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Incident Report 30/10/62


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Reporting Personnel: Ana J. Roh'hi'tin 

Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Crime Scene Investigator

Game ID: Unknown

Personnel Involved:  

Cart Kanara - Corporate Liason, Offender

Gerard Greyswandir - CCIAA, Offender

Caroline Jameson - CCIAA, Offender

The Entire CCIAA Division, Offender

Secondary Witnesses:

Rajjurl Al-Thaalzir - Head of Security

Eris Vahziran - Emergency Medical Tech

Time of Incident: N/A

Location of Incident: NSS Aurora

Overview of the Incident: 

It is the expectation of many employees that the officials of the Central Command Internal Affairs Agency are here to protect their interests and prosecute obvious cases of unprofessional behavior or workplace malpractice. However, the CCIAA division has utterly failed in their mandate and as such this one, having been motivated by recent events, has no choice but to file a complaint against the heinous miscalculation made by CCIAA officials and the blatant disregard for standing corporate policy and law in favor of covering up an incident involving a NanoTrasen Corporate Liaison. This miscarriage of justice is especially revolting given the subject matter surrounding it, and had the CCIAA division even bothered to perform even a cursory investigation they would have been able to substantiate employee misconduct. Instead, they elected to ignore relevant parties and testimony in favor of a lackadaisical interpretation of their mandate and a withered, meaningless 'punishment' indicating they are more concerned for the image and well-being of their human corporate employees than the appearance of their actions to the company's xeno workforce.

For a company as large as NanoTrasen, one would not be remiss to think they would understand the consequences of behavior in the culture of other species - Cart Kanara is widely known and reviled by many Tajara aboard the NSS Aurora for being an open xenophile who has maintained multiple relationships with Tajara women (and by his own admittance, a desire for one with a Tajara male) in flagrant disregard for the dangers this poses to the aforementioned employees should the appropriate consulate offices find out. If you, as humans, are unaware of the consequences for xenophilia, it will be stated flat out. Punishment from admittance to mental asylums for practices are unpleasant and the procedures are invasive, uncomfortable, and stressful. The fact that this has gone overlooked is extremely shocking, and the company has made no effort to curb Mr. Kanara's dangerous behavior when he thinks with his crotch instead of his head.

Let us not even stop to consider the serious conflict of interest that can arise from a Corporate Liaison engaging in secret trysts, squirreling themselves away in his office instead of... working? Instead of performing his duties to be the face of the company to numerous employees? And this behavior is obvious enough that multiple members of the crew have been made aware of it, which has ultimately resulted in Ms. Sabah El-Tusi's deportation to Adhomai to be admitted to a mental institution. A fate, one might add, could have been avoided if NanoTrasen CCIAA agents had bothered to curb this behavior rather than acknowledge it by transferring the individual in question to New Gibson for an astronomically short period of time, as if maintaining a well-paying job and full corporate benefits somewhere else was any kind of realistic punishment for his wanton endangerment of innocent Tajara; Tajara he has preyed upon. When multiple members of your crew believe Mr. Kanara to be a sexual predator, one must ask exactly what sort of face you are trying to display for the company. Is NanoTrasen staffed by sexual deviants and predators?



But wait, you ask - this is recent behavior. There was no indication of it previously! Well, you would be wrong in this assumption. Despite this one having several key pieces of evidence of misconduct on part of Mr. Kanara, CCIAA agents made no effort to contact or acquire this evidence even despite them being informed by Prince Al-Thaalzir that this was the case. And had these derelict agents even bothered to pretend to even care enough to investigate, not only would they have been able to ascertain that Mr. Kanara was deeply involved with another female Tajara - Yem'trriezh Njataraj - but that this specific Tajara was a criminal who belonged to a dangerous criminal cult identified by the Federal Investigation Bureau during the time NanoTrasen Security aboard the NSS Aurora coordinated with government officials over the rash string of cultist activity taking place on station. A serious, unfortunate period in which CCIAA might be reminded that multiple innocent crewmembers lost their lives, were attacked, and were traumatized by the very same cult!

Indeed, Mr. Kanara had a serious relationship with the aforementioned woman, and after she was killed in the commission of a criminal act by friendly elements he remained despondent for a time before finding yet another woman to endanger. On top of his questionable relationship to a member of the dangerous Raskara cult FIB agents rooted out of District Six, the selfsame cult who attacked the NSS Aurora, he also had dealings with another Tajaran group - the equally criminal Society of the Hidden Dusk, responsible for violent machinations and crew injures aboard the station! And to this day, Mr. Kanara himself has told the crew that the Cult continues to reach out to him, openly stating such to witnesses such as Eris Vahziran, opening yet another avenue for Mr. Kanara to be manipulated! Given that Miss El-Tusi has been deported back to the New Kingdom where agents of the Cult can openly threaten her well-being and use her as a game piece to manipulate Mr. Kanara, the fact that he remains a liaison aboard the NSS Aurora and has access to confidental employee records, schedules, and other documents of employees who were in direct opposition of the Cult is outrageous! 

Employees aboard the Aurora are still being targeted by the remnants and agents of this criminal group in Tau Ceti and the fact that you have unwittingly allowed a criminally inept, easily compromised corporate official who has plenty dangerous information surrounding him prime for blackmailing back aboard the Aurora borders on ridiculousness! A field trip to New Gibson and a clap on the back is not sufficient recompense for the malignant, incompetent behavior of this corporate official, and the only reason his involvement with the Society and Cult were not relayed to the FIB was by corporate request! Now, in doing so, you continue to allow a man who openly regales crewmembers with his antics of being converted by a dangerous criminal cult while simultaneously preying upon and endangering female Tajara crewmembers, sexual escapades that can realistically result in their death - unjustifiable! Unquantifiable! The CCIAA division must be held accountable for this heinous lapse in judgement, and Mr. Kanara's continued employment with the company should be re-evaluated.

Miss Eris Vahziran is a friend of the individual in question and can testify both towards his endangerment of female Tajara and his involvement not only with the Cult but also the Society; equally, the recent movements the Cult has made to secure his cooperation are also something she is aware about! They are in possession of more transcripts and photos that are damaging to Mr. Kanara, whose continued deployment to the Aurora endangers multiple members of the crew and security due to their anti-cult movements during the previous crisis.

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Rajjurl Al-Thaalzir, Head of Security

Actions taken: Filed this report!

Additional Notes:

FIB Report, Supplement A

FIB Report, Supplement B

Edited by Susan


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report




This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review.


If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins.


DTG: 31-02:40-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2462




TO: Ana Roh'hi'tin, Crime Scene Investigator, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report




This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to CCIABS Nguyen Dung (the lancer).


You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 01-10:02-TAU CETI STANDARD-11-2462


TO: Ana Roh'hi'tin, Crime Scene Investigator, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. 

This matter will now be considered resolved.

DTG: 08-12:38-TAU CETI STANDARD-11-2462


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