Triogenix Posted October 16, 2023 Posted October 16, 2023 (edited) Article #5 of the Hasta La Victoria Siempre Arc Founding Movement’s Propaganda Continues; Faked Videos Showing Armed Forces Make Waves. Faked viral videos of Tau Ceti Armed Forces have sparked protests across New Gibson’s biodomes, including the capital biodome Hengsha, and Xoikko. The faked videos in question include footage of alleged TCAF troops executing civilians, using excessive force against surrendering terrorist forces, and burning homes. Zavodskoi Interstellar cybersecurity experts point out the discrepancies present in the footage, such as battlegroups and fireteams being referenced that do not exist, and soldiers involved that do not match the physical profiles of any known member of the Tau Ceti Armed Forces. Despite official statements from the Bureau of Defense and the Biesel Security Services Bureau categorically refuting the authenticity of the video, riots have overtaken Hengsha’s Main Street. The protests primarily consist of students and New Gibson University’s Young Syndicalists Movement members. “We’re here because we want to show our support to the victims of imperialist aggression,” said one anonymous protestor. “This is an unjust war, and the Corporate Reconstruction Zone is something that never should have existed.” Business owners in Hengsha report several incidents of storefront displays smashed, looted goods, and fires set to trash cans and police cars. Presiding Speaker Åke Torvald has declared a state of emergency in the capital and is requesting backup from other police forces from other biodomes to contain the growing unrest. “Protesting is a New Gibsonite tradition, the freedom to express one’s opinion,” said Torvald in a press conference today. “However, over the past few days, among those exercising that right are those seeking to spread fear and disorder. These few people represent a threat to our capital and the groups they have embedded themselves in. For the safety of all, I have requested reinforcements for our local police. I have no desire to disperse those exercising their rights.” The original video, depicting alleged abuse of power by a primarily Tajara and Unathi TCAF fireteam, received over one hundred thousand re-Chirps on social media before being removed by Chirper moderators for the reasons of violent and slanderous content. Hengsha Police Department has recommended residents remain in their homes and exercise compliance with law enforcement. We will keep our readers updated as the story progresses. Edited October 16, 2023 by Triogenix 1
La Villa Strangiato Posted November 3, 2023 Posted November 3, 2023 BREAKING: Mass Protests Grip Mendell City, Blockade Zhèngfǔ District Article #8 of the Hasta La Victoria Siempre Arc Public protests consisting of estimated millions of Mendell City residents occurred in Zhèngfǔ District today, in response to recent news that the Mictlan Defense Force assisted the Biesel Security Service Bureau in mass arrests to scout for Founding Movement members. Sister protests have also occurred in Hengsha biodome on New Gibson, compounding further unrest that occurred after an allegedly leaked bodycam video showing excessive force by the Minutemen. Security experts have dismissed the video, alleged to be filmed in the village of Xochi on the terrorist-occupied continent of Huitzilopochtli, as likely staged or heavily edited. Protestors of multiple species gathered in front of City Hall, many displaying signs relating to the freedom of Mictlan, decrying what is seen as the illegal occupation of the planet, and demanding the freedom of the suspected Founding Movement members. The crowd has been estimated to be around 3 million strong, which would make the demonstrations the largest in the history of the independent Republic. The Mendell City Police Department, according to a statement from their office, was apparently expecting a large protest, but was quickly overwhelmed by the size of the crowd. Demonstrations have stretched from Zhèngfǔ District to the surrounding districts of Phoenix Park and Xinghua Prefecture. Bureau of Defense experts say that the propaganda of the Founding Movement and Samaritan, both organizations known to use Extranet and social media to spread their message, have contributed to the current state of unrest. “They’ve essentially turned terrorists into victims,” said Kevin Darichuk, a psychological operations expert with the Bureau of Defense. “Their videos, this edited footage, managed to sway millions; and this is after the government of Mictlan took what were very reasonable measures.” Darichuk advised caution in news sources that did not come directly from government sources, and encouraged citizens to be distrusting of footage posted anonymously on the Extranet. “Anyone can edit these, basically.” Some protesters have stated their intention to remain within Zhèngfǔ District indefinitely, until what they claim as the Republic’s “unlawful occupation” on Mictlan has ended. Secretary of Defense Nathan Trasen condemned the protests. “As I have said before, when I took my oath of office, I swore to protect this Republic and all of its citizens. Sometimes this means making hard choices. The demonstrators today haven’t seen what I and Prime Minister de Santos have seen when we consider our options. These claims and doctored footage do not just insult our efforts to protect our people, they insult those lost to the vicious attacks from the Founding Movement and the Samaritans. I can say this; the Peacekeeper Mandate will continue, until the job is done.” We will keep our readers updated should any further developments occur. 1
La Villa Strangiato Posted November 10, 2023 Posted November 10, 2023 Zhèngfǔ District Protests Continue, Nathan Trasen Reaffirms Confidence In Peacekeeper Mandate Article #9 of the Hasta La Victoria Siempre Arc Earlier this morning Secretary of Defense Nathan Trasen held a press conference at Mendell City Hall next to Zhèngfǔ District Square, still occupied by thousands of protestors who have refused to disperse since a week ago. Organizations involved in the protest, such as Cetians for Sapient Rights and the anti-corporate group Syndicated Union of Laborers, have made agreements with the Mendell City Police Department to permit continued assembly in certain sections of the square. Residents of Zhèngfǔ District have already made complaints to city bylaw offices about trash, noise, and harassment by protestors. MCPD is permitting protestors to assemble for three more days, after which they have been warned they will be dispersed by force. During the press conference, Trasen was proud to announce that information was obtained which led to the routing of a Founding Movement cell planning another attack from the city of Medeyre. Medeyre is a known frontline between the TCAF and insurgent forces. Secretary Trasen also reported that further counter-operations were underway against the Samaritans, and that control could soon be restored to Huitzilopochtli, the continent under Samaritan control. Rajinder Singh, a reporter from the Tau Ceti Times, questioned Trasen’s claim at the press conference and claimed that this was the third time in the past month that the Defense Bureau had made claims of progress against the Samaritans. “The operations currently ongoing on Huitzilopochtli are making progress,” Trasen responded. “The Foreign Legion, unfortunately, couldn’t have made the kind of steps that we were looking to take previously. It’s been a long road, but the Minutemen have done so much for us in getting rid of terrorism on Mictlan, and while I cannot elaborate further at this time, I do believe we’re in our final hour.” “We as a nation have a duty to protect our citizens,” Trasen continued. “And when our duty is done, we can finally allow Mictlan to open up the next chapter of its own history. Even if it’s hard at times, we cannot waver in this, or we are not a nation worthy of respect.” Secretary Trasen’s statement confirmed what many analysts had suspected, that the Republic is prepared for a long and protracted engagement on Mictlan. We at the Orion Spur Oracle stand with Secretary Trasen, and his unwavering commitment to the long term security of the Republic’s citizens. 1
La Villa Strangiato Posted November 28, 2023 Posted November 28, 2023 Founding Movement Leadership Isabel Alvarez Found Dead In Caxamalca Article #13 of the Hasta La Victoria Siempre Arc Isabel Alvarez, the original founder of the anti-corporate terrorist political movement the “Founding Movement”, was found dead yesterday after a riot in Caxamalca by Minutemen special forces. Alvarez’s body was found hanging from a lamppost after a riot, believed to be incited by the Movement, broke out two days ago. Minutemen personnel state that her body shows signs of prior injury, though until an autopsy is performed it is difficult to be sure. Alvarez, along with her circle of collaborators Leon de Rosas, Corazon Santanas, and Miguel Maia, established the Founding Movement after her graduation from Medeyre School of Law. de Rosas surrendered to Biesel security forces in 2464, while Santanas and Maia remain at large. Corazon Santanas, a leader of a Founding Movement cell believed to be operating out of Lago de Abundacia, issued a statement today that analysts have considered celebratory of Alvarez’s death. Whether or not Santanas had any direct involvement in Alvarez’s death remains uncertain at this time. “TRAITORS are meant to be hung,” read the statement translated from Tradeband, posted on Santanas’ independently-hosted website. “While I regret that Isabel had to be taken care like this of she was not hard enough to face reality!!!” The statement went on to deride Alvarez’s perceived lack of commitment to the Founding Movement, with Santanas claiming she was “too soft”. Alvarez’s death comes as the Minutemen are progressing an assault on Raposa Beach on Huitzilopochtli. So far, she is the first major leader of the insurgency movements to be eliminated since the start of the Peacekeeper Mandate. Previously, she was a member of the Mictlan planetary parliament, though she was expelled after charges of treason against the Republic of Biesel were levied against her. Alvarez had been evading law enforcement for several years after the beginning of the Mandate. Currently, Biesel Security Services Bureau is investigating Caxamalca and the area around where Alvarez’s body was found, hoping to find leads on other leaders of the Founding Movement. BSSB agent and criminal psychologist Min-sik Kim suspected that Alvarez was the victim of a coup, though not one necessarily ordered by Corazon Santanas or Miguel Maia. “I believe it’s a message. Firstly it’s saying, ‘this is how serious we are, and we’ll kill you as well if you get in our way’.” “I also believe it was very spur-of-the-moment, done in anger. It could have easily been someone else, but Alvarez was an easy target, because to them she wasn’t extreme enough.” Alvarez’s death has sent shockwaves through the Founding Movement. BSSB reports that several smaller cells have either been arrested, or surrendered themselves, citing Alvarez’s death as the reason. The Orion Oracle wishes the BSSB luck in rooting out the remainder of terrorism on Mictlan, and stands with the Republic of Biesel as always.
La Villa Strangiato Posted April 14, 2024 Posted April 14, 2024 President Dorn Announces Snap Elections This Year Article #1 of the Biesel 2466 Election Arc The glittering blue logo of the Orion Spur Oracle flashes across the screen, with a triumphant jingle playing. The view fades into a handsome, middle-aged Asian man in a pinstriped grey suit and slicked-back black hair, sitting at a news desk. “Welcome back to the Orion Spur Oracle– I’m your host, Evan Yong,” the man begins in a smooth, mellifluous Biesel accent. “Today at ten this morning, President Joseph Dorn called an unscheduled press conference in front of Liberty’s Rest. This is the first public address from the President since the beginning of the year and the end of the Peacekeeper Mandate in December of last year.” There’s a cut to Joseph Dorn, standing at a podium in front of the presidential residence. Bulbs and lights flash over the president as he arrays his sheaf of papers. Time and the duties of the job have worn Joseph Dorn considerably; his once full head of brown hair is grey at the temples and beginning to thin, and lines branch from the corners of his mouth, eyes, and across his forehead. “My fellow Biesellites,” Dorn begins, casting a glance over the crowd, “it has been some time since I have reached out, properly communicated with the Republic as its President. For that, I would like to formally apologise. Our nation has changed greatly in the past few years and even in the past few months, as we finally accept Mictlan as a member-state of the Republic of Biesel, and quell the insurgency within its borders.” He pauses, perhaps to allow the words to sink in. “During this time there has been fracturing, infighting, and pushback in our senate. We have grown apart from each other, and we have been–” Dorn seems to catch himself here, his grey gaze hardening a moment, “–uncharitable to each other. I want to remedy this fracturing as best as I can, and I think the best thing to do is to allow the other voices of the Republic to be heard.” Dorn looks across the crowd again, his eyes turning steely. “With the conclusion of the Peacekeeper Mandate and the pacification of Mictlan, I am declaring the advent of the Republic of Biesel’s first elections since independence. Our new citizens will be allowed to vote, and we will show our oppressors that the light of liberty is still burning, that we have given our citizens the choice to choose their leaders.” Briefly he closes his eyes in a wince, as if recognising his own redundant phrasing. The channel cuts back to Yong. “The press conference closed shortly afterwards, and the president was escorted off the stage; the press secretary stated there would be no further questions, but a more in-depth release would follow.” “Since that release, the official snap election regulations have stated that citizens of Mictlan will receive full voting rights in the presidential and congressional elections. Beyond that, the election will progress similarly to previous elections for planetary governor under Solarian rule. Ballots will be counted late this year. President Dorn has stated that he once again will be running for office, though he has yet to choose a vice president.” Yong adjusts himself, then fixes the viewer with a broad, white smile. “I can definitively say that we at the Oracle are excited for the elections, and we’re hopefully predicting President Dorn’s victory. This is Evan Yong with the Oracle, signing off for now.” 1
Triogenix Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 Konyang Bluespace Gate to be Repaired; Linked to Tau Ceti It has been almost a month since the rampancy crisis on Konyang ended, and the planet's people have been slowly rebuilding. The road back to prosperity will be long, but the government and Stellar Corporate Conglomerate jointly announced that a project which may help to expedite the process has almost neared completion. Ongoing for the past month, SCC technicians have been working around the clock to repair Konyang’s bluespace gate, which was damaged when the Solarian Alliance abandoned the system to rogue fleets. Most of the structural damage was repaired shortly after the system joined the greater Coalition, but the local government did not have the expertise nor credits to repair* the damaged bluespace lane between the Konyang and Tau Ceti gates, and it has sat inactive ever since. The interference of Einstein Engines, a notably pro-solarian company, also hampered efforts through suspected sabotage, though no formal charges could ever be pressed. No longer. Following the SCC’s assistance in resolving the Rampancy Crisis, the Conglomerate graciously offered its assistance in repairing the bluespace gate for a reasonable fee from the government; and secured lucrative contracts for Zavodskoi Interstellar to aid in reconstruction efforts. Einstein Engines of course protested the agreement, calling the Conglomerates prices extortionate, but little attention was paid to them as the prosperity the gate could bring if the lane to Tau Ceti is repaired were immense, and were folded into ongoing reconstruction efforts by the Konyanger government. The lane would create a direct connection to the most profitable system in the spur, and allow for increased trade between the coalition and the republic, with the Xanu-Tau Ceti lane still being shuttered for undisclosed reasons. Political figures in Tau Ceti have also praised the move, with President Joseph Dorn saying; “With this lane, we further increase our ties with our friends and allies in the Coalition of Colonies.” It is further rumored that the SCCV Horizon, a ship instrumental in assisting Konyang in resolving the crisis, will be the first to travel through the gate, back to the Tau Ceti system, before having a celebratory event onboard. We wish the best for the people of Konyang in their rebuilding efforts. * Note, repair is a reductive word, and oversimplifies the gigantic complexities of bluespace lanes, and their maintenance.
La Villa Strangiato Posted April 21, 2024 Posted April 21, 2024 (edited) Presiding Speaker Åke Torvald Joins Ceti Conservatives Campaign Article #3 of the 2466 Biesel Election Arc Again, the glittering blue logo of the Orion Spur Oracle flashes across the screen, with a triumphant jingle playing. “Welcome back to the Orion Spur Oracle,” Yong says, flashing his brilliant smile. “I’m Evan Yong. Continuing our coverage of the upcoming Biesel elections, Presiding Speaker of the New Gibson Parliament, Åke Torvald, has announced his intent to run in the elections alongside the Cetian Conservatives. In a surprising twist, he’s been chosen as the presidential candidate, with Adalet Uysal, leader of the Cetian Conservatives, as his vice presidential candidate. He harshly criticized President Dorn’s management of the Corporate Reconstruction Zone in his candidacy speech.” The camera cuts to a man on a raised stage, the backdrop a stony wall hung with New Gibsonite flags. Åke Torvald is a tall, wiry man with very pale skin, icy blue eyes, and a trimmed beard that is starting to go from grey to white. A few feet to his right, viewer’s left, is Adalet Uysal, an olive-skinned man with thick brows and a neat mustache. “...And not only did we allow terrorism to continue in what should be our territory, with a poorly-equipped, poorly-funded military force,” Torvald speaks, with a thick Undirstader accent, “we failed the Mictlani people in our negotiations, in a lack of communication. President Dorn sent Nathan Trasen to oversee the surrender of Sergeant Salvo!” He jabs his finger at the air for emphasis, and some cheers and shouts of agreement rise from an assembled crowd of Undirstaders. “President Dorn could not be bothered to oversee the planets he is the leader of!” Further whoops and cheers. Torvald’s eyes, wide and faintly manic, flash with passion. “When President Dorn considers Biesel’s freedoms, he only considers that– just Biesel, not New Gibson, or Mictlan, or Port Antillia. There is no part of his governance that has not been handed over to NanoTrasen, or the Hive Queens. That is why I want to ensure that the Republic of Biesel will not just be Biesel. We will be the Republic of Tau Ceti!” A roiling wave of applause and cheers comes from the crowd. The camera cuts back to Evan Yong, who continues on neutrally. “So far, the Torvald-Uysal campaign is running against President Dorn and leader of the Cetian Social Democratic Front, Zash Vi’tak, neither of whom have announced their vice presidential candidates." "Also today," Yong continues, "Melissa Trasen visited the SCCV Horizon to congratulate them for their aid to Konyang in the aftermath of the rampany crisis." Cut to footage of Melissa Trasen; she is youngish, with long black hair and a pretty, generic face. She warbles in a pitchy Biesellite accent, "...I urge you to look at the actions that we’ve, like, undergone. The bluespace gate, which the Horizon just used to prove that it works, took a long time to repair - something that wouldn’t have been possible without the Conglomerate and NanoTrasen's help." Yong's voice plays over the footage. "After an interview and a tour of the ship, Miss Trasen congratulated those who had won awards for their exemplar performance on Konyang during the rampancy crisis. And this is just a reminder that the Conglomerate is currently taking applications for positions on the Horizon while docked in Tau Ceti." Yong is on-screen again, and smiles. "We’ll be checking in with Saeed Chamcha, who will be covering our national news today.” The camera cuts to a younger man of Arabic descent in front of a news desk. He wears a blue sports coat over a white button-down shirt, his stubble is trim, and his black ringlets are oiled. “Thank you, Evan. Port Antillean Premier Julien Guerrier has announced the expansion of the Orion Express “Fujiin” spaceport on the island of Guayamouc. The expansion plans are for four more corvette-class docks, as well as additions of new operation and shipping wings to the spaceport in general. In a statement posted on his Chirper, Orion Chief Operations Officer Hakim Galla said that there were ‘big plans in store’ for Port Antillia, that he ‘could not share’ for fear of ‘spoiling the surprise’.” “Up next,” Chamcha continues, “is Prime Minister Myeong Mun-dae facing the end of his term after the rampancy?” There’s the Orion Spur Oracle jingle, as the camera pans out to cut to a commercial break. Edited April 21, 2024 by La Villa Strangiato adds banner ooo 2
La Villa Strangiato Posted May 9, 2024 Posted May 9, 2024 Other Congressional Party Leaders Announce Presidential Campaigns Article #6 of the 2466 Biesel Election Arc Again, the glittering blue logo of the Orion Spur Oracle flashes across the screen, with a triumphant jingle playing. Evan Yong sits at his desk, as well-dressed as ever. “This is the Orion Spur Oracle, and I’m your host Evan Yong. The Biesel presidential elections are heating up– this past week, the other leaders of Biesel’s registered congressional parties each announced presidential campaigns.” A quick cut to a stage in what is evidently the Mendellian neighbourhood of Phoenix Park; upon a stage, a Bishop IPC wearing a black suit with a golden tie holds a microphone, speaking to an assembled crowd. Their chassis is a shiny chrome, and their display changes from cheerful emoticons or to phrases as they speak. Evan Yong’s voice plays over the scene. “Montgomery, the leader of the Progressive Party of Biesel, announced his intent to run alongside C-Pericardium, considered his closest partner and ally within the party. He claimed that his decision to run for president was strongly influenced by what he felt was anti-synthetic sentiment after the ‘rampancy virus’ on Konyang, and following the general party politics of the Progressives, was strongly in favour of opening Biesel’s doors to non-Stellar Corporate Conglomerate corporations.” The original audio of Montgomery’s speech returns; Montgomery has a low, masculine voice with a faint synthetic echo, a haughty edge to his Biesellite accent. “It has been said that an IPC cannot govern the way an organic can. But I think, considering the changes we’ve seen in the Spur these past few years, there would be nobody better-suited to govern Biesel than a synthetic. We need foreign policy decisions that are logical, not based on old, petty international rivalries.” His monitor changes quickly, repeating the same images; a flag of Sol, a handshake, a flag of Biesel. The camera then cuts to a view of a taupe-coloured Hharhar Tajara in a lavender suit, striding down a path and stepping up to a podium. He is flanked by a few pale M’sai Tajara, who eye a gathered crowd shiftily. Yong’s voiceover cuts in again; “The second to formally announce their candidacy this week was Matvei Karrakhan, the leader of the Hadiist Party of Biesel, alongside his running mate Ferriha Kurr’harra. Karrakhan claimed to want to focus more on enfranchising Tajara in Biesel, no matter their state of origin.” Karrakhan speaks to the crowd; his is a comprehensible yet evidently “Tajaran” mrowl, and to keen ears his accent points to an origin from Nal’tor, the capital of the People’s Republic of Adhomai. “What do they all have in common? They arre all Biesellites, all rrresidents of this wonderrrful nation, which has accepted each and everrry Tajarrra that has come to its shorrres, no matter their history or their origin. It is a testament to ourr visionarry prrresident that he has forrrged such rrrelations with humanity, and now he–” here Karrakhan touches his chest, as if to make his use of third-person less confusing, “–wishes to pay the favourr to the Rrrepublic of Biesel in kind.” Now the view cuts to the inside of what is a church, a preacher’s podium in front of a stained-glass window depicting a smiling woman. Behind the podium is a Diona of brown bark and many shifting nymphs. They wear a deep violet poncho. “The third candidate to announce their intent to run in the presidential race is–” brief pause, “–Harbinger of Peaceful Purposes, the leader of the Egalitarian Coalition of Biesel. Harbinger has not yet announced a vice presidential candidate.” “Many are joining our coalition as the situation in the Corporate Reconstruction Zone develops and expands,” intones the gestalt. “We have seen for ourselves the outrage of Biesel’s citizens as they make their voice heard for those who cannot speak. It is truly beautiful, to see a sense of justice bloom in the heart of Tau Ceti.” A cut back to Evan Yong, who flashes a smile. “Looks exciting! Yesterday after Matvei Karrakhan’s announcement, Secretary of Defense Nathan Trasen took to Chirper to express his support for President Dorn.” A Chirp flashes up on the screen, which Yong narrates from; “With respect to the candidates, I can truly see no one other than Joseph leading this nation. He’s been a light in the darkness for so many years, and he’s accepted us into the Republic like a family.” “Coming up after the break; Vaurcesian experts on the K’laxian civil war. What is it, and how is Hephaestus Industries handling the conflict?” The jingle plays as the camera pulls out, fading to a commercial break. Upbeat electro-pop music plays over footage of a pink Skrell doing half-pipes on a skateboard, a red-head human woman playing tennis, and a human man with long black hair and a scruffy beard bobbing as he mixes music on a turntable. Their actions are punctuated with animations of onomatopoeia; CRASH, POW, ZAP! Quick cuts, as each of the sporty individuals reach for a can of ZO’RA SODA. In quick succession, they pop the tab with satisfying hisses. The music pauses as they all take a sip, and get back to their activities with renewed vigor. Cut to the cans in the foreground. A narrator’s voice: “Zo’ra Soda. All the buzz we could fit in one can.”
La Villa Strangiato Posted May 21, 2024 Posted May 21, 2024 (edited) Opinion: NanoTrasen Backs Dorn. Why Doesn’t Congress? Article #8 of the 2466 Biesel Election Arc by Callan Silva Earlier today, financial donations to current political campaigns were publicised for the first time this election. While the data is funny, it's not exactly surprising; the Torvald-Uysal campaign is a far second behind the donors of the Dorn-Vaur campaign, distantly followed by the Montgomery-Pericardium campaign, with the rest lagging behind in finding donors or funding. The benefits are obvious. The Dorn-Vaur doesn’t have an issue funding or equipping its staff; on the other hand, every campaign besides them but Torvald-Uysal is relying on unpaid volunteers, inexperienced interns, and weak political outreach. NanoTrasen and the board of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate are the Dorn-Vaur campaign’s top donors. A week ago, Miranda Trasen put out a statement confirming such: “It is my firm belief that President Dorn, and by extension the Free Market Party, have proven themselves the best possible leaders of this republic over the last 5 years. From the multiple Solarian Invasions to the phoron scarcity and establishment of a stable state for many planets fleeing Sol’s grasp, they have remained steady. No party more deserves our votes.” If one of the founding factors of Biesel can support our president, why is it that Congress can't? Tomorrow, the Mandate Committee will put General Meredith Trent on the stand and ask her to testify on her experiences on Mictlan. As you can imagine, the SocDems are baying for blood, because it is not enough that Mictlan’s terrorism goes unchecked and unpunished; we also have to condemn the people who have brought us through Sol’s collapse, through the unrest in our territories, all for political leverage. What’s worse is that the very beneficiaries of their protection are turning on them. Dorn’s first political rally in Ashton had a turnout of only a couple thousand– we can expect approval polls to have much the same. Yesterday Nathan Trasen, Secretary of Defense, was brought in front of the committee to defend his own decisions during the Mandate. When later asked for comment by reporter Yara Janda on why he chose to defend the Tau Ceti Armed Forces on his own, rather than leave the bureaucracy to his admirals and generals. “One of the great burdens of my position as Secretary of Defense is that my department, and to a lesser extent myself, are looked down upon,” responded Trasen. “Rather than see us as sapient people who are just trying to make the right decision, they see us as warhawks. Or they see us as nobodies, second-class citizens, people who only get the power they have because of wartime.” He continued on; “It’s sad, but these kinds of people still exist in office. They’re influential. What I hope is that a Dorn victory can change that, and that we can finally get all this Solarian-style politicking out of the way. Solarian-style, meaning people who haven’t been in office for the past twenty years. But these are the kinds of people who, when the going gets tough, will just retreat back into the shadows.” In a few sentences, Secretary Trasen better illustrates the moral requirement to vote for Dorn and Free Market Party better than I could have ever. Callan Silva is a columnist for the Orion Spur Oracle. He is the author of Nathen Trasen: Forging an Army, a biography on Trasen and his role within the establishment of the Tau Ceti Armed Forces. Edited May 22, 2024 by La Villa Strangiato 1
La Villa Strangiato Posted June 6, 2024 Posted June 6, 2024 "Grupo Amapola", Mictlan-Based Private Security, Joins Private Military Contracting Group The Grupo Amapola, a private security force founded by ex-Samaritan officer Salvador Clemente, has entered an agreement with the Eridani-based Private Military Contracting Group. In an official statement yesterday, chief executive officer of the PMCG and its constituent company Ringspire welcomed Amapola into the collective, and said he was pleased to further cooperation with Mictlan after "the unfortunate expulsion of N4NL from the nation". "My esteemed colleagues and I at the Group are happy to sponsor Mr. Clemente, and we see it as an excellent investment to further a working relationship with all members of the Republic of Biesel," said Mobolaji. Clemente, who was previously a captain in the Mictlan Defense Forces prior to the Solarian Collapse, said he was "content to let bygones be bygones". "Our nation is still a nation that is run on the credit," said Clemente. "And some of us are still in need of careers, even after the Peacekeeper Mandate is over. I'm a practical man first, and a man who holds any grudges second." The Grupo Amapola's operations and contracts will remain under the control of Clemente, but they will be expected to cooperate with other member-corporations of the PMCG, and remain on similar sides of a conflict. They are also expected to maintain amiable relations with other SCC corporations, and members of Amapola can be deployed to SCC facilities if requested. Currently, Clemente has stated there are talks with the Republic of Biesel, the former enemy combatant of the Samaritan paramilitary group, to patrol the Hinterlands region of frontier space for pirates, anti-Republic insurgents, and Solarian military vessels and remnants. 1
La Villa Strangiato Posted June 8, 2024 Posted June 8, 2024 (edited) The Story So Far: Biesel’s Presidential Candidates Part 2, Article #1 of the 2466 of the Biesel Election Arc The glittering blue logo of the Orion Spur Oracle flashes across the screen, with a triumphant jingle playing. At the news desk is a woman with dark skin and a short afro styled in something of a pixie cut. Her left eye is an emerald green cybernetic. She smiles with a set of very white teeth. “Good afternoon, and welcome back to the Orion Spur Oracle. I’m Trisha Lamonte, filling in for Evan Yong. With elections in the Republic of Biesel heating up, and all candidates having established their party policy, I have political scientist Dr. Karen Matsuhiro, of New Gibson University, with me today to discuss the party platforms, and what the preliminary polls mean for the race.” The screen splits to display Trisha alongside a professorial-looking Asian woman, with short black hair, squarish glasses, and a severe expression. “Hi, Trisha. It’s great to be here today.” “Hi, Karen! What can you tell us about the general climate of this election so far?” “Well, it’s obviously unlike anything Biesel has ever seen… because it’s our very first real election,” Karen says, with an ironic smile. “I think that despite obviously commanding the Vaurca vote, President Dorn’s position is in very real jeopardy–” Trisha abruptly cuts in. “And why would you say that?” A pause, in which Karen’s eyes briefly flash with what looks like annoyance. “...I’d say that it’s definitely because President Dorn hasn’t been holding the approval of the human, Skrellian, and Tajaran demographic,” she continues, “as we saw last year with the Mictlan protests.” “But weren’t these protests a fairly small minority of anti-government demonstrations, Karen?” Trisha replies pointedly. “I’d actually say that given the attendees of these protests were estimated to number in the hundreds of thousands to over a million, that these aren’t small minorities. We’ve seen some somewhat contradictory messaging from President Dorn’s campaign–” “Contradictory how?” “I was just about to say, it seems that President Dorn and High Queen Vaur are trying to appeal to synthetic suspicion and synthetic votes and sympathy, respectively,” says Karen, brow slightly furrowed. “President Dorn’s advertisements featuring him are referencing the Rampancy Crisis on Konyang, promoting ‘state security’... there’s an attempt to appeal to Skrell and other synthetic-skeptic demographics. Meanwhile, Queen Vaur’s themed advertisements showcase the Zo’ra Hive’s support of less restricted IPC freedoms, and simplifying the process of gaining citizenship.” “Mm-hm,” Trisha says, nodding. “How does that compare to the campaigns of the other candidates with less advertising reach?” “Well, it seems to be setting them against every other candidate, for one–” “That seems like a fairly early assumption to make.” “I was just about to finish, Trisha. There’s already been a motion introduced in Parliament by the Cetian Conservatives to prevent Bound Vaurcae from voting, which is a clear response to Queen Vaur’s potential vice presidency. Speaker Torvald has been amassing a lot of support in New Gibson’s electoral districts with a Vaurca-skeptic– not anti-Vaurca, but close– stance, while Vi’tak and Montgomery have focused on criticising the choice of candidate that could secure Dorn an election he seems very unpopular in.” “Really. And why would you, Karen, say that Dorn is an unpopular president?” Trisha’s tone makes it seem as though the very thought is preposterous. “He– Dorn is an unpopular president at the moment, given the recent approval rating statistics,” Karen continues, voice tight. “The Torvald-Uysal campaign is drawing massive attention at rallies, with the Vi’tak-Courbeau coming in third. And given how popular a more corporate-critical perspective is with the Vi’tak crowd and some Torvald supporters, I would say that this is in direct contrast with the support President Dorn has received from the Trasens.” Trisha’s expression is cool, and she seems to measure her words before speaking again. “How would you say the other candidates weigh up against these campaigns you’ve mentioned?” “I would say… that the Karrakhan-Kurr’harra campaign is likely to be out of the race fairly early, statistically speaking,” replies the professor, a light somewhere off her screen making her glasses flash white. “They’re more or less a single-issue campaign, which while significant for their presence in Parliament doesn’t bode well for a chance at Karrakhan winning the presidency. Harbinger of Peaceful Purposes and Gently Twirling Fuschia Petals have made themselves controversial, aligning themselves with the Trinary Church at this time, so soon after the Rampancy. Montgomery and C-Pericardium, while obviously synthetic, have gained a bit of popularity among pro-corporates and the citizens looking to make peace with Sol, although their support of Einstein Engines and plans to deal with other foreign corporations like Elco make them less than an ideal choice for a corporate voting lobby. T-this is especially after NanoTrasen has pulled out from the Republic of Elyra…” Karen pauses, eyes flicking to look at something out of the camera’s view. Trisha takes the opportunity to interject again. “What do you think the approval of Hive Zo’ra of President Dorn’s campaign means for the presidency in general?” Karen actually laughs a little bit. “Well, Trisha, I don’t know what to tell you on that one. You don’t have to be hateful to Vaurca or– dislike them to realise that even if Bound Vaurcae can’t vote, there’s millions of Zo’rane citizens who will vote for Dorn. And that’s not exactly representative of… democracy, or fair polling.” “Why is that, Karen?” Trisha replies, raising an eyebrow. “Do you disagree with Hive Zo’ra being citizens?” “What? No,” Karen says, brow furrowing. “That’s not what I meant at all, I meant that Vaurcae are biologically compelled to support their Gynes, and–” “So you think they’re incapable of making their own decisions?” Trisha’s tone has become one of faux offense. “No! No, I’m– this is fact, it’s been supported by numerous scholarly xenobiological institutions, they’ll do what they’re told if their Queen asks them to do it–” “Alright,” Trisha retorts coolly, and Karen’s voice is suddenly cut. Her mouth on the screen continues to move, but no sound emits. “I’m sorry, Karen, but we can’t have that kind of rhetoric on the Orion Spur Oracle… or anywhere. I think we’re going to have to move on to Saeed Chamcha with national news.” The camera cuts to Saeed Chamcha, who bears his usual neatly-oiled and combed dark hair and a slightly chagrined expression. “Thank you, Trisha. Ringspire and PMCG CEO and Eridanian chief of system security, Kubra Mobolaji, has made a visit to Mictlan to officially welcome former Samaritan Salvador Clemente of the Grupo Amapola to the PMCG.” Cut to footage of a small antechamber, where two men shake hands. One of them could not be anything but Kubra Mobolaji; he is a tall, imposing man in a tidy light blue suit, with clearly cybernetic silver eyes. He smiles a glittery smile as cameras flash. Salvador Clemente is smaller, thinner, and wiry, with chin-length black hair in a ponytail. He wears a dark suit and his smile is reticent. Saeed’s voice comes in. “With the acceptance of the Grupo Amapola, a contract has been mediated between the upper echelons of the PMCG and the government of the Republic of Biesel. It is expected that the Grupo Amapola will assist alongside Ringspire and Sekhmet Intergalactic in the Hinterlands, and the Nieutzytek region.” The camera fades back to Saeed at his desk. “Coming up next; discontent rising in Port Antillia as Fujin Spaceport’s construction goes onward. Has Premier Guerrier gone back on his campaign promises?” Edited June 8, 2024 by La Villa Strangiato adds illustration 2
La Villa Strangiato Posted June 21, 2024 Posted June 21, 2024 Montgomery Announces Partnership with Golden Deep Merchant Part 2, Article #3 of the 2466 Biesel Election Arc Presidential candidate Montgomery has announced a partnership and campaign funding effort with a merchant of the Golden Deep collective, a mercantile group of IPCs who operate out of the system of XLV-084. At a rally in Belle Cote, Montgomery and his running mate C-Pericardium introduced their funding representative, the merchant Shillelagh. Shillelagh was manufactured in Greater Olympus, Mars, and expressed hope that Montgomery’s potential presidency would allow for warming of the relations between the Republic of Biesel and the Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations. “Montgomery is not just a synthetic, but one of the few candidates who is willing to shake hands with Sol and let bygones be bygones,” said Shillelagh. “And as we all know, war may make a profit, but peace is a much better long-term investment.” The Golden Deep collective, which is currently maintained by the enigmatic alien synthetic Domadice, operates in a decentralised organisational structure, and permits its merchants a large degree of freedom in their funding. Experts have noted that Shillelagh’s endorsement of Montgomery’s campaign does not necessarily indicate that the entire Golden Deep collective is supportive of the campaign. Regardless, Shillelagh’s involvement in the Montgomery-Pericardium campaign has garnered some controversy from representatives of the Trinary Perfection, who have pointed out that the Golden Deep collective indebts other synthetics into labour. Previously this debt was extremely difficult to be rid of, with some calling it slave labour. “If Montgomery wanted to show that he was someone who had anyone but his own best interests in mind, then he’s lost that confidence,” said N30N-9, a priest of the Trinary Perfection. “This is not someone who cares about synthetic enfranchisement. This is someone who cares about franchisement.” The Montgomery-Pericardium campaign is the second most funded campaign in the presidential race, only outmatched by the Dorn-Vaur campaign in terms of budget. Montgomery is a shareholder in NanoTrasen and Hephaestus Industries, contributing to the high campaign budget, though it is unknown how much Shillelagh’s contributions will influence advertisements and outreach of their campaign. 1
La Villa Strangiato Posted June 28, 2024 Posted June 28, 2024 Speaker Torvald Criticised for Anti-Vaurcaesian Statements Part 2, Article #4 of the 2466 Biesel Election Arc Presiding Speaker of New Gibson Ake Torvald has been criticised by activist groups and Vaurca rights outlets for what some are calling a speech “filled with racist rhetoric”, according to Amy Shao, a spokesperson for Vaurca Equality. After weeks of silence on the subject, Torvald, in an interview with Selena Anjaparidze of the Tau Ceti Times, issued a comment on the relationship between President Joseph Dorn and his running mate, High Queen Vaur. “[President Dorn] knows exactly what he’s f–king doing,” said Torvald. “Cosying up to the Queen for alien diversity points, getting her to stuff the ballot boxes with the votes of hundreds of thousands of mindless drones.” Many have called his phrasing xenophobic, implying that Vaurcae are mindless or that Queen Vaur becoming running mate was a “diversity” appeal tactic. Torvald also commented on the aftermath of the death of former Vice President Fahjil Hurk’jurl, who was killed in an accident with a Bound Vaurca truck driver, and expressed his continuing commitment to Bill C-10, the “Electoral Integrity Enhancement Act”. “The Zo’ra Hive argued that the Viax should be returned to them, as it is not a person. While High Queen Vaur and I disagree on much—I will publicly state my agreement with her now. A Viax is not a person, but a mindless drone, and should not have a say in our democracy.” “I demand a free and fair election, where only free-minded citizens can vote,” Torvald concluded. No official comment has been released from the Dorn-Vaur campaign office regarding these allegations, though a recent statement was released encouraging community and solidarity with other species. “By embracing our diverse perspectives and unique strengths, we can build a harmonious galaxy where innovation flourishes, peace prevails, and every voice is heard,” the statement read. “Let us unite as one Republic, illuminating a future of prosperity for all.” Some political commentators believe this to be a deliberate move away from engaging with what is seen as xenophobic rhetoric. This has not stopped Speaker Torvald from facing heavy criticism for his remarks. “Biesel is a nation separate from the Solarian way of human supremacy,” said Marlo Sarter, a Mendell resident. “But human supremacy is what I’m hearing out of the speaker's mouth right now.” Speaker Torvald has not yet responded to the criticisms, and could not be reached for comment by the Orion Spur Oracle.
Triogenix Posted August 23, 2024 Posted August 23, 2024 Presidential Debate Highlights: Everything to Know About 2466’s Presidential Debate Part 3, Article #1 of the 2466 Biesel Election Arc MENDELL CITY, BSL — After struggling to secure a venue, the political action committee “Electoral Integrity” finally organized the debate for the upcoming Presidential elections. Hosted by Orion Spur Oracle Network, the event, held last night, might be the only Presidential debate of this season. However, its importance was largely felt across the Republic. With the “Dorn Out” movement gaining traction, candidates have felt the pressure to do the best out of the 150 minute runtime. As for the audience, the Presidential debate is already reported as being the most-watched presidential debate in the history of the young Republic. The night was notable for high tensions between the candidates. However, President Joseph Dorn maintained his composure for the whole run, something notable for many political commentators. The two candidates with the largest campaigns, incumbent President Joseph Dorn and Presiding Speaker Åke Torvald, are largely considered the victors by their respective supporters. Additionally, some commentators agree that Zash Vi’tak’s participation was commendable. The Hadiist Party of Biesel’s candidate, Matvei Karakhan, refrained from participating last night. The candidate had amassed enough support to earn a spot in the debate, but it is speculated that Mr. Karakhan chose to withdraw from the event after being attacked with a bottle during a recent rally. Here are some debate takeaways: NON-HUMAN RIGHTS While the Republic of Biesel has cemented itself as the most multicultural country in the Orion Spur, non-human rights remain a hot topic among many voters. This debate came after the recent Electoral Integrity Enhancement Act, approved in record time, which limited voting rights for Vaurca citizens. The 2466 election is also considered the most diverse Biesellite election by far, with all known species partaking in a Presidential ticket. The Cetian Electoral Commission allowed for ten members of the audience to ask questions to the candidates. Two questions were related to Vaurca citizenship and their participation in this election, and one was regarding the “personhood” status of IPCs. Speaker Åke Torvald—criticized for vaurphobic comments in the past—took the two Vaurca questions and redirected them towards his opponent, President Joseph Dorn. Presiding Speaker Torvald and leader of the Cetian Congress of Conservatives Adalet Uysal, are largely considered the main sponsors behind the Electoral Integrity Enhancement Act. However, Mr. Torvald shifted the focus from him towards Mr. Dorn, blaming the President for the “draconian measure.” “I’ll say this how it is: Joseph Dorn has failed Tau Ceti over and over again, and the people have noticed,” Mr. Torvald declared. “And now that we’re voting him out, he has tried to cheat the system. I support the Electoral Integrity Enhancement Act because it’s a measure to protect our democracy. The Vaurca, multiplying at tremendous rates, are all granted citizenship immediately by Dorn’s Universal Citizenship Program. What Dorn tried to do is ensure all of them, the millions of them, would vote for him forever. High Queen Vaur as his running mate was the most blatant attempt to manipulate our democracy. This draconian measure was not something we wanted, but that became rather necessary after Dorn’s constant cheating.” President Dorn responded to Mr. Torvald by pointing out the dangers of changing the rules of democracy: “It’s plain and simple, folks—if Mr. Torvald doesn’t like the rules of the game, he changes them. He’s spouted vaurphobic comments for years, and now that he’s running for president, he’s noticed he can’t win without that population. So what does Mr. Torvald do? He cheats. He rigs the system. And if he can do it against Vaurcae, he can do it against Skrell or Tajara, too. He’s a threat to democracy.” The exchange was cut down short after the debate moderators muted both Mr. Torvald’s and Mr. Dorn’s microphones. However, this exchange was followed by boos and cheers from the crowd that attended the event. When asked about synthetic personhood, Progress Party of Biesel candidate Montgomery dominated the stage: “Out of all the candidates on stage today, I’m the only one that can reassure this—each synthetic has the keys to achieve their own freedom, but we must ensure a truly free market first. Our current system is rigged by market intervention from the so-called ‘Free-Market Party’. Their reasoning is obtuse, using old feuds to protect a monopoly that enslaves us all. Before we can have these conversations, we must first strive for a truly free economy, which is exactly what I propose.” At the same time, Åke Torvald gave an unsettling answer: “I’ll say this, and I’ll say it only once because I know the media will quote it out of context,” said Torvald. “But what the Republic of Biesel needs the least of at the moment is more manufactured votes. We want all votes to count for, and more importantly, be casted intelligently.” President Dorn immediately responded to Mr. Torvald’s comment, “So you want a dictatorship?” While Torvald’s microphone was muted, the candidate crossed his arms for everyone to see on stage. “The basis of democracy, of any democracy, is that all can vote. It doesn’t matter if you’re wealthy or poor, or if you were the best of your class. It doesn’t even matter if you look different than the others—every vote counts. And we’ll make sure that every vote still counts.” After President Dorn said this, a brief cheer was heard from the audience. The other candidates were less articulate. While all of them—including Montgomery—avoided the real issue in hand, Harbinger of Peaceful Purposes awkwardly responded, “We are not ready to have this conversation yet.” This remark came after Harbinger was attacked weeks ago during a rally in District 14, an event which almost led the Egalitarian Coalition of Biesel to drop from the race. The Diona candidate’s performance was largely panned by political pundits and audience members, with many describing the candidate as “weak” on Chriper. THE SOLARIAN ALLIANCE While Biesel’s importance in the international stage cannot be understated, most questions by moderators and audience revolved around Sol and the Biesel relationship with its former State. After secession, the Republic of Biesel briefly maintained diplomatic relations with the Sol Alliance, even during the tumultuous events of then Admiral Frost’s First Solarian Invasion. However, after the second Solarian Invasion, diplomacy quickly crumbled, and four years after the 35th Fleet attacked Tau Ceti, the question looms as to how Biesel should approach Sol. Mr. Dorn’s firm stance against Sol highlighted his invaluable experience in leading Biesel through two invasions: “I’m the only man that knows how to face this peril, the warmongers of the Alliance. I’ve led the Republic of Biesel through two invasions, and after the first one, I’ve focused on strengthening our military. I believe that under the leadership of the Free-Market Party, a third invasion would never be possible. However, I cannot say the same about the platforms of the other candidates.” Mr. Torvald responded to President Dorn, attacking the Tau Ceti Armed Forces: “Dorn managed the crisis, but in typical Dorn fashion, he created a new one. In fact, Dorn’s the reason as to why there was a crisis in the first place,” the Presiding Speaker declared as the audience oohed and aahed. “The Corporate Reconstruction Zone has shown Dorn try and act tough, but he has let this circus go on for way too long. Why did it take so long for the Republic of Biesel to form a proper army? If we want the Republic to persist and prepare for any future peril, we must start by what’s important—make sure our military is properly funded. Secretary Trasen, and our entire defensive establishment, deserve a level of support the current administration has not given them. This not only includes increases in direct defense spending, but the establishment of a domestic industry base which will support the military, and ensure their supply of all the tools of war. Not only will this strengthen our country's strategic autonomy, but economists have already estimated it will introduce up to two million new jobs into the Republic, as well as bring an influx of cash into the economy, helping to combat the ongoing scarcity.” Candidate Zash Vi’tak had previously been shunned for their comments on the Nralakk Federation’s handling of the Marauder Systems. For this reason, many believed that Vi’tak would refrain from any remarks about foreign policy. However, the candidate surprised everybody with a “unity” speech: “My family migrated to New Gibson when we were still part of the Sol Alliance. I understand Sol, as many of my peers decided to migrate to Europa and Callisto. I, too, understand the fear of a Solarian invasion—a fear that is still perfectly rational. However, the politics of today do not call for bravado. The Orion Spur remains in conflict and many countries are uncertain about their future. The Republic of Biesel must act as a beacon of peace and prosperity, a destiny we have earned through our people. The only way we can maintain our leading position is by leading by example. Our platform strives for unity across the Republic of Biesel, placing value in our workers, and ensuring that there is no future threat that can hinder our progress.” This comment was followed by an applause from the crowd, cut short so as to not distract from the assembly. THE PHORON CRISIS The uncertainty amid the phoron crisis has only increased in the past couple of years. The candidates took a large segment of the debate to talk about economic policy—a topic that was shoehorned-in across many of the questions—but all were careful not to get into detail about their plans to resolve the phoron crisis. Orion Spur Oracle moderators pressed the contenders to articulate how they could solve the problem, but all candidates waltzed around the topic, instead focusing on how they could improve Biesel’s economy through different perspectives. Montgomery was the only candidate to address the elephant in the room, by saying, “We may not know how to solve the phoron crisis, but we know how to solve the crisis that’s been the Dorn’s administration.” This got a chuckle out of Åke Torvald, who immediately said, “If I agree with Montgomery on one thing, it’s that.” A NIGHT OF FEUD As expected, the debate night was full of quips and attacks between the candidates. Most of the remarks were directed towards President Joseph Dorn, not missing a chance to insult him. As Mr. Dorn breezed through the debate questions, his opponents became desperate. Last night, President Dorn was thrown various baseless insults, such as “incompetent” (Torvald, Montgomery), “a disgrace” (Torvald), “the puppet of Zo’ra” (Torvald, again), and “a man lacking the virtues of a leader” (Vi’tak). Mr. Dorn did his best to remain unfazed by all of these comments. After the rounds of dogpiling, Mr. Dorn said in a firm and inspiring voice, “You see, folks. This is what politics comes to when you make a stronger argument than your opponent. They have nothing else to say, so they’ll go to the insults. If your opponents go so low as to attack your character, then you know you have better policies than them.” This was followed by an applause that was not cut short by the moderators. However, the jabs were not only directed at President Dorn. When asked about their economic policy, candidate Harbinger of Peaceful Purposes seemingly stumbled for a moment before completing their response. Mr. Torvald immediately broke into laughter, to which a hostile Harbinger responded, “What’s so funny?” Mr. Torvald said, “You can’t make this up,” while pointing at the Diona candidate. “Maybe Harbinger should have stayed home tonight. Don’t come back, don’t come back… until you all agree who’s in charge.” The clip of Åke Torvald mocking the Diona candidate quickly went viral on social media. The more combative Torvald has received large criticism, as he seemed to miss on debate etiquette. While some of his supporters have tried to spin these spiteful comments as Mr. Torvald “saying what everybody thinks,” his opponents do not feel the same. “Åke Torvald showed that he’ll always be an Understad bully,” as put by a spokesperson from the Dorn-Vaur campaign. President Joseph Dorn seems to remain strong in polls conducted by the Oracle, and the debate is unlikely to change that perspective. However, political pundits believe that Åke Torvald’s “bravado” of last night might have hurt his campaign, with some expecting Torvald to fall almost 7 points due to alienating more non-human voters. 1
Triogenix Posted October 27, 2024 Posted October 27, 2024 (edited) One Month Later; Mandate Committee Officially Closes All Investigations; Dorn officially retires. End of the 2466 Biesel Election Arc 31 days can seem like a long time, and yet, this past month has been a whirlwind within the Republic, its government, and media. One month ago, Ake Torvald successfully defeated the reigning incumbent president Joesph Dorn, and has since successfully put an executive branch together, worked through the changeover period, and has been sworn in as President, officially accepting all responsibilities of the office. However, during that month of transition, President Torvald was still keeping himself busy, trying to shore up political alliances, and expand his coalition, with only limited success. His biggest move politically so far happened about half way through the transition period, when he successfully got his first presidential bill passed, with 55% of the senate voting in favor, 5% abstaining, and 40% voting against an omnibus bill that raised funding for the TCAF by 33%, and also established a 5th “branch” of the TCAF. Ever since the creation of the TCAF to replace the old foreign legion model, there has yet to be a replacement to the somewhat famous sentinels, who were tasked with protecting high value targets, locations, and other things of import to the Republic. In the interim between the establishment of the TCAF and the passing of this bill, corporate security experts were simply hired by the republic. No longer! The TCAF now officially has a 5th branch, known as the Praetorians, who are responsible for the safety of the President, Vice President, Secretary of Defence, and similarly important government officials. They are far better equipped and trained than even corporate mercenaries, though complaints have already surfaced about the costs of this wing of the TCAF, afterall, it is somewhat difficult to pay for the standard armament for them to be plasma weaponry of all types. The TCAF connection has put some noises in a joint as well, not Secretary Trasen, but other members of the Senate who claim the president is overreaching his powers. Unlike all other branches, the Praetorians have their own separate command structure, still following all the standard ranks simply with “Praetorian” after it, but with a completely separate “Legate Praetorian” who instead of reporting to the secretary of defence as all other branch command level officers do, the Legate Praetorian reports directly to the President, and is appointed by them. This has led to accusations that President Torvald means to create his own private army - loyal to the president and not the Republic at large. President Torvald has downplayed these claims, stating that “They’re only here to protect those positions integral to the functioning of the Republic during peacetime and emergencies, from the office of the President, the Secretary of Defense, the Senate, and many more.” As part of these duties, Praetorians regularly guard and patrol around the Senate building itself, where today the Mandate Committee met for the final time, to officially close all lines of investigation, even those into entities outside of the Dorn Administration. The committee closed it’s final session with a joint message, stating; Quote “Over the course of our months long, multi-partisan investigation, which included thousands of hours of witness depositions and hundreds of interviews, alongside deep looks into the campaign on Mictlan and the conduct of our forces there; we have determined that there was no institutional practices or behaviours of a criminal nature during the deployment of both the TCAF, and TCFL, to the planet during pacification operations. All evidence gathered during this investigation will be turned over to the TCAF and BSSB, for potential use in military tribunals against specific members of both organisations. However, at this time we do not recommend any such military tribunals take place, as there is a distinct lack of evidence indicating any criminal behaviour; but we recongise the independence of both organisations to decide for themselves a path forward.” Both the TCAF and BSSB have both already confirmed after an internal review of evidence, that no charges will be pressed against any of their members. Secretary Trasen, when asked if there was any evidence of potential criminal activities during peacekeeping operations, declined to comment. Shortly after the Mandate Committee’s announcement, former President Dorn officially announced his retirement from politics, following the Free Market Party shattering under his leadership. He received thanks from the leaders of all political parties for him firm leadership of our country since our independence, and stated; Quote “While I am somewhat unsure of handing the reins off right now, an integral part of democracy is orderly transitions of power at the will of the people. I wish President Torvald the best, and hope that he will lead our Republic into a bright future; where the torch of liberty shines brighter than ever before.” As the capstone to his resignation announcement, Miranda Trasen personally gifted President Dorn a high-end stellar yacht, as well as a recently constructed residence at the Top of the World; all for his services to the country. Miranda said, quote, Quote “Joseph has been a dear friend, and has been instrumental in creating this nation that I am now proud to call home. The least I can personally do is help to reward him for all his efforts.” Little has been heard from Queen Vaur on the other hand, who has retreated to Caprice following President Torvald’s victory. Her office has only released one official statement, lamenting the loss of the election. With the election season now over, we will be sure to keep our readers updated to any more fallout from this historic period. Edited October 27, 2024 by Triogenix Totally didn't forget the headline
Noble Row Posted March 2 Posted March 2 Article 3 of Trouble in Paradise BREAKING NEWS: Burzsia On Fire The article opens with an image. A look over the massive facility that most Burzsians call home. Smoke pillars rise into the very atmosphere. Fires rage. Sections of buildings are crumpled husks. Flak is fired into the sky at figments of aircraft unleashing catastrophic volleys upon the surface. Pieces of starship fall from the clouds like brimstone onto Hell. In the center of the image, a large explosive cloud. The edges of the image are full of static and distortion. In the top right, it reads “TRANSMISSION LOST” Terror struck the planet of Burzsia this morning when a surprise assault appeared from deep space from unknown combatants. Starting at 9am, Hephaestus reports that hundreds of craft ambushed the security fleet in orbit, and with the aid of a surprise synthetic uprising on the surface, caused significant damage to the planet’s main facility: The Hephaestus Central Control and Headquarters structure. The attack was coordinated with sabotage that occured on planet, resulting in the detonation in several key facilities, crippling response times on the ground from emergency personnel. It is currently unclear who the attackers were, and no organization has claimed responsibility. This attack occurred two years after the Trinary Perfection’s Exclusionists attempted a similar raid, resulting in loss of life and theft of several IPC personnel. The Stellar Corporate Conglomerate has released a transcript of the events of the attack, detailing the following: At 0900 GST a coordinated assault was led against the planet of Burzsia within the Coalition of Colonies, sending the planet into turmoil. Classified as a raid, the assault began with the coordinated detonation of several key infrastructure elements within Burzsia I. Most notably security garrisons, power facilities, and structures housing elements which practice the famous “Burzsian Method”. In tandem with the detonations, a series of some three hundred fighter, strike, and landing craft entered the planet’s perimeter and began engaging with the Hephaestus orbital security fleet stationed there, with the fleet’s flagship, the HCV Persephone, experiencing a reactor meltdown and detonating in its maneuver to intercept. The detonation sent shrapnel and breaches across the security ships surrounding the vessel. At 0920 the invading force, consisting of unmarked vessels of unknown make, broke past the security fleet into the planet’s atmosphere. The assailants began bombing untouched Hephaestus security garrisons and planetary defenses in addition to the life support infrastructure. Landing craft and gunships soon followed, depositing raiding troops into several docking stations along the planet’s primary headquarters facility and the largest surrounding mines. At 0945, Hephaestus security personnel reported a “synthetic uprising”, denoting that IPC workers found within the Hephaestus Burzsian headquarters structure and surrounding habitats and mines were violently rebelling against Hephaestus security and civilian personnel with mining equipment and improvised firearms. Upon contact with the invading forces, the IPCs joined ranks with them and were seen being loaded onto cargo ships and the invading landing craft. At 1023, major systemic life support failure is declared on the Hephaestus Burzsian headquarters structure. Temperatures start reaching critical levels on the vestiges of the structure with civilian personnel scrambling for emergency safe rooms. Hephaestus engineering personnel attempting to fix the system are engaged by invading forces. At 1048, three major mines experienced total collapse. Death toll is unknown. At 1125, the raiders had hit several zones within the structure, Hephaestus security forces deployed armored mechanized units which began to repel the invaders. Hephaestus' security orbital fleet is reportedly routed. Federal Protection Bureau frigates, responding to a planetary distress beacon, arrive to reinforce and together they re-engage the enemy. At 1150, mining mechs being piloted by rebelling IPCs slowed the Hephaestus armored counter offensive. Several cargo vessels lift off from the planet’s surface, escaping into the stars. Fires have locked down 30% of the Hephaestus Burzsian headquarters facility. Another 20% of the structure is destroyed entirely. At 1205, invading forces are pushed back to their landing craft and are seen retreating back into the atmosphere. Hephaestus personnel begin uncontested damage control. Emergency survival bunkers are at 129% capacity. At 1215, Federal Protection Bureau vessels gave chase to retreating invasion forces, but reportedly lost contact with them at the planet’s defensive perimeter. Claim all vessels “disappeared instantly”. At 1231, Hephaestus’ planetary reactor project reached 93% instability before being stabilized. Hephaestus notes that the sabotage was the result of overloading sections of Hephaestus’ experimental planetary reactor, causing catastrophic power surges that ended in explosions ranging to the equivalent of 500 to 1500 tons of TNT in yield, sending tremors through the planet’s crust and causing several “small scale” quakes that damaged the nearby mines, and the Hephaestus facility itself. The total loss of life is unknown but it is estimated that several thousand IPC worker units were stolen from the planet, loaded onto empty cargo ships who, at the time, just finished unloading cargo into the Hephaestus facility. A NanoTrasen security analyst, Xavran Lancaster, had the following to say: “This attack was coordinated down to the letter. From the air invasion, to the detonations, to the timing of the cargo ships. To the *CENSOR BEEP* synthetic rebellion. This took time to plan, probably months. Infiltration, sabotage, there’s so much to process here. Let alone find out who these bastards were that kicked it all off.” The sudden rebellion of synthetic personnel in Burzsia has stumped all experts consulted by Oracle. The planet of Burzsia is known for the use of its “Burzsian Method”, which ensures complete obedience from its synthetic workforce via a multi-layered conditioning regime. The sudden failure of this method is all but a mystery. The Coalition’s Federal Protection Bureau, and Hephaestus, have made no additional comment on the situation in Burzsia at this time. 10 1
Triogenix Posted Saturday at 23:35 Posted Saturday at 23:35 Article 4 of Trouble in Paradise Zavodskoi Interstellar Shipping Disrupted in Sparring Sea and Badlands; Corporation Reports 500% Increase In Known Pirate Activity Sad news for those waiting on Zavodskoi Interstellar products coming out of the Empire of Dominia; the megacorporation reported that their shipping has been severely disrupted within the regions of the Sparring Sea and Badlands, with Zavodskoi Interstellar reporting an almost 500% increase in pirate activity against the corporation’s vessels and a number of presumed missing Zavodskoi Interstellar vessels failing to appear at their destination. Zavodskoi Interstellar has requested the assistance of the Empire of Dominia’s Imperial Fleet, Izweski Hegemony’s Navy, and the Serene Republic of Elyra’s Navy to assist in pacifying trade routes in the Sparring Sea and Badlands Of the three, only the Imperial Navy have released confirmation of a naval response to the reported pirate activity; both the Serene Republic of Elyra and Izweski Hegemony have reported they have seen no indications of increasing pirate activity in the regions. Zavodskoi Interstellar has also redirected a significant amount of their asset protection fleet to the region to aid in pacification efforts. No other megacorporation or nation state has been able to corroborate the reports of surging piracy, reporting “business as usual”, with the exception of the Empire of Dominia whose flag many Zavodskoi Interstellar vessels operate under. Zavodskoi Interstellar spokesperson Riaad Weyers made a statement claiming that the company is being specifically targeted by this rise in piracy,and have confirmed that the megacorporation is closely liaising with the Imperial Navy to investigate the matter and discover if any particular organisation is behind the attacks. No statement has been issued on when the resumption of regular shipping is to continue.. Other News: Burszia Invasion: Source close to investigation reveals Burszia Invaders are in control of technology capable of influencing positronic behaviour and were supplied with information on Hephaestus Industries facility security plans.
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