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meowniacalFowl makes an Tajara App

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Character Names:
Javiks Ryzsyk, Isaac Finch, Ka’Akaix’Sijk K’lax

Species you are applying to play: (species name)

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: (Color of your character; Dionaea & IPCs exempt)
A light gray (RGB 127, 127, 127)


Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.


Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I was bouncing back and forth of whether I wanted to fall down the slippery slope that is the catbeast whitelist for the past week or so. After the amazing Cold War event chain and the relatively constant love the species gets in lore updates and articles it definitely piqued my interest in the species. I also love playing out aliens because of how different they are compared to playing a normal human, even the ones from outside the normal spectrums of humanity. The Tajara are another glimpse into what happens when you interfere with pre-space flight civilizations and I quickly fell in love with the Tajara as a race which in the past I so quickly dismissed as Khajiit clones.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

First and foremost, the Tajara are a relatively young race when it comes to technology and for most Tajara, they lived through First Contact and all the hardships that came with it. In the last half century, they have gone through two revolutions/civil wars which turned into the most bloody and ruthless exchanges that many have seen in recent years. Each and every Tajara should be affected by the development of their planet, cultures, governments, and militaries because MegaCorps rocked the very foundation upon which their entire civilization was built on. Some Tajara were even bred for specific purposes and are even partial to more submissive roles in society. This is very far off from human and skrell society where you can do whatever you want. Which is why it created such a conflict in the race in the first place.


Character Name:
Rhaljidari Vhakkan=> Raold Kharminov

Please provide a short backstory for this character.
Before the First Revolution the Vhakkan family lived on a ranch with a number of other families; a mixture of Zhan-Khazan and M’sai. For many years they were ranchers that herded N’hanzafu along the coast of the Zarragh Lake making an honest living, selling wool, cheese, and other dairy products. And life continued to be quiet and easy for many years, until war had reached the Harr’masir continent. When the Military General turned for the rebel cause the first quakes of the revolution were finally felt by the small ranch. As rebel forces marched towards Kaltir with menacing intent, they swept through the plains, raiding the small villages along the way and slaughtering any loyalists hidden within. To escape this fate the families at the ranch packed their things and began the long and arduous journey to Kaltir, hopefully before rebel forces. 

Once the families crossed the isthmus, the families split: some going to Kaltir, some going to the west, and some joining one side or the other. The Vhakkan family traveled farther east towards Kaltir, eventually finding another farm town they were easily welcomed into and took up work. Here they lived peacefully until the end of the war as Rebels and Loyalist forces shrunk and swelled on the southern half of the continent, never reaching far enough north to affect them again. 

During the interwar period Rhaljidari Vhakkan was born. He was an M’sai tajara, with a light gray coat with thick black stripes along his back. In contrast to his father’s upbringing, Rhal was forced into schooling rather than assisting as a ranch hand. His parents wished for him a better life than a small village farmer, especially in light of the new rights given to Tajaran peasants. Hard pressed into his studies Rhal would eventually apply and be accepted to the Kaltir Law Academy in pursuit of a degree in Criminal Justice and Sociology in the year 2448.
For a while studies were going well, Rhal was excelling at his classes then word was spread about an old Noble by the name of Vahzirthaamro Azunja with new dangerous ideas of bringing back the Noble-lead government. Having been raised by Royalist parents and befriending many Royalist Academy faculty, Rhal took part in the many protests in support of Azunja, even going as far as to be put in jail for his participation. During the 2450 rebellion of Azunja and his compatriots, Rhal wanted to join the “New Kingdom of Adhomai” army alongside his father and many other childhood friends He instead would be swayed to stay at the Academy by his Teachers telling him he would put at risk his future career and all his hard work for the past few years. 

After the New Kingdom had solidified itself as a legitimate government and the war had ended, Rhal’s Father and friends would return, at least most of them. His father returned a broken man, missing a leg and parts of his mind. He was now much quieter and struggled with his loss in ability. Some of Rhal’s friends did not return at all, and those that did did not sing many songs of victory and glory. With such a large loss of life of those he knew, Rhal’s hate for the PRA burned that much hotter.
Finally finishing his degrees, his teachers referred him to job hunting in Tau Ceti, in particular with the House of Hamiyeh. Rhal knew that District 6 had a history of being lawless and impoverished but with the amount of money they spoke of he would get in return, he was willing to risk it to support his family. When he finally arrived he was taken back by how severe the problems actually were. Crime was widespread and riddled with politically charged conflict. Through the House, Rhal (now Raold Kharminov) would do his best to keep his organization’s territory safe. But with the aggressive and less than legal methods employed by the House of Hamiyeh, Raold looked for a way out. Quickly signing a contract and leaving without word he found employment under Nanotrasen in their ISD apprenticeship program, making what felt like his own first decision for his future he hopes he can still make the journey to Tau Ceti worth it.

What do you like about this character?

Rhal/Raold is a Tajara struggling in a developing world. From a young age he wants to fight for his political ideals and protect the people. At first he was too young and if he were to do so, he would sabotage his career. When he finally finishes his degree he is recommended into probably the most volatile and dangerous Tajaran cities outside of Adhomai and even then he is conflicted between his own beliefs and the methods of his new employers. From all sides Rhal is prevented from seeking out that which he truly desires and is coerced or persuaded to one thing or the other. I believe the many conflicts give opportunity for many interesting interactions and would love to explore the many conflicts Tajaran lore afford.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?
I think myself a capable player and as of late think I’ve improved since my last application. Especially after a number of fantastic interactions but like I’ve said so many times before I still strive to become a better player every day.


Yes another for the Kingdom.

Aside from the fact that I'm always pleased to see more bodies for the North, this seems like a great app overall! I enjoy the concept of a character who wanted to break and fight in the warring on Adhomai but couldn't because of their circumstances, and Rhal's following involvement in the House of Hamiyeh seems like it could motivate some interesting dark spots in his past. From a player perspective I've seen great RP from you as Ryzsyk so I have no issue leaving a hot and fresh +1


Hadii frowns on this.

Not me though. Fowl is a fine roleplayer, one I have had experience with on servers other than Aurora s well. They've left a good mark. I've only really interacted with Ryzsyk on Aurora and they showed they had a rather good grasp on Unathi lore from what I have read of it. The application seems pretty well thought out and I'm sure they could do it justice as well. 



I like your answers and how you used the lore and its elements to create a good character backstory, tying it with a reason to be in Tau Ceti.

Application accepted.

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