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Veterangary - Khajiit Melee Build

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Veterangary 

Character Names: 



Species you are applying to play: Tajara

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Beaver Brown

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes



Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I never really had a direct interest in playing many species on this server, but I thought I might as well gather more options to play around with. The only other whitelist I have would be for IPCs, which is an interesting perspective from playing humans and offworlders for quite awhile. I believe I should take a shot at something different, such as Tajara, which I have observed to be a very diverse species based both on race, and faction. Plus, I have been getting to the point where certain characters seem like dead ends, unable to provoke new arcs with them to make them fun to play, and interesting to interact with. So, for a change of pace I think Tajarans could be a next step into finding something that works, despite being uninterested for a considerable amount of time.


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Tajarans are a very developing society compared to most other species, who are way more advanced, and have been exploring space for centuries. This creates a very different perspective from a Tajaran standpoint, as they have experienced a roller-coaster of emotions from their benefactors, and exploiters. Their past few centuries have been filled with uprisings and civil wars, creating a toxic homeworld that is constantly conflicted. This gives the output of drastically different characters and perspectives all from the same place, unlike Humans, who have been colonizing space for centuries, and had time to repel apart into their own sanctions. Most only prosper by becoming a fanatical loyalist of their party, and follow its goals closely, leading to a very mindless and obedient society, as well as a violent and aggressive one.


Character Name: Aarif Vazirija

Please provide a short backstory for this character.


In 2435, Aarif was born into a Hharar worker family, under the new rule of the prospering PRA, in a rural village on Adhomai. His family was far from loyalists, satisfied with no faction after the uprisings, and merely working-class residents of the territory, mainly taking menial work from farmhands, viewing no particular allegiance, nor resilience towards their rulers. His parents never saw any preference to either side of the Uprisings, simply seeking to avoid the conflict, keeping busy in attempt to push it to the back of their memory. From a young age, this left Aarif as impressionable, as his family’s footsteps lead to a mindless workforce. This provoked deviancy into following an education, quickly taking interest into complex machinery and technology, of both domestic and alien origin. Though, his family resisted against his urge to deviate from the family tradition, often placing them in jobs to provide back to his family, only furthering his rebellious acts.


In their early adulthood, finding themselves disowned from their family, after setting aside tuition funds, which they promised to provide to his family. Aarif finds himself largely exploiting the communal services of the PRA, as he lacks any paperwork to prove his education. This ended up landing him mostly low-end jobs, with barely sustainable pay and his financial struggles left them at the mercy of communal schooling, mixed with dubious teachings and constant propaganda, branding Aarif as more accepting of the PRA. His acceptance of the government led to opening opportunities, slightly better paying clerical jobs for party loyalists and political entities, eventually leading to him earning a scholarship through a few of his built connections in the government, landing him a seat in the new state-owned university in Tampiska, where they spent five years earning their Bachelor's degree, in robotic construction and engineering. Though the opportunities his degree earned him, in many high-paying government research and development, Aarif took on a contract to Tau Ceti, after his doubts exceeding him, when the armistice was place and damage reports flooding in. Aarif was against certain forms of pacts, alliances, treaties, and especially armistices, believing they are never meant to last and only lead to future conflict, driving his motivation to take up off-world contracts.

What do you like about this character?

I feel it would be a decent starting ground as I teach myself how to integrate the character, first and foremostly, and how to develop and plan possible new characters later on. Importantly, it has a rather basic backstory which, I believe it will help me immerse myself further into the lore, and reliably develop an IC perspective for the character in question. It has a strong baseline, as I picked the faction that I could actually interpret and believe made the most sense, so I believe this character will fit nicely into the server. 

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

Probably a 7/10, I don’t see myself as a perfect role-player. I often allow mechanics to take over rather than to manually emote or roleplay doing things, which isn’t incredibly important, though is vital in impressions and character development. Seems like a rounded and generic character to pull off some leeway to whatever it develops into.

Notes: I have always been quite confused with most taj lore, I’m not sure if I just don’t interpret it correctly, or if the wiki is just a mess. Could not find any generators, so I picked a name and just made it sound made to work with basic. I’d say the backstory is a mess, as I couldn’t really figure something out, and I know I missed some key events. Improv is mainly one of my strong traits, so I think I shouldn't struggle too hard in fixing up any plot holes I overlooked.

Edited by VeteranGary
Posted (edited)

I've played frequently with VeteranGary's character Asclepi in medical as my character Za'Akaix'Zygr, and we've had a few interesting interactions, usually precipitated by me, in finding common ground between an IPC and a Vaurca. I would agree with their assessment of their role-playing skills, but I think as a player they have a lot of room to grow and easily become an 8-9/10 very quickly as they develop more knowledge of the lore, create more characters, and make more apps here in the forums. 

+1 from me

Edited by LocoTokyoFunBus

There are some lore problems in this application and you skim over aspects of Tajara culture that don't involve politics. I've seen a lot of applications like this recently. There is more than just politics! First, lore discrepancies:

1. Suburbs do not exist on Adhomai. Suburbs are the product of an industrialist consumerist society in mostly America and some European countries. Again, I always reference Adhomai as Russia in the early 20th century. Some big cities like St. Petersburg are fully industrialized proletariat towns, but villages are still practicing serfdom (even when the Czar outlawed Serfdom for a few years).

2. As a result of this Aarif's family can not work as both farmhands and factory works. There exists no middle ground on Adhomai. Either you live in a proletariat city with factories or a village with mining and farming.

3. Aarif takes an interest in alien technology. His family disowns him for this. For breaking the family tradition. As factory workers, this makes no sense, as Tajara were only factory workers starting 30 some years ago. Farming, this makes more sense, though the state would probably motivate Aarif to leave and study this human tech.

As for some questions:

1. What religion does Aarif practice? How does this affect his stance on the war and the PRA?

2. Does Aarif support the caste system? What is his opinion on different races, especially Zhan?

3. What was his reaction to Al'Marii's assassination? Which leader does he prefer?

You say you are a little confused on the lore. If you need things cleared up, just DM me on discord. 

1 hour ago, DeadLantern said:

There are some lore problems in this application and you skim over aspects of Tajara culture that don't involve politics. I've seen a lot of applications like this recently. There is more than just politics! First, lore discrepancies:

1. Suburbs do not exist on Adhomai. Suburbs are the product of an industrialist consumerist society in mostly America and some European countries. Again, I always reference Adhomai as Russia in the early 20th century. Some big cities like St. Petersburg are fully industrialized proletariat towns, but villages are still practicing serfdom (even when the Czar outlawed Serfdom for a few years).

2. As a result of this Aarif's family can not work as both farmhands and factory works. There exists no middle ground on Adhomai. Either you live in a proletariat city with factories or a village with mining and farming.

3. Aarif takes an interest in alien technology. His family disowns him for this. For breaking the family tradition. As factory workers, this makes no sense, as Tajara were only factory workers starting 30 some years ago. Farming, this makes more sense, though the state would probably motivate Aarif to leave and study this human tech.

As for some questions:

1. What religion does Aarif practice? How does this affect his stance on the war and the PRA?

2. Does Aarif support the caste system? What is his opinion on different races, especially Zhan?

3. What was his reaction to Al'Marii's assassination? Which leader does he prefer?

You say you are a little confused on the lore. If you need things cleared up, just DM me on discord. 

As for the discrepancies, I can adjust the background to fit the environment more seamlessly, as I can see how most of this would not make sense. I would have explained it with a 'nomadic' family, but then again this was conflicted by the harsh terrain of Adhomai, which would make it a less than favorable task to move as soon as something goes wrong. I will likely stick with the farmhand background. Aarif takes the interest of technology, brought on by the human patrons; against his family's will, thus being disowned for breaking tradition. Removing the factory background, as it does not make sense as a tradition, however the farmer one fits more nicely.


1. Aarif holds beliefs in the S'rand'marr Worship, though differently than his family would. To his family, the Worship would be similar to guidelines and laws to them, where as Aarif simply incorporates and considers its beliefs, often conflicting with it, in a political standpoint. They have a leaning towards supporting the PRA, and believe that unity and peace can be achieved, though not through alliances and pacts; too unreliable and not very effective, but through conflict. A grim standpoint, though Aarif believes that eventually the fighting will stop once the meaning is lost, nothing can be done to stop it with the 'radical' beliefs of each side.

2. Aarif does not believe in the caste system, as they do not enjoy the idea of being selected at or before birth to be assigned to one purpose; against predestination by noble power. Though, hypocrisy does get ahead of Aarif, and they still view other races as segregated into their own jobs; Zhan-Khazan as labor workers, M'sai as fighters, and Njarir as leaders. As for his own race, Hharar, they view it as a universal race, greedily.

3.  At the time of Al'Marii's assassination, Aarif did not yet possess his political drive to care as much. Though through the years following their education, they saw it more and more as a heinous act, despite not fully agreeing with their motivations. He believed that shooting someone out of power only creates more of a power void, and chaos, thus horrified of the assassination. As for the time, Aarif grew more supportive and accepting of Malik Hadii.


From what I read in the application, I get that you did read the lore and used it to create a character with its own origins and motivations. But, I have some stuff to point out and I would like you to update the backstory with the stuff pointed out by other people and myself.

There is a division between urban and rural workers in the People's Republic of Adhomai like deadlantern pointed out. With the farms and villagels being organized into collective farms to deal with their productions and decisions. Aarif leaving, or wanting, to leave their home to work with something else and getting in conflict with his parents is totally fine. But, a nomadic lifestyle would be frowned upon, due to the PRA's troubled history with this kind of population. So, a rural background here is probably the best.

I am a bit confused with the part that he leaves to Tau Ceti. While getting a contract with NanoTrasen is fine and possible, what exactly is the outbreak of another war here? Did this happen during the civil war or after the civil war ended? Can you explain a bit more on the motivations and situation that involved him leaving to Tau Ceti?

Also, the plural of Tajara is just Tajara. Tajaran is the adjective. And feel free to contact me with any questions, I am glad to help you with it.

11 hours ago, Alberyk said:

From what I read in the application, I get that you did read the lore and used it to create a character with its own origins and motivations. But, I have some stuff to point out and I would like you to update the backstory with the stuff pointed out by other people and myself.

There is a division between urban and rural workers in the People's Republic of Adhomai like deadlantern pointed out. With the farms and villagels being organized into collective farms to deal with their productions and decisions. Aarif leaving, or wanting, to leave their home to work with something else and getting in conflict with his parents is totally fine. But, a nomadic lifestyle would be frowned upon, due to the PRA's troubled history with this kind of population. So, a rural background here is probably the best.

I am a bit confused with the part that he leaves to Tau Ceti. While getting a contract with NanoTrasen is fine and possible, what exactly is the outbreak of another war here? Did this happen during the civil war or after the civil war ended? Can you explain a bit more on the motivations and situation that involved him leaving to Tau Ceti?

Also, the plural of Tajara is just Tajara. Tajaran is the adjective. And feel free to contact me with any questions, I am glad to help you with it.

Another one of my misconceptions, re-read where I got that idea from. This is in reference to the Second Civil War, starting in 2451, and by 2461 the PRA loses a significant amount of land and battles, combined with the loss of the Sol Alliance's support. This is where Aarif's motivation to leave comes from, as stated before he does not believe too much in pacts and agreements. The armistice place to end the war simply does not sit well with him, as it is only a temporary solution for a country nearing disarray.

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