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I'm suggesting we have a 10 minute restart timer at the end of each round to do CCRP. I've seen that some people want this and I'm going through with suggesting this idea. Please use constructive criticism to this idea, it'd be nice to see any new suggestions to the current.

I'm mainly proposing this for the sake of RP. Allowing players to know what goes on when the shift ends.

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CCRP doesn't typically happen as frequently since people transfer voted to start up a new round. They typically don't want to stay for much longer and want to start off with a fresh round.

I would like CCRP as well, but that's just something to consider, is all.

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I kinda don't want CCRP to be a thing at all. Mainly because it stops a few mechanics that should be running (like joining in).


This plus Centcomm isn't for RP'ing, it is a completely unsimulated area. AKA - Nothing blows up, unlimited power, no atmos to worry about.

It is literally meant to be something to house things you don't need on station (ERT, End of round shuttle, Nuke Ops Shuttle, Admin event stuff)

As much as I would love CCRP, I'm just gonna have to say I don't agree with this suggestion. Sorry.

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Guest Marlon Phoenix

We had CCRP during deadhour when there's about 8 people. It's amusing for about 10 minutes, but there's nothing to do. You're forced to sit around and talk to people, but if we actually had more than 8 people running around we'd have trash everywhere and a bunch of SSD's with nowhere to put them.

CC isn't supposed to be a place for dedicated RP in itself. Even DO's manning customs to let people through is an optional thing some of us do because it's a bit entertaining sometimes.

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We had CCRP during deadhour when there's about 8 people. It's amusing for about 10 minutes, but there's nothing to do. You're forced to sit around and talk to people, but if we actually had more than 8 people running around we'd have trash everywhere and a bunch of SSD's with nowhere to put them.


This. I recall the celebration we had, where everybody went there for a round.

That was with the admins setting things up, and even then it got kinda boring after a while. It was just pure chair-RP.

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