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Incident Report 3/10/62

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Reporting Personnel: Ta’Akaix’Aoan Zo’ra

Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Hive Consular

Game ID: Round after - b9r-bjKK

Personnel Involved:
Offender: Khasan Mikhnovsky - Assistant (?)
Witness: Hemostat - Surgeon
Witness: Ta’Akaix’Aoan Zo’ra - Hive consular


Time of Incident: Unknown

Real Time: Unknown

Location of Incident: Corridor south of the Consular Office

Nature of Incident:

[  ] - Workplace Hazard

[  ] - Accident/Injury

[  ] - Destruction of Property

[x] - Neglect of Duty

[  ] - Harassment

[x] - Assault

[x] - Misconduct

[  ] - Other _____


Overview of the Incident: In short the Tajaran Khasan Mikhnovsky approached me and said to get on my ship and leave, making multiple racist remarks. He then threw sandals at me twice, indicating there were more in the bag, as if premeditated. It was only defused thanks to the help of a security officer who I called. Additionally they try and claim that hive Zo’ra had tried to have them assassinated, a blatant lie and damaging to the reputation of my Queen.Submitted Evidence: Transcript:



[00:00] Recording started.

[00:06] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra asks, "Go home?"

[00:11] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "I am afraid I do not understand."

[00:11] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "Yes."

[00:18] Khasan Mikhnovsky exclaims, "They send theirr bugs to kill them while they sleep!"

[00:29] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "I have not sent anyone to kill you in your sleep."

[00:35] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "They did."

[00:39] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "He hearrrd about it."

[00:43] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "I would assume you mean the Lii'dra."

[00:44] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "Otherrrs told him."

[01:14] Khasan Mikhnovsky exclaims, "Go home!"

[01:19] (Unrecognized sound)

[01:40] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "You just threw these at me."

[01:49] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "He has otherrr morrre."

[02:19] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "Security, I have been assaulted by Khasan, he is throwing sandals at me as a gesture of hate towards the hive Zo'ra."

[02:27] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "It is no rush."

[02:46] Khasan Mikhnovsky exclaims, "Get inside theirrr ship and leave!"

[02:51] Bright says, "Hello."

[02:53] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "I am not going anywhere-"

[02:58] Bright says, "Could you please not assault our consular."

[02:58] Mrrrrhazmanq Naldratajrmro says, "Khasan, stop."

[03:14] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "If you could stop, I would appreciate it."

[03:14] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "They arre the ones that sent theirrr bugs to kill them."

[03:21] Hemostat says, "Read the fine print."

[03:22] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "The queens."

[03:26] Mrrrrhazmanq Naldratajrmro says, "Stop."

[03:27] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "I have never, nor am I knowing of anything that has hurt you."

[03:27] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "Yes, that is the name."

[03:43] Hemostat says, "This lesser queen can shread you to pieces if it continues. It won't do that because they are civil."

[03:45] Khasan Mikhnovsky asks, "How can he side with it?"

[03:51] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "His thanks."

[04:00] Mrrrrhazmanq Naldratajrmro says, "This one is not siding with it, but prroblems like this arre not solved with violence."

[04:01] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "They hide behind theirrr assassins."

[04:07] Bright says, "Mr. Mikhosvsky, the Consular is a diplomat. Throwing shoes at them can result in you being fired and possibly sent to jail."

[04:09] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "They starrrted."

[04:11] Bright says, "So, please do not throw shoes at them."

[04:24] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "The Vaurca do not use assassins, we can just sent our Za, our warforms."

[04:27] Khasan Mikhnovsky asks, "Does he not rrrememberr it?"

[04:37] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "Pardon me Urisa."

[04:38] Urisa Guwan says, "You're big."

[04:40] Mrrrrhazmanq Naldratajrmro asks, "The assault on New Gibson?"

[04:40] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra asks, "Could you help?"

[04:42] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "No."

[04:46] Urisa Guwan says, "I'm Guwan. That issss my name."

[04:49] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "The queens send assassins to kill them."

[04:50] Urisa Guwan asks, "What isss the issssssue?"

[04:53] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "While they sleeping."

[04:55] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "Khasan has been throwing sandals at me, Guwan."

[04:59] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "In an effort of racism."

[04:59] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "That thing."

[05:01] Urisa Guwan says, "Tajara."

[05:01] Mrrrrhazmanq Naldratajrmro says, "Those arre bed bugs, Khasan."

[05:05] Mrrrrhazmanq Naldratajrmro says, "Not Vaurrca."

[05:06] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "No."

[05:12] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "He knows the differrrence."

[05:13] Urisa Guwan says, "You throw ssssandalss at the Breeder again, I'll tosssss you in a cell."

[05:17] Urisa Guwan asks, "Got it?"

[05:32] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "He will stop..."

[05:39] Urisa Guwan says, "They're not warform. They're not queen. Be kind. They are not here to hurt you."

[05:40] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "...when it leaves orrr he rruns out of sandals."

[05:52] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "Yes, but they sent theirrr assassins."

[05:58] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "It is theirrr plan."

[06:01] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "Assassins are not a Vaurcan weapon."

[06:02] Urisa Guwan says, "Then ekspect my baton or ssside arm in your general director if it happenss again."

[06:04] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "That is a strange claim."

[06:08] Urisa Guwan says, "Direction, even."

[06:15] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "It happened."

[06:18] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "He hearrrd of it."

[06:21] Urisa Guwan says, "I ssuggesst you run out of sssandalss."

[06:25] Urisa Guwan says, "Quickly."

[06:43] Urisa Guwan says, "He throwsss anything elssse, Cossular. Call me."

[06:47] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "Thank you kindly Guwan, I need to see medical for my hand."

[06:53] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra asks, "Can I walk by Khasan?"

[06:54] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "See."

[06:59] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "That is why they need otherrrs."

[07:04] Urisa Guwan says, "The dark furred tajara isss sssmart."

[07:05] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "Even a sandal hurrrts it."

[07:11] Urisa Guwan says, "You sshould lisssten to them."

[07:13] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "I am a Ta, not a warform."

[07:15] Urisa Guwan says, "Inssstead of throwing crap."

[07:17] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "Yes."

[07:23] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "They arrre behind the killings."

[07:33] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "That is why they should thrrrow them back in space."

[07:54] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "This is an unwise course to continue, and will result in others having a negative view of you, based on what I have observed."

[07:56] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "Please stop."

[08:04] Khasan Mikhnovsky says, "Khasan is rrright."

[08:10] Urisa Guwan says, "Not only that, but I will taze you into the floor and watch you drool."

[08:11] (Unrecognized sound)

[08:12] Urisa Guwan says, "Behave."

[08:17] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "That was tiring."

[08:22] Urisa Guwan says, " Like hatchlingssss.. "

[08:26] Hemostat says, "Like dregs."

[08:29] Urisa Guwan says, "If they throw anything elsse, call me."

[08:31] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "Always the Tajara."

[08:32] (Unrecognized sound)

[08:34] Urisa Guwan says, "Dregssss are not an isssssue."

[08:42] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "It reminds me of their lynchings."

[08:42] Urisa Guwan says, "ANd that one issss ssimply a bad apple."

[08:50] Urisa Guwan says, "Mosst Tajaran are very nice."

[08:51] Hemostat says, "Appears so."

[08:55] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra asks, "Hemostat, could you help with my hand?"

[08:56] Urisa Guwan says, "I don't judge asss a whole."

[08:57] Hemostat says, "On that, we agree colleague."

[09:09] (Unrecognized sound)

[09:15] Hemostat asks, "Who was that?"

[09:19] Hemostat says, "Heard a scream."

[09:21] Ta'Akaix'Aoan Zo'ra says, "That one keeps screaming and running whenever she sees me."


Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Cart Kanara - Liaison, Bright - Head of Personnel

Actions taken: Security told them to not do it again quite aggressively, and there was an injunction to stay away from me.

Additional Notes: They seem to require some racial tolerance training, that is all I really want from this. 



TO: Ta’Akaix’Aoan Zo’ra, Consular Officer, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report




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DTG: 06-12:43-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2462


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