sci-fi spin with the off world technology the various rebels were equipped with. (D'as'ral Massacre).

This along with the various factions that the Tajara have is a good background to have for various character concepts and also holds roleplaying potential whilst in game. 

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: 

The first main difference would be the caste system, and various distinct subspecies. Those being Hharar, Zhan, M’sai and Njarir. With the ruling class (Njarir) being controlling of the other subspecies. 

They are also different in terms of society, as they resemble humans in the first half of the 1900s; this compared to humans now in 2462 is a massive jump, with Tajara having to deal with the uplifting.

The more obvious differences would be that of their biology, with each of the sub-races having filled their own unique niches on Adhomai. 

Character Name: Nashka H’Kashunir

Please provide a short backstory for this character:

Nashka H’Kashunir was born on the year 2439 near the city of Barj’ar within a small town. Both of her parents were M’Sai and too born within the same general area. The father Kha’hahier, and mother Ahnasaa; along with 2 brothers, one being 19 and the other 17. And went through her early years mostly with her mother, barely seeing her father or older brothers as they were stationed across the north of Harr’masir. 

For her early years she was mostly homeschooled by her mother. Only seeing her father and brothers only a few times per year, and soon gained an interest in mechanics, from vehicles to various contraptions and weapon mechanics. 

However, in 2450 when Azunja and his loyalists began their rebellion against the People’s Republic; her family split. Her father and brothers moved north to Tunguska, staying with her mother within the now NKA controlled Barj’ar. This brought her confusion in her early life, as at this time her mother was still uncertain of the NKA and thought Nashka to be cautious of those around them now. Leading to her now cautious nature. 

Over the next few years she began to deviate towards education that would eventually lead her into Mechatronics, with her mother at least still driving her towards a military career. 

When she enlisted she stayed within the portion of logistics and engineering. However by 2460 both her and her mother moved from Adhomi when both her father and brothers became MIA; with it being unknown what happened to them or where. Save for somewhere within the north of Harr’masir. 

She now lives within Little Adhomi with her mother. 

What do you like about this character?

I like this character as it gives me the chance to play a roll I have yet to play with (Mechatronic Engineer) but also gives me the chance to involve myself with the RP that revolves around Tajaran politics. 

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I would rate my ability around 8 out of 10 on most days, having been roleplaying for around 6 years now on various platforms and games. 



I have some questions before we can move on:

1 - What religion does Nashka follows?

2 - How does she sees the New Kingdom of Adhomai and the other two factions?

3 - What are her plans on Tau Ceti? What is she planning for the future?

4 - I am a bit confused by the cautious part and then she fact she later joined the NKA army, can you elaborate more on why this happened?


1 - What religion does Nashka follows?

She would be a believer of the S’rand’marr faith. 

2 - How does she see the New Kingdom of Adhomai and the other two factions?

Growing up with the PRA and the NKA she can see that both sides have good points. And she has not seen anything of the DPRA outside of propaganda by both sides. However her opinion of the New Kingdom of Adhomai has grown significantly whilst living within a NKA owned region, as well as her mother also agreeing with the ideology of the NKA. 

3 - What are her plans on Tau Ceti? What is she planning for the future?

She was not too sure when she first arrived along with her mother, and at first simply only looked for the odd job that suited her current skills and know how, with her mother also doing the same. 

Over the time spent in Tau Ceti before coming aboard the Aurora, her fascination with mechanical engineering soon led her from the usual Adhomian vehicles, to that of Robotics and mechatronics, finding the difference in technology fascinating. And due to her time within the NKA arm, sees the potential on a military standpoint. 

4 - I am a bit confused by the cautious part and then she fact she later joined the NKA army, can you elaborate more on why this happened?

At first her mother was concerned about the New Kingdom of Adhomai when it first appeared in 2450. However with only enough money to support the youngest child, her mother reluctantly stayed for the time being. And over the course of this, Nashka was taught to be cautious of those that support the NKA. 

However due to being 11 years of age when this occurred, she was still easily influenced by others around her and over time soon came to the ideologies of the New Kingdom of Adhomai. Whilst her mother is still skeptical, however wishes her daughter to be happy.

Believe that is everything?


At first possibly a Lab Assistant, aiming towards work as a Mechatronic engineer, maybe a roboticist but I feel that this wouldn't suit the character per say. I want them to be fresh and new to the overall education of such things, with them doing the base education somewhere else, and doing the practical side of things as an apprentice aboard the Aurora.

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