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Staff Complaint - Garnascus

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BYOND Key: CampinKiller

Staff BYOND Key: Garnascus

Game ID: 2 rounds prior to b8C-ayVx

Reason for complaint: I received a warning for going SSD during an emergency as a head of staff. One problem though: my power cut out due to a storm, so this is not something I can control.

Evidence/logs/etc: If you require news stories or text messages regarding it, I can give you that I suppose

Additional remarks: Why in the name of God's green Earth am I being warned for the power cutting out? It's not like I SSD in important positions as a habit, this is honestly ridiculous.


Not sure if I'm allowed to post on this, but I received messages from Campin when the disconnect happened. I was very, very busy as Captain ICly so I didn't have time to ahelp it at the time, but eventually did when I remembered (I have clinically diagnosed memory issues), to which my ticket was closed with no response. This was moments after he had fallen SSD, as I found his body outside of command almost immediately after, when he had previously mentioned that he was there.



Nani the fuck


You cant see this?


So, the above screenshot is from your notes seen in show-player-info.


This one is from the warnings-panel. No idea why they dont update each other. Oh well, ive removed the warning and documented the incident with a note instead. Sorry for the confusion. 

5 hours ago, Hepatica said:

Not sure if I'm allowed to post on this, but I received messages from Campin when the disconnect happened. I was very, very busy as Captain ICly so I didn't have time to ahelp it at the time, but eventually did when I remembered (I have clinically diagnosed memory issues), to which my ticket was closed with no response. 


Yeah i saw your ahelp and thats what prompted me to change it. Alberyk took it and closed it. 

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